Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here are the links to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!
Photo by Linda Stewart
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
I have reviewed Lyn Hitchon’s recent issue of Carefree Truth relating to the joint meeting (Part 1) held on August 14, 2017. Within the message, and taken from one of the slides in the video was the following statement: “Under the assumption that residents do not support a local property tax”.
It’s not the time or place to debate the old adage of the meaning of “assume”, but, as a believer in the Town’s need to enact some form of revenue stream for its Fire Service Contract, I keep hoping that people with a greater depth of writing about taxation districts, assessment districts, levying districts, etc. can come up with some wording to allow Carefree residents to impose a charge against all properties (commercial and residential) that would raise enough money to cover the shortfall between the cost of the Fire Service Contract and the funds generated from the 1% sales tax.
Years ago, sometime around the time I was on Council, surveys were conducted to ask residents various questions about the Town and its future. To the best of my recollection, it was not expensive.
We know that surveys are only as good as how the questions are phrased. In my many decades in the hospitality industry is was easy to ask a question, “How was your stay with us?” Alternatively, we could ask, “Was there anything wrong with your stay with us?” Needless to say, each question could evoke a different answer.
In a roundabout way, I am suggesting that we may not know how the resident voters feel unless we ask them. It is one thing to ask if they are opposed to a property tax. Most would say “NO” since we are all against any forms of taxation. Taxation without representation comes to mind.
While Carefree residents may be opposed to property taxes, are they opposed to a levy, or a fee, or some other term that would support fire protection for their homes and businesses? We already know that those who subscribed to Rural Metro are saving many dollars in fees. In addition, those properties which buy property insurance benefitted with the ISO rating. I estimate that I am saving at least $750 - $800 PER YEAR, as a result of not having to subscribe and a reduction in my homeowner’s insurance premiums.
Do I want a survey conducted to specifically ask about a Fire Protection fee? The answer is no. But, Council could ask a multi-question survey about a variety of topics from the Marketing Plan, including sand sculptures and Christmas Festivals, to dog parks, the splash pad, the Desert Gardens and Fire Protection. Lots of great information can be gleaned.
It is my opinion that the Town will have a very tough time in generating sales tax revenues that will be needed. While not a big follower of the retail industry, as a retiree dependent on my Social Security, a small pension, and my investments, it isn’t difficult to follow the trends away from retail and to the ever-increasing Internet. I do not blame Amazon for the decline in retail; Target and others are growing their Internet programs, it is what today’s consumers are looking for. Just as many Carefree residents want to remain in Carefree, but not in their large homes with 1 or 2 acre lots, and we see that Carefree is responding with its planning and zoning. It may be time to ask the question instead of making assumptions.
Arthur Gimson
We are looking forward to Alberto Ristorante being open this Thursday, after the summer hiatus. We missed you, Alberto!
Hi Lyn,
I would think the PO change is going to have a number of positives for Carefree residents, in that there are many things they cannot do there now being a contracted sub-station and we have to go to Cave Creek for, such as sending international packages, which I would think the new PO will be able to do. It will also be nice to have it spruced up a bit, which it seems like is going to happen.
(Lyn's note: Absolutely. And we came close to losing the Carefree PO altogether. They were looking at relocating, maybe within Carefree and maybe not. It's a shame to see the nice people who have worked there for a long time have to leave, but I'm sure the next people will be nice too. The "regular" PO employees who work at the Cave Creek PO are all very nice.)
What a shame
Bob Hesselgesser
A friend of mine said that some of the employees are applying for the job they had.
Louise Short
(Lyn's note: That would certainly be ideal!)
Such wonderful offerings!
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: re the Town of Carefree and the local non profits)
Hi Lyn,
Hope this finds you doing well. Wanted to let you know that I'm in need of a dog friendly rental for the Boyz and the 2nd week in October. The condo community I'm currently in sprays Roundup and other chemicals on almost a weekly basis. I knew they sprayed twice a year but found out a week ago it could be weekly. All the dogs are being monitored by my vet and the two terriers are both toxic and ill.
Would LOVE to be in the Cave Creek area, but will consider anything Shea NORTH, as far as Cave creek and from 7th Street to Scottsdale Road probably.
Thanks for thinking of me!!!!
