Carefree Truth
Issue #682, August 17, 2018
This edition is dedicated to Mike Farrar's "Election team". The choices he has made in who runs his campaign, and how it is run, speaks to the character of the candidate. Upon making a Public Information request, I received the email below. Ms. Bedell was apparently in a hurry and mistakenly sent this email to Mr. Farrar's Town Council email address, rather than to his personal one, making it part of the Public Record.
Attached is the email information from your Public Information Request re Candidate Farrar's email. Unfortunately, I have already deleted any emails prior to this as they fell out of the retention schedule.
Thank you for your patience.
Kandace French Contreras, CMC
-----Original Message-----
From: Constance Bedell []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 1:25 PM
To: Farrar Mike; Traynor John; de Szendeffy Rod; Schenkel Bob
Cc: Bedell Constance
Subject: half way there...need help
Here is the first draft of the mailer. I’ll send PDF to Rod
I have to leave for two hours.
I stopped on the Leadership projects for Mike, so i need 10 short bullets from you that get in your accomplishments
Look at his mailer when you send the bullets. We are answering his mailer, not creating one
Peterson comparison (working on it now) will be a short page because I plan on saying something like…….”he didn’t accomplish anything….he took credit for other peoples work.
On his work experience I’m going to list PG for four years after high school and say other employment not available in any public documents . I (and Rod) searched and could not find the consulting company anywhere, so this is a true statement
This is an 8x11 right? Just like his.
It is a mailer right? Just like his.
Heavy card stock.
If you send me an email with short and sweet ten bullets we can wrap this up by 5pm. If I have more time I need an honest answer
What is the drop dead deadline. This is the term we use when we are printing in an hour.
(Side 2 Header/Headline/Message over two column comparison…copy for comparison on separate page. Note type size. Want big type, lots of white space. Can reverse candidates name. PMS Fireball red color. Typestyle is Century Schoolbook bold and italic. 18 point header. 16 point body .)
Attached is the email information from your Public Information Request re Candidate Farrar's email. Unfortunately, I have already deleted any emails prior to this as they fell out of the retention schedule.
Thank you for your patience.
Kandace French Contreras, CMC
-----Original Message-----
From: Constance Bedell []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 1:25 PM
To: Farrar Mike; Traynor John; de Szendeffy Rod; Schenkel Bob
Cc: Bedell Constance
Subject: half way there...need help
Here is the first draft of the mailer. I’ll send PDF to Rod
I have to leave for two hours.
I stopped on the Leadership projects for Mike, so i need 10 short bullets from you that get in your accomplishments
Look at his mailer when you send the bullets. We are answering his mailer, not creating one
Peterson comparison (working on it now) will be a short page because I plan on saying something like…….”he didn’t accomplish anything….he took credit for other peoples work.
On his work experience I’m going to list PG for four years after high school and say other employment not available in any public documents . I (and Rod) searched and could not find the consulting company anywhere, so this is a true statement
This is an 8x11 right? Just like his.
It is a mailer right? Just like his.
Heavy card stock.
If you send me an email with short and sweet ten bullets we can wrap this up by 5pm. If I have more time I need an honest answer
What is the drop dead deadline. This is the term we use when we are printing in an hour.
(Side 2 Header/Headline/Message over two column comparison…copy for comparison on separate page. Note type size. Want big type, lots of white space. Can reverse candidates name. PMS Fireball red color. Typestyle is Century Schoolbook bold and italic. 18 point header. 16 point body .)
Mayor-for-Life Peterson Takes Credit for Everything but
Inventing the Internet
he forgot to take credit for leading Carefree into decline and stagnation…opps!
Time for Change. Time for Mike Farrar. You Decide.
Inventing the Internet
he forgot to take credit for leading Carefree into decline and stagnation…opps!
Time for Change. Time for Mike Farrar. You Decide.
Below is Les Peterson's complete resume, with times accounted for in full since 1967. There is a large blank space between the 2 pages of the pdf file of the resume and the continuation of my text, so please scroll down to continue reading.
Now let's take a look at the Farrar "team" members from whom and to whom this email was sent.
