Carefree Truth
Issue #558, April 10, 2017
Ray Villafane's spring project this year, the Balancing Tortoises sand sculpture in the Carefree Desert Gardens Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion, was inspired by the balanced rocks Ray was doing around the Gardens. Famous Russian sculptor Nikolai Turkhov, who was here working with Ray during the Enchanted Gardens Pumpkin Festival last October, again flew in from Moscow to sculpt the sand tortoises with Ray. The work of world renowned rock balancer Tim Anderson, here from Pennsylvania, was also featured during the 3 day weekend of March 17-19th.
To learn more about Tim, visit
Ray's website is
The link below takes you to photos and videos Herbert did of the sand tortoises from start to finish. If you missed any of it, you will have the opportunity now to watch it in progress. To view the still photo slide shows, click on the upper left hand side of the big photos, then click on Play. The Balancing Tortoises are featured in the first video. Tim's rock balancing is shown in the second video. Enjoy!
This is the story of the Tortellini Brothers.
Written by Tammi Villafane:
The Tortellini family balancing act,
Began upon their mother's back.
Under the bright lights,
Sheldon discovered his fear of heights.
He peed his shell,
Then slipped and fell.
The big question is, do we tell?
Sheldon Tortellini,
Everyone can see your weenie!
FYI: Ray is starting a sand sculpture today of a giant frog in the Spanish Village courtyard in front of his Carefree studio, so come check it out. More fun stuff!
Lyn & Herbert Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #558, April 10, 2017
Ray Villafane's spring project this year, the Balancing Tortoises sand sculpture in the Carefree Desert Gardens Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion, was inspired by the balanced rocks Ray was doing around the Gardens. Famous Russian sculptor Nikolai Turkhov, who was here working with Ray during the Enchanted Gardens Pumpkin Festival last October, again flew in from Moscow to sculpt the sand tortoises with Ray. The work of world renowned rock balancer Tim Anderson, here from Pennsylvania, was also featured during the 3 day weekend of March 17-19th.
To learn more about Tim, visit
Ray's website is
The link below takes you to photos and videos Herbert did of the sand tortoises from start to finish. If you missed any of it, you will have the opportunity now to watch it in progress. To view the still photo slide shows, click on the upper left hand side of the big photos, then click on Play. The Balancing Tortoises are featured in the first video. Tim's rock balancing is shown in the second video. Enjoy!
This is the story of the Tortellini Brothers.
Written by Tammi Villafane:
The Tortellini family balancing act,
Began upon their mother's back.
Under the bright lights,
Sheldon discovered his fear of heights.
He peed his shell,
Then slipped and fell.
The big question is, do we tell?
Sheldon Tortellini,
Everyone can see your weenie!
FYI: Ray is starting a sand sculpture today of a giant frog in the Spanish Village courtyard in front of his Carefree studio, so come check it out. More fun stuff!
Lyn & Herbert Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.