Carefree Truth
Issue #522, October 17, 2016
Town of Carefree Engineer Greg Crossman explained that approval of this agenda item would allow the Mayor and staff to enter into negotiations with Metro/Land, LLC for the design of the new culvert system under the road near 6001 E. Leisure Lane, at the far southwest side of town, in Sentinel Rock Estates, for an amount not to exceed $35,000. The 2 corrugated metal pipes currently in place are completely plugged with sediment. The water comes down the wash system on Black Mountain and flows over the road into a wash by a residence. Water flowing over the road can break out to the west, putting properties to the west at risk for flooding.
The culvert was first plugged during a localized very heavy rain storm on March 1st, 2014. After an extensive investigation, the Town performed a clean-out project in July. It became plugged again on August 19th during a heavy monsoon rain that affected north Maricopa County. Considerable staff time and economic resources were expended, so it was decided that continual attempts to clean out this culvert were not in the best interests of the Town. Metro/Land consultants were hired to provide alternative analyses.
6 different alternatives were explored, including 2 do nothing alternatives, 2 metal arch alternatives, and 2 concrete box alternatives. Metro/Land recommended using a concrete box that measures 4' high x 8' wide. The Town will solicit bids for cast-in-place and pre-cast boxes to increase competition. Both meet the standards for the 100 year storm under the road.
Councilman Gene Orrico asked if the Town had an idea of the cost for the system. Mr. Crossman replied that the analysis did include a cost estimate of between $150,000 and $200,00 installed. Mr. Orrico asked about the cost of continual clean-outs. Mr. Crossman said the one done in 2014 cost approximately $5,000 in contracted services and a week's worth of time for 3 staff members, at the hottest time of the year. Even with that, they were only about 75% cleaned out. It will be a continuous nightmare for staff and Council until the issue is resolved.
Gary Neiss explained that the amount of interlocking shale carried by this wash system coming down Black Mountain, and the length of this diagonal culvert combine to create a unique situation. The interlocking shale blocks the culvert and the sedimentation piles up behind it, almost like concrete. It is very difficult to move that shale once it's interlocked. A larger surface is needed in order for the shale to pass through.
Mayor Les Peterson was under the impression that this was also part of a settlement over litigation, where something must be done as opposed to the "do nothing" alternative. Mr. Crossman confirmed that there was litigation associated with this area. It has been settled with no requirements for further action, but the Town feels it must be addressed.
Councilman Mike Farrar asked if there was any original engineering plan by the developer on file to support why the culvert was designed in that manner. Mr. Crossman replied that extensive investigation was undertaken during the litigation process. The subdivision was approved while still under the jurisdiction of the County, and they were unable to locate any engineering documents.
Assuming that the streets in Sentinel Rock were private, Mr. Farrar questioned Carefree's liability. Mr. Crossman informed him those streets are public. Mr. Farrar asked if the suit was brought by the HOA, and was told it was brought by a resident. He asked how involved the HOA was in the litigation. Mr. Crossman explained that 2 locations within the subdivision were hit very hard, and the Town worked with the HOA on improvements. Mr. Farrar asked if there were 2 HOAs. Mr. Crossman replied no, there were 2 locations affected within the subdivision.
Mr. Farrar questioned why it went to litigation and if it is the Town's responsibility on public streets. Mr. Neiss responded that it was the insurance company's decision to settle, as it would have been more expensive to continue the litigation.
Mr. Farrar asked how the settlement was determined and if there was damage to the homeowner's property.
Town Attorney Mike Wright confirmed there was significant damage to the homeowner's property. When the Town was sued, the Risk Pool assumed the defense. After quite a bit of negotiating back and forth and expenditures being paid, the determination was made to settle the lawsuit. The Risk Pool paid whatever funds had to be paid. Mr. Wright called it a step in the right direction.
Mr. Farrar asked when the settlement was made. Mr. Wright reminded him that it was hashed out in an executive session a couple of months ago. He hadn't seen the final settlement agreement, but understood it did occur. Mr. Neiss commented that the settlement was significantly less than continuing litigation would have cost, and reiterated that it was a business decision made by the insurance company. Mr. Farrar recalled the executive session.
Vice Mayor John Crane said it was fortunate the there were no heavy rains this summer. He hiked up to look at the culvert. At this point, the upstream entry to the 2 pipes cannot be found. It is completely buried. No water can enter. On the downstream side, one pipe is completely buried and the other has a space of only about 6" at the top. It is impossible to maintain. The water no longer goes into the culvert; it flows over the road. It can and has gone close to homes, causing damage. The roads are public, so it is the Town's responsibility to correct the problem. Mr. Farrar agreed. "It speaks for itself and is something we should do."
