Carefree Truth
Issue #534, December 9, 2016
During the November 1st Council meeting, Mayor Les Peterson said farewell to outgoing Council members Melissa Price, Glenn Miller and Bob Gearhart. He presented them with plaques in recognition of their service and thanked them for their enormous contributions to the Town.
Mayor Peterson said Ms. Price was in the forefront of making ideas come to life and she worked hard to implement those ideas. He thanked her for all her efforts on behalf of the Town.
The Mayor asked Glenn Miller how long he had been on the Council. Mr. Miller said he started out volunteering 11-1/2 years ago on the Fire Protection Committee, under Mayor Ed Morgan. He helped work on the Fire House, and was elected to the Council about 6 months into that construction. Mayor Peterson thanked Mr. Miller for over a decade of service to the Town, calling him a driving force in getting all the construction projects done.
Mr. Miller said it has been his pleasure, very educational, and a lot of fun serving on the Council. He's met some of the greatest people in the world. He feels good that the Council got many projects done and paid for, and that they are leaving the new Council with almost $6.4 million dollars in the bank. The Council has done a good, conservative job. But now it's time to move on and spend time with his wife. They are looking forward to taking some vacations around the state. Mayor Peterson stated that both Ms. Price and Mr. Miller should feel good about their contributions to the Town.
Mayor Peterson thanked Mr. Gearhart, saying he has been a good, solid participant. He worked on the gateways project and many others. But he does a lot of work with hospice and wants to do more with them.
Mr. Gearhart was thankful for the opportunity to have served on the Council for the past 20 months, It was a great experience, and he plans to stay involved in Carefree. He is proud of the projects that have been completed. Gina Kaegi was hired as the Town's Marketing Director during his time on Council. She has done a great job marketing the town and bringing people up to Carefree, and he said the town has come a long way. Mr. Gearhart has met a lot of wonderful people during his 20 months serving on the Council. Now, he will be expanding his service to Hospice of the Valley, as well as training new facilitators.
Mayor Peterson said it was a pleasure to have known all three of the outgoing Council members. He asked everyone to please stand and applaud them.
The first item on the December 6th Council meeting was the administration of the Oath of Office for all the Council members present and the Mayor. Councilman Mike Farrar was unable to attend the meeting and will be sworn in privately at a later date. Mayor Peterson turned it over to Town Clerk Kandace French. She asked the Mayor to stand and read the Oath.
Issue #534, December 9, 2016
During the November 1st Council meeting, Mayor Les Peterson said farewell to outgoing Council members Melissa Price, Glenn Miller and Bob Gearhart. He presented them with plaques in recognition of their service and thanked them for their enormous contributions to the Town.
Mayor Peterson said Ms. Price was in the forefront of making ideas come to life and she worked hard to implement those ideas. He thanked her for all her efforts on behalf of the Town.
The Mayor asked Glenn Miller how long he had been on the Council. Mr. Miller said he started out volunteering 11-1/2 years ago on the Fire Protection Committee, under Mayor Ed Morgan. He helped work on the Fire House, and was elected to the Council about 6 months into that construction. Mayor Peterson thanked Mr. Miller for over a decade of service to the Town, calling him a driving force in getting all the construction projects done.
Mr. Miller said it has been his pleasure, very educational, and a lot of fun serving on the Council. He's met some of the greatest people in the world. He feels good that the Council got many projects done and paid for, and that they are leaving the new Council with almost $6.4 million dollars in the bank. The Council has done a good, conservative job. But now it's time to move on and spend time with his wife. They are looking forward to taking some vacations around the state. Mayor Peterson stated that both Ms. Price and Mr. Miller should feel good about their contributions to the Town.
Mayor Peterson thanked Mr. Gearhart, saying he has been a good, solid participant. He worked on the gateways project and many others. But he does a lot of work with hospice and wants to do more with them.
Mr. Gearhart was thankful for the opportunity to have served on the Council for the past 20 months, It was a great experience, and he plans to stay involved in Carefree. He is proud of the projects that have been completed. Gina Kaegi was hired as the Town's Marketing Director during his time on Council. She has done a great job marketing the town and bringing people up to Carefree, and he said the town has come a long way. Mr. Gearhart has met a lot of wonderful people during his 20 months serving on the Council. Now, he will be expanding his service to Hospice of the Valley, as well as training new facilitators.
Mayor Peterson said it was a pleasure to have known all three of the outgoing Council members. He asked everyone to please stand and applaud them.
The first item on the December 6th Council meeting was the administration of the Oath of Office for all the Council members present and the Mayor. Councilman Mike Farrar was unable to attend the meeting and will be sworn in privately at a later date. Mayor Peterson turned it over to Town Clerk Kandace French. She asked the Mayor to stand and read the Oath.
Next, Mrs. French asked the existing and newly elected members to stand. She cued the "Star Wars" theme music on her cell phone, soliciting laughter,
then she read the Oath and they repeated it after her, stating their names.
Mrs. French congratulated them. The Oath of Office was passed down the line to be signed and dated by all those who had just taken it.
Next, Mayor Peterson explained that, procedurally, the Mayor nominates a Vice Mayor. No second is needed. Based on his excellent performance as Vice Mayor throughout the last two years, and his valuable assistance to both the Town staff and himself, the Mayor again nominated Mr. John Crane. Councilman Gene Orrico made a motion to approve the nomination and it was seconded by Councilman Mike Krahe. The motion was unanimously approved. The Mayor congratulated Vice Mayor Crane.
Mayor Peterson then produced the Code of Conduct that all Carefree elected and appointed officials are required to sign. The Code dictates impartiality, how officials conduct themselves, how constituents are addressed, and how officials relate to Town staff members. It too was signed and dated by those present on the dais.
Next, Mayor Peterson explained that, procedurally, the Mayor nominates a Vice Mayor. No second is needed. Based on his excellent performance as Vice Mayor throughout the last two years, and his valuable assistance to both the Town staff and himself, the Mayor again nominated Mr. John Crane. Councilman Gene Orrico made a motion to approve the nomination and it was seconded by Councilman Mike Krahe. The motion was unanimously approved. The Mayor congratulated Vice Mayor Crane.
Mayor Peterson then produced the Code of Conduct that all Carefree elected and appointed officials are required to sign. The Code dictates impartiality, how officials conduct themselves, how constituents are addressed, and how officials relate to Town staff members. It too was signed and dated by those present on the dais.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Prepared by Carefree Truth
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