Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Pumpkin Festival Preview
Pumpkin Festival Preview
lf. to rt.: Les Peterson, Vince D'Aliesio, Ray Villafane, Cheryl Kroyer, John Crane, Stephen Hatcher
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Beautiful pictures!!
Debra Carson
(Lyn's note: re- Pics of the Week and Herbert's bonus rounds)
The Mayor announces new FREE medical alert partnership
Mayor Peterson is excited to announce a new public-private partnership between the Town, Rural Metro and MedicAlert. Through this recent partnership the Town can offer Medical identification bracelets or pendants at NO COST to Carefree residents. These ID’s provide first responders critical information about medical conditions, medications, allergies and emergency contacts and can ultimately help to ensure potential life saving measures are quickly undertaken. In addition, these ID’s can assist in returning loved ones coping with the effects of Alzheimer’s and Deminita. Once required information is received it should take approximately two weeks to receive your personal ID.To take advantage of this FREE service please contact: to get started. Or if you do not have email, you may call the Carefree Fire Station at 480-488-0347.
Lyn, thanks to you the word is getting out that we have an excellent Mayor / Council and that our town overall is in good hands. This does not say there are no problems…just that we have an honest, trustworthy, intelligent Mayor to lead the problem solving process and get the job done.
Al Mascha
(Lyn's note: re-this video. Unfortunately, Stephen Hatcher was unable to participate, as he was rescuing his wife. The water pump in her car died. )
WOW! Fabulous! This is absolutely outstanding, Herbie. Thank you to all the Council members for your support of Les. Means a lot. He couldn’t get things done without all of your help, backing and expertise. What a team.
Mary Peterson
Big thanks to Herbie and Lyn!!!!
Mike Krahe
Thank you, Dr. Herb.
Vince D'Aliesio
Dear Herb, Lyn, Les and all of those on the video:
I congratulate the team for a terrific effort in this final video. You are a fine, articulate bunch and I wish you all the very best of luck as you enter the home stretch.
Best regards,
Betsy Lynn
Having observed both Mike Farrar and Les Peterson over many years, I stand by my statement that Mike Farrar is all show and no go. Mayor Les Peterson is all go and no show. He gets things done.
Herbert Hitchon
I’m astounded at the lack of business owners checking the backgrounds of the candidates they not only support by having their picture on his political flyers but monetarily also supporting him. Sort of sounds like they are buying the Mayor's seat. Wonder what Farrar has promised each of these businesses if he becomes mayor. My friends call it payback.
People outside of Carefree are now noticing how contentious your elections have become.
Supporting someone for political office that might be charged with welfare fraud is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
Susan Martin
There are a lot of questions about Mike Farrar. Just the fact that he has so much questionable behavior should raise an alarm. Good people don’t ride the edge of right and wrong so often through the course of their lives.
Tina M.
In a CFM letter there was a long list of business failures blamed on the Mayor. Has anyone published a vendor by vendor explanation of the reasons these businesses failed or closed? It might be helpful.
Mike Johnson
(Lyn's note: Good idea. Here is the list published by John Traynor. His list is in black. My explanations are in italicized red. Much of this info I know first hand. The rest I have been told by reliable sources and believe to be true. Some people moved away. Unfortunately, some businesses fail for various reasons. For instance, Mike Farrar states that he has opened and closed 9 businesses since 2002.)
Ed Lewis Condo Project Permit/Sales tax Revenue Loss over $900,000.00) Plus( Loss Christmas donation $5,000.00), GONE Ed couldn't get financing with all the bank requirements imposed after the 2008 crash. The biggest sticking point was a lack of comps within the required proximity.
Chris Melon (Loss Christmas donation $3,500.00), CLOSED Someone shot holes in his store windows. He didn't reopen after that.
Bodega 13 Restaurant, CLOSED The layout was meant for a wine bar, which it previously was. It was not the right type of layout for a restaurant.
