(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here are the links to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!)
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
The 2016 Carefree Desert Garden calendars are now available at Carefree Town Hall, 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree, and they are gorgeous! If you like to take pictures, visit the Gardens. Our entry period for the Carefree Desert Gardens Photo Contest is January. Your picture could be in the 2017 calendar.
Town of Carefree Newsletter link:
In The News-Town of Carefree link
Desert Foothills Chronicle link:
CITYSunTimes link:
Town of Carefree Newsletter link:
In The News-Town of Carefree link
Desert Foothills Chronicle link:
CITYSunTimes link:
John Crane has announced his candidacy to continue as a Carefree Town Councilman. With nearly 4 years of experience on Council and having served more than a year as the current Vice Mayor, he is anxious to continue to build upon our economic development foundation while striking a balance between citizen and commercial interests and fiscal restraint.
John believes local government, as the level of government closest to the people, must be transparent and responsive, and must work.
John Crane is a 27 year resident of Carefree and has enjoyed actively serving the community in various roles. Prior to his appointment to the Carefree Town Council in 2012 and election to Council in 2013, John served on the Carefree Subdivision Committee and as the Vice Chairman of the Carefree Planning and Zoning Commission. John is serving his eighth year as president and board member of the Carefree Foothills Homeowners’ Association, is a Desert Foothills Land Trust board member and is an Arizona Site Steward monitoring Indian archeological sites in the Cave Creek / Carefree area.
John earned a BS degree in Mathematics from Villanova University in 1978 and a MS degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California in 1985. After serving seven years as a nuclear submarine officer, he entered the electronics field. For the past 22 years, as a business owner, he has served as a sales representative for Asian, European, and US semiconductor material and equipment suppliers to customers in North America.
Best regards,
John Crane
Phone: (480) 488-9898
Fax: (480) 488-9848
Cell: (602) 363-1978
Skype ID: jhcrane
Two observations:
1. Water is a precious commodity in the Sonoran Desert. Its use must be managed judicially. In general, that responsibility belongs to those we elect to represent us and specifically when it comes to public projects like the medians that enhance the beauty of this "Village" we call home. Kudo's to the Council for recognizing that obligation and acting accordingly.
2. I think the Anasazi and Hohokum people who came before us might argue that a "Village feel" does not require green grass and trees in the deserts of the southwest.
A village has a sense of place about it; a feeling that we are connected to the land and the people who share that land and adapt to the natural environment.
From my view in the cheap seats here in the bleachers, that Village feel already exists and it has nothing to do with Gateways or medians.
It does, however, have everything to do with the people that live here.
Enhancing the feel of our Village with public projects like the Median improvements...projects that conserve water by using plant materials that require only the water that nature provides is a wise expenditure of public funds and good stewardship of the precious commodity called water.
Summer monsoon is on the horizon. Let it rain!
Phil Corso
I met with Jim Van Allen. I discussed with him the limited types of plants the median could support due to a lack of irrigation, the reflective heat of the pavement, concerns about roots of trees undermining and adjacent cracking asphalt, ensuring visibility sightlines are not obstructed and resulting liability issues. He pointed to a median in front of Basha’s and adjacent to town hall which could support a couple of trees. I spoke with Desert Foothills to determine if we could place some small trees at these locations. They will explore the options.
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
Town of Carefree
Thanks for these awesome newsletters, Lyn! I also want to mention a huge thanks to Mayor Peterson, Vice Mayor Crane, the Town Council and Gina Kaegi, who are doing an absolutely wonderful job, not only in maintaining Carefree, but also in moving Carefree in a positive direction that will benefit us all.
Kevin Glenn
(Lyn's note: I couldn't agree more. We are blessed to have so many dedicated people taking care of our town!)
Those are some glorious sunset pictures! I bet you have amazing sunsets from your place.
I will get some pictures together and place them in a Dropbox link. Gina will be turning several into postcards for the town.
And speaking of Gina, what awesome comments about her in your Letters. She is pretty amazing.
Ray Villafane
It would be soo cool if they could make bronze casts of Chessie and Hershel.
Laurie Palace
What a delightful read! Thank you for sending it!
Sue Beatrice
A friend came up to meet me for Elephant viewing and lunch this week. While there, I showed her the splash pad (she has grandkids) and we both tested it and found it lovely. As we walked around the gardens, we noticed various groups of adults and children doing the same thing: enjoying the gardens, the sculpture, the splash pad.....and shopping and having lunch. That is indeed what it's all about.
Kathy Riemer
The Carefree elephant & mouse were spectacular!!!!
I just wanted to share with you that I had a party of 12 come in last night to dine and drink after utilizing the splash pad with their children.
We appreciate the investment in the town and we believe there is a real awareness of what a great little place Carefree is.
Venues Café
(480) 595-9909
Thanks for letting us know. We are noticing substantial use and enjoyment of the splash pad virtually every day.
Mayor Les Peterson
My great grandchildren are coming to Carefree tomorrow to play in the splash pad, see the elephant and ride the Gila monster. Ages 2 & 4 should be fun.
