Carefree Truth
Issue #521, October 10, 2016
Vice Mayor John Crane invited everyone to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony during the Grand Re-Opening celebration of the Carefree Bashas' grocery store on October 5th, beginning at 9 AM. He announced that Johnny Basha would be there to speak, and some of Bashas' vendors would be supplying soft drinks and cake until 1 PM. The big Starbucks sign is up out front and Starbucks is open. Bashas' will feature a new sushi bar, and a fresh salad bar. A fire pit and an outside seating area are being built. An army of people were there that day putting on the finishing touches. "It really looks good." The Vice Mayor added that, on Saturday, October 8, the first 200 shoppers who spend $50 or more would be given a free bag of groceries. Councilman Mike Farrar said he had stopped by and commented that it does look great, a real showcase for Carefree. Vice Mayor Crane agreed that we are lucky to have them.
Mayor Les Peterson said he would be there to thank the folks from Bashas for their participation and joint partnership with the Town. Keeping Bashas' here was a major coup. The store in Scottsdale that had housed Albertsons' has been empty for a while, and they made very lucrative offers to Bashas' to move into that space. Vice Mayor Crane was instrumental in keeping them in Carefree. He, Town Administrator Gary Neiss, and Councilwoman Melissa Price went down to meet with Bashas' in Chandler. They made an excellent presentation, developing a relationship. The Bashas' people were enthralled by Vice Mayor Crane's submarine background. Bashas' is a major player in Carefree's tax structure, and having the store here is a great convenience for our residents. Carefree is very thankful.
(Lyn's note: I was having technical difficulties with the video camera that have since been corrected, but it kept shutting off. I got all of the Mayor's speech, and part of Johnny Basha's speech before it went off entirely. Here is what I got, which gives you an idea, at least.
Issue #521, October 10, 2016
Vice Mayor John Crane invited everyone to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony during the Grand Re-Opening celebration of the Carefree Bashas' grocery store on October 5th, beginning at 9 AM. He announced that Johnny Basha would be there to speak, and some of Bashas' vendors would be supplying soft drinks and cake until 1 PM. The big Starbucks sign is up out front and Starbucks is open. Bashas' will feature a new sushi bar, and a fresh salad bar. A fire pit and an outside seating area are being built. An army of people were there that day putting on the finishing touches. "It really looks good." The Vice Mayor added that, on Saturday, October 8, the first 200 shoppers who spend $50 or more would be given a free bag of groceries. Councilman Mike Farrar said he had stopped by and commented that it does look great, a real showcase for Carefree. Vice Mayor Crane agreed that we are lucky to have them.
Mayor Les Peterson said he would be there to thank the folks from Bashas for their participation and joint partnership with the Town. Keeping Bashas' here was a major coup. The store in Scottsdale that had housed Albertsons' has been empty for a while, and they made very lucrative offers to Bashas' to move into that space. Vice Mayor Crane was instrumental in keeping them in Carefree. He, Town Administrator Gary Neiss, and Councilwoman Melissa Price went down to meet with Bashas' in Chandler. They made an excellent presentation, developing a relationship. The Bashas' people were enthralled by Vice Mayor Crane's submarine background. Bashas' is a major player in Carefree's tax structure, and having the store here is a great convenience for our residents. Carefree is very thankful.
(Lyn's note: I was having technical difficulties with the video camera that have since been corrected, but it kept shutting off. I got all of the Mayor's speech, and part of Johnny Basha's speech before it went off entirely. Here is what I got, which gives you an idea, at least.
A full video of the event, provided by Bashas' PR lady Margie Hans, is on the Town of Carefree website.)
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list. Visit to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.