Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Photo by Mac Wetmore
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Single image, no link
There are 19 photos, taken over a 1/2 hour time period, in this photo.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Dear Lyn,
There has been a lot of attention paid to the two Mayoral candidates in the upcoming election, but I would encourage Carefree residents to not overlook the sizable contributions of the Carefree Town Council members as well. Over this current election term I have been extremely fortunate to have some absolutely outstanding people to help me as Mayor move the Town’s business forward.
I fully endorse the following people for Carefree Town Council, and would encourage all registered Carefree voters to join me in voting for them.
Cheryl Kroyer – Cheryl has a deep marketing and business background, and applies sound judgement to issues that come before the Council. While currently serving in her initial term, Cheryl has readily adapted successful business approaches to Carefree’s situation, and is a valued voice of reason and experience in Council decisions.
John Crane – John was my first and only choice to serve as the Carefree Vice Mayor for the 3 ½ years that I have served as Mayor. John is involved in every major project to come before the Council. He is a very personable and knowledgeable person, and has dedicated himself to doing everything that he can to help the residents of Carefree maintain the quality of life that we all desire.
Michael Krahe, PhD - Michael is a willing and knowledgeable member of important Council activities, including the Water Committee, Staff evaluations and Marketing. Given his extensive background in business organization structure and human motivation, Michael is frequently the Council member who takes the emotions out of the dialogue in a very positive manner and brings the Council back to discussing the business topic at hand.
Stephen Hatcher – A relative newcomer to the Council, Stephen has an extensive engineering and financial background. These areas of experience are critical in many of the areas with which the Council deals, particularly including the water situation. He has made ready contributions in all of the areas of his involvement, and we look forward to involving him in additional areas as well.
Lastly, while not a current Council member but running for the vacated sixth Council seat, is newcomer Vince D’Aliesio. Vince and his family have immersed themselves in Town activities over the last year, ranging from attending Council meetings and workshops to volunteering at festivals. I have spoken with Vince numerous times about a wide range of topics, and I have great faith in his judgement. I endorse Vince, and I recommend you to join me in voting for him. I believe he will be a future leader of Carefree.
Les Peterson
Carefree Mayor
Thanks sir,
I'm honored for the endorsement and to be associated with a great group of people.
Vince D'Aliesio
Candidate for Carefree Town Council
To All Residents,
Hopefully you had the chance to attend the June 26 or July 9 water presentation or at least review the videos. The bottom line is we have a real water problem on the West Side of Carefree that impacts not just the homes and businesses served by Cave Creek Water but the entire Town of Carefree.
Over the past 5 years, having been involved in trying to identify the scope of the water issue and potential solutions, I have had the opportunity to work with 2 Carefree mayors and several Carefree Council members. I have also had the opportunity to work with 2 different Cave Creek mayors and 3 different Cave Creek Councils.
It is my opinion based on these experiences that lead me to state unequivocally that Mayor Peterson is the best person to lead our Town in solving this problem. He has a handle on the scope of the issue and will come up with the best solution for all the residents of Carefree. He posses the skill set required to work through this issue that has engineering, financial and political elements. Most importantly, Mayor Peterson is a true steward of the public trust who we can count on to do what is best for our community, not what is easiest. He has a proven track record to back this up.
A tremendous amount of effort went into getting us to the point where we are on this issue. The Town has committed significant funds ($300,000 +) to do the required engineering and financial study and we are poised to get this problem solved. If there was ever a time to vote, this is it. The potential impact of the water issue on our quality of life and home values is massive. The easiest thing we can do at this point is to take the time to vote, and to vote for Mayor Peterson as he gives the Town the best chance to get this issue corrected properly. If we don’t get this problem solved now, it will be much more difficult in the future, requiring a much larger commitment of time and money on everyone’s part.
Now is the time to get this done, and re-electing Mayor Peterson is the best way to make it happen
Tony Geiger
Carefree Resident
Cave Creek Water Advisory Committee 2013-2017
Dear Lyn;
Thank you for your continuing updates on Mayor Peterson’s and the town council’s efforts to bring the 526 homes onto Carefree Water; that are currently orphaned on Cave Creek Water. We were at the meeting representing Provence’s 25 homes and HOA.
Mayor Peterson’s presentation on the long-term outlook for the Carefree and Cave Creek water supply was excellent and the facts presented are unequivocal. The town of Carefree must bring all the rest of its residents on to the Carefree water system. Why do we believe this; it’s a question of fairness and we live in Carefree, not Cave Creek. There were several points that were made in the meeting, but some really stood out.
