I am sending this out tonight, rather than tomorrow morning, because I just got an email about a lost dog in Carefree (see the info below), so wanted to get that out sooner rather than later. Since Letters was slated to go out in the morning anyway, I added it and am sending the whole thing out now. Fingers crossed this sweet dog is soon reunited with his or her human family.
Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here is the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Photo by Mac Wetmore
Here is your bonus round from Herbert.
Here is your bonus round from Herbert.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Hi Lyn,
This dog is lost up in Carefree. Is it possible to send out this information to your local email list? Greatly appreciate it.
Thank you. Gail
🔺🔺SWEET timid LOST DOG 🔺🔺
Tuesday, September 11
Tom Darlington and Cave Creek rd.
Do not chase, please call or text Jessica Jorde the owner 24/7 ...
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
CITYSunTimes link:
Hi Lyn,
This dog is lost up in Carefree. Is it possible to send out this information to your local email list? Greatly appreciate it.
Thank you. Gail
🔺🔺SWEET timid LOST DOG 🔺🔺
Tuesday, September 11
Tom Darlington and Cave Creek rd.
Do not chase, please call or text Jessica Jorde the owner 24/7 ...
Dear Carefree Residents:
Thank you for turning out in record numbers for this contentious and energizing election and for giving me the opportunity to serve you for the next two years, along side of a fine, hardworking team on Council. It is time to set aside the emotions of the hard fought campaign and work towards strengthening our Town.
I have been listening. And, I understand we need to listen openly and constructively to the citizens and businesses in Carefree. By working together, respectfully, we can improve the health of our economic development and achieve a reliable water supply to everyone in our Town.
The campaign season is behind us. We are fortunate to live in a wonderful and unique Town. By coming together and setting partisanship aside, we can make Carefree even better.
John Crane
Vice Mayor, Town of Carefree
Dear Citizens of Carefree:
Let me first say thank you for your continued support in re-electing me as a member of Carefree Town Council. It is both an honor and privilege to serve as a representative of the citizens of Carefree.
As you will recall, a group of us ran as a common slate; I ran alongside Les Peterson--Mayor, John Crane--Vice Mayor, Cheryl Kroyer--Councilwoman, Steve Hatcher--Councilman, Vince D’Aliesio--Councilman. We ran together because we believed that our shared passion for our town and delivering results that benefit our town were in harmony. The election results, the voice of the people, spoke loudly!
There is much to be done: water for the future, continuing economic development, partnering with and assisting our downtown merchants so that they continue to prosper, sustaining our roadways, developing sustainable leadership for the future through the nascent Desert Foothills Leadership Program, and much more.
Again, thank you for your continued support.
I would like to take an additional moment to offer my perspective on this election, given the discord that this election garnered in the media and at town council meetings. It is my belief that we must learn from this, or we will be doomed to repeat it.
I know that we would all agree that when a citizen records information in any medium -- whether on a poster, a billboard, in a blog or letter to the editor, on Facebook, etc. -- that person has a responsibility to present the truth – not half the truth or total falsehood.
I also know that we would all agree that If the person wants instead to present his opinion, then that person has an obligation to inform readers that he is doing just that – merely stating his own opinion. Additionally, that person has an obligation to invite disagreement. Not only does that safeguard the truth, civil disagreement is the essence of democracy. We all know that it is not about furthering our own beliefs or conspiracy theories or half-truths; it is about getting to the truth so that we can join together to honor it.
But that is not what happened during this election.
Fortunately, however, Democracy prevailed! The silent majority made the final decision. The majority voters were able to see through self-serving motives and behavior of those who were attempting to gain their own ends. Those individuals did not have the interests or future of Carefree in their sights at any time during the election. And the silent majority – those who value integrity and honesty and democracy– won out.
Thank you for that!
Michael J. Krahe, Ph.D.
Carefree Town Council
Greetings neighbors! Thanks for reading, and thanks for your vote. I am grateful for the opportunity to be joining a great team in the Carefree Town Council.
