Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here are the links to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!)
Photo by Linda Stewart
Photo by Pat Wilkerson
Here are this week's bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
I know that the Mayor has requested less exchanges of negativity of opinions, but I hope that it does not end up being censorship. The history of our country is replete with exchanges of written documents whether they were between Madison, Adams and Jefferson, or others. Many of the letters from those early days contained implied language of untruths while bordering on facetiousness. I guess that a little sarcasm may have also been included.
We need to exchange thoughts and ideas, but don’t have to be disagreeable about it. Everyone has heard my belief that the Town needs a “fire service fee” to keep the Town from spending general funds to cover any shortfall of the 1% sales tax designed to pay for the Fire Service Contract with Rural Metro. I know those who liken it to a property tax, which they claim is a “dirty” word. I do not get bent out of shape, or resort to name calling, of those that have their thoughts. I am always prepared to discuss my reasons in an open and civil manner. Carefree Truth is a vehicle for such exchanges and I urge and encourage you to go back to publishing comments from your readers. I will add, that as the writer, editor and publisher, you have the right to refuse anything that you deem is overly negative, or do you need to get permission from the Town Administrator? (Sorry, I could not resist the opportunity!).
Back to the subject matter; if running the Town wasn’t such serious matter, I would only laugh, but this is very sad. In Mr. Koteas’ second paragraph, he starts with “In keeping with the recent call for less negativity, I’d like to clear the air…”, and concludes with, “this letter isn’t negativity, it is simply clearing the air of an offensive odor.”
What is between the two quotes is more of a diatribe. One would have thought that if somebody truly cared about the Town, they would stay in Town, run for office again, and, if elected, do everything possible to make Carefree the utopian Town he wants it to be. But no, he chose not to run again. He mentions his colleagues, Doug Stavoe and Bob Coady, one who unsuccessfully ran for Mayor and the other who also left Town.
In one part of his harangue, he opines that Carefree Truth is written by the Town Administrator, yet in a later section states that it is penned by an appointed Town official. Which is it? He cannot have it both ways.
He writes that Town residents should voice their opinions as to the types of businesses that they would support. I would support a full-sized cinema, it doesn’t have to have multi-screens, but one that offers first-run movies as one finds at Harkins-Scottsdale 101. That would save me a 20 mile round trip once a week. I would support Costco being just around the corner. I would also support a yogurt shop offering a variety of self-serve flavors and toppings. In addition, much as I like the restaurants in Town and those in Cave Creek, I would support a brew house-type restaurant. I think that I have heard many others say similar things, now I really want to know why these businesses are not in the Town! I support my bank (Bank of America), I support my tax preparer (Mary Ruberto), I support Bashas’, I support Lowe’s and CVS.
Former Council Member Koteas is 100 accurate when he writes that “the subject of retail vitality is a complex issue”. However, it will not be resolved by residents’ support, after all, 3,400 people, many of whom are part-year, would not be enough to make these businesses profitable, which is why they aren’t here.
Arthur Gimson
I read the letter by Peter Koteas' and came to this conclusion: Hate Speak, and pomposity!
Joseph L Corpora
That was a lot of BS at the Council meeting. They don't remember how vicious it was against David. Van Allen & Traynor are not nice people and obviously Van Allen kept his mouth shut and will go running to the SN when it suits him. All Les has done is keep the Right people quiet.
Very Annoying,
Joe DeVito
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
I know that the Mayor has requested less exchanges of negativity of opinions, but I hope that it does not end up being censorship. The history of our country is replete with exchanges of written documents whether they were between Madison, Adams and Jefferson, or others. Many of the letters from those early days contained implied language of untruths while bordering on facetiousness. I guess that a little sarcasm may have also been included.
We need to exchange thoughts and ideas, but don’t have to be disagreeable about it. Everyone has heard my belief that the Town needs a “fire service fee” to keep the Town from spending general funds to cover any shortfall of the 1% sales tax designed to pay for the Fire Service Contract with Rural Metro. I know those who liken it to a property tax, which they claim is a “dirty” word. I do not get bent out of shape, or resort to name calling, of those that have their thoughts. I am always prepared to discuss my reasons in an open and civil manner. Carefree Truth is a vehicle for such exchanges and I urge and encourage you to go back to publishing comments from your readers. I will add, that as the writer, editor and publisher, you have the right to refuse anything that you deem is overly negative, or do you need to get permission from the Town Administrator? (Sorry, I could not resist the opportunity!).
Back to the subject matter; if running the Town wasn’t such serious matter, I would only laugh, but this is very sad. In Mr. Koteas’ second paragraph, he starts with “In keeping with the recent call for less negativity, I’d like to clear the air…”, and concludes with, “this letter isn’t negativity, it is simply clearing the air of an offensive odor.”
What is between the two quotes is more of a diatribe. One would have thought that if somebody truly cared about the Town, they would stay in Town, run for office again, and, if elected, do everything possible to make Carefree the utopian Town he wants it to be. But no, he chose not to run again. He mentions his colleagues, Doug Stavoe and Bob Coady, one who unsuccessfully ran for Mayor and the other who also left Town.
In one part of his harangue, he opines that Carefree Truth is written by the Town Administrator, yet in a later section states that it is penned by an appointed Town official. Which is it? He cannot have it both ways.
He writes that Town residents should voice their opinions as to the types of businesses that they would support. I would support a full-sized cinema, it doesn’t have to have multi-screens, but one that offers first-run movies as one finds at Harkins-Scottsdale 101. That would save me a 20 mile round trip once a week. I would support Costco being just around the corner. I would also support a yogurt shop offering a variety of self-serve flavors and toppings. In addition, much as I like the restaurants in Town and those in Cave Creek, I would support a brew house-type restaurant. I think that I have heard many others say similar things, now I really want to know why these businesses are not in the Town! I support my bank (Bank of America), I support my tax preparer (Mary Ruberto), I support Bashas’, I support Lowe’s and CVS.
Former Council Member Koteas is 100 accurate when he writes that “the subject of retail vitality is a complex issue”. However, it will not be resolved by residents’ support, after all, 3,400 people, many of whom are part-year, would not be enough to make these businesses profitable, which is why they aren’t here.
Arthur Gimson
I read the letter by Peter Koteas' and came to this conclusion: Hate Speak, and pomposity!
Joseph L Corpora
That was a lot of BS at the Council meeting. They don't remember how vicious it was against David. Van Allen & Traynor are not nice people and obviously Van Allen kept his mouth shut and will go running to the SN when it suits him. All Les has done is keep the Right people quiet.
Very Annoying,
Joe DeVito