Barbara Joy
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
I have reviewed Lyn Hitchon’s recent issue of Carefree Truth relating to the joint meeting (Part 1) held on August 14, 2017. Within the message, and taken from one of the slides in the video was the following statement: “Under the assumption that residents do not support a local property tax”.
It’s not the time or place to debate the old adage of the meaning of “assume”, but, as a believer in the Town’s need to enact some form of revenue stream for its Fire Service Contract, I keep hoping that people with a greater depth of writing about taxation districts, assessment districts, levying districts, etc. can come up with some wording to allow Carefree residents to impose a charge against all properties (commercial and residential) that would raise enough money to cover the shortfall between the cost of the Fire Service Contract and the funds generated from the 1% sales tax.
Years ago, sometime around the time I was on Council, surveys were conducted to ask residents various questions about the Town and its future. To the best of my recollection, it was not expensive.
We know that surveys are only as good as how the questions are phrased. In my many decades in the hospitality industry is was easy to ask a question, “How was your stay with us?” Alternatively, we could ask, “Was there anything wrong with your stay with us?” Needless to say, each question could evoke a different answer.
In a roundabout way, I am suggesting that we may not know how the resident voters feel unless we ask them. It is one thing to ask if they are opposed to a property tax. Most would say “NO” since we are all against any forms of taxation. Taxation without representation comes to mind.
While Carefree residents may be opposed to property taxes, are they opposed to a levy, or a fee, or some other term that would support fire protection for their homes and businesses? We already know that those who subscribed to Rural Metro are saving many dollars in fees. In addition, those properties which buy property insurance benefitted with the ISO rating. I estimate that I am saving at least $750 - $800 PER YEAR, as a result of not having to subscribe and a reduction in my homeowner’s insurance premiums.
Do I want a survey conducted to specifically ask about a Fire Protection fee? The answer is no. But, Council could ask a multi-question survey about a variety of topics from the Marketing Plan, including sand sculptures and Christmas Festivals, to dog parks, the splash pad, the Desert Gardens and Fire Protection. Lots of great information can be gleaned.
It is my opinion that the Town will have a very tough time in generating sales tax revenues that will be needed. While not a big follower of the retail industry, as a retiree dependent on my Social Security, a small pension, and my investments, it isn’t difficult to follow the trends away from retail and to the ever-increasing Internet. I do not blame Amazon for the decline in retail; Target and others are growing their Internet programs, it is what today’s consumers are looking for. Just as many Carefree residents want to remain in Carefree, but not in their large homes with 1 or 2 acre lots, and we see that Carefree is responding with its planning and zoning. It may be time to ask the question instead of making assumptions.
Arthur Gimson
We are looking forward to Alberto Ristorante being open this Thursday, after the summer hiatus. We missed you, Alberto!
Hi Lyn,
I would think the PO change is going to have a number of positives for Carefree residents, in that there are many things they cannot do there now being a contracted sub-station and we have to go to Cave Creek for, such as sending international packages, which I would think the new PO will be able to do. It will also be nice to have it spruced up a bit, which it seems like is going to happen.
(Lyn's note: Absolutely. And we came close to losing the Carefree PO altogether. They were looking at relocating, maybe within Carefree and maybe not. It's a shame to see the nice people who have worked there for a long time have to leave, but I'm sure the next people will be nice too. The "regular" PO employees who work at the Cave Creek PO are all very nice.)
What a shame
Bob Hesselgesser
A friend of mine said that some of the employees are applying for the job they had.
Louise Short
(Lyn's note: That would certainly be ideal!)
Such wonderful offerings!
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: re the Town of Carefree and the local non profits)
Hi Lyn,
Hope this finds you doing well. Wanted to let you know that I'm in need of a dog friendly rental for the Boyz and the 2nd week in October. The condo community I'm currently in sprays Roundup and other chemicals on almost a weekly basis. I knew they sprayed twice a year but found out a week ago it could be weekly. All the dogs are being monitored by my vet and the two terriers are both toxic and ill.
Would LOVE to be in the Cave Creek area, but will consider anything Shea NORTH, as far as Cave creek and from 7th Street to Scottsdale Road probably.
Thanks for thinking of me!!!!
Barbara Joy