We love Carefree. We moved here over two years ago on a whim from 10 miles away, because we fell in love with this community many years before but thought we would not be able to relocate here until retirement, which is still about 20 years from now. I ran unopposed in this election, but my goal was to learn about issues that I feel were important to this town and made them important to me. My goal was to get to know people in this election, regardless of their views, and understand more.
I am learning what is important to residents, and those concerns become important to me. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and will never discredit others’ views. My wife and I have three kids at home: a high schooler and two middle-schoolers. I’d like to see young families spend time here and even move here. The decisions that I am a part of these next two years are decisions that I make with long-term implications, not short-term band aids. Let’s look ahead, not back. The best way to do that is to work together. I put the needs of others first. I do it as a dad, a son, a manager, an educator, a coach, and now a councilman.
The next few months for me will be spent attending council meetings and working with our town staff to understand issues they face daily, chatting with residents and business owners, so that I hit the ground running when I am sworn in. We feel so lucky to live in such a beautiful community and will never take that for granted—that is how I will approach the responsibility that Carefree residents have placed on me.
Finally, much of my youth was influenced by role models: parents, clergy, scoutmasters, teachers, coaches. An old coach would refer to a quote that he insisted would carry us over the rest of our lives, and 30 years later I still think about it. He called it: “the 10 most important words you will ever know.”--“If it is to be, it is up to me.”
Proud Councilman-elect Vince D’Aliesio, town of Carefree.
My first duty as a councilman-elect was spent learning more about the history of the Central Arizona Project and how our most precious water resource is being managed. Got to hang out with Mayor Peterson, Vice-Mayor Crane, and Town Administrator Gary Neiss. Met Congressman David Stringer (Legislative district 1) and took a tour of the machine shop and control room, where 340 miles of canal in Arizona is managed.
Vince D'Aliesio
Thank you for turning out in record numbers for this contentious and energizing election and for giving me the opportunity to serve you for the next two years, along side of a fine, hardworking team on Council. It is time to set aside the emotions of the hard fought campaign and work towards strengthening our Town.
I have been listening. And, I understand we need to listen openly and constructively to the citizens and businesses in Carefree. By working together, respectfully, we can improve the health of our economic development and achieve a reliable water supply to everyone in our Town.
The campaign season is behind us. We are fortunate to live in a wonderful and unique Town. By coming together and setting partisanship aside, we can make Carefree even better.
John Crane
Vice Mayor, Town of Carefree
Dear Citizens of Carefree:
Let me first say thank you for your continued support in re-electing me as a member of Carefree Town Council. It is both an honor and privilege to serve as a representative of the citizens of Carefree.
As you will recall, a group of us ran as a common slate; I ran alongside Les Peterson--Mayor, John Crane--Vice Mayor, Cheryl Kroyer--Councilwoman, Steve Hatcher--Councilman, Vince D’Aliesio--Councilman. We ran together because we believed that our shared passion for our town and delivering results that benefit our town were in harmony. The election results, the voice of the people, spoke loudly!
There is much to be done: water for the future, continuing economic development, partnering with and assisting our downtown merchants so that they continue to prosper, sustaining our roadways, developing sustainable leadership for the future through the nascent Desert Foothills Leadership Program, and much more.
Again, thank you for your continued support.
I would like to take an additional moment to offer my perspective on this election, given the discord that this election garnered in the media and at town council meetings. It is my belief that we must learn from this, or we will be doomed to repeat it.
I know that we would all agree that when a citizen records information in any medium -- whether on a poster, a billboard, in a blog or letter to the editor, on Facebook, etc. -- that person has a responsibility to present the truth – not half the truth or total falsehood.
I also know that we would all agree that If the person wants instead to present his opinion, then that person has an obligation to inform readers that he is doing just that – merely stating his own opinion. Additionally, that person has an obligation to invite disagreement. Not only does that safeguard the truth, civil disagreement is the essence of democracy. We all know that it is not about furthering our own beliefs or conspiracy theories or half-truths; it is about getting to the truth so that we can join together to honor it.
