Carefree Truth
Issue #518, October 3, 2016
Gary Neiss explained that the Judge of the Carefree-Cave Creek Municipal Court submits recommendations for Council approval of pro tempore magistrates to serve in her absence.
She recommended 3 very seasoned judges who have provided services in other municipalities to be added to her list. The current Judge for the Court provides his or her own list of preferred pro tems.
Councilman Glenn Miller noted that there were some who were no longer on the list and asked why. Mr. Neiss replied that some retire or move on, so the list revolves. Vice Mayor John Crane said these 3 were the ones Judge Olehan was recommending from the list of applicants. Mr. Neiss confirmed that. Mayor Les Peterson said several pro tems are listed because they serve depending on their availability. Mr. Neiss added that they are utilized if the Judge is on vacation or is ill.
Councilman Mike Farrar asked if they are interviewed by Council members. Mr. Neiss responded that they are chosen by the Judge based on their qualifications, then approved by the Council. Mayor Peterson said all the choices appeared well qualified. Tara Fuller, Alicia Lawler, and Denise Scammon were approved by a vote of 7-0.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #518, October 3, 2016
Gary Neiss explained that the Judge of the Carefree-Cave Creek Municipal Court submits recommendations for Council approval of pro tempore magistrates to serve in her absence.
She recommended 3 very seasoned judges who have provided services in other municipalities to be added to her list. The current Judge for the Court provides his or her own list of preferred pro tems.
Councilman Glenn Miller noted that there were some who were no longer on the list and asked why. Mr. Neiss replied that some retire or move on, so the list revolves. Vice Mayor John Crane said these 3 were the ones Judge Olehan was recommending from the list of applicants. Mr. Neiss confirmed that. Mayor Les Peterson said several pro tems are listed because they serve depending on their availability. Mr. Neiss added that they are utilized if the Judge is on vacation or is ill.
Councilman Mike Farrar asked if they are interviewed by Council members. Mr. Neiss responded that they are chosen by the Judge based on their qualifications, then approved by the Council. Mayor Peterson said all the choices appeared well qualified. Tara Fuller, Alicia Lawler, and Denise Scammon were approved by a vote of 7-0.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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