Barber Shop (next to Bodega 13), CLOSED He moved back to Ohio. I had used Mark for years, so I know this. He missed his friends, family, and the Midwestern lifestyle back there. He partnered with his barber brother in Ohio.
Platinum Real Estate Office next to Bodega 13, CLOSED I don't know why.
Carefree Sunshine Home furnishing (next to the Caring core), CLOSED Caring Corps expanded into their space.
Guido Garcia's Restaurant (In Spanish Village), CLOSED Nice people but only so-so food.
Golden Horse Emporium (Los Portales), CLOSED Nice lady but no one quite knew what it was she sold. It was a mish mash.
Carpet Store (next to Venues), CLOSED Middle Eastern guys with ugly rugs no one wanted
Mumbo Jumbo Home Decor (in Bashas shopping center), CLOSED That was a clothing boutique, not a home decor business. I loved shopping there. The owner's husband had health issues and they moved to California.
The Frame Store Art Max (in Bashas shopping center), CLOSED Very high priced in a very competitive market
My Sweet Blessing Bakery (ln Post Office), CLOSED They were kicked out after putting in a $50,000 kitchen that was taken over by the landlord's friend Jeff for the Speakeasy. They re-opened in the Holland Center. I go there all the time. Nicest family in the world. Great food.
Easy Street Galleria (In Post Office), CLOSED This is Victoria Orrico's art gallery/co-op that she changed into a consignment shop in the same location, and then expanded.
Speakeasy on Easy Street (In Post Office), CLOSED He served overpriced food. He went to Sedona and opened another Speakeasy, which failed within months of opening.
ArtObjects is being Taken over by Post Office. Only open 1 day a week As stated
Venues, no more Saturday Antique Car Shows due to blocking by the Thunderbird Art Shows resulted in Loss of $50,000 Per Year in sales. When Catherine and Al parted company, the car show left. He organized it and many of the participants were his friends. Some of them ate breakfast at Venues, but the Saturday morning car shows were over and the cars were gone before the retail businesses opened.
And since December, 2017:
Carefree Bistro Restaurant, CLOSED There was a bitter ongoing divorce. The divorce was final as of last week. It's reopening with a new name, Lara Bistro and a new owner. George is back as the chef and they are remodeling. They will be opening as soon as they have the remodel done. They are aiming for mid September. We can't wait!
BigRed Robot Gallery (indoor/outdoor furnishings), CLOSED It was not furnishings, it was an art gallery. The owners were very rarely there.
TaylorMorgan Real Estate Company, CLOSED I don't know why.
Carefree Bakery in Spanish Village, NEVER OPENED He met a woman and fell in love shortly before he was due to open. He moved to Oregon to be with her. A fabulous glass artist, the one who makes the Spirit of Carefree Awards, is in that space now.
Bacan in Spanish Village, OPENED 12/14/17 - Touted by mayor Peterson & Marketing
Bacan in Spanish Village, CLOSED 07/23/18 Evicted by the landlord for "questionable" business practices
I find it amazing that Mike Farrar is suddenly the "champion" of the Carefree small businesses. He has been saying for years that the businesses in Carefree could not be successful because there are not enough "roofs" in the area to support those businesses or to entice new businesses. The Town marketing, to which he so objects, has been aimed at bringing people up here from places north of the 101, rather than trying to depend on local traffic, which Mike has very frequently said is just not there.
His economic development plan of having Magic Bird festivals in the Gardens every weekend is ludicrous. No one wants to see the same stuff week after week. When Gina was new, she tried introducing numerous shows, often 2 per month, in the Gardens utilizing Vermillion Artists and Magic Bird. The artists and the customers complained, and the number of shows was reduced the following season. The merchants complained about all the art shows. They also complained about the concerts, which is why they were discontinued.
