Carefree Truth
Issue #500, July, 2016
Councilwoman Melissa Price requested that a committee be formed to review the Town Code referring to business For Sale signs in the Town Center. She reported that the gateways are moving forward. The arch for the 2nd gateway would be delivered soon and the caps were already here. The landscaping was due to begin in mid to late July.
Mayor Les Peterson asked Gary Neiss to report on the median landscape project. Mr. Neiss said it had begun. Desert Foothills Landscape (DFL) started in the traffic circle at Carefree Drive and Cave Creek Road. They have brought in stone and removed dead plants. The project will proceed up Cave Creek Road and will be a comprehensive plan, incorporating earthen berms and large boulders.
As promised, Mr. Neiss met with Jim Van Allen, who suggested planting some trees in the median outside of Town Hall and the one in front of the Basha's Center. Mr. Neiss passed on Mr. Van Allen's suggestions to Aaron Clark, the owner of DFL. Mr. Clark reminded Mr. Neiss that there is no irrigation at those locations, limiting the pallet of plants, but said he would investigate the possibility of putting in some small trees. The project will probably take a couple of months to complete. DFL is quite busy this summer and is trying to arrange their work staff.
The rope light has been replaced on the sundial. The original one that was installed 4-1/2 years ago failed last year, and the manufacturer has gone out of business. A new energy efficient RGB LED rope light with programmable colors has now been installed. It flashed red, white and blue during the July 4th holiday, and can be programmed with red and green for Christmas. Normally, it will show a solid color. (Enjoy the short video of the 4th of July sundial colors that Herbert made:
Councilman Bob Gearhart asked Mr. Neiss about the 3 new picnic tables in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion. Mr. Neiss said they were installed in mid June and are made from long lasting recycled composite plastic. When Ray Villafane was sculpting the sand Elephant, the Town set up some tables and chairs which many were using and enjoying. They got so much use that the Town decided to purchase permanent tables so people could continue to enjoy the Gardens, sitting in the shade of the Pavilion. Mr. Gearhart commented that the tables are not secured but are very heavy.
Councilman Gene Orrico said 4 or 5 people had asked him about the lane change at the traffic circle, telling him that there had been several near accidents there. Mr. Neiss explained that they had been redesigned in association with the gateways project, and that similar concerns had been raised at Town Hall. Typically, when traffic lanes are reconfigured, people need time to get used to the change, then they better understand how the traffic flows. The Town will see how it works in the next weeks and months. If they need to re-stripe it, returning it to the previous configuration, painting doesn't cost that much, and can it be re-striped back to the way it was. The striping was designed by the traffic engineer on the project, and it meets the standards. The engineer reviewed the plan and is confident of the design. People were uncomfortable with the traffic circles at first, but now they are part of the landscape. After people have time to adjust to the new traffic lanes, if it still doesn't work they can be changed back.
Mayor Peterson reminded everyone that this was the last Town meeting in the 100 Easy Street building, after 20 years at that location. Starting in August, all Town meetings will be held at the Holland Center, located at 34250 N. 60th Street, Building B (60th Street off of Carefree Highway). He noted that the people who run the Holland Center have been very, very kind to Carefree. The meetings will ultimately move to the Town owned 33 Easy Street building, where Ed Lewis currently has his sales office, once Mr. Lewis' condos are all sold. This final move is anticipated to take place in approximately 18 months. Ms. Price asked when that project is expected to break ground. Mr. Neiss replied that Mr. Lewis is finalizing his Public Report to the Department of Real Estate. Once that is completed, he can finalize the pre-sales and solidify his financing. The Building Permit has been completed.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #500, July, 2016
Councilwoman Melissa Price requested that a committee be formed to review the Town Code referring to business For Sale signs in the Town Center. She reported that the gateways are moving forward. The arch for the 2nd gateway would be delivered soon and the caps were already here. The landscaping was due to begin in mid to late July.
Mayor Les Peterson asked Gary Neiss to report on the median landscape project. Mr. Neiss said it had begun. Desert Foothills Landscape (DFL) started in the traffic circle at Carefree Drive and Cave Creek Road. They have brought in stone and removed dead plants. The project will proceed up Cave Creek Road and will be a comprehensive plan, incorporating earthen berms and large boulders.
As promised, Mr. Neiss met with Jim Van Allen, who suggested planting some trees in the median outside of Town Hall and the one in front of the Basha's Center. Mr. Neiss passed on Mr. Van Allen's suggestions to Aaron Clark, the owner of DFL. Mr. Clark reminded Mr. Neiss that there is no irrigation at those locations, limiting the pallet of plants, but said he would investigate the possibility of putting in some small trees. The project will probably take a couple of months to complete. DFL is quite busy this summer and is trying to arrange their work staff.
The rope light has been replaced on the sundial. The original one that was installed 4-1/2 years ago failed last year, and the manufacturer has gone out of business. A new energy efficient RGB LED rope light with programmable colors has now been installed. It flashed red, white and blue during the July 4th holiday, and can be programmed with red and green for Christmas. Normally, it will show a solid color. (Enjoy the short video of the 4th of July sundial colors that Herbert made:
Councilman Bob Gearhart asked Mr. Neiss about the 3 new picnic tables in the Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion. Mr. Neiss said they were installed in mid June and are made from long lasting recycled composite plastic. When Ray Villafane was sculpting the sand Elephant, the Town set up some tables and chairs which many were using and enjoying. They got so much use that the Town decided to purchase permanent tables so people could continue to enjoy the Gardens, sitting in the shade of the Pavilion. Mr. Gearhart commented that the tables are not secured but are very heavy.
Councilman Gene Orrico said 4 or 5 people had asked him about the lane change at the traffic circle, telling him that there had been several near accidents there. Mr. Neiss explained that they had been redesigned in association with the gateways project, and that similar concerns had been raised at Town Hall. Typically, when traffic lanes are reconfigured, people need time to get used to the change, then they better understand how the traffic flows. The Town will see how it works in the next weeks and months. If they need to re-stripe it, returning it to the previous configuration, painting doesn't cost that much, and can it be re-striped back to the way it was. The striping was designed by the traffic engineer on the project, and it meets the standards. The engineer reviewed the plan and is confident of the design. People were uncomfortable with the traffic circles at first, but now they are part of the landscape. After people have time to adjust to the new traffic lanes, if it still doesn't work they can be changed back.
Mayor Peterson reminded everyone that this was the last Town meeting in the 100 Easy Street building, after 20 years at that location. Starting in August, all Town meetings will be held at the Holland Center, located at 34250 N. 60th Street, Building B (60th Street off of Carefree Highway). He noted that the people who run the Holland Center have been very, very kind to Carefree. The meetings will ultimately move to the Town owned 33 Easy Street building, where Ed Lewis currently has his sales office, once Mr. Lewis' condos are all sold. This final move is anticipated to take place in approximately 18 months. Ms. Price asked when that project is expected to break ground. Mr. Neiss replied that Mr. Lewis is finalizing his Public Report to the Department of Real Estate. Once that is completed, he can finalize the pre-sales and solidify his financing. The Building Permit has been completed.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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