Carefree Truth
Issue #660, June 26, 2018
Issue #660, June 26, 2018
(Lyn's note: Due to the amount of meeting activity this spring, I am behind in reporting on the Council meetings, so will be publishing more frequently in order to catch up. Thanks for your understanding.)
Current Events:
Mayor Les Peterson reminded people that there would be meetings on June 26th and July 9th to present an in-depth review of the water situation relative to western Carefree. Both will be held at 5 PM in the Council Chambers. (Lyn's note: The same information will be presented at both meetings, giving people a choice of dates.) The Mayor also announced the "Meet Your Firefighters" meeting in the fire station on June 12th. (Lyn's note: At this meeting R/M reviewed their services. Another meeting with this agenda will take place in the fall when more people are here, as very few attended.)
Call to the Public:
Mayor Peterson began Call to the Public by saying there were issues that would require more than the normal 3 minute time limit, but he asked people speaking to please be as succinct as possible. Audience members preceded the Council members who spoke at the podium.
Robert Jacobson said he had filed a Motion in 2016 about the dangerous trees in the medians on Cave Creek Road between Tom Darlington Drive and Pima Road. He believed they are over-sized, overgrown, and interfere with and impede the flow of traffic. He got no results. He appealed in 2017 and is appealing again now. The trees are continuing to grow. He asked to meet with the road crew again.
He also expressed dismay with construction over by the Carefree Water Company, where there is a giant mound of dirt. He wanted it fenced off or removed. Mayor Peterson explained that it was in Scottsdale. Mr. Jacobson knew that but said it effected the view and the beautification of the township. He asked if the new speed signs were permanent. The Mayor said they are mounted and not on wheels, so yes. Mr. Jacobson agreed with that addition.
Cave Creek resident Cheryle Carmichel thanked the Town for trimming the vegetation in the medians on Cave Creek Road near El Sendero before the beginning of Bike Week, per her previous request. She said it made a huge difference. But the vegetation is growing again and she suggested removing several of the bushes to maintain a safe line of sight. She also acknowledged Carefree for holding well run meetings. She called the budget "outstanding", saying that, as a 27 year banker, she can appreciate budgets.
Arthur Gimson said all the entire Council needs to be thanked for their time and effort given to the town. He knows from personal experience that it is a thankless task, more prone to criticism than reward. That night's Council packet was 191 pages long, and that didn't include the packet for the budget meeting held first. It's a lot of homework.
He was there to commend John Crane for standing tall and taking action to ensure Carefree follows State laws. Mr. Gimson's philosophy is, "Vote 'em in, vote 'em out. But do not stop people from running for office". Carefree has 2 year terms and a recall procedure if voters don't want to wait for the next election. Keep those doing a good job doing that good job. He has known John Crane since he was elected and prepared to chair his first Veteran's Day event. (Lyn's note: John took over that duty from Arthur.) He cares about Carefree and he's a good man. Term limits are akin to age related forced retirement. Try telling Warren Buffet that, at age 87, he's too old to run Berkshire Hathaway, and try telling that to his 94 year old partner. Mr. Gimson said he will vote for John Crane and Les Peterson to continue doing the good jobs they are doing, and he hopes that the Council will again appoint John Crane to be the Vice Mayor.
Jim Whitmore began by thanking John Crane for his military service. He then said he wanted to talk about water. He is on Cave Creek Water. As a retired insurance executive, he said that one way rates are determined is the quality of the fire service, the pressure at the fire hydrants and how often they are checked. It is his understanding that Cave Creek Water is not doing a very good job. The program is better in Carefree. This can be a big deal for those who are not serviced by the Carefree Water Company. He asked who on the Town Council is in charge of pursuing this. Mayor Peterson replied, "I am". Mr. Whitmore asked for his qualifications.
The Mayor explained that there has been a Water Committee in place for 18 months consisting of himself, Vice Mayor Crane and Councilman Mike Krahe, who was recently replaced by Councilman Steven Hatcher. Mr. Hatcher has a background in finance, and the Committee is at the stage of discussing finances. Carefree Water Company manager Greg Crossman and some outside professional engineer specialists are assisting. The Mayor is in charge of moving it forward.
Mr. Whitmore also called on the candidates to engage in civil discourse. It is an unpaid, thankless job. The residents would appreciate the elimination of animosity. Councilman Hatcher added that the Water Committee is doing lots of work, and his concerns are being addressed. Others on the Council started to speak when Town Attorney Mike Wright reminded them that it is not appropriate during Call to the Public.
Phil Corso, a 10 year Carefree resident, noted that it is election season. There are lots of issues and they are all over the place. It is incumbent upon the citizens to know more. How can this be accomplished? The real issue is leadership, how you propose to lead us going forward. It is about "we" not "I". Memorial Day was not Mike Farrar's; it was ours. Mr. Farrar denied saying it was his. Mr. Corso said each of the elected officials are committed leaders who serve the public as they see fit.
But where are the future Carefree leaders? How do you bring new people into the system who want to know what's going on? Not only political leaders, but knowledgeable citizens for other volunteer positions. The good news is that a very simple model exists that is very successful and years old. Valley Leadership and Scottsdale Leadership take volunteers from the community. There are more applicants each year than there are slots. They have reunions. They touch on every subject that impacts the community, such as social services, transportation and water. Classes are held throughout the year. It doesn't cost a lot. The applicants pay to join. Mr. Corso proposed exploring discussions about starting Carefree Leadership to grow our future leaders so they will know how the processes work. He was willing to step up, and can bring some of the Leadership leaders up here to ask if it is possible to do this on our scale.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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