Carefree Truth
Issue #571, June 12, 2017
Gary Neiss reported that two years ago the Town hired Technically Integrated (TI) to update the Town's audio/visual (A/V) equipment in the Council Chambers at 100 Easy Street after experiencing continuous failures. Last summer, TI created a mobile system out of portions of the equipment to interface with the system at the Holland Center. Now that the tenant improvement bid process for 33 Easy Streets is underway, a contract was presented for Council approval to upgrade the audio/visual (A/V) components, constituting the maximum use of the previous investment and economically upgrading the Town's existing assets to improve the visual quality of the displays. Technology is constantly moving ahead. The upgrades would provide better digital resolution on the screens used by the Council and larger screens with better resolution for the audience.
Additional services are now available, such as a remote access system that would give staff the ability via their Smartphones to seamlessly access a keyless entry, turn lights on and off, access the climate controls, and view security cameras. This feature would allow local civic groups to utilize the space without requiring the Town to pay for a security guard to unlock and lock the door, and turn the utilities on and off. Security cameras would assure that everyone is out of the room before the doors are locked. Due to the high ceilings, acoustical panels would also be added behind the Council dias to reduce sound reflectivity. Technically Integrated (TI) has installed these systems and acoustical panels throughout the Valley.
The cost of $34,480.98 includes all cables, hardware, labor and sales tax. All the equipment was listed in the Council packets. The terms require an immediate 50% down payment to permit lead time to order the equipment, with the balance due upon acceptance of the completed installation. The 50% down payment would be taken from the contingency fund of the 2016/17 fiscal year. This contract is outside of the tenant improvement work currently out to bid. Those bids are being advertised, are attracting strong interest and are anticipated to be presented to the Council at the July 11th meeting.
Councilman Mike Farrar asked if other quotes were solicited. Mr. Neiss replied that this was a single source specialty bid because it allows the Town to use some existing assets, and a good price was given for additional equipment that is needed. It would be more expensive to go to an outside vendor who would not want to reuse existing equipment. Also, Technically Integrated has been very responsive to the Town's needs. When there was a problem with the equipment at the Holland Center, TI was there within minutes to make the necessary adjustments.
Mr. Farrar asked if TI provided the A/V system in the old Council Chambers. Mr. Neiss replied that they did not install the original system, but did install the replacement one the Town paid for 2 years ago. Mr. Farrar questioned what will be done with the old monitors. Mr. Neiss said they will be utilized in the conference room, rather than everyone needing to crowd around one laptop for presentations or conference calls. Mr. Farrar asked how much the replacement system in the former Chambers cost. Mr. Neiss did not have the number readily available, nor did the representative from TI, but it could be supplied to Mr. Farrar later. Councilman Gene Orrico added, "It wasn't much for what we got".
Mr. Farrar felt that it couldn't be that much of a challenge for other vendors to use the existing equipment. Mr. Neiss explained that Carefree purchased specifically designed equipment from TI, which specializes in public assembly, in order to be able to move it from temporary sites to the permanent one. Other vendors would want to sell their own system and a maintenance agreement. TI does not charge the Town maintenance fees. This free support is a very valuable service.
Councilman Jim Van Allen asked for confirmation that this contract was not part of the tenant improvements contract. Mr. Neiss explained that $350,000 has been budgeted for the tenant improvements in FY 2017/18, but that was a forecast. This might be part of that or it might exceed it. Mr. Van Allen said the technical stuff is "well above my head", and questioned if it would limit the ability of others to utilize the room if the equipment is too sophisticated for them to understand. Gary repeated that it would be staff members seamlessly opening and closing the room, and adjusting the lights and temperature. It would not be up to the party using the room. Mr. Orrico reiterated that it would all be done using Smartphones. Mayor Les Peterson added that TI has already made a substantial investment of time to determine what is needed.