1) First and foremost, Carefree residents don’t vote in Cave Creek and we have no redress with the town for water issues.
2) Cave Creek water draws from one source; Carefree has three sources of water.
3) Leaving us on Cave Creek water denies us access to Carefree’s 100 year water supply.
4) Carefree has the contractual rights to join the 526 homes to its water service.
5) In our opinion, given Cave Creek’s large debt load and debt service, the town may just be technically bankrupt.
6) There is not enough money for adequate maintenance or capital improvements for the Cave Creek water system.
7) Cave Creek subsidizes its water service and has delayed what will certainly be an unpopular rate increase; they are already expensive.
8) If Cave Creek is losing money on their water system; how are they harmed if we move to Carefree? The CAP allocation goes with the 526 homes.
9) Finally, how is Carefree harmed by servicing the 526 homes that will pay their own way, especially with huge water reserves and multiple sources of water?
We watched the gentlemen from Cave Creek sitting next to councilman Farrar with amazement as he spoke. As he proceeded to lecture us on civic civility, we felt it was one of the dumbest local political stunts we’ve seen in quite some time. In an age where some politicians believe they must differentiate themselves from their opponents to get elected, even to the detriment of the people they will represent, the gentlemen’s lecture and Mr. Farrar’s silence was telling. Mr. Farrar only seemed concerned about delivering water to the 23 acres next to our community for commercial development. Water is serious business and we cannot vote for a candidate for mayor who appears to be campaigning, amongst other things, on the basis of denying access to Carefree Water for a large part of the citizenry. We truly hope Mr. Farrar will correct us and provide his detailed response in favor of the 526 homes, if we have gained the wrong impression of his position. Subsequent to the meeting, we learned that the gentleman from Cave Creek may be trying to put forth what could become the town of Cave Creek’s counter proposal to hooking us to Carefree Water. Sources tell us that they have seen a Facebook post suggesting just connecting the planned shopping center on the 23 acres next to Provence onto Carefree Water; with a backup connection to Scottsdale water at 56th street, and forcing the 526 homes to remain on Cave Creek Water.
Frankly, this solution is unacceptable and will not pass muster; and we understand that they have no contractual basis to retain us. We gain nothing, and how long will the Scottsdale backup source be available if Lake Meade drops to 1,000 feet?
My community will help Mayor Peterson in the effort to bring us onto Carefree water, anyway we can. Our greatest concern is, if Mr. Farrar is elected mayor he could obstruct our move to Carefree Water or let the effort die a natural death. In the end, we find it absolutely hard to believe that Mr. Farrar truly wishes to create the Carefree Water haves and have nots. At that point, we fear the town will be plunged into needless litigation and all the stuff that goes with it; this is unacceptable as well.
All Carefree residents deserve to be hooked up to the Carefree Water System, without equivocation!
Thank you Lynn for everything you have done on this matter and your faithful diligence!
Mike and Kathy Johnson
Provence HOA , Carefree AZ
Hi Lyn.
I’ve followed your excellent reporting of the Carefree/Cave Creek water issues with great interest. There’s one name missing in everyone's reporting, and that’s Jon Pearson. Jon was Town Administrator from beginning to end of the issue. He not only knows “where the bodies are buried “ he knows “who was holding the shovel “. Jon still lives in Fountain Hills. His input would be historically important to this issue.
Ed Morgan
Thanks for keeping us updated and informed on Carefree issues.
We support and endorse Mayor Peterson.
Jack and Eileen Crowley.
This individual is Bill Basore, lives on the west side and is an activist. He had no standing or authority to speak for Cave Creek on any water issues.
Eileen Wright
(Lyn's note: Eileen Wright is currently a Cave Creek Council member and is a candidate for Cave Creek Mayor. Her email references the Cave Creek resident who attended the July 9th water informational meeting with Mike Farrar, and who challenged Carefree's efforts to bring our residents serviced by Cave Creek Water onto the Carefree Water system.)
The water info has been great.
Kathy Riemer
What is this I'm hearing from Mike Farrar that Les Peterson is wanting to impose A Carefree Real Estate Tax, That in my book would not be in alignment of the "Carefree Style of Living" that is the opposite in my opinion. This would Devastate the businesses in the business district to a to a higher rent base to the tenants/businesses and possibly closings of many of the businesses. What Party affiliation is Les Peterson Democrat or Republican? What Party is Mike Farrar Democrat or Republican?
