Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Here's a correction to go with my photo of the Navajo horses. It was taken in Mexican Hat, Utah, along the San Juan River, not Colorado.
And Herbie's flying birds are wonderful!
Hazel Vaughn
(Lyn's note: Hazel's photo of the horses in the water was last week's featured photo. So much for my going on memory instead of checking Hazel's original email...)
Here is your bonus round from Herbert.
Here's a correction to go with my photo of the Navajo horses. It was taken in Mexican Hat, Utah, along the San Juan River, not Colorado.
And Herbie's flying birds are wonderful!
Hazel Vaughn
(Lyn's note: Hazel's photo of the horses in the water was last week's featured photo. So much for my going on memory instead of checking Hazel's original email...)
Here is your bonus round from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Hi Lyn:
Readers may be interested to know that Jo Gemmill’s English Rose Tea Room was featured in the USA Today May 4 edition as one of the top 10 Tea Rooms in the Country. That’s rarified select company and we are very fortunate to have Jo and the Tea Room in Carefree.
The story can be found at:
Scanning through the photos will show two supporting pics.
Congratulations to Jo for establishing and running such a great landmark in our community.
Best regards,
John Crane
(Lyn's note: Herbert's and my congratulations to Jo and the Tea Room too!)
Hi, Lyn. I have been reading a lot about the town being against the Memorial Day activities. I would just like to set the record straight. The entire Council (including Mayor Peterson) and the Town staff support a Memorial Day event. We were just questioning what the event should look like and the best way to honor our fallen soldiers. That is it. Plain and simple. We support it and want it to be executed in the best way possible.
Cheryl Kroyer
Hi Lyn,
In the May 5 edition of the Carefree truth, you quoted Mayor Peterson, "If you look at Memorial Day, this is why a number of us, including myself, took umbrage at the last meeting, and I think the Sonoran News picked up on that and reported it incorrectly." As you know I am the author of that article.
To correct the record, I was reporting on a meeting and quoted a statement from the meeting. I spoke with the mayor after the meeting and Vice Mayor Crane also spoke up and said he had listened to the recording of the meeting and my reporting was accurate. I received a call from Mayor Peterson the next morning acknowledging that I correctly reported on the events of the previous meeting.Wes Grunden
(Lyn's note: What the Mayor meant was incorrect was Mike Farrar's statement that the Town was contributing zero dollars to the Memorial Day event in Carefree. This is the video from the April 3rd Council meeting where Mike stepped down to the podium and made that statement during the Call to the Public. This video segment is only 17 seconds long. Click on it to hear him make this statement.
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Hi Lyn:
Readers may be interested to know that Jo Gemmill’s English Rose Tea Room was featured in the USA Today May 4 edition as one of the top 10 Tea Rooms in the Country. That’s rarified select company and we are very fortunate to have Jo and the Tea Room in Carefree.
The story can be found at:
Scanning through the photos will show two supporting pics.
Congratulations to Jo for establishing and running such a great landmark in our community.
Best regards,
John Crane
(Lyn's note: Herbert's and my congratulations to Jo and the Tea Room too!)
Hi, Lyn. I have been reading a lot about the town being against the Memorial Day activities. I would just like to set the record straight. The entire Council (including Mayor Peterson) and the Town staff support a Memorial Day event. We were just questioning what the event should look like and the best way to honor our fallen soldiers. That is it. Plain and simple. We support it and want it to be executed in the best way possible.
Cheryl Kroyer
Hi Lyn,
In the May 5 edition of the Carefree truth, you quoted Mayor Peterson, "If you look at Memorial Day, this is why a number of us, including myself, took umbrage at the last meeting, and I think the Sonoran News picked up on that and reported it incorrectly." As you know I am the author of that article.
To correct the record, I was reporting on a meeting and quoted a statement from the meeting. I spoke with the mayor after the meeting and Vice Mayor Crane also spoke up and said he had listened to the recording of the meeting and my reporting was accurate. I received a call from Mayor Peterson the next morning acknowledging that I correctly reported on the events of the previous meeting.Wes Grunden
(Lyn's note: What the Mayor meant was incorrect was Mike Farrar's statement that the Town was contributing zero dollars to the Memorial Day event in Carefree. This is the video from the April 3rd Council meeting where Mike stepped down to the podium and made that statement during the Call to the Public. This video segment is only 17 seconds long. Click on it to hear him make this statement.
