Carefree Truth
Issue #758, June 17, 2019
A rezoning of 7.93 acres to the west of the northeast corner of Stagecoach Pass and Pima Road was heard by the Council. The zoning in place was R-43 (43,000 square feet) and the applicant requested a change to R1-35 (35,000 square feet) for a 6 lot development of custom homes to be called The Estates at Carefree. No General Plan amendment would be required, as both zoning districts are Low Density Residential (LDR) single family homes, and are considered to be in the 1 acre lot category.
Stacy Bridge-Denzak reported that to the east is Eastwood, to the north is the City of Scottsdale, to the south is Sunrock Estates, and to the east is Stagecreek Estates. Neither Sunrock nor Stagecreek have been developed. Farther to the east is Velvet Shadows, which features both zoning districts. There is not a significant difference between the 2 districts.
Stacy Bridge-Denzak reported that to the east is Eastwood, to the north is the City of Scottsdale, to the south is Sunrock Estates, and to the east is Stagecreek Estates. Neither Sunrock nor Stagecreek have been developed. Farther to the east is Velvet Shadows, which features both zoning districts. There is not a significant difference between the 2 districts.
A major 404 (Waters of the United States) wash traverses the subject property. The request to amend the zoning was made in order to develop without impacting the wash and the associated floodplain. The 2 lots to the north are about twice the size of the zoning minimum; the other 4 would be R1-35.
Lot #3, abutting Eastwood, has a smaller setback but Eastwood has a buffer, so there would be about 60' between it and the develop-able area on that lot.
Lot #3, abutting Eastwood, has a smaller setback but Eastwood has a buffer, so there would be about 60' between it and the develop-able area on that lot.
The developer would provide frontage landscaping with a privacy wall and an entry sign. The community would be gated with private streets. Established design guidelines that the Town could enforce would run with the rezoning. The street Right of Way would be dedicated to Scottsdale. Grading and drainage would be created per lot and roadway to accommodate a 2 hour, 100 year storm event. Individual private septic systems would be permitted by Maricopa County, water would be provided by the Carefree Water Company, and all Rural/Metro fire requirements must be met.
A neighborhood meeting was held on January 25th, 2018. The public notification requirements were met. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak spoke with the Eastwood HOA president. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard the request on May 13, 2019, where 2 residents of Eastwood spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, feeling it would impact their views of the natural desert and expressing a concern over how it would impact the wash. The Commission recommended approval of the rezoning 6-0.
Councilman Gene Orrico asked what the cost of the homes would be. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak replied that they would be large custom homes, so prices would probably be similar to what is seen in Carefree today.
Mayor Les Peterson asked if it would be prohibitively expensive to use sewer rather than septic tanks. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak replied yes, that there are only 6 lots and the extension required would have to come from Mule Train Road and Stagecoach Pass. They would also have to go through the inclusion process with Liberty Utilities.
Vice Mayor John Crane noted that even though the zoning would change, the number of lots would remain the same.
Mrs. Bridge-Denzak confirmed that. The request was based on site constraints so the 6 lots would fit without impacting the drainage and the wash. The applicant is the owner of the only existing house in the 2 other neighboring undeveloped subdivisions.
The Council approved the rezoning request 7-0.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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A neighborhood meeting was held on January 25th, 2018. The public notification requirements were met. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak spoke with the Eastwood HOA president. The Planning & Zoning Commission heard the request on May 13, 2019, where 2 residents of Eastwood spoke in opposition to the proposed rezoning, feeling it would impact their views of the natural desert and expressing a concern over how it would impact the wash. The Commission recommended approval of the rezoning 6-0.
Councilman Gene Orrico asked what the cost of the homes would be. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak replied that they would be large custom homes, so prices would probably be similar to what is seen in Carefree today.
Mayor Les Peterson asked if it would be prohibitively expensive to use sewer rather than septic tanks. Mrs. Bridge-Denzak replied yes, that there are only 6 lots and the extension required would have to come from Mule Train Road and Stagecoach Pass. They would also have to go through the inclusion process with Liberty Utilities.
Vice Mayor John Crane noted that even though the zoning would change, the number of lots would remain the same.
Mrs. Bridge-Denzak confirmed that. The request was based on site constraints so the 6 lots would fit without impacting the drainage and the wash. The applicant is the owner of the only existing house in the 2 other neighboring undeveloped subdivisions.
The Council approved the rezoning request 7-0.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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