Carefree Truth
Issue #550, February 27, 2017
Gary Neiss stated that in the spring of 2015 the Town began to explore options because the lease for the Council Chamber space in the 100 Easy Street building would be expiring that summer. They began by talking to the landlord. When he refused to negotiate on the rate the Town began looking elsewhere to either lease or buy. That search led to the acquisition of the 33 Easy Street building, which was purchased in the summer of 2015 for a very advantageous price. In the fall the space was leased to Ed Lewis to be used as a sales office for his condominium project for one year, staring in January of 2016, with an option to renew. Mr. Lewis choose not to renew his option at the end of the first year.
The Town is now moving forward with a tentative timeline. In February/March, an architect will be hired to prepare the design plan and specifications for the tenant improvements (TI) that must be made to accommodate the Council Chamber. In March/April, these will be incorporated into a bid document which will then be advertised. After holding a pre-bid meeting, the closed bids will be opened sometime in April. The bid of the lowest responsible bidder will be presented to the Council in May. Later in May, upon execution of the contract, the notice to proceed and the posting of the insurance documents, the work will commence with a demonstration of the TIs. It is anticipated that the space will be ready in time for the September Council meeting. This is a conservative timeline and may be condensed.
Mike Uhler, who specializes in public facilities, is an architect with the firm of Kenneth C. Bartels and Associates, and has worked with the Town in the past. He drew the plans and was the project manager for the Carefree Fire Station. He also designed the 8 Sundial Circle (Town Hall) TIs and provided a conceptual layout prior to the purchase of 33 Easy Street in order to insure that it was a proper building for public use. Mr. Uhler is a Carefree resident.
33 Easy Street is an odd shaped building but is very attractive when looking out from the inside. The large windows provide nice views of Black Mountain. The Council Chamber will have an 85 chair capacity. As well as the Council Chamber, the design includes a meeting room, ADA code compliant Mens' and Ladies' rooms, and equipment and storage areas. The bathrooms on the plan do not currently exist. The existing single bathroom is where the storage room will be, and does not meet code for restrooms in a place of public assembly. The stairwell at the back leads to the second floor. That space is leased to a tenant whose lease goes until 2018/19, with an option to renew. (If you would like to see a larger rendition with better resolution of the conceptual plans, I have included the drawing below as an attachment. Copy and paste has its limitations.)
Issue #550, February 27, 2017
Gary Neiss stated that in the spring of 2015 the Town began to explore options because the lease for the Council Chamber space in the 100 Easy Street building would be expiring that summer. They began by talking to the landlord. When he refused to negotiate on the rate the Town began looking elsewhere to either lease or buy. That search led to the acquisition of the 33 Easy Street building, which was purchased in the summer of 2015 for a very advantageous price. In the fall the space was leased to Ed Lewis to be used as a sales office for his condominium project for one year, staring in January of 2016, with an option to renew. Mr. Lewis choose not to renew his option at the end of the first year.
The Town is now moving forward with a tentative timeline. In February/March, an architect will be hired to prepare the design plan and specifications for the tenant improvements (TI) that must be made to accommodate the Council Chamber. In March/April, these will be incorporated into a bid document which will then be advertised. After holding a pre-bid meeting, the closed bids will be opened sometime in April. The bid of the lowest responsible bidder will be presented to the Council in May. Later in May, upon execution of the contract, the notice to proceed and the posting of the insurance documents, the work will commence with a demonstration of the TIs. It is anticipated that the space will be ready in time for the September Council meeting. This is a conservative timeline and may be condensed.
Mike Uhler, who specializes in public facilities, is an architect with the firm of Kenneth C. Bartels and Associates, and has worked with the Town in the past. He drew the plans and was the project manager for the Carefree Fire Station. He also designed the 8 Sundial Circle (Town Hall) TIs and provided a conceptual layout prior to the purchase of 33 Easy Street in order to insure that it was a proper building for public use. Mr. Uhler is a Carefree resident.
33 Easy Street is an odd shaped building but is very attractive when looking out from the inside. The large windows provide nice views of Black Mountain. The Council Chamber will have an 85 chair capacity. As well as the Council Chamber, the design includes a meeting room, ADA code compliant Mens' and Ladies' rooms, and equipment and storage areas. The bathrooms on the plan do not currently exist. The existing single bathroom is where the storage room will be, and does not meet code for restrooms in a place of public assembly. The stairwell at the back leads to the second floor. That space is leased to a tenant whose lease goes until 2018/19, with an option to renew. (If you would like to see a larger rendition with better resolution of the conceptual plans, I have included the drawing below as an attachment. Copy and paste has its limitations.)
Mike Uhler would be working in conjunction with several subcontractors to determine costs which include categories for architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection, and interior design. The payment schedule includes the retainer, schematics, design and CDs. The total estimated cost is $18,100. If approved, the Town will enter into a service contract agreement using the typical template for such agreements. Mr. Uhler then will create the TI plans. Mr. Neiss will create the documents and attach them to the bid documents. He hopes to bring the quote from the lowest responsible bidder to the Council for approval in May.
Vice Mayor John Crane asked how many chairs were in the previous Council Chambers. Mr. Neiss estimated there were about 85. The Vice Mayor asked if the structural post currently existing in the center of the room would be removed. Mr. Neiss said it would, which is why there is a structural component included in the TI drawings price.