Mike's other economic development component is the bus dressed up like a trolley. We are in the downtown a lot. The "trolley", although an interesting idea, was a bust last season. There were almost never more than 2-3 people on it, it was often empty, and we never saw anyone get off in Carefree. I suspect it worked better for Cave Creek, but it seemed useless here, and Mike has never presented the metrics to show anything different. Magic Bird festivals and the "trolley", which seem to be the full extent of his ideas, are already proven failures.
Lyn Hitchon
Wow. Some people still buy into Mike Farrar's bs? His payments into Social Security have nothing to do with taking AHCCCS. He’s been on it a long time. And actually, his public finance reports reflect he owes the IRS a debt. So he’s not even paying his taxes. Question is why didn’t his $100k+ trust pay his way? Or sell your motorcycle or one of your cars like regular, hard working people do when money gets tight? Or even, gasp, sell your home you “inherited” (i.e. didn’t buy yourself) and get something less expensive so you can pay your bills? That’s integrity. That’s honestly. And why doesn’t Farrar keep his mailing address in Carefree? The town he’s so concerned about? Even his excuse about the downturn smells. So, that’s how he handles his finances? When there’s a downturn, he goes to welfare? He had no rainy day fund? He didn’t want to sell his precious ego assets? Is that how he’ll run the town?
He seems a lot more concerned about Scottsdale and Cave Creek. Mike Farrar is a smooth talking used car salesmen type that can lie without blinking. I think it’s called narcissist. Bottom line is that he can make all the excuses he wants, but he can explain it all to AHCCCS when he’s investigated for fraud. And then he can explain the AHCCCS fraud conviction to the Arizona Board of Realtors when he loses his RE license. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.Perfect timing. Bedell's "National Enquirer" duplication was just delivered in the Sonoran News today. The article about her prior tactics is exactly what she has been doing here. A zebra doesn't change its stripes.
Kendall DuBois
Thank you Lyn- Carefree does deserve better. The data you present does show a questionable character- How did it get this far???
Fred Layman
Sounds like 'it's getting nasty' out there. For some reason politics seem to bring out as many bad actors as good!
Larry Holland
In Sonoran News Aug 1(I just saw it today, which shows you how frequently I read the mail) there was this really scandalous behavior by Farrar in relation to the Post Office campaign office and sweetheart deal he got from the building owner. If accurate, this guy should be fired off the city council!
Paul D. Maley
Two thumbs up! Mikey may not like it, but I did!
Arthur Gimson
Bravo Lyn!
Misty Dibella
Bella Donna & Cane
Posted Les' bio on our bulletin board. YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Corpora
Whoot! Very nice job!!!!
Laurie P.
That was great! What a moron. Medicaid likely has a fraud tip line. I'd like to know who his doctor is that wrote whatever letters necessary to allow this cheat to even obtain Medicaid. I thought Medicaid was supposed to be for the poor and indigent?
Larry S.
(Lyn's note: the whistleblower link, found on the AHCCCS website, is )
By now you have all read about John Crane’s challenging of the Town’s term limits. I won’t go into all the technicalities of our law except to say that even though the Town’s citizens voted for term limits, it was never a legal action since the State Legislature does not acknowledge or accept term limits.
And no matter what you have been lead to believe, this is very good news for our town.
First of all, I strongly believe that the voters don’t need a law limiting the number of terms an official can be elected. The voters themselves are the ultimate term limit. If you don’t like the job we are doing, you can vote not to reelect us.
Secondly, in this as in the last election, there are no opponents for our Council seats. Why would we turn away someone who wants to serve when there are no others willing to step up to the plate?
And lastly but of even greater importance, John Crane has served our town for the last 3 terms and for the last 2 terms been our Vice Mayor. In my opinion we couldn’t ask for a more dedicated person to serve us. He is fair, honest and has no hidden agendas. He studies the issues and then makes informed and well thought out votes. He is just working on the behalf of all of us to make Carefree the best town it can be.
Good for you John Crane. I will happily serve the next term(s) with you if the voters see fit to extend both our terms in office.