Thank You,
Martin Holmes
(Lyn's note: This is yet another bald faced lie that the Farrar campaign team has been telling. It originated with John Traynor, who has been claiming for at least 10 years that the Town is on the brink of imposing a local property tax and/or is on the brink of going broke. Mike Farrar is working in lock-step with Mr. Traynor, and the lies he swore to under penalty of perjury in his Motion to Reconsider, which has since been denied by the court as being politically motivated, were the same lies told by Mr. Traynor in his "newsletter". The "newsletter" containing these lies was submitted by Mr. Farrar in his Motion as Exhibit A. Both Mr. Farrar and Mr. Traynor have been spreading outrageous lies about Mayor Peterson, Vice Mayor Crane, Town attorney Mike Wright, and me. Then, they proceed to double down on the stuff they make up out of thin air. No one on the Council favors a Carefree property tax, and all have stated that multiple times. It is very sad that Mr. Farrar has chosen this path. If he had run on a platform of just disagreeing with the marketing strategy and produced a plan he felt would work better, voters could have chosen the candidate they felt had the better vision. But that is not how he has played it. He has used false statements, made promises he can't keep, and has aligned himself with some very questionable characters. Both Mayoral candidates are Republicans.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Dear Lyn,
There has been a lot of attention paid to the two Mayoral candidates in the upcoming election, but I would encourage Carefree residents to not overlook the sizable contributions of the Carefree Town Council members as well. Over this current election term I have been extremely fortunate to have some absolutely outstanding people to help me as Mayor move the Town’s business forward.
I fully endorse the following people for Carefree Town Council, and would encourage all registered Carefree voters to join me in voting for them.
Cheryl Kroyer – Cheryl has a deep marketing and business background, and applies sound judgement to issues that come before the Council. While currently serving in her initial term, Cheryl has readily adapted successful business approaches to Carefree’s situation, and is a valued voice of reason and experience in Council decisions.
John Crane – John was my first and only choice to serve as the Carefree Vice Mayor for the 3 ½ years that I have served as Mayor. John is involved in every major project to come before the Council. He is a very personable and knowledgeable person, and has dedicated himself to doing everything that he can to help the residents of Carefree maintain the quality of life that we all desire.
Michael Krahe, PhD - Michael is a willing and knowledgeable member of important Council activities, including the Water Committee, Staff evaluations and Marketing. Given his extensive background in business organization structure and human motivation, Michael is frequently the Council member who takes the emotions out of the dialogue in a very positive manner and brings the Council back to discussing the business topic at hand.
Stephen Hatcher – A relative newcomer to the Council, Stephen has an extensive engineering and financial background. These areas of experience are critical in many of the areas with which the Council deals, particularly including the water situation. He has made ready contributions in all of the areas of his involvement, and we look forward to involving him in additional areas as well.
Lastly, while not a current Council member but running for the vacated sixth Council seat, is newcomer Vince D’Aliesio. Vince and his family have immersed themselves in Town activities over the last year, ranging from attending Council meetings and workshops to volunteering at festivals. I have spoken with Vince numerous times about a wide range of topics, and I have great faith in his judgement. I endorse Vince, and I recommend you to join me in voting for him. I believe he will be a future leader of Carefree.
Les Peterson
Carefree Mayor
Thanks sir,
I'm honored for the endorsement and to be associated with a great group of people.
Vince D'Aliesio
Candidate for Carefree Town Council
To All Residents,
Hopefully you had the chance to attend the June 26 or July 9 water presentation or at least review the videos. The bottom line is we have a real water problem on the West Side of Carefree that impacts not just the homes and businesses served by Cave Creek Water but the entire Town of Carefree.
Over the past 5 years, having been involved in trying to identify the scope of the water issue and potential solutions, I have had the opportunity to work with 2 Carefree mayors and several Carefree Council members. I have also had the opportunity to work with 2 different Cave Creek mayors and 3 different Cave Creek Councils.
It is my opinion based on these experiences that lead me to state unequivocally that Mayor Peterson is the best person to lead our Town in solving this problem. He has a handle on the scope of the issue and will come up with the best solution for all the residents of Carefree. He posses the skill set required to work through this issue that has engineering, financial and political elements. Most importantly, Mayor Peterson is a true steward of the public trust who we can count on to do what is best for our community, not what is easiest. He has a proven track record to back this up.
