Carefree Truth
Issue #653, June, 2018
Mayor Les Peterson came down to speak at the podium as a citizen, to expound on what Vice Mayor John Crane said. He too found Councilman Mike Farrar to be a liar. Mr. Farrar has tried to ruin both the Vice Mayor's and the Mayor's reputations. He stated that Mr. Farrar has forgotten that there is a distinction between facts and truth, and fabrications and lies.
The Mayor handed copies of an affidavit he submitted to the Court, disputing Mr. Farrar's allegations and statements, to Town Attorney Mike Wright and Town Clerk Kandace Contreras. The affidavit is attached. The Mayor then read from Mr. Farrar's Motion to Reconsider the Judgement. The concluding paragraph stated, "The undersigned, Michael Farrar, hereby declares under penalty of perjury all the information herein is true and accurate". The Mayor's affidavit disputes all of the references within that Motion.
Mayor Peterson said that although it pains him, he wanted to share his interpretation of this "sordid scenario that has been pressed upon us by Mr. Farrar". He felt that the situation needed to be brought to peoples' attention. "Here's the reality of the situation, with regards to Mr. Farrar."
Mike Farrar has served on the Carefree Council for nearly 7 years. Les Peterson has served for 5 years as a Councilman, Vice Mayor and Mayor. During their time on the Council, Mr. Farrar didn't contribute anything into projects that accomplished something meaningful to Carefree residents or businesses. "And this is important because a lot of his actions now come out of a lack of any accomplishments that he can talk about." He always criticizes others while offering no solutions.
He was basically the odd man out on the Council. While other Council members worked together on projects to benefit the town, Mike Farrar was on the sidelines. Former Mayor David Schwan did not know where to use Mr. Farrar. He couldn't use him on projects with other people because he offended them and they didn't want to work with him. Mike Farrar could only deliver when he could work alone. He was always on the outside looking in, while others worked together and with the Town staff.
Now Mike Farrar is running for mayor. A few months short of the election, his ambitions at the State and possibly the Federal level are becoming evident. "This is a stepping stone for where he wants to go next, and he's suddenly developed what I would call 'religion'. And by that, I mean someone on their deathbed gets religion."
"All of a sudden, Mike Farrar is posturing himself as the model Council member. He is taking the time to talk to Carefree residents and businesses, and volunteering. Why, after 6-3/4 years? On May 1st, he volunteered to become a driver for the Caring Corps, imagine that, after that length of time, and to become involved in all town activities. To me, this flurry of activity is nothing more than political posturing. And I'm not convinced that he is truly sincere, or that it will last one minute past the election day."
"Why is this sudden re-making of Mike Farrar's image of such importance to Carefree residents? What's going on here? The answer lies in how Mike Farrar is attempting to compensate for his accomplishing virtually nothing during his many years in office, to attempt to create some rationale for him to become the elected mayor so that he can use that as a stepping stone to his next political career."
"Here's how Mr. Farrar is going about re-making and re-marketing himself from what he was and what he was generally recognized as throughout the community. As a first step, Mike Farrar has brought to his team an East Coast political consultant. She brings the working knowledge of the negative approach that politicians play in Washington and in Federal politics, attacking and undermining their opponents. You can see the input from this person in many of Mike Farrar's recent false statements, by creating issues even if non-existent, because he can't point to accomplishments. And people are generally happy with where we're going, that we're receptive to, 'Let's get going on water in the western side of town, etc.' Mr. Farrar is off in left field."
"Partly because Mr. Farrar doesn't have any meaningful accomplishments and partly because of his loner personality, he attacks and criticizes others. I don't know how many times I've been in the Town offices when one of these blistering emails comes in from Mike Farrar to someone on staff, criticizing at the last second what they should do to help his pet project. He criticizes others and their contributions to defuse their realization that he, Mike Farrar, isn't contributing."
"This is one of the reasons why photos of Mike Farrar are of him alone. Ever looked at those? They're all of Mike alone; they're never in a group and with a group of people who have worked with him for any sustained period of time. Continuity and sustained effort are important in any project." The Mayor gave the example of the complex closing of the sewer plant in the Boulders, a nearly completed project that has taken 12 years. He attended a "make or break" meeting with the utility and a landowner over a right of way, the day before.
"It is in the area of criticizing others that Mike Farrar's practice of lying rises to a disturbingly frequent occurrence. If Mike Farrar doesn't have anything bad to say about someone or something, he makes up a lie. We have had numerous examples just cited by Mr. Crane of this Mike Farrar lying. He has proven himself time and again to be a compulsive and habitual liar. No one trusts a liar, or will make a long term commitment to the project or the Town when dealing with a liar."
In summary, the Mayor stated that Mr. Farrar was creating issues by attacking others, really negative campaigning. Mayor Peterson is prepared to debate on issues, where Carefree should be going, and on facts. But Mr. Farrar chooses to fabricate lies and to create issues where none exist. "That has become his substitute message to draw attention away from his own lack of accomplishments and lack of other good."
While the Mayor and many other Council members have been firmly focused on addressing water in the western side of town, and doing economic development to generate sales tax revenues for the town, he noted that Mr. Farrar has never participated on either of these issues. He's been talking to the Water Company and to other outside experts, asking them to tell him about water, and they say, 'He knows nothing'. He is spending his time campaigning and scurrying around trying to gain a modicum of education so it seems as if he is interested and involved.
"It is high time for this type of despicable activity on the part of one of our long term Council members to stop. If you can stop lying, we can have an active campaign. But with your lying, like John, I will use every resource we have legally to come after you. I'm tired of your lies, Farrar."
(Lyn's note: For those of you who don't wish to download Mayor Peterson's and Vice Mayor Crane's affidavits to the Court, both can be seen on our website at
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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