Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. If your photos are for sale, let us know and we will put them under that category. We have a special section for that purpose. If anyone would like to buy a print of any of Herbert's photos, all profits will be donated to one of the local non-profit organizations. Here are the links to this week's Pictures of the Week. Enjoy!
Submitted by Joe DeVito (l) from his fishing trip.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
This bunny's getting quite comfortable with the camera faced human.
She's showing the big boy who's in charge!
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
This is great news about Civana coming to the Carefree Resort. It will bring additional jobs and tax revenue to the community. I hope they are a tremendous success!
Eileen Crowley
My only regret is that I was not able to be there for Stan's 100th birthday party. Kudos to Norm Kolbe for coming up with the party idea. Looking forward to the video.
Best regards,
John Crane
Is this what we want representing the Carefree brand?
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
City Sun Times link:
This is great news about Civana coming to the Carefree Resort. It will bring additional jobs and tax revenue to the community. I hope they are a tremendous success!
Eileen Crowley
My only regret is that I was not able to be there for Stan's 100th birthday party. Kudos to Norm Kolbe for coming up with the party idea. Looking forward to the video.
Best regards,
John Crane
Is this what we want representing the Carefree brand?
Jim Van Allen
Councilman Jim Van Allen has expressed interest in manning the Town of Carefree Information Booth during the Carefree Thunderbird Artists shows. He recently sent a letter to the Sonoran News (or as I call it, the "Sorchych Agenda"), filled with false information and misrepresentations. I frankly shudder thinking of him as the representative of Carefree. Who knows what he would tell the visitors and citizens of Carefree while sitting at that booth.
Amid the rest of the ridiculous junk (more on this will be addressed here at a later date) in his Sonoran News letter, Jim Van Allen asserted that Ed Lewis still owns the Easy Street South property. Wrong. John Traynor also stated this at the August 29th Council meeting, and repeated it in his "newsletter".
If Jim Van Allen and John Traynor had made the slightest effort to research this, they would realize that Mt. Whitney Ventures, LLC, owns it. But there is no reasoning with either one. If it does not fit their agenda, then it can not be true. Example: John Traynor: "I won't argue with you. It said what it said. Forget what the words were. It said what it said." "People can say anything.” Yes both of them can and will say anything - more often than not without merit or facts - and they will keep repeating it, no matter how wrong it is.
I do not believe either Jim Van Allen or John Traynor have the best interest of the town at heart. They seek only to be divisive, which is the only way they can make themselves important. Shame on Jim Van Allen and John Traynor.
If ignorance is bliss, why are they always so unhappy?
Herbert Hitchon
Etch-A-Sketch Van Allen Worried About Size
Van Allen’s letter to the Sonoran News contains a lot of misinformation, partial truths and some totally untrue information and misrepresentations. What’s the point? It passed. Now is the time to work with the decision. On any board, once a decision has been made, it’s done. Campaigning against it, or worse yet, purposefully undermining it, is a disservice to the entire Council and the residents of Carefree. A Councilman should make his disagreements clear, as Van Allen did during the meeting leading up to a vote, but then get on with working with the collective decision. If a Councilman cannot work with a decision, it’s time to go.
Now that Van Allen has made his opinion known that the rest of the Council is incompetent and the builder/architect are lying to the council and trying to “put one over” on the citizens of Carefree, the videos of the whole council meeting will show what really happened.
This is Van Allen’s Etch A Sketch of his interpretation of the condo project.
Councilman Jim Van Allen has expressed interest in manning the Town of Carefree Information Booth during the Carefree Thunderbird Artists shows. He recently sent a letter to the Sonoran News (or as I call it, the "Sorchych Agenda"), filled with false information and misrepresentations. I frankly shudder thinking of him as the representative of Carefree. Who knows what he would tell the visitors and citizens of Carefree while sitting at that booth.
Amid the rest of the ridiculous junk (more on this will be addressed here at a later date) in his Sonoran News letter, Jim Van Allen asserted that Ed Lewis still owns the Easy Street South property. Wrong. John Traynor also stated this at the August 29th Council meeting, and repeated it in his "newsletter".
