Carefree Truth
Issue #688, September 14, 2018
Stacey Bridge-Denzak presented the first reading of Ordinance 2018-02, an amendment to address potential illicit discharges into the Town's storm water drainage system, as required by Federal and State law. Because this was a first reading, as part of the public process, no action would be taken that night. The second reading will take place at the September Council meeting.
Ms. Bridge-Denzak reported that in 2016 consultants were hired to prepare a storm water management plan. This Ordinance is a component of that plan and control measures, as defined, to enforce storm water codes. This is a trickle down from the EPA to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) to municipalities.
Storm water runoff is one of the leading causes of water pollution in the U.S. Storm water does NOT go to water treatment plants in the Phoenix metropolitan area. It is transported by drains, streets, gutters, curbs, and open channels to retention basins, parks, and washes. Examples of illicit discharges are hazardous household products, yard care products, fertilizers, dog waste, automotive fluids, improper oil disposal, spills from roadway accidents, and construction site runoff. The Ordinance regulates the contribution of pollutants to the Municipal Separate Storm Water System (MS4) by illicit discharges to the MS4. It prohibits illicit connections and discharges to the MS4. And it establishes the legal authority to carry out all inspection, surveillance, monitoring, and enforcement procedures necessary to ensure compliance. The language contained in the proposed Ordinance is standard for municipalities.
Vice Mayor John Crane asked if the consultants were now finished. Ms. Bridge-Denzak replied that the are finished. This is what they prepared for the Town's permit as one component of Carefree's "game plan". Vice Mayor Crane asked if the Town incurs costs by passing this Ordinance. Ms. Bridge-Denzak explained that staff time will be involved to monitor outflow locations and attend to violations but no more cost will be incurred to produce documents. The Vice Mayor asked how outflows are monitored. Do they take a bottle to the lab? Ms. Bridge-Denzak said it is mostly done through observation after storms. There are only 3 outflow locations in Carefree. The staff will be trained in this component of the plan.
Councilman Mike Farrar noted that the Ordinance said the Town "may"..., and asked if it is discretionary. Ms. Bridge-Denzak explained that it is only discretionary as far as the assignment of fines. Carefree must present an annual report to ADEQ. Mr. Farrar asked how the Town imposes or calculates compensatory action. Ms. Bridge-Denzak said that is based on current Town Code.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked if Carefree pays a fee to a State agency such as those that provide permits to businesses such as automotive repair facilities. Gary Neiss said the Town does not pay an annual fee to ADEQ. A fee was paid when the original permit was submitted. But that is not to say a fee will not be charged in the future if the State decides to make that change. Mr. Hatcher questioned why Carefree is now involved when the State has agencies that do this, and he said he hoped it would be checked more than once a year. Mr. Neiss explained this is being done in an effort to be more proactive to situations. The State has a limited number of inspectors to monitor hundreds of thousands of out flows positioned along washes, so they are defaulting to local agencies. Larger municipalities, such as Scottsdale, which is 185 square miles, have a fee associated their water bill that pays for the hiring of inspectors. Carefree is small, so that is not an issue here.
Mr. Hatcher, noting that Carefree is higher than Cave Creek, asked if some of Carefree's storm water ends up in Cave Creek, and if so is that where our inspectors look? Mr. Neiss replied that Carefree monitors those out flows in Carefree. While some of our storm water can end up in Cave Creek and Scottsdale, their inspectors will monitor their respective out flows for contamination. Mr. Hatcher asked if there were contamination, what is the next step? Do municipalities call in State agencies? Ms. Bridge-Denzak explained that municipalities will regulate the storm water monitoring, notify offenders, and deal with violations. Mr. Hatcher asked if the water will be tested. Ms. Bridge-Denzak replied that there would be no water testing unless there was a suspicion of something that can't be seen. For the most part, it will be based on observation.
Mayor Les Peterson noted that Liberty Water will start to decommission the Carefree sewer plant in the Boulders in November, and asked if that fell under this jurisdiction. Ms. Bridge-Denzak replied that it would only if there is a leak detected. Waste water is a different type of material and falls under a different regulation.
Mr. Hatcher asked if he was correct in his understanding that the water collects in various locations then goes into another source like rivers, lakes, and parks, where there is no cleansing system available. Ms. Bridge-Denzak explained that retention basins allow for contaminants to settle out, which is why it is so important to monitor them. A problem can also be posed by storm drains filling with siltation, another pollutant. Mr. Farrar noted that retention basins are made to protect the environment. Ms. Bridge-Denzak said that is correct. If polluted water gets into the aquifer, it is eventually treated. If it goes to rivers and lakes, it can affect wildlife and recreation. Vice Mayor Crane reiterated that that's why it's so important to control the pollutants.
At the September 4th Council meeting, Stacey Bridge-Denzak repeated her presentation. There were no questions from the Council members. The Ordinance amendment was unanimously approved.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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