Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
"A Bizarre Flower"
Photo by Mac Wetmore
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Mac Wetmore
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Hello Lyn: First let me express my appreciation to you and Herbie for all the work you do to showcase our Carefree. Keep up the great work! Would you please publish the letter below in your newsletter?
My name is Michael J. Krahe, Ph.D. I am running for re-election for Town Council. My wife Valerie and I have been full-time residents of Carefree since 2009. We had been part-time for 4 years before that. I have had the honor of serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission and served as Vice Commissioner before being elected to Town Council 2 years ago.
By way of background, I am an early-retired insurance executive from one of the top property casualty carriers in the country, located in Pennsylvania. My core competencies are in human resources, corporate strategy, and technology. I hold an M.S. in Counseling and a Ph.D. from SUNY Buffalo in Organizational Administration. I currently manage several businesses.
I have actually been involved with Carefree town government since 2009 when I assisted Mayor David Schwan with the implementation of the town’s strategic plan. That project helped launch many of Carefree’s specific infrastructure changes and enhancements as outlined in the Baker Study.
Serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission afforded me the opportunity to better understand our planning and zoning guidelines. During that time, I developed a keen understanding of how Carefree citizens treasure and desire to protect our land resources, the beauty of the desert, and the uniqueness of our Carefree lifestyle.
In my two years on Council I have been part of many committees pointed at such efforts as business development, addressing our water issues for all Carefree residents, participating in the strategic planning for our marketing initiatives to draw visitors to our town, participating in the town’s ongoing strategic planning and implementation, budget workshops and the like.
With all that being said, I know that I have answered many of your questions. But I have not answered the most important one that you, as a Carefree resident, will ask: “Councilman Krahe, Why should I give you my vote?”
Here’s why…
In this upcoming election, I have the honor and privilege of running as a team with 4 other council members; they are Cheryl Kroyer, Steven Hatcher, Vice Mayor John Crane, and Mayor Les Peterson. I have worked closely with each of these individuals and can say without hesitation they are some of the finest individuals, professionally and personally, I have ever met and have had the privilege of working with.
If you feel I deserve your vote, I ask that you consider giving your vote also to Cheryl, Steven, John and Les because they deliver results to you, the Carefree citizen.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Michael Krahe
Thank you for keeping us updated with your emails.
We have known John Crane since he moved here in the 80’s and know how sincere, dedicated and honest a person he is.
I am offended by the posters I have seen that say “Mayor Mike” and the newer ones in his “headquarters” that allude to the fact That he is the Mayor of Carefree. He is not Mayor and hopefully will not be.
Right now the Town of Carefree has more important items to deal with. Things that I understand Mr. Farrar has not participated in and is now trying to catch up on.
We need dedicated people looking out for our community.
I am usually a quiet person regarding Politics, but I see injustice here and do not want our community torn apart by someone only looking to benefit himself.
Thank you for letting me vent!
Pat Callaghan
(Carefree resident for 32 years)
Oh my.....jaw dropping.
Susan Vanik
Much news in the Carefree Truth, I see.
Thank you for reporting it all so diligently to all of us.
Jane Ceasor
And the beat goes on.....
Anita Schwartz
I just heard and saw Mike Farrar on video state that John Crane is the Editor of Carefree Truth. I have known Lyn Hitchon (not Hitchons) since 1982 and I can without a doubt say that NOBODY edits Lyn. And why does he keep quoting Teddy Roosevelt? Can't he think of anything clever (or true) to say in his own words? And the next time I see Jim Lane, I'm going to ask him about his "endorsement".
H. Coates
If you didn’t know Mike Farrar you can see how polarizing he is from this footage. If you watch the people sitting there, none of them look like they believe him much less like him.
Laurie P.
Interesting newsletter content. Why lead with the tag line below? What was the objective? To have us decide between various versions as to who said what? To share what appears to be a particular bias as the “Carefree Truth” ? The bottom line is that I, as well as a majority of the voters in Carefree, voted for term limits some time ago. Now because that vote stands in the way of political ambition, we have certain members of the town Council challenge the legitimacy of the results of that vote. We can certainly make up our own minds as to the motivation for such action. I belief that your newsletter content should represent facts not opinions and selective perceptions. As longtime residents of this town, we and all others who call Carefree home would be better served and deserve better.
John Nimsky
(Lyn's note: I agree that it was not the best reporting to start it out with the quote from the end of John Crane's talk, and you are right to call me on it, but because Mike Farrar did EXACTLY what John predicted he would do, I just couldn't resist.
John, you and I can agree to disagree about term limits. At the time it went on the ballot, I paid the fee to have my Con statement included in the Voter Pamphlet. The State law disallowing term limits makes sense to me for the same reasons I stated in the Pamphlet back in 2011. A town our size has a limited pool from which to draw qualified people who are willing to donate their time to an unpaid community service position. As in the last election, there are 6 people running for 6 Council seats.)