A tremendous amount of effort went into getting us to the point where we are on this issue. The Town has committed significant funds ($300,000 +) to do the required engineering and financial study and we are poised to get this problem solved. If there was ever a time to vote, this is it. The potential impact of the water issue on our quality of life and home values is massive. The easiest thing we can do at this point is to take the time to vote, and to vote for Mayor Peterson as he gives the Town the best chance to get this issue corrected properly. If we don’t get this problem solved now, it will be much more difficult in the future, requiring a much larger commitment of time and money on everyone’s part.
Now is the time to get this done, and re-electing Mayor Peterson is the best way to make it happen
Tony Geiger
Carefree Resident
Cave Creek Water Advisory Committee 2013-2017
Dear Lyn;
Thank you for your continuing updates on Mayor Peterson’s and the town council’s efforts to bring the 526 homes onto Carefree Water; that are currently orphaned on Cave Creek Water. We were at the meeting representing Provence’s 25 homes and HOA.
Mayor Peterson’s presentation on the long-term outlook for the Carefree and Cave Creek water supply was excellent and the facts presented are unequivocal. The town of Carefree must bring all the rest of its residents on to the Carefree water system. Why do we believe this; it’s a question of fairness and we live in Carefree, not Cave Creek. There were several points that were made in the meeting, but some really stood out.
1) First and foremost, Carefree residents don’t vote in Cave Creek and we have no redress with the town for water issues.
2) Cave Creek water draws from one source; Carefree has three sources of water.
3) Leaving us on Cave Creek water denies us access to Carefree’s 100 year water supply.
4) Carefree has the contractual rights to join the 526 homes to its water service.
5) In our opinion, given Cave Creek’s large debt load and debt service, the town may just be technically bankrupt.
6) There is not enough money for adequate maintenance or capital improvements for the Cave Creek water system.
7) Cave Creek subsidizes its water service and has delayed what will certainly be an unpopular rate increase; they are already expensive.
8) If Cave Creek is losing money on their water system; how are they harmed if we move to Carefree? The CAP allocation goes with the 526 homes.
9) Finally, how is Carefree harmed by servicing the 526 homes that will pay their own way, especially with huge water reserves and multiple sources of water?
We watched the gentlemen from Cave Creek sitting next to councilman Farrar with amazement as he spoke. As he proceeded to lecture us on civic civility, we felt it was one of the dumbest local political stunts we’ve seen in quite some time. In an age where some politicians believe they must differentiate themselves from their opponents to get elected, even to the detriment of the people they will represent, the gentlemen’s lecture and Mr. Farrar’s silence was telling. Mr. Farrar only seemed concerned about delivering water to the 23 acres next to our community for commercial development. Water is serious business and we cannot vote for a candidate for mayor who appears to be campaigning, amongst other things, on the basis of denying access to Carefree Water for a large part of the citizenry. We truly hope Mr. Farrar will correct us and provide his detailed response in favor of the 526 homes, if we have gained the wrong impression of his position. Subsequent to the meeting, we learned that the gentleman from Cave Creek may be trying to put forth what could become the town of Cave Creek’s counter proposal to hooking us to Carefree Water. Sources tell us that they have seen a Facebook post suggesting just connecting the planned shopping center on the 23 acres next to Provence onto Carefree Water; with a backup connection to Scottsdale water at 56th street, and forcing the 526 homes to remain on Cave Creek Water.
Frankly, this solution is unacceptable and will not pass muster; and we understand that they have no contractual basis to retain us. We gain nothing, and how long will the Scottsdale backup source be available if Lake Meade drops to 1,000 feet?
My community will help Mayor Peterson in the effort to bring us onto Carefree water, anyway we can. Our greatest concern is, if Mr. Farrar is elected mayor he could obstruct our move to Carefree Water or let the effort die a natural death. In the end, we find it absolutely hard to believe that Mr. Farrar truly wishes to create the Carefree Water haves and have nots. At that point, we fear the town will be plunged into needless litigation and all the stuff that goes with it; this is unacceptable as well.
All Carefree residents deserve to be hooked up to the Carefree Water System, without equivocation!
Thank you Lynn for everything you have done on this matter and your faithful diligence!
Mike and Kathy Johnson
Provence HOA , Carefree AZ
Hi Lyn.
I’ve followed your excellent reporting of the Carefree/Cave Creek water issues with great interest. There’s one name missing in everyone's reporting, and that’s Jon Pearson. Jon was Town Administrator from beginning to end of the issue. He not only knows “where the bodies are buried “ he knows “who was holding the shovel “. Jon still lives in Fountain Hills. His input would be historically important to this issue.
