Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Thank you for sharing with me Steve Sanders comments. He made the following comments:
- Mexico's population is not 11.8 million; it's actually in excess of 125 million people
- North America's population in not 480 million; it's actually about 579 million
- Middle Class in Mexico is about 47% of the households, not 37%. But the comment about the middle class growing is correct and is largely attributed to NAFTA
- I looked at my presentation and it clearly states 118 million, not 11.8 million.
- I only referenced population numbers for NAFTA countries in North America (U.S., Canada, and Mexico). In North America there are over 23 independent countries and numerous dependent states.
- My statement about Mexico’s middle class estimates was 39% of the total population not 37%.
As we all know, data sources can come from many different organizations and they all vary, i.e. United Nations, WTO, IMF, USDOC, World Bank, Euromonitor International, etc..
Thus, population counts and middle class estimates are just that, “estimates” and depending on source data can vary substantially. The population estimates simply provide a framework of scope of subject matter one is speaking about. Population counts are not exact numbers, and I believe everyone understands that.
However to dive further on population figures; again, that depends on what estimates you use and sources you derive and definitions for what makes up 'North America.'
North America has an estimated 2016 population of over 565 million, which is based on national estimates from its 23 independent states but does not take into account non-sovereign territories like Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Yet, other estimates take those countries unto account, and may even include Greenland.
Again, the fundamental point of my NAFTA presentation had to do with the importance of Canada & Mexico's economic trade and tourism impact on Carefree and throughout the State of Arizona (elimination of tariffs), and yet the recognized need for modernization of that treaty to be 'fair' trade in addition to free trade.
Thank you,
Michael Farrar
Town Council - Carefree
(Lyn's note: The Mexican population figure of 11.8 million instead 118 million was my typo, as was 37% instead of 39%. Sorry about that.)
Hello Lyn,
Thanks ever so much for including my web site in your publication. Can't begin to tell you how much we appreciate the notice of the Slide/Lecture going out to the community. The date of the lecture is: Thursday, February 22nd at 3 pm at the Desert Foothills Library. Free to the public but a reservation must be made to: (480) 488-2286.
Roberta Kritzia
I wish I could come up for the planting for birds seminar. That is such a cool idea. I tried some bird friendly plants which really didn’t do much. Birds like the cacti and that damn palm tree in the front. On the plus side, the monarch butterflies seem to like my flowers and weeds.
Laurie Palace
Wow, this is fantastic! I hope I can come!
Carol Hitchcock
Thanks for getting the word out, Lyn. This will be a good one!
Best regards,
John Crane
(Lyn's note: The above 3 letters are referencing the Gardens seminar that was held last Saturday.)
Thank you Lyn. You provide such a valuable service to our community.
Gail Thiele