"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #1010, April 18, 2022
Issue #1010, April 18, 2022
Gary Neiss noted that there are 5 full time employees (FTE) within the Community Development Department. It's a very lean organizational structure compared with other nearby communities. Stacey Bridge-Denzak is the Planning Director and Zoning Administrator. She deals with general planning and with zoning.
Ms. Bridge-Denzak said she enjoys the expanded role she plays in Carefree, as opposed to the roles she had when working for other municipalities. She and Planning Clerk Samantha Gessell are here to help manage growth and development in Carefree. It has to do with the General Plan (GP), which is the guiding document/vision that helps support other documents such as zoning and subdivision laws and entitlements.
As everyone is aware, real estate development has exploded in the last couple of years, and particularly here in Carefree. They are talking to people about parcels that no one thought would be developed in our lifetimes. A subdivision called Carefree Vistas that was platted around 2007 has come in looking to develop now. They get a lot of questions about what can be done on both commercial and residential properties, and try to guide people to go along with Carefree's vision.
Planning and Zoning works closely with Economic Development. The Major GP amendment on the N.W. corner of Carefree Highway and Tom Darlington Drive took a lot of effort, working with Economic Development Director Steve Prokopek. It was a major accomplishment. They will continue working together on a comprehensive circulation and signage plan for the redevelopment area in the downtown.
She and Ms. Gessell also work closely with the Building Department with respect to reviewing permits and knowledge of the zoning Ordinances, which is part of the tool box for how Carefree develops. They go out to do site inspections and are called on when people are doing things they shouldn't be doing. Ms. Bridge-Denzak also works with the Code Enforcement Officer to try to get problems solved. She works with the Town Engineer on issues like the streets, grading and drainage, and washes.
Planning and Zoning has had a very busy year, with over 21 zoning applications and pre-application meetings. They also prepare for public hearings at both the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council levels. It's a lot of work for a 2 person department. Ms. Bridge-Denzak feels fortunate to have an excellent Planning Clerk to help her. Ms. Gessell is also responsible for the archival system for all the important historical documents. It is important to carry on the history of those who came before and to maintain the current records. Ms. Gessell is also being transitioned into doing some inspections. They are a small staff, but Ms. Bridge-Denzak thinks they do a good job at taking care of members of the community.
It is time to update the GP, which is a 10 year document, and a consultant is being hired to help with that. Once the GP update is completed, the Zoning Ordinances will be next. When Mr. Neiss was the Zoning Director back in 2008, he put together a great set of Zoning Ordinances. But since then, there have been technology changes and changes in State Statutes. The signage and circulation plan will continue to be developed and Carefree's fee structure will be updated this year.
Ms. Bridge-Denzak feels that the most high level function she and Ms. Gessell serve is providing top notch customer service, answering questions about property development and business uses, and what can happen in the town.
Councilman Tony Geiger asked what the timeline is for the GP, since it has to go to a ballot. Ms. Bridge-Denzak replied that it is the next priority after passing the annual budget. With the Visioning workshops that have been held, she said it is more a matter of updating data, reconfirming goals and objectives, and having an economic development element included. The consultant will be brought on soon, it will go out to the public, and the idea is to have the results ready for a vote in August of 2023.
Mr. Neiss expressed the opinion that Ms. Gessell is a great compliment to Ms. Bridge-Denzak. She handles the front zoning desk with a sunny disposition and a way of making all customers feel they are listened to and respected. She is a great asset to the Town of Carefree.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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