The Council unanimously voted to approve a 50% deposit to be paid to Technically Integrated.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #571, June 12, 2017
Gary Neiss reported that two years ago the Town hired Technically Integrated (TI) to update the Town's audio/visual (A/V) equipment in the Council Chambers at 100 Easy Street after experiencing continuous failures. Last summer, TI created a mobile system out of portions of the equipment to interface with the system at the Holland Center. Now that the tenant improvement bid process for 33 Easy Streets is underway, a contract was presented for Council approval to upgrade the audio/visual (A/V) components, constituting the maximum use of the previous investment and economically upgrading the Town's existing assets to improve the visual quality of the displays. Technology is constantly moving ahead. The upgrades would provide better digital resolution on the screens used by the Council and larger screens with better resolution for the audience.
Additional services are now available, such as a remote access system that would give staff the ability via their Smartphones to seamlessly access a keyless entry, turn lights on and off, access the climate controls, and view security cameras. This feature would allow local civic groups to utilize the space without requiring the Town to pay for a security guard to unlock and lock the door, and turn the utilities on and off. Security cameras would assure that everyone is out of the room before the doors are locked. Due to the high ceilings, acoustical panels would also be added behind the Council dias to reduce sound reflectivity. Technically Integrated (TI) has installed these systems and acoustical panels throughout the Valley.
The cost of $34,480.98 includes all cables, hardware, labor and sales tax. All the equipment was listed in the Council packets. The terms require an immediate 50% down payment to permit lead time to order the equipment, with the balance due upon acceptance of the completed installation. The 50% down payment would be taken from the contingency fund of the 2016/17 fiscal year. This contract is outside of the tenant improvement work currently out to bid. Those bids are being advertised, are attracting strong interest and are anticipated to be presented to the Council at the July 11th meeting.
Councilman Mike Farrar asked if other quotes were solicited. Mr. Neiss replied that this was a single source specialty bid because it allows the Town to use some existing assets, and a good price was given for additional equipment that is needed. It would be more expensive to go to an outside vendor who would not want to reuse existing equipment. Also, Technically Integrated has been very responsive to the Town's needs. When there was a problem with the equipment at the Holland Center, TI was there within minutes to make the necessary adjustments.
Mr. Farrar asked if TI provided the A/V system in the old Council Chambers. Mr. Neiss replied that they did not install the original system, but did install the replacement one the Town paid for 2 years ago. Mr. Farrar questioned what will be done with the old monitors. Mr. Neiss said they will be utilized in the conference room, rather than everyone needing to crowd around one laptop for presentations or conference calls. Mr. Farrar asked how much the replacement system in the former Chambers cost. Mr. Neiss did not have the number readily available, nor did the representative from TI, but it could be supplied to Mr. Farrar later. Councilman Gene Orrico added, "It wasn't much for what we got".
Mr. Farrar felt that it couldn't be that much of a challenge for other vendors to use the existing equipment. Mr. Neiss explained that Carefree purchased specifically designed equipment from TI, which specializes in public assembly, in order to be able to move it from temporary sites to the permanent one. Other vendors would want to sell their own system and a maintenance agreement. TI does not charge the Town maintenance fees. This free support is a very valuable service.
Councilman Jim Van Allen asked for confirmation that this contract was not part of the tenant improvements contract. Mr. Neiss explained that $350,000 has been budgeted for the tenant improvements in FY 2017/18, but that was a forecast. This might be part of that or it might exceed it. Mr. Van Allen said the technical stuff is "well above my head", and questioned if it would limit the ability of others to utilize the room if the equipment is too sophisticated for them to understand. Gary repeated that it would be staff members seamlessly opening and closing the room, and adjusting the lights and temperature. It would not be up to the party using the room. Mr. Orrico reiterated that it would all be done using Smartphones. Mayor Les Peterson added that TI has already made a substantial investment of time to determine what is needed.
The Council unanimously voted to approve a 50% deposit to be paid to Technically Integrated.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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