Thank you for taking the time to send this video and the pictures of Ray Villafane's projects. You’re right…they are amazing! I will have to come to Carefree.
Herb’s photos continue to amaze and delight! Thank you both for your hard work in promoting your wonderful town!!
We who live “down below” truly enjoy your offerings!
Laurie Palace
Hi Lyn,
I received this post. Please circulate. Thank you.
John believes local government, as the level of government closest to the people, must be transparent and responsive, and must work.
John Crane is a 27 year resident of Carefree and has enjoyed actively serving the community in various roles. Prior to his appointment to the Carefree Town Council in 2012 and election to Council in 2013, John served on the Carefree Subdivision Committee and as the Vice Chairman of the Carefree Planning and Zoning Commission. John is serving his eighth year as president and board member of the Carefree Foothills Homeowners’ Association, is a Desert Foothills Land Trust board member and is an Arizona Site Steward monitoring Indian archeological sites in the Cave Creek / Carefree area.
John earned a BS degree in Mathematics from Villanova University in 1978 and a MS degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California in 1985. After serving seven years as a nuclear submarine officer, he entered the electronics field. For the past 22 years, as a business owner, he has served as a sales representative for Asian, European, and US semiconductor material and equipment suppliers to customers in North America.
Best regards,
John Crane
Phone: (480) 488-9898
Fax: (480) 488-9848
Cell: (602) 363-1978
Skype ID: jhcrane
Two observations:
1. Water is a precious commodity in the Sonoran Desert. Its use must be managed judicially. In general, that responsibility belongs to those we elect to represent us and specifically when it comes to public projects like the medians that enhance the beauty of this "Village" we call home. Kudo's to the Council for recognizing that obligation and acting accordingly.
2. I think the Anasazi and Hohokum people who came before us might argue that a "Village feel" does not require green grass and trees in the deserts of the southwest.
A village has a sense of place about it; a feeling that we are connected to the land and the people who share that land and adapt to the natural environment.
From my view in the cheap seats here in the bleachers, that Village feel already exists and it has nothing to do with Gateways or medians.
It does, however, have everything to do with the people that live here.
Enhancing the feel of our Village with public projects like the Median improvements...projects that conserve water by using plant materials that require only the water that nature provides is a wise expenditure of public funds and good stewardship of the precious commodity called water.
Summer monsoon is on the horizon. Let it rain!
Phil Corso
I met with Jim Van Allen. I discussed with him the limited types of plants the median could support due to a lack of irrigation, the reflective heat of the pavement, concerns about roots of trees undermining and adjacent cracking asphalt, ensuring visibility sightlines are not obstructed and resulting liability issues. He pointed to a median in front of Basha’s and adjacent to town hall which could support a couple of trees. I spoke with Desert Foothills to determine if we could place some small trees at these locations. They will explore the options.
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
Town of Carefree
Thanks for these awesome newsletters, Lyn! I also want to mention a huge thanks to Mayor Peterson, Vice Mayor Crane, the Town Council and Gina Kaegi, who are doing an absolutely wonderful job, not only in maintaining Carefree, but also in moving Carefree in a positive direction that will benefit us all.
Kevin Glenn
(Lyn's note: I couldn't agree more. We are blessed to have so many dedicated people taking care of our town!)
Those are some glorious sunset pictures! I bet you have amazing sunsets from your place.
I will get some pictures together and place them in a Dropbox link. Gina will be turning several into postcards for the town.
And speaking of Gina, what awesome comments about her in your Letters. She is pretty amazing.
Ray Villafane
It would be soo cool if they could make bronze casts of Chessie and Hershel.
Laurie Palace
What a delightful read! Thank you for sending it!
Sue Beatrice
A friend came up to meet me for Elephant viewing and lunch this week. While there, I showed her the splash pad (she has grandkids) and we both tested it and found it lovely. As we walked around the gardens, we noticed various groups of adults and children doing the same thing: enjoying the gardens, the sculpture, the splash pad.....and shopping and having lunch. That is indeed what it's all about.
Kathy Riemer
The Carefree elephant & mouse were spectacular!!!!
I just wanted to share with you that I had a party of 12 come in last night to dine and drink after utilizing the splash pad with their children.
We appreciate the investment in the town and we believe there is a real awareness of what a great little place Carefree is.
Venues Café
(480) 595-9909
Thanks for letting us know. We are noticing substantial use and enjoyment of the splash pad virtually every day.
Mayor Les Peterson
My great grandchildren are coming to Carefree tomorrow to play in the splash pad, see the elephant and ride the Gila monster. Ages 2 & 4 should be fun.
Thank you for taking the time to send this video and the pictures of Ray Villafane's projects. You’re right…they are amazing! I will have to come to Carefree.
Herb’s photos continue to amaze and delight! Thank you both for your hard work in promoting your wonderful town!!
We who live “down below” truly enjoy your offerings!
Laurie Palace
Hi Lyn,
I received this post. Please circulate. Thank you.
Patty Bailey posted in LOST & FOUND Pets in Cave Creek / Carefree, AZ.
