Carefree Truth
Issue #627, March 5, 2018
Gary Neiss explained that Federal, State and Municipal governments have statutes that enable them to grant service license agreements to cable operation entities. These agreements typically outline services available to customers and define acceptable installation practices within the Rights of Way, insurance requirements, fee schedules, and remedies for mitigating disputes.
The current 15 year lease with Cox Communications recently expired. Members of the Town staff, legal council, and Cox's legal council have reviewed the agreement. The Town has also reviewed the agreements of other nearby municipalities to ensure the best terms and practices are incorporated into the licensing agreement. If approved, the new 15 agreement would be in effect from February 3rd, 2018-February 5th, 2033.
Vice Mayor John Crane asked if there were any changes between the new and the old agreements. Mr. Neiss replied that the Town is capturing the respective services provided by improved technology, and some of the legal terminology has changed. The fee structure remains the same. For the most part, it is essentially the same. Councilman Mike Farrar asked if there were any changes to the offset section. Mr. Neiss said there were not.
Councilman Steve Hatcher asked if there is a 3-5 year review of the technology over the 15 years to make sure Carefree is on track with the latest and greatest. Mr. Neiss answered yes, it is incorporated into the short and long term planning. The Town works with its Cox partners. The Town offices, wifi, and the new Council Chambers all utilize Cox. They meet with Cox annually to review the latest technology and to see if there is interest in upgrading any of the systems. It's a good partnership.
The Council unanimously agreed to renew the contract with Cox.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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