(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here are the links to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!)
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
The 2016 Carefree Desert Garden calendars are now available at Carefree Town Hall, 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree, and they are gorgeous! If you like to take pictures, visit the Gardens. Our entry period for the Carefree Desert Gardens Photo Contest is January. Your picture could be in the 2017 calendar.
Town of Carefree Tourism Newsletter link: http://us10.campaign-archive1.com/?u=4b736631f153ae846e0670316&id=ec1774bfe3
In The News-Town of Carefree link: http://www.carefree.org/DocumentCenter/View/1250
Desert Foothills Chronicle link: http://www.desertfoothillschronicle.org/
CITY Sun Times link: http://news.citysuntimes.com/
The unofficial results have been posted on the Maricopa County Elections website, http://recorder.maricopa.gov/electionresults/eresults.aspx.
They are as follows: MAYOR - TOWN OF CAREFREE 100% precincts reporting
PETERSON, LES* 729 824 100.00
COUNCIL MEMBER TOWN OF CAREFREE 100% precincts reporting
CRANE, JOHN* 628 706 17.35
FARRAR, MIKE* 592 666 16.36
KRAHE, MICHAEL* 587 657 16.14
KROYER, CHERYL* 627 703 17.27
ORRICO, GENE* 593 664 16.31
VAN ALLEN, JIM* 594 674 16.56
Although the results are unofficial, all the candidates running for Carefree Mayor and Council have far exceeded the required number of votes to be elected in the primary. Congratulations to the Mayor and to the Council elect! The new Council will be seated in late November. Lyn and Herbert Hitchon
Hi Lyn, Sadie the Golden Retriever has been found. Sighted under a bush about a 1/2 mile from where she went missing. Her owner is taking her to the Vet for checkup. Thank you,Gail
Hi Lyn:
Not sure if it’s worth Letters for Readers, but, within the last four days, I have received three telephone calls all claiming to be from the IRS telling me that there is a warrant out for my arrest and to call them back. Needless to say, I did not call back.
However, I did call the non-emergency number of the MCSO; they cannot do much since I hadn’t lost anything and that telephone calls were from out-of-state (Long Beach, CA and an 800 service). I also found two other ways to report IRS impersonation scams, one is www.TITGA.gov and the other is phishing@irs.gov.
Driving for the Caring Corps puts me on the alert for scams. As you may know, since we are dealing with the so-called “vulnerable” section of the population we have to be fingerprinted and someone does a background check on all the volunteers. We keep our ears and eyes open for any possible problems, domestic abuse, financial irregularities, etc. and try our best to warn our passengers.
Arthur Gimson
Lyn, We are going to do a Yappy Hour on the patio at Cafe Bink on October 8 1-5. Foothills Animal Rescue is going to be involved. We will donate to them and they will bring a couple pups for adoption. Donna Lombardi
Looks fun! Jan and I are coming up to check it out.
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: The 1 year anniversary of Easy Street Galleria, Sept. 10th, 4-7 PM)
(Lyn's note: I asked Gary Neiss for the plants recommended for medians by Desert Foothills Landscape, for use in replacing plants as needed in the islands in our HOA. These don't need long term water and can withstand the reflective heat from adjacent streets.)
Here’s a short list:
Golden Barrel
Fishhook Barrel
Prickly Pear
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
I saw this email of yours with the list of low-water-usage plants. I think it has very valuable info in it. Maybe you should send it out to the community as a whole? I think others (especially those of us new to the Valley) could benefit from it.
Jeff Kerner
(Lyn's note: Jeff is our HOA president.)
The 2016 Carefree Desert Garden calendars are now available at Carefree Town Hall, 8 Sundial Circle, Carefree, and they are gorgeous! If you like to take pictures, visit the Gardens. Our entry period for the Carefree Desert Gardens Photo Contest is January. Your picture could be in the 2017 calendar.
Town of Carefree Tourism Newsletter link: http://us10.campaign-archive1.com/?u=4b736631f153ae846e0670316&id=ec1774bfe3
In The News-Town of Carefree link: http://www.carefree.org/DocumentCenter/View/1250
Desert Foothills Chronicle link: http://www.desertfoothillschronicle.org/
CITY Sun Times link: http://news.citysuntimes.com/
The unofficial results have been posted on the Maricopa County Elections website, http://recorder.maricopa.gov/electionresults/eresults.aspx.
They are as follows: MAYOR - TOWN OF CAREFREE 100% precincts reporting
PETERSON, LES* 729 824 100.00
COUNCIL MEMBER TOWN OF CAREFREE 100% precincts reporting
CRANE, JOHN* 628 706 17.35
FARRAR, MIKE* 592 666 16.36
KRAHE, MICHAEL* 587 657 16.14
KROYER, CHERYL* 627 703 17.27
ORRICO, GENE* 593 664 16.31
VAN ALLEN, JIM* 594 674 16.56
Although the results are unofficial, all the candidates running for Carefree Mayor and Council have far exceeded the required number of votes to be elected in the primary. Congratulations to the Mayor and to the Council elect! The new Council will be seated in late November. Lyn and Herbert Hitchon
Hi Lyn, Sadie the Golden Retriever has been found. Sighted under a bush about a 1/2 mile from where she went missing. Her owner is taking her to the Vet for checkup. Thank you,Gail
Hi Lyn:
Not sure if it’s worth Letters for Readers, but, within the last four days, I have received three telephone calls all claiming to be from the IRS telling me that there is a warrant out for my arrest and to call them back. Needless to say, I did not call back.
However, I did call the non-emergency number of the MCSO; they cannot do much since I hadn’t lost anything and that telephone calls were from out-of-state (Long Beach, CA and an 800 service). I also found two other ways to report IRS impersonation scams, one is www.TITGA.gov and the other is phishing@irs.gov.
Driving for the Caring Corps puts me on the alert for scams. As you may know, since we are dealing with the so-called “vulnerable” section of the population we have to be fingerprinted and someone does a background check on all the volunteers. We keep our ears and eyes open for any possible problems, domestic abuse, financial irregularities, etc. and try our best to warn our passengers.
Arthur Gimson
Lyn, We are going to do a Yappy Hour on the patio at Cafe Bink on October 8 1-5. Foothills Animal Rescue is going to be involved. We will donate to them and they will bring a couple pups for adoption. Donna Lombardi
Looks fun! Jan and I are coming up to check it out.
Laurie Palace
(Lyn's note: The 1 year anniversary of Easy Street Galleria, Sept. 10th, 4-7 PM)
(Lyn's note: I asked Gary Neiss for the plants recommended for medians by Desert Foothills Landscape, for use in replacing plants as needed in the islands in our HOA. These don't need long term water and can withstand the reflective heat from adjacent streets.)
Here’s a short list:
Golden Barrel
Fishhook Barrel
Prickly Pear
Gary Neiss, Town Administrator
I saw this email of yours with the list of low-water-usage plants. I think it has very valuable info in it. Maybe you should send it out to the community as a whole? I think others (especially those of us new to the Valley) could benefit from it.
Jeff Kerner
(Lyn's note: Jeff is our HOA president.)