Patty Bailey
June 14 at 10:25pm
Photos of Lost animals in N. Scottsdale/Cave Creek , AZ
Hello Everyone,
As you know, my life mission is to put an end to torture in Brasil. Sadly, because a 1979 law is still in place there, government officers know that they can rape and torture without having to face consequences. This must be stopped. This law must be overturned. I have started two petitions, one at WeThePeople.org and the other at Change.org
In order for the US Government Administration to intervene and take action to overturn this law, I need 100,000 signatures within the next 30 days. Please help me in this quest to STOP TORTURE by signing and sharing this petition with everyone you know. https://wh.gov/iseLS You can paste this link on your FB page to help me reach even more people!!
Also, if you haven’t already, please like and share my FB page The Parrot’s Perch. In case you don’t know…a parrot’s perch is a torture device used in Brasil. There are images of this device on my FB page. It is still used today. This device was used on my husband and me ,and countless others. Over two thousand people (including me) gave their testimony to the Brasilian Truth Commission. Still nothing has changed. Many more did not survive and still countless others cannot go on to live full lives. I consider myself blessed to have met wonderful people and friends like you who have encouraged me to continue the fight to put an end to these horrific human rights abuses.
Below is the link to the Change.org petition and below that is the link to my The Parrot’s Perch FB page. All eyes are on Brasil as they participate in the Copa America and this July they will host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, so now is the time to tell everyone that we will no longer allow torture. Please share this message with everyone who might be interested in helping this cause.
Thank you all so much for your your help and support.
Karen Keilt
(Lyn's note: This is very real. Karen is a friend of mine. She and her current husband live in Carefree. Her book, "Parrot's Perch", is available at the Desert Foothills Library, or you can buy it online at Amazon. It's bone chilling.)
Girl, you are too much! Thanks so very much for sharing my video! I'm just delighted that you would take the time to do so! What a doll you are, Lyn! And, of course, the more, the merrier! Hoping it helps motivate folks to get moving! As we know, it can turn one's life around! You know, it's interesting that when I speak with people (PD or not) it's therapeutic for me! So, I'm always motivated to motivate others!
BTW - You have put new meaning and life into my tagline: "Together We CAN and WILL make a Difference!" I wonder just how many people's lives you are touching, changing and helping with ALL that you do day in and day out! You truly make a difference in the lives of others! You, my dear, are the amazing one!
Many thanks and blessings! Love you! You're the BEST!!
Together We CAN and WILL make a Difference!
Patti Meese
(Lyn's note: Patty made the video on Parkinson's Disease which ran in last week's Letters.)
As you know, my life mission is to put an end to torture in Brasil. Sadly, because a 1979 law is still in place there, government officers know that they can rape and torture without having to face consequences. This must be stopped. This law must be overturned. I have started two petitions, one at WeThePeople.org and the other at Change.org
In order for the US Government Administration to intervene and take action to overturn this law, I need 100,000 signatures within the next 30 days. Please help me in this quest to STOP TORTURE by signing and sharing this petition with everyone you know. https://wh.gov/iseLS You can paste this link on your FB page to help me reach even more people!!
Also, if you haven’t already, please like and share my FB page The Parrot’s Perch. In case you don’t know…a parrot’s perch is a torture device used in Brasil. There are images of this device on my FB page. It is still used today. This device was used on my husband and me ,and countless others. Over two thousand people (including me) gave their testimony to the Brasilian Truth Commission. Still nothing has changed. Many more did not survive and still countless others cannot go on to live full lives. I consider myself blessed to have met wonderful people and friends like you who have encouraged me to continue the fight to put an end to these horrific human rights abuses.
Below is the link to the Change.org petition and below that is the link to my The Parrot’s Perch FB page. All eyes are on Brasil as they participate in the Copa America and this July they will host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games, so now is the time to tell everyone that we will no longer allow torture. Please share this message with everyone who might be interested in helping this cause.
Thank you all so much for your your help and support.
Karen Keilt
(Lyn's note: This is very real. Karen is a friend of mine. She and her current husband live in Carefree. Her book, "Parrot's Perch", is available at the Desert Foothills Library, or you can buy it online at Amazon. It's bone chilling.)
Girl, you are too much! Thanks so very much for sharing my video! I'm just delighted that you would take the time to do so! What a doll you are, Lyn! And, of course, the more, the merrier! Hoping it helps motivate folks to get moving! As we know, it can turn one's life around! You know, it's interesting that when I speak with people (PD or not) it's therapeutic for me! So, I'm always motivated to motivate others!
BTW - You have put new meaning and life into my tagline: "Together We CAN and WILL make a Difference!" I wonder just how many people's lives you are touching, changing and helping with ALL that you do day in and day out! You truly make a difference in the lives of others! You, my dear, are the amazing one!
Many thanks and blessings! Love you! You're the BEST!!
Together We CAN and WILL make a Difference!
Patti Meese
(Lyn's note: Patty made the video on Parkinson's Disease which ran in last week's Letters.)