Mike said, "The Memorial Day total budget is zero dollars. We have been able to put this together at no cost to the Town, with the exception of the wreaths. The wreaths are $1000". That statement subsequently was accurately reported in the Sonoran News.
It was that statement to which the Mayor took umbrage. The umbrage was not directed towards Wes, who correctly reported Mike's statement. Later, Mike back pedaled about saying there was no cost to the Town and said he meant that the Town was not buying the wreaths, but that was not what he emphatically said at the time. There was quite a bit of negative push-back from people who believed Mike's statement and his later accusatory letter that was published in the Sonoran News. Mike's letter and many of his statements have been quite misleading, obviously designed to ignite anger against his opponent for the Mayoral seat. I'm very disappointed that he has descended to these classic emotionally manipulative political tactics.)
Seems to me that Councilman Farrar might be setting the stage for a re-election platform with a few self applied attaboys and creating a knight in shining armor persona determined to save Carefree from ideas other than his own...
Phil Corso
I understand that the Memorial Day wreaths were donated by a Carefree citizen after Councilman Mike Farrar whined that the Town declined to pay for them. If the wreaths were such a key component in that "Mike Farrar event", why did Mike Farrar not offer to pay for them, or at least kick in something towards their purchase? This smacks of nothing more than a blatant excuse to criticize his fellow Council members and the Town staff in an attempt to further his own political career. The Councilman obviously has deep pockets and short arms, and a fondness for spending other people's money.
And why did he wait until he is running for mayor to develop this sudden passion for a Memorial Day event? He has been sitting on the Carefree Council since 2011.
Sue C.
Lyn--Thanks for the dialogue from the meeting.
Vince D'Aliesio
Thanks for sending. Just think, 3 more months of campaigning.
Reg Monachino
Since I have been interested in Carefree politics , starting in 2000, I have noticed a direct correlation between sophomoric complains and jockeying for positions and the Sonoran News being “friends” with the individual(s) being non-team City Council members. Follow the money and the need for power.
Mr. Farrar, let's talk perpetual Memorial Day Wreaths and the service that you think those of us who don’t live in Carefree are going to drive there just to be a part of your event. Let me just interject that my father is buried at the National Cemetery here, my son was in Desert Storm. No one I know will be driving in 115 degree weather to come to Carefree to see your wreaths. After all, didn’t you say they would be perpetual? Those with second vacation homes are out of here on Memorial weekend; it starts the summer season for us. Coronado Island, Santa Barbara, La Jolla, no disrespecting your ceremony, they are not here in town for Veterans Day.
The Vice Mayor has done a great job for Veterans Day, wonder why you didn’t want him to help you plan your little event? Did The Sonoran News give you some help? I noticed you put in the expenses some advertising dollars for them. All of the papers I know have to prove their number of subscribers to get advertising dollars. Has the Sonoran News done that? What’s your ROI?
If you really cared about the troops that have died, then donate the money you wanted the citizens of Carefree to pay, to the Veterans hospital. The ones still alive need our help. My father would tell you that.
For the size of Carefree Veterans Day, that would be the time to join your “perpetual” wreaths with this event.
Stop school yard antics and get down to running the city.
Susan Martin
I don't who Laurie is but I appreciate her comments.
Gina Kaegi
(Lyn's note: In last week's letters, Laurie Palace commented on Gina's good work and said we were lucky to have her.)
I believe the speed radar signs encourage people to do the right thing once they are aware that they are speeding. The most effective thing to actually catch people is to have the speed sign before a hill or curve and then have a police radar over the hill or around the corner to catch people who slow down for the sign and then speed up because they think it is "safe" to speed again!
Marty Saltzman
Thanks for this post, Lyn! I'm sometimes astounded by the speeding on Tom Darlington. I might go 5 miles over the speed limit (sorry!) but usually have someone, inevitably, tailing me wanting to get by, and then speed by at least 50 or more miles an hour. This is when our precious desert animals get hit and killed.