Bringing up religion. Psychologists call it "dressing up the lie" when someone being questioned starts talking about God. Look for phrases such as "I swear to God" or "As God is my witness," which may indicate they're "dressing up the lie."
Why do people say "I swear to God" even though they are lying?
It's an expression used by people to provide emphasis for what they are saying to gain belief and credibility. They know that God is not going to come down from the heavens and smote their ass when they say that. And, when they are not smitten, they believe they have pulled the wool over the eyes of their listeners and gained some advantage. As foolish as it seems - people still do it. But, you know what? Someday it's gonna catch up with them and God will smite their butts. It's simply called karma for liars!
It is a characteristic of liars that they need to emphasize that they are telling you the truth, even when you ostensibly accept their assertion. People who really are telling the truth (or believe that they are) simply accept that you will believe them and don’t need to batter you into accepting what they say - truth will out!
Listen for words or phrases that indicate untruthfulness. In an effort to get you to believe their answer, people will sometimes use words or phrases designed to emphasize their truthfulness. However, studies have shown that when people use these words or phrases they may be giving you a deceptive answer. “I swear on my mother’s grave”, “To be honest”, “I swear on the Bible”, “I swear to God”, “Honest to God”
Jack K.
Based on All the finger pointing and both sides calling each other liars , I would strongly suggest an easy solution. There are some of the Best Lie Detector companies in Scottsdale and for a few thousand dollars we could have the main cast of Characters All take the Detector test . That would include Les , John , Mike W , Gary & Mike F.
THAT would be interesting & conclusive.
Joe J DeVito
Lyn - You can print that
(Lyn's note: Coincidentally, the next reader sent in a cartoon that goes perfectly with this!)
I was honored to handle PR for the second half of 2017 in support of Gina Kaegi's fantastic marketing and events for the town. I had the pleasure of working with Les and John. They are men of integrity, and I wish there were more people like them in politics. They CARE about our community.
If a liar calls you dishonest, I’m pretty sure that means you’re honest. Stay positive, and keep up the great work for our community, Les and John. The Town of Carefree supports you!
Tracy McCormick
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Hello Lyn: First let me express my appreciation to you and Herbie for all the work you do to showcase our Carefree. Keep up the great work! Would you please publish the letter below in your newsletter?
My name is Michael J. Krahe, Ph.D. I am running for re-election for Town Council. My wife Valerie and I have been full-time residents of Carefree since 2009. We had been part-time for 4 years before that. I have had the honor of serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission and served as Vice Commissioner before being elected to Town Council 2 years ago.
By way of background, I am an early-retired insurance executive from one of the top property casualty carriers in the country, located in Pennsylvania. My core competencies are in human resources, corporate strategy, and technology. I hold an M.S. in Counseling and a Ph.D. from SUNY Buffalo in Organizational Administration. I currently manage several businesses.
I have actually been involved with Carefree town government since 2009 when I assisted Mayor David Schwan with the implementation of the town’s strategic plan. That project helped launch many of Carefree’s specific infrastructure changes and enhancements as outlined in the Baker Study.
Serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission afforded me the opportunity to better understand our planning and zoning guidelines. During that time, I developed a keen understanding of how Carefree citizens treasure and desire to protect our land resources, the beauty of the desert, and the uniqueness of our Carefree lifestyle.
In my two years on Council I have been part of many committees pointed at such efforts as business development, addressing our water issues for all Carefree residents, participating in the strategic planning for our marketing initiatives to draw visitors to our town, participating in the town’s ongoing strategic planning and implementation, budget workshops and the like.
With all that being said, I know that I have answered many of your questions. But I have not answered the most important one that you, as a Carefree resident, will ask: “Councilman Krahe, Why should I give you my vote?”
Here’s why…
- I understand what you want our Carefree to remain and to become
- I understand the issues we face as a town because I have been part of learning about those issues and addressing them
- I understand the need for Council to work as a team and not for one’s personal agenda and have done my personal best to do that and will continue to do that
- I understand the importance of representing citizens and our business community because I have done so and will continue to do so
- I do not support a property tax
- I have the highest confidence in our town staff
- I love Carefree
In this upcoming election, I have the honor and privilege of running as a team with 4 other council members; they are Cheryl Kroyer, Steven Hatcher, Vice Mayor John Crane, and Mayor Les Peterson. I have worked closely with each of these individuals and can say without hesitation they are some of the finest individuals, professionally and personally, I have ever met and have had the privilege of working with.
If you feel I deserve your vote, I ask that you consider giving your vote also to Cheryl, Steven, John and Les because they deliver results to you, the Carefree citizen.
Thank you for your kind consideration.
