(Lyn's note: I've had a significant number of readers ask about the future of the Pumpkin Festival. I had that issue ready to go out on Friday, but decided to send it out this morning due to expressed interest.)
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Sanibel, Florida
Photo by Nancy Molder
(Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert)
Photo by Nancy Molder
(Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert)
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
Nancy and Jim represent all that is great in Carefree. I've spoken to Nancy at length and she cares about all of our residents and in maintaining the quality of life that people move here to have. She was exceptional in her delivery of why all residents in our community need to be served by the same water system.
Vince D'Aliesio
Again, thank you and Dr. Herbie for all you both do in keeping Carefree residents informed about what’s going on. Nancy Keller could not be more correct in her remarks that all Carefree residents should be treated equally as to receiving good, highly quality, drinking water and fire hydrants that work. Those advised to consult their doctors include thevelderly, medically compromised, children and those pregnant. Due to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam, Nancy's husband is in the high-risk group referred to in the CC water quality notice.
Nancy Keller’s comments about property values makes me think whether anyone selling a house that is served by Cave Creek water should disclose that information in their listing just as they have to include other problems that potential buyers need to know. That’s not a situation that I can even attempt to answer.
It was also good to hear Vice Mayor John Crane’s comments about the Cave Creek Water Notification letter (I got one) that many Carefree residents (those on Carefree Water) would not be aware of. The problems of high levels of Total Organic Compounds (TOCs). Just think about it, organic is something derived from living materials, trees, plants, humans, dogs, cats, coyotes, javelina, etc. If the TOCs are in the water, it needs to be treated, chlorination is often used, in turn, creating harmful byproducts. The better the treatment, the less disinfection chemicals are needed. Carefree residents on Carefree water need to know why 526 businesses and residential properties are so anxious to get off Cave Creek Water and on to Carefree water…their health may depend on it.
Arthur Gimson
They've had that problem with the water "forever" and either don't want to address it or are incapable/incompetent, probably the latter!
Larry Holland
As you may recall, about 6 months ago I complained to Cave Creek Water (with copies to AZ environmental and Maricopa County) that, as an Auto Pay-Paperless subscriber I was not getting notification Letters that I was hearing about from friends about TOCs being over the Federal limits. Glad to report that I am now getting Notifications. I have added some comments below. I don’t know if you have any additional information. I am sending a cc to Tony Geiger who may know more.
(Comment) I had heard that Cave Creek was hooking up to the Phoenix Water system and would not be hooking up their new rented (leased) portable units. Now they are saying they have completed that project.
Arthur Gimson
Cave Creek and Phoenix have signed an IGA that will allow Cave Creek to connect to their system for emergency back-up purposes only. As Cave Creek only has one source of water, this is something the WAC suggested 5 years ago. It is not a replacement for Cave Creek's CAP line or water plant. In fact CC now needs to spend over $20,000,000 for new CAP pump stations, the connection to Phoenix, and the membrane filters. This does not include the cost of redoing their water treatment plant, which they will need to do. I don’t believe the Phoenix connection will be done for several years.
Just a note on trihalomethanes. The Environmental Working Group recommends point of use filtration to remove them from the water. They are a serious potential carcinogen. Dr Kerry Smith, current WAC chair, told their Council the same thing and they shot him down.
The entire water plant fiasco is a new low for Cave Creek. Too much to explain in an email but a bad deal, as it has been going on since 2009.
Last weekend, one of the toilets was not flushing. I needed a replacement fill valve, not a big deal, $7.98 from Lowes with a 5-year warranty. My house was built as received its certificate of completion in December 2002.
When installing the new valve, I found the bottom of the tank to have a layer of small sand. The toilet happens to be the one closest to the supply coming in to the house. I am seriously thinking about getting a plumber to look at the possibility of adding a bypass loop with an inline filter, after the shut-off valve. Perhaps with an opportunity to remove, clean or replace the filter. While it will not help with TOCs and THMS, it may keep the bits and pieces out…I drink tap water!
I, too, will be very happy when we are on Carefree Water.
This I have said before. The most noise is from Harley cycles. Harley built in a louder noise patented muffler system, which, of course emits a louder noise. This was built in and patented by Harley Davidson so that the cyclists would be heard if not seen.
The problem comes from ILLEGAL Pipes that are added by the owners and increase the noise level of their bikes to far over the noise level decibels set by law. Harley Bikes with the standard muffler meet the noise level Laws, so they actually break the law by having the ILLEGAL pipes.
Sheriffs don't need a decibel meter, one can actually see that the mufflers have been ILLEGALLY altered. As a matter of fact Harley Davidson in Cave Creek advertises the ILLEGAL kits .
