(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Photos & video by Herbert Hitchon
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
http://www.carefree.org/336/IN -THE-NEWS
City Sun Times link:
FYI: The Christmas Festival parade has been cancelled.
Visit the website to see the scheduled activities.
Lyn. Good morning. I love love love the photo of you and Vince. Seeing this just made my day. We adore you and Herb. Thank you,
Cheryl D'Aliesio
Really miss AZ sunsets. Thanks, Herbie.
Shirley Arnold
This came in my email Inbox. I do not know who gets it, but I renew our two vehicles through www.servicearizona.com<http://www.servicearizona.com> and am guessing they had my email address from that location. I did not know if it is worth adding to your next Carefree Truth.
Arthur GimsonPublic Safety Fee going into effectFee to be collected during vehicle-registration process
Beginning Dec. 1, Arizona motorists expecting vehicle registration renewals will see a new Public Safety Fee. The fee was established by state law to support public safety and Highway Patrol operations. The fee goes into effect for registrations due in January which can be paid as early as Dec. 1, and immediately for newly registered vehicles.
The fee will be collected during the vehicle-registration process administered by the Arizona Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Division. Arizona statute established the method for collecting the fee and sets the process for determining the amount based on a formula designed to support Highway Patrol operations.
Highway Patrol operations — among the most visible functions of the Arizona Department of Public Safety — include response to collisions on Arizona highways, enforcing state laws designed to keep the motoring public safe, arresting impaired drivers, assisting motorists in distress, air-rescue operations and patrolling more than 6,800 miles of highways.
Most motorists will pay $32 per vehicle, per year. Street-legal golf carts and primarily off-highway vehicles will pay $5. Those who register a vehicle annually or pay for a two- or five-year registration will pay the entire amount up front for each registered year.
The funds raised through the Public Safety Fee will not only provide necessary dollars for public safety, but will advance maintenance and construction of Arizona’s highway infrastructure, including the state’s Key Commerce Corridors that support economic development around the state.
Over the past decade, much of the Highway Patrol’s budget was considered part of the Arizona Highway User Revenue Fund, the gas-tax account that supports Arizona roadways, including law-enforcement support. The new $32 Public Safety Fee will allow gas-tax money to support roadway maintenance and construction, while providing a different source of funding for Highway Patrol operations.
For more information: www.azdot.gov/mvd.
For details on the enabling legislation, visit: https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/53leg/2R/laws/0265.pdf.