Constance Bedell, author of the email, appears to be the team leader. She moved to Carefree from N. Virginia. The following was published in the Washington Post.
Constance Bedell, author of the email, appears to be the team leader. She moved to Carefree from N. Virginia. The following was published in the Washington Post.
By Peter Baker May 27, 1993
David B. Albo, a lawyer and civic activist, won the Republican nomination for an open state legislative seat last week after a bitter battle that divided the party hierarchy.
At a local party convention in Mount Vernon, Albo defeated public relations consultant M. Constance Bedell by 490 to 391 delegate votes, capping what GOP leaders called one of the most hotly contested nomination campaigns in Northern Virginia in several years.
In the waning days of the campaign, as it became clear that she had not signed up as many delegates as Albo, Bedell began attacking Albo in a series of mailings. She alleged that his campaign workers who went door-to-door in neighborhoods duped people into signing delegate forms. Albo's campaign then paid their $5 filing fees, Bedell alleged.
She also criticized his failure to pay federal income taxes on time in 1990, resulting in a $6,790 tax lien being placed on his house.
About the time the Bedell fliers were mailed, Albo's campaign sent delegates what it called an "inoculation" letter signed by Davis, Cunningham and Circuit Court Clerk John T. Frey.
The letter warned about negative campaigning by Bedell, explained that Albo fell behind on his taxes because his law partner had been ill, and largely denied other allegations concerning Albo's campaign tactics.
Albo supporters also said the win was a repudiation of negative campaigning.
"I am proud of the race we ran," Albo said. "My victory proves that the public zeroed in on the issues and was turned off by negative campaign tactics."
Thompson added that he believes Bedell's last-week blitz actually helped Albo. "Her mailings turned so many people off, and they just weren't accurate," he said.
Many Carefree residents have noted the similarities between this Mayoral campaign and the 2009/10 failed recall attempt on Mayor David Schwan. There is a valid reason for these similarities.
Email recipient Rod de Szendeffy initiated the failed recall in 2009/10. He spent over $22,000 attempting to recall a man who was one of the most intelligent and honorable men I have ever met, and whose dedication to Carefree and to many of the local non profits was unquestionable. Mr. de Szendeffy initiated the recall attempt a mere 26 days after Mayor Schwan was seated in June of 2009. Recalls are meant to address serious breaches of conduct or drastic misdeeds in governance. They are not meant to be used as do-overs if one doesn't like the results of an election.
John Traynor was a losing candidate in the 2009 regular election. This was the second time he had run for the Carefree Council and lost. He became the hand picked candidate to run against Mayor Schwan, backed by Mr. de Szendeffy and the Sonoran News. Mr. Traynor was again the losing candidate in the failed recall attempt, making that Loss #3. Mayor Schwan's victory proved that the citizens of Carefree, like the citizens in N. Virginia, zeroed in on the issues and were turned off by negative campaign tactics, the signature approach of both the recallers and Team Farrar.
Mr. Traynor, who pens a highly editorial email "newsletter" that is filled with paranoid accusations and wild conspiracy theories, applied to fill the Council seat left vacant by the death of Jim Van Allen. Not one Council member voted to appoint John Traynor to the position, making that Loss #4. The seat was filled by Stephen Hatcher, who Mr. Traynor attacked in his latest email "newsletter". Mr. Traynor rants about "the will of the people" when it comes to term limits, but he doesn't seem interested in "the will of the people" when it comes to their representatives on the Town Council.
Bob Schenkel occasionally attends Council meetings with Mr. Traynor. Mr. Schenkel was vocal in his opposition to the Keystone Homes "Eastwood" development, which abuts a large Garden Office complex and the Heritage nursing home, sits across the street from the Carefree airport, and is near the major intersection of Cave Creek and Pima Roads. Mr. Schenkel lives in a residential section of the airport, which is by far the densest development in Carefree. After Eastwood was approved, Mr. Schenkel proceeded to register a complaint with the Arizona Attorney General's office, claiming that the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Town Staff had violated the Open Meeting Law and had conspired against him. Both complaints were dismissed by the AG.