The motion to approve carried 6-0, with Councilman Glenn Miller absent.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #522, October 17, 2016
Town of Carefree Engineer Greg Crossman explained that approval of this agenda item would allow the Mayor and staff to enter into negotiations with Metro/Land, LLC for the design of the new culvert system under the road near 6001 E. Leisure Lane, at the far southwest side of town, in Sentinel Rock Estates, for an amount not to exceed $35,000. The 2 corrugated metal pipes currently in place are completely plugged with sediment. The water comes down the wash system on Black Mountain and flows over the road into a wash by a residence. Water flowing over the road can break out to the west, putting properties to the west at risk for flooding.
The culvert was first plugged during a localized very heavy rain storm on March 1st, 2014. After an extensive investigation, the Town performed a clean-out project in July. It became plugged again on August 19th during a heavy monsoon rain that affected north Maricopa County. Considerable staff time and economic resources were expended, so it was decided that continual attempts to clean out this culvert were not in the best interests of the Town. Metro/Land consultants were hired to provide alternative analyses.
6 different alternatives were explored, including 2 do nothing alternatives, 2 metal arch alternatives, and 2 concrete box alternatives. Metro/Land recommended using a concrete box that measures 4' high x 8' wide. The Town will solicit bids for cast-in-place and pre-cast boxes to increase competition. Both meet the standards for the 100 year storm under the road.
Councilman Gene Orrico asked if the Town had an idea of the cost for the system. Mr. Crossman replied that the analysis did include a cost estimate of between $150,000 and $200,00 installed. Mr. Orrico asked about the cost of continual clean-outs. Mr. Crossman said the one done in 2014 cost approximately $5,000 in contracted services and a week's worth of time for 3 staff members, at the hottest time of the year. Even with that, they were only about 75% cleaned out. It will be a continuous nightmare for staff and Council until the issue is resolved.
Gary Neiss explained that the amount of interlocking shale carried by this wash system coming down Black Mountain, and the length of this diagonal culvert combine to create a unique situation. The interlocking shale blocks the culvert and the sedimentation piles up behind it, almost like concrete. It is very difficult to move that shale once it's interlocked. A larger surface is needed in order for the shale to pass through.
Mayor Les Peterson was under the impression that this was also part of a settlement over litigation, where something must be done as opposed to the "do nothing" alternative. Mr. Crossman confirmed that there was litigation associated with this area. It has been settled with no requirements for further action, but the Town feels it must be addressed.
Councilman Mike Farrar asked if there was any original engineering plan by the developer on file to support why the culvert was designed in that manner. Mr. Crossman replied that extensive investigation was undertaken during the litigation process. The subdivision was approved while still under the jurisdiction of the County, and they were unable to locate any engineering documents.
Assuming that the streets in Sentinel Rock were private, Mr. Farrar questioned Carefree's liability. Mr. Crossman informed him those streets are public. Mr. Farrar asked if the suit was brought by the HOA, and was told it was brought by a resident. He asked how involved the HOA was in the litigation. Mr. Crossman explained that 2 locations within the subdivision were hit very hard, and the Town worked with the HOA on improvements. Mr. Farrar asked if there were 2 HOAs. Mr. Crossman replied no, there were 2 locations affected within the subdivision.
Mr. Farrar questioned why it went to litigation and if it is the Town's responsibility on public streets. Mr. Neiss responded that it was the insurance company's decision to settle, as it would have been more expensive to continue the litigation.
Mr. Farrar asked how the settlement was determined and if there was damage to the homeowner's property.
Town Attorney Mike Wright confirmed there was significant damage to the homeowner's property. When the Town was sued, the Risk Pool assumed the defense. After quite a bit of negotiating back and forth and expenditures being paid, the determination was made to settle the lawsuit. The Risk Pool paid whatever funds had to be paid. Mr. Wright called it a step in the right direction.
Mr. Farrar asked when the settlement was made. Mr. Wright reminded him that it was hashed out in an executive session a couple of months ago. He hadn't seen the final settlement agreement, but understood it did occur. Mr. Neiss commented that the settlement was significantly less than continuing litigation would have cost, and reiterated that it was a business decision made by the insurance company. Mr. Farrar recalled the executive session.
Vice Mayor John Crane said it was fortunate the there were no heavy rains this summer. He hiked up to look at the culvert. At this point, the upstream entry to the 2 pipes cannot be found. It is completely buried. No water can enter. On the downstream side, one pipe is completely buried and the other has a space of only about 6" at the top. It is impossible to maintain. The water no longer goes into the culvert; it flows over the road. It can and has gone close to homes, causing damage. The roads are public, so it is the Town's responsibility to correct the problem. Mr. Farrar agreed. "It speaks for itself and is something we should do."
The motion to approve carried 6-0, with Councilman Glenn Miller absent.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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