Michael Krahe
Thank you for keeping us updated with your emails.
We have known John Crane since he moved here in the 80’s and know how sincere, dedicated and honest a person he is.
I am offended by the posters I have seen that say “Mayor Mike” and the newer ones in his “headquarters” that allude to the fact That he is the Mayor of Carefree. He is not Mayor and hopefully will not be.
Right now the Town of Carefree has more important items to deal with. Things that I understand Mr. Farrar has not participated in and is now trying to catch up on.
We need dedicated people looking out for our community.
I am usually a quiet person regarding Politics, but I see injustice here and do not want our community torn apart by someone only looking to benefit himself.
Thank you for letting me vent!
Pat Callaghan
(Carefree resident for 32 years)
Oh my.....jaw dropping.
Susan Vanik
Much news in the Carefree Truth, I see.
Thank you for reporting it all so diligently to all of us.
Jane Ceasor
And the beat goes on.....
Anita Schwartz
I just heard and saw Mike Farrar on video state that John Crane is the Editor of Carefree Truth. I have known Lyn Hitchon (not Hitchons) since 1982 and I can without a doubt say that NOBODY edits Lyn. And why does he keep quoting Teddy Roosevelt? Can't he think of anything clever (or true) to say in his own words? And the next time I see Jim Lane, I'm going to ask him about his "endorsement".
H. Coates
If you didn’t know Mike Farrar you can see how polarizing he is from this footage. If you watch the people sitting there, none of them look like they believe him much less like him.
Laurie P.
Interesting newsletter content. Why lead with the tag line below? What was the objective? To have us decide between various versions as to who said what? To share what appears to be a particular bias as the “Carefree Truth” ? The bottom line is that I, as well as a majority of the voters in Carefree, voted for term limits some time ago. Now because that vote stands in the way of political ambition, we have certain members of the town Council challenge the legitimacy of the results of that vote. We can certainly make up our own minds as to the motivation for such action. I belief that your newsletter content should represent facts not opinions and selective perceptions. As longtime residents of this town, we and all others who call Carefree home would be better served and deserve better.
John Nimsky
(Lyn's note: I agree that it was not the best reporting to start it out with the quote from the end of John Crane's talk, and you are right to call me on it, but because Mike Farrar did EXACTLY what John predicted he would do, I just couldn't resist.
John, you and I can agree to disagree about term limits. At the time it went on the ballot, I paid the fee to have my Con statement included in the Voter Pamphlet. The State law disallowing term limits makes sense to me for the same reasons I stated in the Pamphlet back in 2011. A town our size has a limited pool from which to draw qualified people who are willing to donate their time to an unpaid community service position. As in the last election, there are 6 people running for 6 Council seats.)
Bringing up religion. Psychologists call it "dressing up the lie" when someone being questioned starts talking about God. Look for phrases such as "I swear to God" or "As God is my witness," which may indicate they're "dressing up the lie."
Why do people say "I swear to God" even though they are lying?
It's an expression used by people to provide emphasis for what they are saying to gain belief and credibility. They know that God is not going to come down from the heavens and smote their ass when they say that. And, when they are not smitten, they believe they have pulled the wool over the eyes of their listeners and gained some advantage. As foolish as it seems - people still do it. But, you know what? Someday it's gonna catch up with them and God will smite their butts. It's simply called karma for liars!
It is a characteristic of liars that they need to emphasize that they are telling you the truth, even when you ostensibly accept their assertion. People who really are telling the truth (or believe that they are) simply accept that you will believe them and don’t need to batter you into accepting what they say - truth will out!
Listen for words or phrases that indicate untruthfulness. In an effort to get you to believe their answer, people will sometimes use words or phrases designed to emphasize their truthfulness. However, studies have shown that when people use these words or phrases they may be giving you a deceptive answer. “I swear on my mother’s grave”, “To be honest”, “I swear on the Bible”, “I swear to God”, “Honest to God”
Jack K.
Based on All the finger pointing and both sides calling each other liars , I would strongly suggest an easy solution. There are some of the Best Lie Detector companies in Scottsdale and for a few thousand dollars we could have the main cast of Characters All take the Detector test . That would include Les , John , Mike W , Gary & Mike F.
THAT would be interesting & conclusive.
Joe J DeVito
Lyn - You can print that
(Lyn's note: Coincidentally, the next reader sent in a cartoon that goes perfectly with this!)
I was honored to handle PR for the second half of 2017 in support of Gina Kaegi's fantastic marketing and events for the town. I had the pleasure of working with Les and John. They are men of integrity, and I wish there were more people like them in politics. They CARE about our community.
If a liar calls you dishonest, I’m pretty sure that means you’re honest. Stay positive, and keep up the great work for our community, Les and John. The Town of Carefree supports you!
Tracy McCormick