But that is not what happened during this election.
Fortunately, however, Democracy prevailed! The silent majority made the final decision. The majority voters were able to see through self-serving motives and behavior of those who were attempting to gain their own ends. Those individuals did not have the interests or future of Carefree in their sights at any time during the election. And the silent majority – those who value integrity and honesty and democracy– won out.
Thank you for that!
Michael J. Krahe, Ph.D.
Carefree Town Council
Greetings neighbors! Thanks for reading, and thanks for your vote. I am grateful for the opportunity to be joining a great team in the Carefree Town Council.
We love Carefree. We moved here over two years ago on a whim from 10 miles away, because we fell in love with this community many years before but thought we would not be able to relocate here until retirement, which is still about 20 years from now. I ran unopposed in this election, but my goal was to learn about issues that I feel were important to this town and made them important to me. My goal was to get to know people in this election, regardless of their views, and understand more.
I am learning what is important to residents, and those concerns become important to me. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt and will never discredit others’ views. My wife and I have three kids at home: a high schooler and two middle-schoolers. I’d like to see young families spend time here and even move here. The decisions that I am a part of these next two years are decisions that I make with long-term implications, not short-term band aids. Let’s look ahead, not back. The best way to do that is to work together. I put the needs of others first. I do it as a dad, a son, a manager, an educator, a coach, and now a councilman.
The next few months for me will be spent attending council meetings and working with our town staff to understand issues they face daily, chatting with residents and business owners, so that I hit the ground running when I am sworn in. We feel so lucky to live in such a beautiful community and will never take that for granted—that is how I will approach the responsibility that Carefree residents have placed on me.
Finally, much of my youth was influenced by role models: parents, clergy, scoutmasters, teachers, coaches. An old coach would refer to a quote that he insisted would carry us over the rest of our lives, and 30 years later I still think about it. He called it: “the 10 most important words you will ever know.”--“If it is to be, it is up to me.”
Proud Councilman-elect Vince D’Aliesio, town of Carefree.
My first duty as a councilman-elect was spent learning more about the history of the Central Arizona Project and how our most precious water resource is being managed. Got to hang out with Mayor Peterson, Vice-Mayor Crane, and Town Administrator Gary Neiss. Met Congressman David Stringer (Legislative district 1) and took a tour of the machine shop and control room, where 340 miles of canal in Arizona is managed.
Vince D'Aliesio
Lyn, some recollections above water. Yes, negotiations started when Hugh Stevens was Mayor. The water committee was Mayor Stevens, Julian Barrolaza and me. Carefree bought the water company from daughter of KT Palmer. We named a street after the manager of that company when he retired and we hired Stan Francom.
Jay George came to us wanting to negotiate sale of the Cave Creek Water company. He had reservations of dealing with Cave Creek. We discussed a $5-6 million agreement. We were going to agree to purchase and allow Cave Creek to buy into 49% with Carefree retaining 51%. The local C C newspaper got involved and the deal was killed. Result was the sale by George to a Canadian company and eventually CC paying them several million ($20 million comes to mind) to buy the CC water company. I can only assume they are still paying for that to this day.
I pass along these points to the best of my recollections.
There were several people involved with trying to have a reasonable resolution to Carefree and Cave Creek water issues in the early 2000s. Thankfully Loyd Meyer is still willing to help resolve an issue that could have been resolved several million dollars ago.
Ed Morgan
I think Carefree should spend more time on developing things to do in Carefree...all the signage in the world won't help if there is nothing to do in the town. Have the correct person look into bigscreenbiz.com
Lois Treacy
Tom Rawles, during the September Call to the Public, stated that Thomas Jefferson said government exists to protect our rights. George Will said government exists to secure our freedoms, not our happiness. Abraham Lincoln said it is to do for men what they cannot do for themselves. He added, "And as Tom Rawles frequently says, 'Government does not exist to maximize its revenue or to take from the many to give to the few' ". Mr. Rawles felt that Carefree's government is taking his money, by force, to promote businesses in the downtown area that, under the free market, have the ability, the right and the opportunity to market themselves. He professed umbrage at Carefree's reserve account, claiming that the Town has been sitting on his money, taken from him by force, for years and years. Mayor Peterson explained to him that $2 million is budgeted for road work this fiscal year, much of it from the reserve fund, and that within the next 10 years the roads would require extensive expensive maintenance and repair in order to remain safe.
