(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Photo by Arthur Gimson
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
Group costume contest finalists-Hocus Pocus & The Walking Dead
Hocus Pocus was the winner
Hocus Pocus was the winner
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
http://www.carefree.org/336/IN -THE-NEWS
City Sun Times link:
Dear Lyn,
Thank you for continuing to tell everyone about all the activities that non-profits are involved in, especially all the news you shared about the food bank.
Pam DiPietro
(Lyn's note: The Foothills Food Bank is still short of people to fill the needs of their Adopt a Family for the Holidays drive. For information about the 2018 Adopt-a-Family program or to request a donor sign-up form, email adoptafamily@foothillsfoodbank.com or pick up a form at the food bank by December 4th. Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek. )
I have been a longtime reader of Carefree Truth. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to our town. In the recent issue you were kind to share publicity for our PEO Annual Fundraiser. Several of your readers have contacted us and will be attending. The luncheon will be at Grayhawk Golf Club on Wednesday, November 7 at 11 a.m. Again, thanks for sharing our information.
Best regards,
Liz Van Valin.
This is fantastic news for Carefree. Lenny was involved in developing the first semiconductor engineering courses at EVIT in conjunction with Intel and Maricopa County. EVIT has grown into a world class operation offering students an excellent learning environment coupled with real world training, career advice and post-graduation placement assistance.
With EVIT parents and kids no longer have to mortgage their futures on post-secondary, “for profit technical“ schools for vocational training.
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: Lenny is Laurie's husband. Herbert and I fully support CCUSD partnering with EVIT. It really does provide a great opportunity for the kids who are interested to get training that will lead to much needed and useful job skills.)
Hi Lyn,
From the first pumpkin festival that Cheryl and I brought our kids to in 2015 (we moved to Carefree 6 mos later) to this one, what an incredible difference! The number of guests that have walked through the festival is mind-boggling! I had a chance to talk to some vendors, and while the parking issues have been a topic, the opportunity that vendors/business owners have during this event to really make some $$ just amazes me..... Black Mountain Coffee has made the most of the traffic and really profited. A few of the jewelers have stayed open and done more volume as well... The town has an information booth in the pavillion that is manned with volunteers handing out town info, buttons, and candy, and should be equipped with brochures and coupons from every single downtown business. I have proposed to our marketing director Beth that next year we hand out "swag bags" with coupons and other goodies from our businesses to draw people in, if the businesses wish to participate. I'd also challenge our business owners to maybe consider decorating their store fronts and have a friendly Halloween decorating contest, in addition to set up tables in front of their businesses with discounted items that will capture alot of the foot traffic....Its free advertising and will certainly only help!
Working the info booth has made me appreciate the efforts of Mayor and Mary Peterson, John Crane, Vicki Zimmerman, Beth Renfro, and of course Josh and his team from Centerpoint. I look forward to getting a look at the attendance stats that Josh captured for us, as well as any info from our businesses on additional revenue captured over the past 9 days resulting from the festival traffic.
Also, I would like to invite any and all residents to come to the council meeting on Tuesday, November 13th for the swearing in of the "new" council!! I look forward to introducing you all to my family: my wife Cheryl, kids: Noah, Sophie, and Matthew...My folks, Pasquale and Anna D'Aliesio, and my in-laws, Stu and Jackie Templer, will also be there.
Have a great Halloween, everyone and Keep it Carefree.
Vince D'Aliesio
Proud Carefree Councilman-elect
So wonderful to drive, or walk through the Carefree Town Center and see so many happy children, and parents at the pumpkin festival " well done".
Joe Corpora
Hi Lyn,
Wow! This latest Carefree Truth was overflowing with great info and photos! A dog park behind Target! Yes! Many of us with fur babies have been wanting a local dog park for years and this would be fantastic. We'll spread the word about the meeting on the 29th and will certainly attend. When we were living in Brooklyn Heights, NY, we had the city's largest dog park, 2.5 acres, in all five boroughs. We were well organized and I was VP on the board of directors. We worked closely with the city and never had any problems. We raised money to help put in benches, waste bag stations, and water, as well as had monthly clean-up events where many of us got together to weed, prune bushes, and clean up in general. We had great fun!
And what more can be said about the amazing Pumpkin Festival? This year is the best by far. I don't think I've ever seen so many people enjoying themselves in downtown Carefree on a daily basis. It was a huge party on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and there were substantial crowds on Monday as well. The expansion of the Festival was a great idea, with the added vendors, kiddie area, and community stage. Loved every minute of it and can't wait for this coming weekend. It was nice to hook up with friends and to also meet so many wonderful people from all around the valley and visitors from out of state. Congratulations to all who put this event together. Not to get ahead of ourselves, but we're already looking forward to "Christmas in Carefree!"
Also, thanks for the information link for voting on the judges as this was the most confusing part of the voting ballot. This was very helpful.