"Time for Mike Farrar"? As Ms. Bedell proposed at the end of her Farrar mailer, "You decide".
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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By Peter Baker May 27, 1993
David B. Albo, a lawyer and civic activist, won the Republican nomination for an open state legislative seat last week after a bitter battle that divided the party hierarchy.
At a local party convention in Mount Vernon, Albo defeated public relations consultant M. Constance Bedell by 490 to 391 delegate votes, capping what GOP leaders called one of the most hotly contested nomination campaigns in Northern Virginia in several years.
In the waning days of the campaign, as it became clear that she had not signed up as many delegates as Albo, Bedell began attacking Albo in a series of mailings. She alleged that his campaign workers who went door-to-door in neighborhoods duped people into signing delegate forms. Albo's campaign then paid their $5 filing fees, Bedell alleged.
She also criticized his failure to pay federal income taxes on time in 1990, resulting in a $6,790 tax lien being placed on his house.
About the time the Bedell fliers were mailed, Albo's campaign sent delegates what it called an "inoculation" letter signed by Davis, Cunningham and Circuit Court Clerk John T. Frey.
The letter warned about negative campaigning by Bedell, explained that Albo fell behind on his taxes because his law partner had been ill, and largely denied other allegations concerning Albo's campaign tactics.
Albo supporters also said the win was a repudiation of negative campaigning.
"I am proud of the race we ran," Albo said. "My victory proves that the public zeroed in on the issues and was turned off by negative campaign tactics."
Thompson added that he believes Bedell's last-week blitz actually helped Albo. "Her mailings turned so many people off, and they just weren't accurate," he said.
Many Carefree residents have noted the similarities between this Mayoral campaign and the 2009/10 failed recall attempt on Mayor David Schwan. There is a valid reason for these similarities.
Email recipient Rod de Szendeffy initiated the failed recall in 2009/10. He spent over $22,000 attempting to recall a man who was one of the most intelligent and honorable men I have ever met, and whose dedication to Carefree and to many of the local non profits was unquestionable. Mr. de Szendeffy initiated the recall attempt a mere 26 days after Mayor Schwan was seated in June of 2009. Recalls are meant to address serious breaches of conduct or drastic misdeeds in governance. They are not meant to be used as do-overs if one doesn't like the results of an election.
John Traynor was a losing candidate in the 2009 regular election. This was the second time he had run for the Carefree Council and lost. He became the hand picked candidate to run against Mayor Schwan, backed by Mr. de Szendeffy and the Sonoran News. Mr. Traynor was again the losing candidate in the failed recall attempt, making that Loss #3. Mayor Schwan's victory proved that the citizens of Carefree, like the citizens in N. Virginia, zeroed in on the issues and were turned off by negative campaign tactics, the signature approach of both the recallers and Team Farrar.
Mr. Traynor, who pens a highly editorial email "newsletter" that is filled with paranoid accusations and wild conspiracy theories, applied to fill the Council seat left vacant by the death of Jim Van Allen. Not one Council member voted to appoint John Traynor to the position, making that Loss #4. The seat was filled by Stephen Hatcher, who Mr. Traynor attacked in his latest email "newsletter". Mr. Traynor rants about "the will of the people" when it comes to term limits, but he doesn't seem interested in "the will of the people" when it comes to their representatives on the Town Council.
Bob Schenkel occasionally attends Council meetings with Mr. Traynor. Mr. Schenkel was vocal in his opposition to the Keystone Homes "Eastwood" development, which abuts a large Garden Office complex and the Heritage nursing home, sits across the street from the Carefree airport, and is near the major intersection of Cave Creek and Pima Roads. Mr. Schenkel lives in a residential section of the airport, which is by far the densest development in Carefree. After Eastwood was approved, Mr. Schenkel proceeded to register a complaint with the Arizona Attorney General's office, claiming that the Planning & Zoning Commission and the Town Staff had violated the Open Meeting Law and had conspired against him. Both complaints were dismissed by the AG.
"Time for Mike Farrar"? As Ms. Bedell proposed at the end of her Farrar mailer, "You decide".
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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