Ed Morgan
Thanks for keeping us updated and informed on Carefree issues.
We support and endorse Mayor Peterson.
Jack and Eileen Crowley.
This individual is Bill Basore, lives on the west side and is an activist. He had no standing or authority to speak for Cave Creek on any water issues.
Eileen Wright
(Lyn's note: Eileen Wright is currently a Cave Creek Council member and is a candidate for Cave Creek Mayor. Her email references the Cave Creek resident who attended the July 9th water informational meeting with Mike Farrar, and who challenged Carefree's efforts to bring our residents serviced by Cave Creek Water onto the Carefree Water system.)
The water info has been great.
Kathy Riemer
What is this I'm hearing from Mike Farrar that Les Peterson is wanting to impose A Carefree Real Estate Tax, That in my book would not be in alignment of the "Carefree Style of Living" that is the opposite in my opinion. This would Devastate the businesses in the business district to a to a higher rent base to the tenants/businesses and possibly closings of many of the businesses. What Party affiliation is Les Peterson Democrat or Republican? What Party is Mike Farrar Democrat or Republican?
Thank You,
Martin Holmes
(Lyn's note: This is yet another bald faced lie that the Farrar campaign team has been telling. It originated with John Traynor, who has been claiming for at least 10 years that the Town is on the brink of imposing a local property tax and/or is on the brink of going broke. Mike Farrar is working in lock-step with Mr. Traynor, and the lies he swore to under penalty of perjury in his Motion to Reconsider, which has since been denied by the court as being politically motivated, were the same lies told by Mr. Traynor in his "newsletter". The "newsletter" containing these lies was submitted by Mr. Farrar in his Motion as Exhibit A. Both Mr. Farrar and Mr. Traynor have been spreading outrageous lies about Mayor Peterson, Vice Mayor Crane, Town attorney Mike Wright, and me. Then, they proceed to double down on the stuff they make up out of thin air. No one on the Council favors a Carefree property tax, and all have stated that multiple times. It is very sad that Mr. Farrar has chosen this path. If he had run on a platform of just disagreeing with the marketing strategy and produced a plan he felt would work better, voters could have chosen the candidate they felt had the better vision. But that is not how he has played it. He has used false statements, made promises he can't keep, and has aligned himself with some very questionable characters. Both Mayoral candidates are Republicans.
Miller stated he felt it was his fiduciary duty because Farrar, who is a commercial real estate broker, has numerous real estate signs around town and at one point in time he suggested the town purchase property for a parking lot.
Miller said he was “so startled” by Farrar’s statements to move the cultural center to another parcel around the sundial.
Miller demanded a legal opinion from the town attorney regarding Farrar, whom he believed should recuse himself from any involvement in economic development discussions
I remember this incident. Glenn Miller was extremely aggressive in his challenge to prevent Mike Farrar from ever having a vote in any economic development decisions. Carefree had to hire an outside attorney, municipal specialist Bill Sims, at great expense (I believe the figure was somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000) to render an opinion that Glenn Miller was wrong. My question is, what did Mike Farrar promise to Glenn Miller, who used to walk around saying, "I hate that f***ing a**hole!", to make him into his strong arm goon at the Post Office? Glenn Miller stands there, arms crossed in his best Brown Shirt imitation, to intimidate people into talking to Mike Farrar. Mike Farrar used to refer to Glenn Miller as "the lunatic fringe element". There are people who avoid going in for their mail now if they see Glenn Miller there.
Miller said he was “so startled” by Farrar’s statements to move the cultural center to another parcel around the sundial.
Miller demanded a legal opinion from the town attorney regarding Farrar, whom he believed should recuse himself from any involvement in economic development discussions
I remember this incident. Glenn Miller was extremely aggressive in his challenge to prevent Mike Farrar from ever having a vote in any economic development decisions. Carefree had to hire an outside attorney, municipal specialist Bill Sims, at great expense (I believe the figure was somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000) to render an opinion that Glenn Miller was wrong. My question is, what did Mike Farrar promise to Glenn Miller, who used to walk around saying, "I hate that f***ing a**hole!", to make him into his strong arm goon at the Post Office? Glenn Miller stands there, arms crossed in his best Brown Shirt imitation, to intimidate people into talking to Mike Farrar. Mike Farrar used to refer to Glenn Miller as "the lunatic fringe element". There are people who avoid going in for their mail now if they see Glenn Miller there.
Sharon J.
