Carefree Truth
Issue #538, December 23, 2016
I announced that the 2017 Carefree Desert Gardens calendars are now available at Carefree Town Hall. They are gorgeous as always. The calendars cost $18 each, including tax, or $16 for 3 or more, including tax. I encouraged everyone to buy calendars. They make great gifts and are a fundraiser for Carefree.
Carefree resident Jim Halverson said Carefree has spent a lot of time and money to create the gateways which are quite beautiful Kodak Moment places for visitors to take pictures. These gateways display and promote Carefree. Recently, event promoters decided the gateway on Tom Darlington is a fine place to post event ads. These ads desecrate and compromise the prime photo opportunities. There must be a better place to put the signs. He requested Council consideration of a prohibition against any commercial or event signs within 100 yards of the gateways.
Mayor Peterson said a review of signage is currently underway. It goes through the Planning and Zoning Commission, then comes to the Council, so Mr. Halverson's request is timely. However, roughly 2 years ago the Supreme Court passed a ruling that is problematic in some regards. All that is being taken into account.
Mayor Peterson stated the Town has worked with the CITYSunTimes (CST) for many years. Bob Hesselgesser, their salesman, congratulated the newly elected Council members, then held up an edition of the Cave Creek/Carefree CST. He recalled that several years ago, Jo Gemmill purchased an ad in the CST from him. That ad played a major role in bringing people from Paradise Valley and Scottsdale to the English Rose Tea Room. Mrs. Gemmill asked if more could be put together to bring people up to Carefree. She sent out an email, and it received such a unanimous response that the CST was able to put together the Cave Creek/Carefree monthly edition. The 3rd Carefree Special Events edition is coming out with the events for the entire year. A couple of major players have pulled out, so spots are still available. He asked that people put in a good word with their friends to fill those spots.
Mayor Peterson introduced the new owners of the Sundial Garden Cafe, and asked them to stand. They were in the process of getting the liquor license transferred from the previous owners, which required Town approval as part of the formality.
Lyn Hitchon
Issue #538, December 23, 2016
I announced that the 2017 Carefree Desert Gardens calendars are now available at Carefree Town Hall. They are gorgeous as always. The calendars cost $18 each, including tax, or $16 for 3 or more, including tax. I encouraged everyone to buy calendars. They make great gifts and are a fundraiser for Carefree.
Carefree resident Jim Halverson said Carefree has spent a lot of time and money to create the gateways which are quite beautiful Kodak Moment places for visitors to take pictures. These gateways display and promote Carefree. Recently, event promoters decided the gateway on Tom Darlington is a fine place to post event ads. These ads desecrate and compromise the prime photo opportunities. There must be a better place to put the signs. He requested Council consideration of a prohibition against any commercial or event signs within 100 yards of the gateways.
Mayor Peterson said a review of signage is currently underway. It goes through the Planning and Zoning Commission, then comes to the Council, so Mr. Halverson's request is timely. However, roughly 2 years ago the Supreme Court passed a ruling that is problematic in some regards. All that is being taken into account.
Mayor Peterson stated the Town has worked with the CITYSunTimes (CST) for many years. Bob Hesselgesser, their salesman, congratulated the newly elected Council members, then held up an edition of the Cave Creek/Carefree CST. He recalled that several years ago, Jo Gemmill purchased an ad in the CST from him. That ad played a major role in bringing people from Paradise Valley and Scottsdale to the English Rose Tea Room. Mrs. Gemmill asked if more could be put together to bring people up to Carefree. She sent out an email, and it received such a unanimous response that the CST was able to put together the Cave Creek/Carefree monthly edition. The 3rd Carefree Special Events edition is coming out with the events for the entire year. A couple of major players have pulled out, so spots are still available. He asked that people put in a good word with their friends to fill those spots.
Mayor Peterson introduced the new owners of the Sundial Garden Cafe, and asked them to stand. They were in the process of getting the liquor license transferred from the previous owners, which required Town approval as part of the formality.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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