Thanks, as always, for all that you and Herbert do for this wonderful town.
Kevin Glenn
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
http://www.carefree.org/336/IN -THE-NEWS
City Sun Times link:
Dear Lyn,
Thank you for continuing to tell everyone about all the activities that non-profits are involved in, especially all the news you shared about the food bank.
Pam DiPietro
(Lyn's note: The Foothills Food Bank is still short of people to fill the needs of their Adopt a Family for the Holidays drive. For information about the 2018 Adopt-a-Family program or to request a donor sign-up form, email adoptafamily@foothillsfoodbank.com or pick up a form at the food bank by December 4th. Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek. )
I have been a longtime reader of Carefree Truth. Thank you for your hard work and commitment to our town. In the recent issue you were kind to share publicity for our PEO Annual Fundraiser. Several of your readers have contacted us and will be attending. The luncheon will be at Grayhawk Golf Club on Wednesday, November 7 at 11 a.m. Again, thanks for sharing our information.
Best regards,
Liz Van Valin.
This is fantastic news for Carefree. Lenny was involved in developing the first semiconductor engineering courses at EVIT in conjunction with Intel and Maricopa County. EVIT has grown into a world class operation offering students an excellent learning environment coupled with real world training, career advice and post-graduation placement assistance.
With EVIT parents and kids no longer have to mortgage their futures on post-secondary, “for profit technical“ schools for vocational training.
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: Lenny is Laurie's husband. Herbert and I fully support CCUSD partnering with EVIT. It really does provide a great opportunity for the kids who are interested to get training that will lead to much needed and useful job skills.)
Hi Lyn,
From the first pumpkin festival that Cheryl and I brought our kids to in 2015 (we moved to Carefree 6 mos later) to this one, what an incredible difference! The number of guests that have walked through the festival is mind-boggling! I had a chance to talk to some vendors, and while the parking issues have been a topic, the opportunity that vendors/business owners have during this event to really make some $$ just amazes me..... Black Mountain Coffee has made the most of the traffic and really profited. A few of the jewelers have stayed open and done more volume as well... The town has an information booth in the pavillion that is manned with volunteers handing out town info, buttons, and candy, and should be equipped with brochures and coupons from every single downtown business. I have proposed to our marketing director Beth that next year we hand out "swag bags" with coupons and other goodies from our businesses to draw people in, if the businesses wish to participate. I'd also challenge our business owners to maybe consider decorating their store fronts and have a friendly Halloween decorating contest, in addition to set up tables in front of their businesses with discounted items that will capture alot of the foot traffic....Its free advertising and will certainly only help!
Working the info booth has made me appreciate the efforts of Mayor and Mary Peterson, John Crane, Vicki Zimmerman, Beth Renfro, and of course Josh and his team from Centerpoint. I look forward to getting a look at the attendance stats that Josh captured for us, as well as any info from our businesses on additional revenue captured over the past 9 days resulting from the festival traffic.
Also, I would like to invite any and all residents to come to the council meeting on Tuesday, November 13th for the swearing in of the "new" council!! I look forward to introducing you all to my family: my wife Cheryl, kids: Noah, Sophie, and Matthew...My folks, Pasquale and Anna D'Aliesio, and my in-laws, Stu and Jackie Templer, will also be there.
Have a great Halloween, everyone and Keep it Carefree.
Vince D'Aliesio
Proud Carefree Councilman-elect
So wonderful to drive, or walk through the Carefree Town Center and see so many happy children, and parents at the pumpkin festival " well done".
Joe Corpora
Hi Lyn,
Wow! This latest Carefree Truth was overflowing with great info and photos! A dog park behind Target! Yes! Many of us with fur babies have been wanting a local dog park for years and this would be fantastic. We'll spread the word about the meeting on the 29th and will certainly attend. When we were living in Brooklyn Heights, NY, we had the city's largest dog park, 2.5 acres, in all five boroughs. We were well organized and I was VP on the board of directors. We worked closely with the city and never had any problems. We raised money to help put in benches, waste bag stations, and water, as well as had monthly clean-up events where many of us got together to weed, prune bushes, and clean up in general. We had great fun!
And what more can be said about the amazing Pumpkin Festival? This year is the best by far. I don't think I've ever seen so many people enjoying themselves in downtown Carefree on a daily basis. It was a huge party on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and there were substantial crowds on Monday as well. The expansion of the Festival was a great idea, with the added vendors, kiddie area, and community stage. Loved every minute of it and can't wait for this coming weekend. It was nice to hook up with friends and to also meet so many wonderful people from all around the valley and visitors from out of state. Congratulations to all who put this event together. Not to get ahead of ourselves, but we're already looking forward to "Christmas in Carefree!"
Also, thanks for the information link for voting on the judges as this was the most confusing part of the voting ballot. This was very helpful.
Thanks, as always, for all that you and Herbert do for this wonderful town.
Kevin Glenn