* Mike Farrar signed a lease giving him exclusive campaigning rights to the Carefree Post Office building. He has chosen to exercise that right by forbidding, under threat of trespass charges, opposition candidates from hanging posters or campaigning, within or outside, the post office, where candidates have historically met and engaged with voters. He has taken away your rights as citizens to meet and speak with those he does not approve, in what is essentially the Carefree Town Square.
* Mike Farrar is knocking on doors. The Town suggested that leaving fliers on unanswered doors is an indication and invitation to burglars searching for unoccupied homes. Many of our homes are unoccupied in the summer months. Mike Farrar's reaction: A constitutional rant, captured in the public record, that he can do whatever he pleases.
* Well before the official opening of the campaign season, traditionally 60 days prior to the election, Mike Farrar littered our Town with his signs and posters. He has no regard for the beauty and serenity of our Town.
* Mike Farrar signed a lease giving him exclusive campaigning rights to the Carefree Post Office building. He has chosen to exercise that right by forbidding, under threat of trespass charges, opposition candidates from hanging posters or campaigning, within or outside, the post office, where candidates have historically met and engaged with voters. He has taken away your rights as citizens to meet and speak with those he does not approve, in what is essentially the Carefree Town Square.
* Mike Farrar is knocking on doors. The Town suggested that leaving fliers on unanswered doors is an indication and invitation to burglars searching for unoccupied homes. Many of our homes are unoccupied in the summer months. Mike Farrar's reaction: A constitutional rant, captured in the public record, that he can do whatever he pleases.
* Well before the official opening of the campaign season, traditionally 60 days prior to the election, Mike Farrar littered our Town with his signs and posters. He has no regard for the beauty and serenity of our Town.
All that matters to Mike Farrar is his election as Mayor - citizens be damned.
Mary K
Please find the emails pursuant to your public information request
Kandace French Contreras, CMC
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Hello Mayor, Councilmembers and candidate D’Aliesio,
I have received several inquiries from residents today about candidate(s) going door to door and leaving campaign information.
This is a gentle reminder that door to door solicitation is restricted through a permit. In addition, solicitation is not allowed in communities/residences where “no solicitation” has been posted. Furthermore, the placement of information at residences creates concerns as it potentially will identify if a resident is not home if it remains at the door for a period of time; therefore, please do not leave information at residences.
Thank you for helping me address these concerns.
Best regards,
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
Town of Carefree
Let’s be clear. Canvassing is not soliciting. The Supreme Court has recognized that there is a rich tradition of canvassing door-to-door for political change in this country that is protected by the First Amendment.
The government cannot require you to register or seek a permit if you are not soliciting for money, and local rules governing door-to-door petitioning may not unreasonably interfere with your right to reach out to people in their homes. Door-to-door canvassers should stay clear of houses marked with “No Soliciting” signs. Also, some private “gated communities” may not allow petitioners.
Canvassing is protected speech. If Carefree’s solicitation laws did include political canvassing, those laws would be unconstitutional under the First Amendment. In Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc. v. Village of Stratton, the high court struck down an ordinance that lumped in all door-to-door activity with soliciting, finding that “[t]he mere fact that the ordinance covers so much speech raises constitutional concerns. It is offensive — not only to the values protected by the First Amendment, but to the very notion of a free society[.]”
Thank you,
Michael E. Farrar
Town of Carefree
Hi Mike,
Please understand that this request came from residents who complained to town hall. They stated they did not want to be disturbed at their residence. I tried to communicate this with all running for office as it was a point of contention with these residents. They ask that all be respectful of their privacy as well as security. I hope this further clarifies my previous communication. Best regards, Gary
You also stated that canvasing (door to door solicitation) is restricted through a permit implying that political canvasing requires a permit, which is an unconstitutional restriction under the First Amendment and protected by free speech. You should know that.
Moreover, exactly how many residents complained and were they only Peterson supporters?
We will continue going door to door, and will continue to restricting ourselves from contacting those homes or communities with posted no solicitation signs and gated communities. We have been very respectful of that and moreover, we have disturbed no one at their residences.
Please stay out of politics Gary, it is not your role.
Thank you,
Michael E. Farrar
Town of Carefree
Hi Mike,
I have no idea who these people support as that was never part of any discussion. Plain and simple, staff received phone calls as well as inquiries from residents who stopped into Town Hall yesterday, Monday. The common issue they raised was that they did not want to be disturbed at their residence. They asked staff to share their concerns with the entire Council. My inclusion of solicitation was to reference the historical context to address the residents’ desire for privacy and security NOT to restrict free speech (as my last email references).