Councilman Jim Van Allen thought the $1,950 included in the cost estimate for the mechanical component was insufficient and should be increased. He was concerned that the room would be too hot with the big southwest facing windows at 5 PM in the summer with 50 people in the room. Councilman Mike Farrar explained that the price quoted is not for the air conditioning equipment but is merely for the mechanical design, which Mr. Neiss confirmed, saying that when it was completed, the AC capacity would accommodate the use. Mr. Van Allen asked, "Where's the money going to come from?" Mr. Neiss said part is included in this fiscal year (FY), and the balance will be included in the 2017/18 FY, which starts on July 1st. The improvements should begin in June and finish in July, so it will be divided between two fiscal years.
Councilman Mike Krahe asked how the space would be used when the Town is not holding meetings. Mr. Neiss replied that it's up to the Council to determine. Security issues involving locking and unlocking the door must be addressed in any public building, but the Town can create those policies. Dr. Krahe said it would be a shame for that big space to sit empty most of the month. Mr. Farrar said he'd heard discussions about alternative uses such as meetings and special events, and asked if there was a place to stack the chairs if the floor space was needed for other purposes. Mr. Neiss thought the Town would be buying stackable chairs that could potentially be placed in the storage room, but that can be part of the design consideration.
Mr. Farrar asked if the TIs would have a negative impact on the upstairs tenant. Mr. Neiss said he had spoken to the tenant, who is an accountant. He is occupies his office during the season, but does not work there during the summer. He returns to work in September, so he won't be unduly impacted.
Mayor Les Peterson said putting the architectural plans out to bid had been discussed. Mr. Uhler created the conceptual drawing, he's a Carefree resident, and the Town has been extremely pleased with what he as done in the past. It costs money and takes time to solicit bids. Most of the project cost will be for the construction, which will be put out to bid, so the Town felt it was more time and cost effective to award the contract for the architectural plans to Mr. Uhler than to go through the bid process for the drawings. Mr. Farrar concurred, saying Mr. Uhler is a wonderful architect who is very passionate and committed. Mr. Ulher is Mr. Farrar's neighbor. He feels Mr. Uhler would be ideal.
Mayor Peterson suggested adding a 10% contingency to the contract. Mr. Neiss said he did not think it would be necessary but that it never hurts to have one included. The Council voted unanimously to approve awarding the contract for the tenant improvement architectural plans to Mike Uhler for $18,100 plus a 10% contingency.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Vice Mayor John Crane asked how many chairs were in the previous Council Chambers. Mr. Neiss estimated there were about 85. The Vice Mayor asked if the structural post currently existing in the center of the room would be removed. Mr. Neiss said it would, which is why there is a structural component included in the TI drawings price.
Councilman Jim Van Allen thought the $1,950 included in the cost estimate for the mechanical component was insufficient and should be increased. He was concerned that the room would be too hot with the big southwest facing windows at 5 PM in the summer with 50 people in the room. Councilman Mike Farrar explained that the price quoted is not for the air conditioning equipment but is merely for the mechanical design, which Mr. Neiss confirmed, saying that when it was completed, the AC capacity would accommodate the use. Mr. Van Allen asked, "Where's the money going to come from?" Mr. Neiss said part is included in this fiscal year (FY), and the balance will be included in the 2017/18 FY, which starts on July 1st. The improvements should begin in June and finish in July, so it will be divided between two fiscal years.
Councilman Mike Krahe asked how the space would be used when the Town is not holding meetings. Mr. Neiss replied that it's up to the Council to determine. Security issues involving locking and unlocking the door must be addressed in any public building, but the Town can create those policies. Dr. Krahe said it would be a shame for that big space to sit empty most of the month. Mr. Farrar said he'd heard discussions about alternative uses such as meetings and special events, and asked if there was a place to stack the chairs if the floor space was needed for other purposes. Mr. Neiss thought the Town would be buying stackable chairs that could potentially be placed in the storage room, but that can be part of the design consideration.
Mr. Farrar asked if the TIs would have a negative impact on the upstairs tenant. Mr. Neiss said he had spoken to the tenant, who is an accountant. He is occupies his office during the season, but does not work there during the summer. He returns to work in September, so he won't be unduly impacted.
Mayor Les Peterson said putting the architectural plans out to bid had been discussed. Mr. Uhler created the conceptual drawing, he's a Carefree resident, and the Town has been extremely pleased with what he as done in the past. It costs money and takes time to solicit bids. Most of the project cost will be for the construction, which will be put out to bid, so the Town felt it was more time and cost effective to award the contract for the architectural plans to Mr. Uhler than to go through the bid process for the drawings. Mr. Farrar concurred, saying Mr. Uhler is a wonderful architect who is very passionate and committed. Mr. Ulher is Mr. Farrar's neighbor. He feels Mr. Uhler would be ideal.
Mayor Peterson suggested adding a 10% contingency to the contract. Mr. Neiss said he did not think it would be necessary but that it never hurts to have one included. The Council voted unanimously to approve awarding the contract for the tenant improvement architectural plans to Mike Uhler for $18,100 plus a 10% contingency.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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