(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
"This is the way we brush or teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth."
Photo by Jeanne Cassanova
Photo by Jeanne Cassanova
Photos of fall in the Michigan Upper Peninsula by Curt Fonger, submitted by Larry Holland
And here is your bonus round from Herbert:
And here is your bonus round from Herbert:
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
http://www.carefree.org/336/IN -THE-NEWS
City Sun Times link:
I would like to express my most sincere appreciation to the Carefree Town Council for unanimously adopting the stipulations recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission at last night's Council meeting for the agenda item addressing the rezoning of the N.E. corner of Carefree Highway and Cave Creek Road. Our October P&Z meeting lasted for 3 hours. During that time, there was exhaustive debate and discussion among the Commissioners, as well as many heartfelt comments from the audience. Last night's Council meeting lasted 4 hours. At least 2-1/2 hours of that was spent discussing the N.E. corner.
Both P&Z and the Town Council heard our residents, most of whom live in Provence, the development most affected. We took your concerns seriously, particularly in regard to the two most potentially noisy and disruptive uses, a car wash and a 24/7 ambulatory emergency center. P&Z recommended disallowing both uses because we felt neither belonged in close proximity to a residential community, and the Council agreed. A special thanks to Vice Mayor John Crane, who voiced especially compelling arguments against the car wash and the emergency center. Both the Provence HOA and Empire, the developer, made significant compromises, but the car wash and the emergency center continued to be sticking points. It fell to the Town to resolve those. I believe the Town stepped up to the plate admirably.
I recognize the fact that the corner is no longer a viable site for homes, with all the commercial development that has occurred and is continuing to occur in the vicinity, but it is vital that the commercial development be done with respect to the adjacent homes in the immediate area. I believe that the Development Review Board, the Town Council, and the Town staff are all cognizant of that ideal and will be vigilant to ensure that the new commercial development will produce a win/win scenario.
Lyn Hitchon
A big thank you. Great job, as usual, on yesterday’s event. Both keynote speakers were very impressive, but I have to disagree with Ted Dimon that they were the best in 10 years. In my (humble) opinion, Marcelle Chase is the best so far! Marcelle’s remarks were from a civilian viewpoint and were highly appreciative of the military after her years of living her German-occupied homeland . Over the years, I think all of the speakers have been wonderful, but, as far as I am concerned, her from-the-heart comments still stick in my mind.
It was a nice touch to have a fellow-submariner and his comments about the Pledge of Allegiance. I learned it as an adult when my daughter, now 49, started school, more years ago than I care to remember.
Till next year!
Arthur Gimson
(Lyn's note: At Arthur's request, Marcelle's keynote speech was the first Carefree Veteran's Day event that was recorded and reported on in Carefree Truth. We've been there for each one ever since to film and report. All of them have been wonderful, with great speakers, but I have to agree with Arthur that Marcelle was exceptional. She's a remarkable lady.)
This is awesome! Wonderful photos of Trunk or Treat (and thanks for getting me in there)! It was a fun evening!
Kevin Glenn
Thank you Lyn! That might be fun to do the Trunk Halloween next year! Let me know if there is other events coming up that might be good to network my business and get involved.
Bev Bradshaw
Love your lovely pictures!!!
Loraine Simons
Hi Lyn,
I plan on sending it out tomorrow to all local schools (CCUSD, QI, Foothills, Annunciation, Bella Vista) AND our sponsors. I currently serve as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction in CCUSD AND the "Administrator in Charge" at Lone Mountain Elementary School (who won), so I will certainly send it out to our LMES families with the hope that the other principals do the same. I cannot tell you how much your support through community email outreach means to us (as well as Herbie's photos and Vimeo video)!
Thanks, again.
(Lyn's note: Cara is referring to the video and photos Herbert did of the P.I.E. Spelling Bee last week. Everyone involved obviously had a lot of fun, and it showed in the pics.)
In my past life (a decade ago), I was principal at Paradise Valley High School and worked closely with the WestMEC Director. I cannot tell you how many opportunities we were able to offer our students by being members of the JTED (now CTED) above and beyond what the state could fund. Very exciting for our community!!! So cool and so great for our children/students.
Cara Herkamp
(Lyn's note: We are so pleased that the voters agreed that it was smart to offer the students what EVIT provides.)
Thank you! The P.I.E. Spelling Bee is always a great event. I used to bring my children to it every year J.
Pam Menton