Cheryl Kroyer
Council Member
Town of Carefree
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Beautiful pictures!!
Debra Carson
(Lyn's note: re- Pics of the Week and Herbert's bonus rounds)
The Mayor announces new FREE medical alert partnership
Mayor Peterson is excited to announce a new public-private partnership between the Town, Rural Metro and MedicAlert. Through this recent partnership the Town can offer Medical identification bracelets or pendants at NO COST to Carefree residents. These ID’s provide first responders critical information about medical conditions, medications, allergies and emergency contacts and can ultimately help to ensure potential life saving measures are quickly undertaken. In addition, these ID’s can assist in returning loved ones coping with the effects of Alzheimer’s and Deminita. Once required information is received it should take approximately two weeks to receive your personal ID.To take advantage of this FREE service please contact: to get started. Or if you do not have email, you may call the Carefree Fire Station at 480-488-0347.
Lyn, thanks to you the word is getting out that we have an excellent Mayor / Council and that our town overall is in good hands. This does not say there are no problems…just that we have an honest, trustworthy, intelligent Mayor to lead the problem solving process and get the job done.
Al Mascha
(Lyn's note: re-this video. Unfortunately, Stephen Hatcher was unable to participate, as he was rescuing his wife. The water pump in her car died. )
WOW! Fabulous! This is absolutely outstanding, Herbie. Thank you to all the Council members for your support of Les. Means a lot. He couldn’t get things done without all of your help, backing and expertise. What a team.
Mary Peterson
Big thanks to Herbie and Lyn!!!!
Mike Krahe
Thank you, Dr. Herb.
Vince D'Aliesio
Dear Herb, Lyn, Les and all of those on the video:
I congratulate the team for a terrific effort in this final video. You are a fine, articulate bunch and I wish you all the very best of luck as you enter the home stretch.
Best regards,
Betsy Lynn
Having observed both Mike Farrar and Les Peterson over many years, I stand by my statement that Mike Farrar is all show and no go. Mayor Les Peterson is all go and no show. He gets things done.
Herbert Hitchon
I’m astounded at the lack of business owners checking the backgrounds of the candidates they not only support by having their picture on his political flyers but monetarily also supporting him. Sort of sounds like they are buying the Mayor's seat. Wonder what Farrar has promised each of these businesses if he becomes mayor. My friends call it payback.
People outside of Carefree are now noticing how contentious your elections have become.
Supporting someone for political office that might be charged with welfare fraud is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.
Susan Martin
There are a lot of questions about Mike Farrar. Just the fact that he has so much questionable behavior should raise an alarm. Good people don’t ride the edge of right and wrong so often through the course of their lives.
Tina M.
In a CFM letter there was a long list of business failures blamed on the Mayor. Has anyone published a vendor by vendor explanation of the reasons these businesses failed or closed? It might be helpful.
Mike Johnson
(Lyn's note: Good idea. Here is the list published by John Traynor. His list is in black. My explanations are in italicized red. Much of this info I know first hand. The rest I have been told by reliable sources and believe to be true. Some people moved away. Unfortunately, some businesses fail for various reasons. For instance, Mike Farrar states that he has opened and closed 9 businesses since 2002.)
Ed Lewis Condo Project Permit/Sales tax Revenue Loss over $900,000.00) Plus( Loss Christmas donation $5,000.00), GONE Ed couldn't get financing with all the bank requirements imposed after the 2008 crash. The biggest sticking point was a lack of comps within the required proximity.
Chris Melon (Loss Christmas donation $3,500.00), CLOSED Someone shot holes in his store windows. He didn't reopen after that.
Bodega 13 Restaurant, CLOSED The layout was meant for a wine bar, which it previously was. It was not the right type of layout for a restaurant.
