Carefree Truth
Issue #583, August 7, 2017
Mayor Les Peterson stated that the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) being presented was for a reciprocal agreement between the Arizona State Forestry Division and the Town of Carefree, defining assets each organization would provide in addressing wildland fires. He noted that we are seeing a lot of them now. It is a continuation of an existing agreement, with some changes.
Rural/Metro (R/M) Fire Chief John Kraetz, who also acts as the Carefree Fire Department Chief, explained that this is just a revision of a document that his records indicate has been in place since 2006. It is a layer of all the IGAs with different government agencies in Arizona. This IGA helps protect the community in the event of a big wildland fire, or other disaster, by allowing the State to come in if there is a need for measures such as big tanker drops, etc., and provides for reimbursement to the State if services are provided. On the flip side, Carefree can supply vehicles if they are requested by the State, but a caveat says that if fire services can't be provided for Carefree residents in the event that vehicles are sent, then the Carefree vehicles will not be sent.
Councilman Jim Van Allen asked if there is a difference between the Tonto National Forest Fire and the State Wildland Fire Departments. Chief Kraetz replied that there is a huge difference. Tonto is Federal and State Forestry is a State agency. Mr. Van Allen said he worked 2 fires 5 years ago. R/M and Tonto were there, but he never saw anyone from the State. Chief Kraetz explained that the State coordinates a lot of things behind the scenes that people don't see. They are currently very active in much of what's going on in Arizona. Mr. Van Allen asked if State has equipment. Chief Kraetz confirmed that they have their own equipment, and additional equipment through these agreements.
All the different IGAs fold into each other. Every community in Arizona, along with all the Tribal organizations, have signed on to the Arizona Mutual Aid Compact (AZMAC), an agreement which states they will support everyone else. Mr. Van Allen concluded that the State is an umbrella. Chief Kraetz corrected that, saying the Feds are the overarching umbrella that the State works underneath.
Mr. Van Allen commented that he didn't know there was an entity called the Carefree Fire Department. Chief Kraetz explained that the Carefree Fire Department is necessary to codify a municipal entity in order to apply for grants. As a private company, R/M is ineligible to apply for most grants. The Carefree Fire Department has been very successful in getting grants for the community. It is also necessary in order to participate in IGAs. Mr. Van Allen asked who signs the agreement. Chief Kraetz replied that he signs it as a representative of the Carefree Fire Department and it is also signed by the Town Attorney. It is a municipal based agreement.
Mr. Van Allen noted that Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) Lieutenant Matt Summers, who was sitting in the audience, has recently been assigned to Carefree. He said the best thing that is happening to Carefree is that some of the MCSO guys who worked here before are being transferred back. They know all the streets in Carefree, unlike someone who might come here from west Phoenix. He hopes they stay. Mr. Van Allen knew several of them from his time spent in the MCSO Posse.
Mayor Peterson gave a "hardy thank you and a job well done" to the MCSO personnel. He has met the new Sheriff twice, once at the inauguration and a second time while getting a tour of the County Jail. He joked, "None of you want to go there, except on a visiting tour!" He was very impressed. The Mayor and Vice Mayor John Crane are meeting with the Sheriff at the beginning of August to review changes in the schedule to make sure Carefree has good coverage. If the changes are not working from either Carefree's or MCSO's perspective, it will be amended. Carefree has been very satisfied with MCSO's service.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Issue #583, August 7, 2017
Mayor Les Peterson stated that the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) being presented was for a reciprocal agreement between the Arizona State Forestry Division and the Town of Carefree, defining assets each organization would provide in addressing wildland fires. He noted that we are seeing a lot of them now. It is a continuation of an existing agreement, with some changes.
Rural/Metro (R/M) Fire Chief John Kraetz, who also acts as the Carefree Fire Department Chief, explained that this is just a revision of a document that his records indicate has been in place since 2006. It is a layer of all the IGAs with different government agencies in Arizona. This IGA helps protect the community in the event of a big wildland fire, or other disaster, by allowing the State to come in if there is a need for measures such as big tanker drops, etc., and provides for reimbursement to the State if services are provided. On the flip side, Carefree can supply vehicles if they are requested by the State, but a caveat says that if fire services can't be provided for Carefree residents in the event that vehicles are sent, then the Carefree vehicles will not be sent.
Councilman Jim Van Allen asked if there is a difference between the Tonto National Forest Fire and the State Wildland Fire Departments. Chief Kraetz replied that there is a huge difference. Tonto is Federal and State Forestry is a State agency. Mr. Van Allen said he worked 2 fires 5 years ago. R/M and Tonto were there, but he never saw anyone from the State. Chief Kraetz explained that the State coordinates a lot of things behind the scenes that people don't see. They are currently very active in much of what's going on in Arizona. Mr. Van Allen asked if State has equipment. Chief Kraetz confirmed that they have their own equipment, and additional equipment through these agreements.
All the different IGAs fold into each other. Every community in Arizona, along with all the Tribal organizations, have signed on to the Arizona Mutual Aid Compact (AZMAC), an agreement which states they will support everyone else. Mr. Van Allen concluded that the State is an umbrella. Chief Kraetz corrected that, saying the Feds are the overarching umbrella that the State works underneath.
Mr. Van Allen commented that he didn't know there was an entity called the Carefree Fire Department. Chief Kraetz explained that the Carefree Fire Department is necessary to codify a municipal entity in order to apply for grants. As a private company, R/M is ineligible to apply for most grants. The Carefree Fire Department has been very successful in getting grants for the community. It is also necessary in order to participate in IGAs. Mr. Van Allen asked who signs the agreement. Chief Kraetz replied that he signs it as a representative of the Carefree Fire Department and it is also signed by the Town Attorney. It is a municipal based agreement.
Mr. Van Allen noted that Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) Lieutenant Matt Summers, who was sitting in the audience, has recently been assigned to Carefree. He said the best thing that is happening to Carefree is that some of the MCSO guys who worked here before are being transferred back. They know all the streets in Carefree, unlike someone who might come here from west Phoenix. He hopes they stay. Mr. Van Allen knew several of them from his time spent in the MCSO Posse.
Mayor Peterson gave a "hardy thank you and a job well done" to the MCSO personnel. He has met the new Sheriff twice, once at the inauguration and a second time while getting a tour of the County Jail. He joked, "None of you want to go there, except on a visiting tour!" He was very impressed. The Mayor and Vice Mayor John Crane are meeting with the Sheriff at the beginning of August to review changes in the schedule to make sure Carefree has good coverage. If the changes are not working from either Carefree's or MCSO's perspective, it will be amended. Carefree has been very satisfied with MCSO's service.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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