TIME: 5:00 P.M.
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council of the Town of Carefree, Arizona and to the general public that the members of the Town Council will hold a meeting open to the public. For any item listed on the agenda, the Council may vote to go into Executive Session for advice of counsel and/or to discuss records and information exempt by law or rule from public inspection, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues §38-431.03.
Members of the Council are participating by technological means or methods pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431(4).
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
All items listed hereunder are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed separately:
ITEM #1 Approval of the February 2, 2021 Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes.
ITEM #2 Acceptance into the public record of the January, 2021 paid bills.
ITEM #3 Acceptance into the public record of the February, 2021 paid bills.
ITEM #4 Acceptance of the cash receipts and disbursements report for December, 2020.
ITEM #5 Acceptance of the cash receipts and disbursements report for January, 2020.
ITEM #6 Approval of the IGA extending Animal Control Services through June 30, 2022.
ITEM #7 Approval of a Proclamation Supporting AT&T Services Veterans projects.
ITEM #8 NOTE: Submission of public comments at Call to the Public must be provided in typed format by email to Kandace@Carefree.org. Comments are to be limited to not more than one-half page, double spaced, 12 point type. No more than one submission per person or legal entity per meeting will be read into the record. Please identify your town or city of residence. Comments that do not comply with the format specified may not be read during this Council meeting. Comments must be received by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, March 2, 2021.
ITEM #9 Current Events.
ITEM #10 Review, discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 2021-02 and Proclamation regarding the renaming of the Sundial Plaza to the Gerry Jones Plaza and recognition of the installation of the plaque installation honoring Gerry Jones.
ITEM #11 Presentation by Robin Cochran, new Executive Director of the Foothills Caring Corps, regarding the past, present and future services to the Foothills communities.
ITEM #12 Review, discussion and possible action to approve Ordinance 2021-01 to amend the Carefree Town Code, to protect the health, safety, and welfare by prohibiting the use, possession, sale, and smoking of marijuana on publically owned or controlled property and only allow recreational marijuana sales within a medical marijuana facility holding a dual license. Public comments will be taken. (Second Reading).
ITEM #13 Presentation of the “Carefree Cares” / CCUSD Excellence Award in conjunction with Cave Creek Unified School District, honoring a teacher from each school in the district each quarter.
ITEM #14 Review, discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 2021-03 authorizing the renewal of the Town of Carefree’s membership in the Rural Arizona Group Health Trust.
ITEM #15 Review, discussion and possible action to approve for settlement and payment of the judgement in the Villafane matter.
ITEM #16 Adjournment.
DATED this 25th day of February, 2021.
BY: Kandace French Contreras
Kandace French Contreras, Town Clerk/Treasurer
Items may be taken out of order
*Due to the risks to public health caused by the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus at public gatherings, it has been determined that public meetings will be held indefinitely through technological means. Meetings will be also open to the public through technological means. In reliance on, and compliance with, the March 13, 2020 Opinion issued by Attorney General Mark Brnovich, the Town of Carefree provides this special advance notice of the technological means through which public meetings may be accessed. While this special notice is in effect, public comment at meetings will only be accepted through written submissions, which may or may not be read aloud during meetings.
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Audio by Telephone:
1.669.900.6833 or or 1.346.248.7799
Webinar ID: 819 8489 7799
TIME: 5:00 P.M.
Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Town Council of the Town of Carefree, Arizona and to the general public that the members of the Town Council will hold a meeting open to the public. For any item listed on the agenda, the Council may vote to go into Executive Session for advice of counsel and/or to discuss records and information exempt by law or rule from public inspection, pursuant to Arizona Revised Statues §38-431.03.
Members of the Council are participating by technological means or methods pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431(4).
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
All items listed hereunder are considered to be routine by the Town Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be discussed separately:
ITEM #1 Approval of the February 2, 2021 Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes.
ITEM #2 Acceptance into the public record of the January, 2021 paid bills.
ITEM #3 Acceptance into the public record of the February, 2021 paid bills.
ITEM #4 Acceptance of the cash receipts and disbursements report for December, 2020.
ITEM #5 Acceptance of the cash receipts and disbursements report for January, 2020.
ITEM #6 Approval of the IGA extending Animal Control Services through June 30, 2022.
ITEM #7 Approval of a Proclamation Supporting AT&T Services Veterans projects.
ITEM #8 NOTE: Submission of public comments at Call to the Public must be provided in typed format by email to Kandace@Carefree.org. Comments are to be limited to not more than one-half page, double spaced, 12 point type. No more than one submission per person or legal entity per meeting will be read into the record. Please identify your town or city of residence. Comments that do not comply with the format specified may not be read during this Council meeting. Comments must be received by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, March 2, 2021.
ITEM #9 Current Events.
ITEM #10 Review, discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 2021-02 and Proclamation regarding the renaming of the Sundial Plaza to the Gerry Jones Plaza and recognition of the installation of the plaque installation honoring Gerry Jones.
ITEM #11 Presentation by Robin Cochran, new Executive Director of the Foothills Caring Corps, regarding the past, present and future services to the Foothills communities.
ITEM #12 Review, discussion and possible action to approve Ordinance 2021-01 to amend the Carefree Town Code, to protect the health, safety, and welfare by prohibiting the use, possession, sale, and smoking of marijuana on publically owned or controlled property and only allow recreational marijuana sales within a medical marijuana facility holding a dual license. Public comments will be taken. (Second Reading).
ITEM #13 Presentation of the “Carefree Cares” / CCUSD Excellence Award in conjunction with Cave Creek Unified School District, honoring a teacher from each school in the district each quarter.
ITEM #14 Review, discussion and possible action to approve Resolution 2021-03 authorizing the renewal of the Town of Carefree’s membership in the Rural Arizona Group Health Trust.
ITEM #15 Review, discussion and possible action to approve for settlement and payment of the judgement in the Villafane matter.
ITEM #16 Adjournment.
DATED this 25th day of February, 2021.
BY: Kandace French Contreras
Kandace French Contreras, Town Clerk/Treasurer
Items may be taken out of order
*Due to the risks to public health caused by the possible spread of the COVID-19 virus at public gatherings, it has been determined that public meetings will be held indefinitely through technological means. Meetings will be also open to the public through technological means. In reliance on, and compliance with, the March 13, 2020 Opinion issued by Attorney General Mark Brnovich, the Town of Carefree provides this special advance notice of the technological means through which public meetings may be accessed. While this special notice is in effect, public comment at meetings will only be accepted through written submissions, which may or may not be read aloud during meetings.
Join Zoom Webinar:
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Audio by Telephone:
1.669.900.6833 or or 1.346.248.7799
Webinar ID: 819 8489 7799