Barber Shop (next to Bodega 13), CLOSED He moved back to Ohio. I had used Mark for years, so I know this. He missed his friends, family, and the Midwestern lifestyle back there. He partnered with his barber brother in Ohio.
Platinum Real Estate Office next to Bodega 13, CLOSED I don't know why.
Carefree Sunshine Home furnishing (next to the Caring core), CLOSED Caring Corps expanded into their space.
Guido Garcia's Restaurant (In Spanish Village), CLOSED Nice people but only so-so food.
Golden Horse Emporium (Los Portales), CLOSED Nice lady but no one quite knew what it was she sold. It was a mish mash.
Carpet Store (next to Venues), CLOSED Middle Eastern guys with ugly rugs no one wanted
Mumbo Jumbo Home Decor (in Bashas shopping center), CLOSED That was a clothing boutique, not a home decor business. I loved shopping there. The owner's husband had health issues and they moved to California.
The Frame Store Art Max (in Bashas shopping center), CLOSED Very high priced in a very competitive market
My Sweet Blessing Bakery (ln Post Office), CLOSED They were kicked out after putting in a $50,000 kitchen that was taken over by the landlord's friend Jeff for the Speakeasy. They re-opened in the Holland Center. I go there all the time. Nicest family in the world. Great food.
Easy Street Galleria (In Post Office), CLOSED This is Victoria Orrico's art gallery/co-op that she changed into a consignment shop in the same location, and then expanded.
Speakeasy on Easy Street (In Post Office), CLOSED He served overpriced food. He went to Sedona and opened another Speakeasy, which failed within months of opening.
ArtObjects is being Taken over by Post Office. Only open 1 day a week As stated
Venues, no more Saturday Antique Car Shows due to blocking by the Thunderbird Art Shows resulted in Loss of $50,000 Per Year in sales. When Catherine and Al parted company, the car show left. He organized it and many of the participants were his friends. Some of them ate breakfast at Venues, but the Saturday morning car shows were over and the cars were gone before the retail businesses opened.
And since December, 2017:
Carefree Bistro Restaurant, CLOSED There was a bitter ongoing divorce. The divorce was final as of last week. It's reopening with a new name, Lara Bistro and a new owner. George is back as the chef and they are remodeling. They will be opening as soon as they have the remodel done. They are aiming for mid September. We can't wait!
BigRed Robot Gallery (indoor/outdoor furnishings), CLOSED It was not furnishings, it was an art gallery. The owners were very rarely there.
TaylorMorgan Real Estate Company, CLOSED I don't know why.
Carefree Bakery in Spanish Village, NEVER OPENED He met a woman and fell in love shortly before he was due to open. He moved to Oregon to be with her. A fabulous glass artist, the one who makes the Spirit of Carefree Awards, is in that space now.
Bacan in Spanish Village, OPENED 12/14/17 - Touted by mayor Peterson & Marketing
Bacan in Spanish Village, CLOSED 07/23/18 Evicted by the landlord for "questionable" business practices
I find it amazing that Mike Farrar is suddenly the "champion" of the Carefree small businesses. He has been saying for years that the businesses in Carefree could not be successful because there are not enough "roofs" in the area to support those businesses or to entice new businesses. The Town marketing, to which he so objects, has been aimed at bringing people up here from places north of the 101, rather than trying to depend on local traffic, which Mike has very frequently said is just not there.
His economic development plan of having Magic Bird festivals in the Gardens every weekend is ludicrous. No one wants to see the same stuff week after week. When Gina was new, she tried introducing numerous shows, often 2 per month, in the Gardens utilizing Vermillion Artists and Magic Bird. The artists and the customers complained, and the number of shows was reduced the following season. The merchants complained about all the art shows. They also complained about the concerts, which is why they were discontinued.
Mike's other economic development component is the bus dressed up like a trolley. We are in the downtown a lot. The "trolley", although an interesting idea, was a bust last season. There were almost never more than 2-3 people on it, it was often empty, and we never saw anyone get off in Carefree. I suspect it worked better for Cave Creek, but it seemed useless here, and Mike has never presented the metrics to show anything different. Magic Bird festivals and the "trolley", which seem to be the full extent of his ideas, are already proven failures.