Let’s not once again kill the messenger for trying to simply communicate concerns raised by the very citizens we all represent. I take exception to your false statement once again of getting involved in politics as I am simply forwarding/communicating these citizen concerns on to the entire council/candidates and not any specific candidate. Please stop the personal attacks.
Thank you!
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
Town of Carefree
(Lyn's note: Mr. Farrar's responses constitute the very definition of "Irony" on so many levels.)
(Lyn's note: responses to the article about the Les Peterson event at Civana)
I really enjoyed the happy hour event at Civana last night! I didn't get an exact count, but it looked like we had over 100 residents there! I had a chance to meet and chat with so many informed and concerned residents that were there supporting Mayor Peterson. Would definitely love to get out and meet more folks and pick their brains over what they feel is going well here, and what other concerns they have that we can get to work on. I'm really excited about joining the council, and hope I earn their votes! If you publish this, please tell your readers that I'd love to meet them one-on-one anytime before they cast that ballot! (480)220-4629 or
By the way-- I'm suddenly a rock star at home because I told my kids that I met Ray Villafane. :)
Vince D'Aliesio
Great article. Thank you for your efforts w your newsletter!
Maryann Kolb
Silver Saddle
(Lyn's note: I was saddened to receive the news about Julian's death. I worked with him on several projects and was very fond of him. Herbert's and my condolences go out to his wife Heather and their family.)
Julian Barrolaza was a good friend. He exemplified all the good things about Carefree. He was a respected public servant as Vice Mayor, he was a faithful Desert Forest GC member, a contributor and leader of Kiwanis, an avid hunter and fly fisherman and of course, a loving husband and father.
God Bless you Julian.
Ed Morgan
I will be thinking of him and Heather on the 3rd. He always made a point of saying hello and catching me up on his life on Mondays when I volunteer at the library. What a special person he was. I will miss him very much. He was a terrific Vice Mayor. He and Hugh Stevens did great things for Carefree. Do you have an address where I can send a card? Thanks.
Betsy Wise
(Lyn's note: The mailing address for those who want to send cards is Box 6149, Carefree, AZ 85377.)
Lyn, Thank you for sending this out on Julian who was a longtime friend and a friend to many of my friends who were eager to find out what the arrangements were for Julian’s memorial. There wasn’t a word in an obituary and I assume there won’t be a wake since I’m getting all kinds of calls about where he is going to be waked. Should we all assume that the only memorial will be the mass at our Lady of joy? Roger Foussard called me and said he was calling the manager of Desert Forest to see if he has heard anything on arrangements. I do know that Julian‘s wife Heather has some health issues so maybe they have decided to just keep it to the mass. If you have different news would you be kind enough to contact me since I know all of Julian’s old friends and they really want to know and do the right thing. Thanks so very much for keeping everybody up-to-date on not only this but so many things. Dear Lyn, we all depend on you. Thank you dear one.
Love you,
Patty Schiano
Very well done by you and Herbie.
Ed Morgan
(Lyn's note: Ed is referring to the ads we send out each Wednesday for Carefree businesses. Remember to Shop Local!)
Mary K
Please find the emails pursuant to your public information request
Kandace French Contreras, CMC
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Hello Mayor, Councilmembers and candidate D’Aliesio,
I have received several inquiries from residents today about candidate(s) going door to door and leaving campaign information.
This is a gentle reminder that door to door solicitation is restricted through a permit. In addition, solicitation is not allowed in communities/residences where “no solicitation” has been posted. Furthermore, the placement of information at residences creates concerns as it potentially will identify if a resident is not home if it remains at the door for a period of time; therefore, please do not leave information at residences.
Thank you for helping me address these concerns.
Best regards,
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
Town of Carefree
Let’s be clear. Canvassing is not soliciting. The Supreme Court has recognized that there is a rich tradition of canvassing door-to-door for political change in this country that is protected by the First Amendment.
The government cannot require you to register or seek a permit if you are not soliciting for money, and local rules governing door-to-door petitioning may not unreasonably interfere with your right to reach out to people in their homes. Door-to-door canvassers should stay clear of houses marked with “No Soliciting” signs. Also, some private “gated communities” may not allow petitioners.
Canvassing is protected speech. If Carefree’s solicitation laws did include political canvassing, those laws would be unconstitutional under the First Amendment. In Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc. v. Village of Stratton, the high court struck down an ordinance that lumped in all door-to-door activity with soliciting, finding that “[t]he mere fact that the ordinance covers so much speech raises constitutional concerns. It is offensive — not only to the values protected by the First Amendment, but to the very notion of a free society[.]”