As opposed to the quotes Mr. Rawles read that referred to our federal government, the primary purpose of local government is to ensure the health, safety and welfare of it's citizens. Carefree provides police and fire protection, and maintains the roads. These services do not come for free, thus the need for our local government to do what it can to maximize its revenue. Carefree does not impose a municipal property tax. Approximately 1/2 of Carefree's income is a result of sales tax revenue.
Herbert and I do shop and dine in Carefree on a regular basis. We do not see Mr. Rawles, a Carefree citizen, around town supporting our merchants. When Mr. Rawles opened a restaurant, it was not located in Carefree but to our north, so contributed nothing to our town's revenue. I personally found his comments arrogant, ignorant and offensive.
Lyn Hitchon
These are great! Love the pics from the garden! The red flowers looked familiar, but with Herbie I don't ever want to question :)...since he's such a pro. I never get tired of looking at his work. People had nice things to say too.
Vince D'Aliesio
Jay George came to us wanting to negotiate sale of the Cave Creek Water company. He had reservations of dealing with Cave Creek. We discussed a $5-6 million agreement. We were going to agree to purchase and allow Cave Creek to buy into 49% with Carefree retaining 51%. The local C C newspaper got involved and the deal was killed. Result was the sale by George to a Canadian company and eventually CC paying them several million ($20 million comes to mind) to buy the CC water company. I can only assume they are still paying for that to this day.
I pass along these points to the best of my recollections.
There were several people involved with trying to have a reasonable resolution to Carefree and Cave Creek water issues in the early 2000s. Thankfully Loyd Meyer is still willing to help resolve an issue that could have been resolved several million dollars ago.
Ed Morgan
I think Carefree should spend more time on developing things to do in Carefree...all the signage in the world won't help if there is nothing to do in the town. Have the correct person look into bigscreenbiz.com
Lois Treacy
Tom Rawles, during the September Call to the Public, stated that Thomas Jefferson said government exists to protect our rights. George Will said government exists to secure our freedoms, not our happiness. Abraham Lincoln said it is to do for men what they cannot do for themselves. He added, "And as Tom Rawles frequently says, 'Government does not exist to maximize its revenue or to take from the many to give to the few' ". Mr. Rawles felt that Carefree's government is taking his money, by force, to promote businesses in the downtown area that, under the free market, have the ability, the right and the opportunity to market themselves. He professed umbrage at Carefree's reserve account, claiming that the Town has been sitting on his money, taken from him by force, for years and years. Mayor Peterson explained to him that $2 million is budgeted for road work this fiscal year, much of it from the reserve fund, and that within the next 10 years the roads would require extensive expensive maintenance and repair in order to remain safe.
As opposed to the quotes Mr. Rawles read that referred to our federal government, the primary purpose of local government is to ensure the health, safety and welfare of it's citizens. Carefree provides police and fire protection, and maintains the roads. These services do not come for free, thus the need for our local government to do what it can to maximize its revenue. Carefree does not impose a municipal property tax. Approximately 1/2 of Carefree's income is a result of sales tax revenue.
Herbert and I do shop and dine in Carefree on a regular basis. We do not see Mr. Rawles, a Carefree citizen, around town supporting our merchants. When Mr. Rawles opened a restaurant, it was not located in Carefree but to our north, so contributed nothing to our town's revenue. I personally found his comments arrogant, ignorant and offensive.
Lyn Hitchon
These are great! Love the pics from the garden! The red flowers looked familiar, but with Herbie I don't ever want to question :)...since he's such a pro. I never get tired of looking at his work. People had nice things to say too.
Vince D'Aliesio