Kevin Glenn
(Lyn's note: I can only speak for myself, but I find that I am sometimes speeding without even being aware of if. If I see one of the radar speed signs, I do slow down. At least for me, they work by making me aware.)
I appreciate the dedicated work that you (and Herbert) routinely do for the Sentinel Rock community (and Carefree) - keeping us informed of the City Council "meetings" AND the activities in and around Carefree. I too thank the City Council members for their volunteer service. Reference the "speed radar signs" - now that the Council has approved wasting $16000 to make some guy in Canyon Creek "happy", the Council members who voted for approval need to be voted out of office - for lack of intestinal fortitude and poor management of Carefree finances. I thought we are now in the deregulation era of Government - implementing more regulation to satisfy a select few people is unacceptable. In addition, I must say (credit to the Sherrif's office) there is more ENFORCEMENT on Cave Creek Road (between Carefree HWY and Stagecoach Rd) than on AZ101. I am not sure why there is a problem getting out on Cave Creek Road - I have never had an issue. As for crossing North/South Cave Creek Road to walk the dog - WHY? The walk through Canyon Creek is great. Concur with addressing the vegetation that obstructs a clear view of traffic that Cheryl Carmichael recommended - just eliminate the vegetation altogether (bushes, cacti, birds). Lastly, as far as you know, is there a contemporary "study" or metrics that support this expense by the City - how many accidents (minor or otherwise) have happened over the past 24 months from Carefree HWY to the entry to Canyon Creek?
Grant Hintze
The MCSO deputies were amazing! Our 2nd call this spring. Watched them on the new camera system, I give 5 stars for thoroughness and professionalism. Quite pleased.❤️
(Lyn's note: I was on my way to another neighbor's house when I saw an MCSO vehicle, which I followed. It was a second MCSO deputy arriving at the house after the alarm sounded. The homeowners were out but are friends of mine. I called them to let them know the deputies were there. They were aware of the alarm, and both were very pleased by the quick response from our local MCSO guys.)
Thanks Lyn,
Appreciate your posting Golf Outing.
(Lyn's note: The Foothills Food Bank's Golf Outing has been running in CFT Non Profit Events. "According to Pam DiPietro, executive director of the food bank, the outing will be held at the Boulders Golf Resort on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 beginning with a 12:30 PM shotgun start.")
It was that statement to which the Mayor took umbrage. The umbrage was not directed towards Wes, who correctly reported Mike's statement. Later, Mike back pedaled about saying there was no cost to the Town and said he meant that the Town was not buying the wreaths, but that was not what he emphatically said at the time. There was quite a bit of negative push-back from people who believed Mike's statement and his later accusatory letter that was published in the Sonoran News. Mike's letter and many of his statements have been quite misleading, obviously designed to ignite anger against his opponent for the Mayoral seat. I'm very disappointed that he has descended to these classic emotionally manipulative political tactics.)
Seems to me that Councilman Farrar might be setting the stage for a re-election platform with a few self applied attaboys and creating a knight in shining armor persona determined to save Carefree from ideas other than his own...
Phil Corso
I understand that the Memorial Day wreaths were donated by a Carefree citizen after Councilman Mike Farrar whined that the Town declined to pay for them. If the wreaths were such a key component in that "Mike Farrar event", why did Mike Farrar not offer to pay for them, or at least kick in something towards their purchase? This smacks of nothing more than a blatant excuse to criticize his fellow Council members and the Town staff in an attempt to further his own political career. The Councilman obviously has deep pockets and short arms, and a fondness for spending other people's money.
And why did he wait until he is running for mayor to develop this sudden passion for a Memorial Day event? He has been sitting on the Carefree Council since 2011.
Sue C.
Lyn--Thanks for the dialogue from the meeting.
Vince D'Aliesio
Thanks for sending. Just think, 3 more months of campaigning.
Reg Monachino
Since I have been interested in Carefree politics , starting in 2000, I have noticed a direct correlation between sophomoric complains and jockeying for positions and the Sonoran News being “friends” with the individual(s) being non-team City Council members. Follow the money and the need for power.