There is also the problem of speeding and not stopping for the crosswalks.
I believe the whole problem can be solved by Police enforcing the Law "Now".
Himself; Joseph Corpora
We don't usually mind the motorcycles, but we can see where the people who live right on Cave Creek Road and on Tom Darlington Drive are so unhappy. Our house is quite far off of Cave Creek Road. We were out on our front porch last Saturday night. Herbert was taking pictures of the pretty sunset. One group of cyclists, with another group not far behind them, went flying past with obviously aftermarket (illegal) mufflers. All of them in both groups were revving the bikes full blast the whole way down Cave Creek Road. We could hear the first group as they proceeded south on Cave Creek Road beyond the traffic light, and the second group as they turned west on Carefree Highway, for quite a distance in both directions. That's how loud they were. And this was not even Bike Week. This was a regular weekend. Multiply that by a huge number of bikers and you have the noise level during the weekends on Bike Week.
Lyn & Herbert Hitchon
Zero benefit to us. Do you know the $ bottom line to Cave Creek? Sometimes economic benefits turn heads, or I should say ears, the other way.
Henry Molder
Hi Lyn,
FYI: We thought the fireworks we first heard and then saw from our home was at first someone’s house had caught fire with fireworks. Then I drove over by Desert Hills Seven area and saw them… a stray firework could have easily come across Cave Creek Rd. and hit a house or an adjoining home to the Seven property. No Sheriff or Scottsdale Police were around the area to be seen. The noise was loud afterwards with a large party going on at the new golf club house. It’s interesting they allowed any fireworks as the area is in line with the Carefree Airport runway. So anyone needing to land or takeoff could have been hit with fireworks. I recall the area is restricted airspace too, so fireworks could have strayed into restricted airspace. I doubt anyone notified the Airport or City and I doubt they had a permit from the County or FAA (if required) or maybe even Scottsdale (if required).
I have talked to other residents who live on Pima across from or adjoining to and they were also surprised by the fireworks and expressed dislike for the very loud party music which I could hear from my house 4 streets away, so those adjoining had it real loud and disturbing.
Seems as if Desert Mt (heard people were very rude to those who called Seven club house to complain) and Marabel think they can do anything they want. When cool weather comes Marabel likes to have a large wood fire on weekends as we west of there have to close our windows, doors, and skylights else our house smells like fire smoke (forest fire). Sometimes one can see particles in the air with a flashlight. One would think that the County or Scottsdale would have some clean air regulations that restricted fires large enough to put particulates in the air and heavy smoke smell. Marabel must think residences west of them love to have their fresh smelling clean air stunk up so residents cannot even sit on their patios and have to close up their homes when they decide to stink us out.
Name withheld by request
I believe that fireworks do require a permit, and that a fire truck is supposed to be on site in case of fire. I know when Carefree shot off fireworks as part of the Christmas Festival, there was always a R/M truck parked very near the firing-off site.
You can report the open fire with the particles and strong smoke to the Maricopa County Department of Environmental Quality (MCDEQ), Air Quality Department. I believe they are the ones who would deal with that issue. I think there are rules on the books about wood burning fire places.
I have copied Gary and Les on your email in case they have any comments or suggestions.
Thank you Lyn for your email and thank your reader for the justifiable concerns and thoughts.
As a follow-up to Mr. Traynor’s original complaint to the Council regarding the fireworks at Desert Mountain within the City of Scottsdale, I immediately contacted the leadership at Desert Mountain as well as the developer of Seven to understand and learn what occurred. This information was also shared with Mr. Traynor so he may also share with his neighbors. According to the Desert Mountain Community Director, their association has assumed the control of the club house at Seven. One of their members had a private party with fireworks. Additionally, the Director acknowledge that this display was not customary of their typical events and apologized for not notifying the Town of Carefree nor nearby neighbors of the fireworks display. I requested that fireworks displays be prohibited in the future and that a line of communication be opened up between Desert Mountain, the nearby HOA as well as the Town so we are informed and can proactively address any future functions that may pose disruptions to Carefree residents enjoying the tranquility of their desert retreats. I have shared the contact information of the HOA for their future reference/communication.
Since air quality is a regional issue that is silent to municipal boundaries, Maricopa County does strictly enforce wood burning fires during no burn days. Building codes today require gas fireplaces; however, there may be outdoor wood burning fire pits in some resident’s backyards and some restaurants/clubhouses still use smoking techniques in preparing menu items. Maricopa County Air Quality will enforce wood burning during no burning days and it has been quite effective as a counter measure to address cross jurisdictional air quality issues and the associated bad actors. If a resident is aware of an air quality issue, they can file complaints by contacting the air quality enforcement department at 602-372-2703 or fill out an online form at: https://www.maricopa.gov/2132/Report-a-Concern-or-Violation.
