Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here are the links to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!)
Photo by Yani Keller
Here are this week's bonus rounds from Herbert.
Here are this week's bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
Thank you Lyn. I think this is the best for everyone involved but mostly for our Town. Let's applaud our differences and respect the right we each have to express our own opinions without fear of being singled out and criticized.
There are some exciting things on the horizon for our Town, our residents and our merchants. Things we can all get behind and be excited about.
And thank you again for consistently providing a great service to all our residents.
Cheryl Kroyer
Lyn: First, thanks for all you and Herbie do!!!! Second, would you please put this out in Carefree Truth.
At last night’s council meeting we spoke about ending the negativity that has been bubbling. Negativity saps our energy and diverts us from our true work….taking care of our Carefree. I have every hope that the fire of negativity has been extinguished. If we have problems with anything or anyone we must go and discuss those concerns directly with the other party. Doing so will keep the negativity embers cold.
We as a town suffered the impacts of the economic downturn. But after many years of hard work by many citizens, town personnel, and past and current council members our Carefree has become a destination again. I would be remiss to not specifically mention the superior leadership of Mayor Peterson and Vice Mayor John Crane. Thank you Mayor and John! Carefree is on the verge of some wonderful things that will continue us being a destination and again generating sales tax dollars for our coffers. I remain at your service.
Council Member
Dr. Michael Krahe
Hi Lyn,
This is good to know and thanks for reporting. I'm glad that everyone on the town council is respectful to one another as, otherwise, the town would be a failure as we've seen happen to other towns. I'm hoping all of the new changes as described will work out and be positive for our gorgeous and very much loved Carefree.
Kevin Glenn
Thanks for printing the picture, however the picture was taken by my grandson’s wife , this little one is my great grand daughter.
Lea Eberhart
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
Thank you Lyn. I think this is the best for everyone involved but mostly for our Town. Let's applaud our differences and respect the right we each have to express our own opinions without fear of being singled out and criticized.
There are some exciting things on the horizon for our Town, our residents and our merchants. Things we can all get behind and be excited about.
And thank you again for consistently providing a great service to all our residents.
Cheryl Kroyer
Lyn: First, thanks for all you and Herbie do!!!! Second, would you please put this out in Carefree Truth.
At last night’s council meeting we spoke about ending the negativity that has been bubbling. Negativity saps our energy and diverts us from our true work….taking care of our Carefree. I have every hope that the fire of negativity has been extinguished. If we have problems with anything or anyone we must go and discuss those concerns directly with the other party. Doing so will keep the negativity embers cold.
We as a town suffered the impacts of the economic downturn. But after many years of hard work by many citizens, town personnel, and past and current council members our Carefree has become a destination again. I would be remiss to not specifically mention the superior leadership of Mayor Peterson and Vice Mayor John Crane. Thank you Mayor and John! Carefree is on the verge of some wonderful things that will continue us being a destination and again generating sales tax dollars for our coffers. I remain at your service.
Council Member
Dr. Michael Krahe
Hi Lyn,
This is good to know and thanks for reporting. I'm glad that everyone on the town council is respectful to one another as, otherwise, the town would be a failure as we've seen happen to other towns. I'm hoping all of the new changes as described will work out and be positive for our gorgeous and very much loved Carefree.
Kevin Glenn
Thanks for printing the picture, however the picture was taken by my grandson’s wife , this little one is my great grand daughter.
Lea Eberhart
When I moved here in 1988 (but my future husband had lived here since 1985) Spanish Village was a very active place to shop & eat. Somehow it all disappeared. So glad to hear it will be active again. One retailer years ago told me that the reason the tour buses quit coming up here was because the village did not have public rest rooms and also that the rent was too high for the stores. In my younger years I used to walk down there from my house. We had some very cute little shops .My favorites being Betty Belle’s Carefree Casuals dress shop and “YES, SI, AND QUI” , it had so many inexpensive different things.
(Lyn's note: We also moved here in 1988 and I remember well how fun Spanish Village was then.)
Didn't know you Love birds had an Anniversary.
Congrats - You're a wonderful team.
Joe Devito
HAPPY 41st. Enjoy every moment. They are all precious. I know you already do but I felt compelled to say it again.
Marie Christensen
Belated Happy Anniversary! Anne and I celebrated our 53rd last month, so you and Herbie have a way to go!
Tom Surrency
41 yrs?? That’s fantastic. Congrats!!
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: We also moved here in 1988 and I remember well how fun Spanish Village was then.)
Didn't know you Love birds had an Anniversary.
Congrats - You're a wonderful team.
Joe Devito
HAPPY 41st. Enjoy every moment. They are all precious. I know you already do but I felt compelled to say it again.
Marie Christensen
Belated Happy Anniversary! Anne and I celebrated our 53rd last month, so you and Herbie have a way to go!
Tom Surrency
41 yrs?? That’s fantastic. Congrats!!
Laurie Palace