Mr. Farrar, let's talk perpetual Memorial Day Wreaths and the service that you think those of us who don’t live in Carefree are going to drive there just to be a part of your event. Let me just interject that my father is buried at the National Cemetery here, my son was in Desert Storm. No one I know will be driving in 115 degree weather to come to Carefree to see your wreaths. After all, didn’t you say they would be perpetual? Those with second vacation homes are out of here on Memorial weekend; it starts the summer season for us. Coronado Island, Santa Barbara, La Jolla, no disrespecting your ceremony, they are not here in town for Veterans Day.
The Vice Mayor has done a great job for Veterans Day, wonder why you didn’t want him to help you plan your little event? Did The Sonoran News give you some help? I noticed you put in the expenses some advertising dollars for them. All of the papers I know have to prove their number of subscribers to get advertising dollars. Has the Sonoran News done that? What’s your ROI?
If you really cared about the troops that have died, then donate the money you wanted the citizens of Carefree to pay, to the Veterans hospital. The ones still alive need our help. My father would tell you that.
For the size of Carefree Veterans Day, that would be the time to join your “perpetual” wreaths with this event.
Stop school yard antics and get down to running the city.
Susan Martin
I don't who Laurie is but I appreciate her comments.
Gina Kaegi
(Lyn's note: In last week's letters, Laurie Palace commented on Gina's good work and said we were lucky to have her.)
I believe the speed radar signs encourage people to do the right thing once they are aware that they are speeding. The most effective thing to actually catch people is to have the speed sign before a hill or curve and then have a police radar over the hill or around the corner to catch people who slow down for the sign and then speed up because they think it is "safe" to speed again!
Marty Saltzman
Thanks for this post, Lyn! I'm sometimes astounded by the speeding on Tom Darlington. I might go 5 miles over the speed limit (sorry!) but usually have someone, inevitably, tailing me wanting to get by, and then speed by at least 50 or more miles an hour. This is when our precious desert animals get hit and killed.
Kevin Glenn
(Lyn's note: I can only speak for myself, but I find that I am sometimes speeding without even being aware of if. If I see one of the radar speed signs, I do slow down. At least for me, they work by making me aware.)
I appreciate the dedicated work that you (and Herbert) routinely do for the Sentinel Rock community (and Carefree) - keeping us informed of the City Council "meetings" AND the activities in and around Carefree. I too thank the City Council members for their volunteer service. Reference the "speed radar signs" - now that the Council has approved wasting $16000 to make some guy in Canyon Creek "happy", the Council members who voted for approval need to be voted out of office - for lack of intestinal fortitude and poor management of Carefree finances. I thought we are now in the deregulation era of Government - implementing more regulation to satisfy a select few people is unacceptable. In addition, I must say (credit to the Sherrif's office) there is more ENFORCEMENT on Cave Creek Road (between Carefree HWY and Stagecoach Rd) than on AZ101. I am not sure why there is a problem getting out on Cave Creek Road - I have never had an issue. As for crossing North/South Cave Creek Road to walk the dog - WHY? The walk through Canyon Creek is great. Concur with addressing the vegetation that obstructs a clear view of traffic that Cheryl Carmichael recommended - just eliminate the vegetation altogether (bushes, cacti, birds). Lastly, as far as you know, is there a contemporary "study" or metrics that support this expense by the City - how many accidents (minor or otherwise) have happened over the past 24 months from Carefree HWY to the entry to Canyon Creek?
Grant Hintze
The MCSO deputies were amazing! Our 2nd call this spring. Watched them on the new camera system, I give 5 stars for thoroughness and professionalism. Quite pleased.❤️
(Lyn's note: I was on my way to another neighbor's house when I saw an MCSO vehicle, which I followed. It was a second MCSO deputy arriving at the house after the alarm sounded. The homeowners were out but are friends of mine. I called them to let them know the deputies were there. They were aware of the alarm, and both were very pleased by the quick response from our local MCSO guys.)
Thanks Lyn,
Appreciate your posting Golf Outing.
(Lyn's note: The Foothills Food Bank's Golf Outing has been running in CFT Non Profit Events. "According to Pam DiPietro, executive director of the food bank, the outing will be held at the Boulders Golf Resort on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 beginning with a 12:30 PM shotgun start.")