"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #898, February 21, 2021
Issue #898, February 21, 2021
Part C:
Greg Crossman reported that after the parcel in the Boulders along Tom Darlington Drive was determined to be the optimal site, the Town met with the Boulders Homeowner's Association (BHOA) in March of 2019, and was granted access to perform the geotechnical investigation. Town officials attended a General Membership meeting of the BHOA on November 8, 2019. A follow-up meeting with the nearby residents along Sagebrush Lane to discuss the proposed project was held in early January of 2020. The Notice of Claim opposing the project was filed in February of 2020. Litigation was filed in July of 2020, at which point communication was cut to a minimum.
The Town continued to receive comments from the Boulders residents via email, social media, and verbally. Mr. Crossman stated, "We listened and we have adjusted our plans for this site to be sensitive to the Boulders community and to the adjacent residents."
The original concept in November of 2019 was for a 300,000 gallon water storage tank (WST) that would be 1/2 buried underground and 1/2 above ground, with a water depth of 16', 60' in diameter (2,800 square feet), 8"-12" thick partially buried concrete walls, and a 3,000 square foot utility area for equipment and electronics.
The concept now is a fully buried tank with a water depth of 12' with a 65' diameter of 3,300 square feet. The utility area has been reduced to 1,300 square feet. Some of the soil that would be excavated from the site would be placed on top of the site to allow for natural desert re-landscaping. The berm on top of the WST would provide a buffer from the sights and sounds of traffic on Tom Darlington Drive, and would be 8'5" at most at it's highest point, with an average of 5'-6' above the existing ground level.
Greg Crossman reported that after the parcel in the Boulders along Tom Darlington Drive was determined to be the optimal site, the Town met with the Boulders Homeowner's Association (BHOA) in March of 2019, and was granted access to perform the geotechnical investigation. Town officials attended a General Membership meeting of the BHOA on November 8, 2019. A follow-up meeting with the nearby residents along Sagebrush Lane to discuss the proposed project was held in early January of 2020. The Notice of Claim opposing the project was filed in February of 2020. Litigation was filed in July of 2020, at which point communication was cut to a minimum.
The Town continued to receive comments from the Boulders residents via email, social media, and verbally. Mr. Crossman stated, "We listened and we have adjusted our plans for this site to be sensitive to the Boulders community and to the adjacent residents."
The original concept in November of 2019 was for a 300,000 gallon water storage tank (WST) that would be 1/2 buried underground and 1/2 above ground, with a water depth of 16', 60' in diameter (2,800 square feet), 8"-12" thick partially buried concrete walls, and a 3,000 square foot utility area for equipment and electronics.
The concept now is a fully buried tank with a water depth of 12' with a 65' diameter of 3,300 square feet. The utility area has been reduced to 1,300 square feet. Some of the soil that would be excavated from the site would be placed on top of the site to allow for natural desert re-landscaping. The berm on top of the WST would provide a buffer from the sights and sounds of traffic on Tom Darlington Drive, and would be 8'5" at most at it's highest point, with an average of 5'-6' above the existing ground level.
The utility area vastly was reduced in size and relocated from north of the WST to be in front of it, towards Tom Darlington Drive, out of site of the homes in the Boulders. Access to the above ground utility equipment would be a circular unpaved decomposed granite driveway with a heavily landscaped area between that and Tom Darlington Drive to screen the equipment area from the street view. The berm would screen it from the residents to the east. The closest residence is approximately 160' away from the above ground utility area, which would contain minor, low impact equipment.
4 pieces of equipment would be needed. 1. Electrical cabinets for monitoring and control purposes to know when to open and close valves, 2. Chlorination equipment that can "boost" chlorine if necessary (solid chlorine tablets would be used, so no chlorine gas would be emitted from the site, 3. A blower, with sound comparable to a residential refrigerator, to control THM to ensure water quality. 4. An emergency back-up generator for power outages would be "exercised" for 20 minutes once a week or used during power outages.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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