Lyn Hitchon
Wow. Some people still buy into Mike Farrar's bs? His payments into Social Security have nothing to do with taking AHCCCS. He’s been on it a long time. And actually, his public finance reports reflect he owes the IRS a debt. So he’s not even paying his taxes. Question is why didn’t his $100k+ trust pay his way? Or sell your motorcycle or one of your cars like regular, hard working people do when money gets tight? Or even, gasp, sell your home you “inherited” (i.e. didn’t buy yourself) and get something less expensive so you can pay your bills? That’s integrity. That’s honestly. And why doesn’t Farrar keep his mailing address in Carefree? The town he’s so concerned about? Even his excuse about the downturn smells. So, that’s how he handles his finances? When there’s a downturn, he goes to welfare? He had no rainy day fund? He didn’t want to sell his precious ego assets? Is that how he’ll run the town?
He seems a lot more concerned about Scottsdale and Cave Creek. Mike Farrar is a smooth talking used car salesmen type that can lie without blinking. I think it’s called narcissist. Bottom line is that he can make all the excuses he wants, but he can explain it all to AHCCCS when he’s investigated for fraud. And then he can explain the AHCCCS fraud conviction to the Arizona Board of Realtors when he loses his RE license. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.Perfect timing. Bedell's "National Enquirer" duplication was just delivered in the Sonoran News today. The article about her prior tactics is exactly what she has been doing here. A zebra doesn't change its stripes.
Kendall DuBois
Thank you Lyn- Carefree does deserve better. The data you present does show a questionable character- How did it get this far???
Fred Layman
Sounds like 'it's getting nasty' out there. For some reason politics seem to bring out as many bad actors as good!
Larry Holland
In Sonoran News Aug 1(I just saw it today, which shows you how frequently I read the mail) there was this really scandalous behavior by Farrar in relation to the Post Office campaign office and sweetheart deal he got from the building owner. If accurate, this guy should be fired off the city council!
Paul D. Maley
Two thumbs up! Mikey may not like it, but I did!
Arthur Gimson
Bravo Lyn!
Misty Dibella
Bella Donna & Cane
Posted Les' bio on our bulletin board. YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Corpora
Whoot! Very nice job!!!!
Laurie P.
That was great! What a moron. Medicaid likely has a fraud tip line. I'd like to know who his doctor is that wrote whatever letters necessary to allow this cheat to even obtain Medicaid. I thought Medicaid was supposed to be for the poor and indigent?
Larry S.
(Lyn's note: the whistleblower link, found on the AHCCCS website, is )
By now you have all read about John Crane’s challenging of the Town’s term limits. I won’t go into all the technicalities of our law except to say that even though the Town’s citizens voted for term limits, it was never a legal action since the State Legislature does not acknowledge or accept term limits.
And no matter what you have been lead to believe, this is very good news for our town.
First of all, I strongly believe that the voters don’t need a law limiting the number of terms an official can be elected. The voters themselves are the ultimate term limit. If you don’t like the job we are doing, you can vote not to reelect us.
Secondly, in this as in the last election, there are no opponents for our Council seats. Why would we turn away someone who wants to serve when there are no others willing to step up to the plate?
And lastly but of even greater importance, John Crane has served our town for the last 3 terms and for the last 2 terms been our Vice Mayor. In my opinion we couldn’t ask for a more dedicated person to serve us. He is fair, honest and has no hidden agendas. He studies the issues and then makes informed and well thought out votes. He is just working on the behalf of all of us to make Carefree the best town it can be.
Good for you John Crane. I will happily serve the next term(s) with you if the voters see fit to extend both our terms in office.
Cheryl Kroyer
Council Member
Town of Carefree