If Jim Van Allen and John Traynor had made the slightest effort to research this, they would realize that Mt. Whitney Ventures, LLC, owns it. But there is no reasoning with either one. If it does not fit their agenda, then it can not be true. Example: John Traynor: "I won't argue with you. It said what it said. Forget what the words were. It said what it said." "People can say anything.” Yes both of them can and will say anything - more often than not without merit or facts - and they will keep repeating it, no matter how wrong it is.
I do not believe either Jim Van Allen or John Traynor have the best interest of the town at heart. They seek only to be divisive, which is the only way they can make themselves important. Shame on Jim Van Allen and John Traynor.
If ignorance is bliss, why are they always so unhappy?
Herbert Hitchon
Etch-A-Sketch Van Allen Worried About Size
Van Allen’s letter to the Sonoran News contains a lot of misinformation, partial truths and some totally untrue information and misrepresentations. What’s the point? It passed. Now is the time to work with the decision. On any board, once a decision has been made, it’s done. Campaigning against it, or worse yet, purposefully undermining it, is a disservice to the entire Council and the residents of Carefree. A Councilman should make his disagreements clear, as Van Allen did during the meeting leading up to a vote, but then get on with working with the collective decision. If a Councilman cannot work with a decision, it’s time to go.
Now that Van Allen has made his opinion known that the rest of the Council is incompetent and the builder/architect are lying to the council and trying to “put one over” on the citizens of Carefree, the videos of the whole council meeting will show what really happened.
This is Van Allen’s Etch A Sketch of his interpretation of the condo project.
May I suggest to the Council that for the next meeting you supply Van Allen with a calculator and crayons; that way he won’t wake up in the middle of the night thinking about size.
Van Allen in his letter seems to worry if there will be 1 bedroom condos, when he thought only 2 or 3 bedrooms. Really, that’s a concern?
There can’t be any architect drawings without approval on the dimensions from the Council, so no Jim, you don’t get to address this issue again and again.
You said our great founding fathers and those that managed the town's incorporation wanted a downtown Carefree much different than just another “Scottsdale Type Tall Development”. Van Allen, when founding fathers K.T. Palmer and Tom Darlington starting selling lots back in 1955, an aerial view of Scottsdale at that time would show no high rises. Carefree was incorporated in 1984 to avoid annexation from neighboring Scottsdale. Tall buildings were not discussed.
I hope, Jim, that your friends don’t wake you up again in the middle of the night to give you advice on the contents of your next letter to your friend at the SN. Looking forward to the next council meeting.
Susan Martin
What the heck is going on? Bad stuff. I never understand these troublemakers whose sole purpose in life seems to be discrediting and hurting others by spreading untrue and malicious gossip. Unbelievable. Thank you for putting the truth out there and calling them out. Excellent!
Carol Hitchcock
Sock it to them, Sock it TO THEM.
Joe DeVito
Van Allen in his letter seems to worry if there will be 1 bedroom condos, when he thought only 2 or 3 bedrooms. Really, that’s a concern?
There can’t be any architect drawings without approval on the dimensions from the Council, so no Jim, you don’t get to address this issue again and again.
You said our great founding fathers and those that managed the town's incorporation wanted a downtown Carefree much different than just another “Scottsdale Type Tall Development”. Van Allen, when founding fathers K.T. Palmer and Tom Darlington starting selling lots back in 1955, an aerial view of Scottsdale at that time would show no high rises. Carefree was incorporated in 1984 to avoid annexation from neighboring Scottsdale. Tall buildings were not discussed.
I hope, Jim, that your friends don’t wake you up again in the middle of the night to give you advice on the contents of your next letter to your friend at the SN. Looking forward to the next council meeting.
Susan Martin
What the heck is going on? Bad stuff. I never understand these troublemakers whose sole purpose in life seems to be discrediting and hurting others by spreading untrue and malicious gossip. Unbelievable. Thank you for putting the truth out there and calling them out. Excellent!
Carol Hitchcock
Sock it to them, Sock it TO THEM.
Joe DeVito