Carefree Truth
Issue #546, February 7, 2017
Vice Mayor John Crane explained that the Sky Ranch Airport was established via a Special Use Permit (SUP) in 1985. The SUP required a Community Relations Committee to act as an interface between the Town and the airport to reconcile any potential issues. The committee meets quarterly, or as needed. There have been very few issues. The airport is well managed.
Former Carefree vice mayor Julian Barrolaza is a member of the committee. Long time Carefree resident Ned Dobak, who served for many years, recently stepped down. Thale Damman, who was nominated to replace Mr. Dobak, has lived in Carefree for 27 years. He was a commercial pilot for 40 years and has flown private aircraft, so he understands the language. Mr. Damman has been extensively involved in the community, performing volunteer service for the Desert Foothills Land Trust, the Scottsdale Parks Department, the Cave Creek Museum and his HOA. Vice Mayor Crane said he would be a very good choice. The Council unanimously approved Mr. Damman's appointment to the Sky Ranch Community Relations Committee.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #546, February 7, 2017
Vice Mayor John Crane explained that the Sky Ranch Airport was established via a Special Use Permit (SUP) in 1985. The SUP required a Community Relations Committee to act as an interface between the Town and the airport to reconcile any potential issues. The committee meets quarterly, or as needed. There have been very few issues. The airport is well managed.
Former Carefree vice mayor Julian Barrolaza is a member of the committee. Long time Carefree resident Ned Dobak, who served for many years, recently stepped down. Thale Damman, who was nominated to replace Mr. Dobak, has lived in Carefree for 27 years. He was a commercial pilot for 40 years and has flown private aircraft, so he understands the language. Mr. Damman has been extensively involved in the community, performing volunteer service for the Desert Foothills Land Trust, the Scottsdale Parks Department, the Cave Creek Museum and his HOA. Vice Mayor Crane said he would be a very good choice. The Council unanimously approved Mr. Damman's appointment to the Sky Ranch Community Relations Committee.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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