Thank you,
Michael E. Farrar
Town of Carefree
Hi Mike,
Please understand that this request came from residents who complained to town hall. They stated they did not want to be disturbed at their residence. I tried to communicate this with all running for office as it was a point of contention with these residents. They ask that all be respectful of their privacy as well as security. I hope this further clarifies my previous communication. Best regards, Gary
You also stated that canvasing (door to door solicitation) is restricted through a permit implying that political canvasing requires a permit, which is an unconstitutional restriction under the First Amendment and protected by free speech. You should know that.
Moreover, exactly how many residents complained and were they only Peterson supporters?
We will continue going door to door, and will continue to restricting ourselves from contacting those homes or communities with posted no solicitation signs and gated communities. We have been very respectful of that and moreover, we have disturbed no one at their residences.
Please stay out of politics Gary, it is not your role.
Thank you,
Michael E. Farrar
Town of Carefree
Hi Mike,
I have no idea who these people support as that was never part of any discussion. Plain and simple, staff received phone calls as well as inquiries from residents who stopped into Town Hall yesterday, Monday. The common issue they raised was that they did not want to be disturbed at their residence. They asked staff to share their concerns with the entire Council. My inclusion of solicitation was to reference the historical context to address the residents’ desire for privacy and security NOT to restrict free speech (as my last email references).
Let’s not once again kill the messenger for trying to simply communicate concerns raised by the very citizens we all represent. I take exception to your false statement once again of getting involved in politics as I am simply forwarding/communicating these citizen concerns on to the entire council/candidates and not any specific candidate. Please stop the personal attacks.
Thank you!
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
Town of Carefree
(Lyn's note: Mr. Farrar's responses constitute the very definition of "Irony" on so many levels.)
(Lyn's note: responses to the article about the Les Peterson event at Civana)
I really enjoyed the happy hour event at Civana last night! I didn't get an exact count, but it looked like we had over 100 residents there! I had a chance to meet and chat with so many informed and concerned residents that were there supporting Mayor Peterson. Would definitely love to get out and meet more folks and pick their brains over what they feel is going well here, and what other concerns they have that we can get to work on. I'm really excited about joining the council, and hope I earn their votes! If you publish this, please tell your readers that I'd love to meet them one-on-one anytime before they cast that ballot! (480)220-4629 or
By the way-- I'm suddenly a rock star at home because I told my kids that I met Ray Villafane. :)
Vince D'Aliesio
Great article. Thank you for your efforts w your newsletter!
Maryann Kolb
Silver Saddle
(Lyn's note: I was saddened to receive the news about Julian's death. I worked with him on several projects and was very fond of him. Herbert's and my condolences go out to his wife Heather and their family.)
Julian Barrolaza was a good friend. He exemplified all the good things about Carefree. He was a respected public servant as Vice Mayor, he was a faithful Desert Forest GC member, a contributor and leader of Kiwanis, an avid hunter and fly fisherman and of course, a loving husband and father.
God Bless you Julian.
Ed Morgan
I will be thinking of him and Heather on the 3rd. He always made a point of saying hello and catching me up on his life on Mondays when I volunteer at the library. What a special person he was. I will miss him very much. He was a terrific Vice Mayor. He and Hugh Stevens did great things for Carefree. Do you have an address where I can send a card? Thanks.
Betsy Wise
(Lyn's note: The mailing address for those who want to send cards is Box 6149, Carefree, AZ 85377.)
Lyn, Thank you for sending this out on Julian who was a longtime friend and a friend to many of my friends who were eager to find out what the arrangements were for Julian’s memorial. There wasn’t a word in an obituary and I assume there won’t be a wake since I’m getting all kinds of calls about where he is going to be waked. Should we all assume that the only memorial will be the mass at our Lady of joy? Roger Foussard called me and said he was calling the manager of Desert Forest to see if he has heard anything on arrangements. I do know that Julian‘s wife Heather has some health issues so maybe they have decided to just keep it to the mass. If you have different news would you be kind enough to contact me since I know all of Julian’s old friends and they really want to know and do the right thing. Thanks so very much for keeping everybody up-to-date on not only this but so many things. Dear Lyn, we all depend on you. Thank you dear one.
Love you,
Patty Schiano
Very well done by you and Herbie.
Ed Morgan
(Lyn's note: Ed is referring to the ads we send out each Wednesday for Carefree businesses. Remember to Shop Local!)