Gary Neiss
Gary’s response is a very good start, but given Desert Mt's response to Gary and disregard for fireworks permit and ignoring the risk to aircraft flights to/from Carefree Airport runway, I feel that the FAA and Maricopa County should be notified of the high and large (commercial) fireworks event for a very large party for an individual. Would be a good idea for the FAA and County to notify Desert Mt in writing to not allow any future unauthorized fireworks. Since it was a private party, feel it would be good idea for Desert Mt to notify their residents of restrictions.
I was also surprised that the manned Scottsdale Fire Dept Station next to Desert Mt (across from Lutheran Church and super close to the clubhouse) allowed the event to occur for quite a while to its end… they should have intervened and stopped it.
Thank Gary and you for the link to report the open fire issue. Its gets really bad sometimes and hopefully they can put a stop to it.
Yes you can publish my email contents without my name mentioned. Gary or you should copy the Desert Mt management so they know the residents of Carefree will be watching.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi Lyn and Herb:
You did a marvelous job capturing the magic of the tree lighting and Breakfast with Santa with photos and videos. The CCUSD student choirs, the small electric candles, the tree lighting, kids visiting Santa and the movie “Elf” combined for a great evening of fun for everyone of all ages. The evening was just what Betsy and I needed to get in the mood for the Holiday Season.
And, kudos to Kevin and Martha Glenn for the fantastic line up of young singers performing during ‘Breakfast with Santa’.
Best regards,
John Crane
Thanks so much Lyn and Herbie!!
Mike Krahe
(Lyn's note: Councilman Krahe was the MC for the Friday night Christmas in Carefree CCUSD concert.)
Councilman Mike Krahe
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Great job Herb and Lyn! What a lovely night and a fun way to kick off a season of caring in Carefree! The lights were spectacular, the kids choirs were fabulous, the line to see Santa was filled with excited children who were treated to a free book, and the hot cocoa and kettle corn were a perfect treat while watching Elf under the stars. Kudos to Carefree and the team that put this together! It was a great event and reflects the warmth of our small, but amazing town.
Betsy Lynn
Thanks, Lyn, for your posting.
Sue Bickerdyke
(Lyn's note: Bickerdyke Interiors is located in the Bashas' center. Lovely inventory.)
It was good to see that someone from the ownership/development team building the Hampton Inn has a good sense of humor, often missing in this overly politically correct divisive world.
While they may have had a choice of addresses, it was fun to read 2 Easy Street. Wouldn't it be fun if their printed materials said "Too East Street"? It is in keeping (or should it be inn keeping) with many of the Carefree street names, which no one gets to hear about because we have post office boxes.
When friends visit Carefree, I enjoy taking them to see Here to There Drive, No More Road, This is it Circle, Up and Down Place, in addition to the more famous ones of Wampum Way and Ho and Hum Roads.
Arthur Gimson
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both of you. I'll add my sentiments to others by saying....I really appreciate what you and Herbie do for the community all year long. Thank you.
Marie Christensen
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Great job Herb and Lyn! What a lovely night and a fun way to kick off a season of caring in Carefree! The lights were spectacular, the kids choirs were fabulous, the line to see Santa was filled with excited children who were treated to a free book, and the hot cocoa and kettle corn were a perfect treat while watching Elf under the stars. Kudos to Carefree and the team that put this together! It was a great event and reflects the warmth of our small, but amazing town.
Betsy Lynn
Thanks, Lyn, for your posting.
Sue Bickerdyke
(Lyn's note: Bickerdyke Interiors is located in the Bashas' center. Lovely inventory.)
It was good to see that someone from the ownership/development team building the Hampton Inn has a good sense of humor, often missing in this overly politically correct divisive world.
While they may have had a choice of addresses, it was fun to read 2 Easy Street. Wouldn't it be fun if their printed materials said "Too East Street"? It is in keeping (or should it be inn keeping) with many of the Carefree street names, which no one gets to hear about because we have post office boxes.
When friends visit Carefree, I enjoy taking them to see Here to There Drive, No More Road, This is it Circle, Up and Down Place, in addition to the more famous ones of Wampum Way and Ho and Hum Roads.
Arthur Gimson
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both of you. I'll add my sentiments to others by saying....I really appreciate what you and Herbie do for the community all year long. Thank you.
Marie Christensen