"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #915, April 24, 2021
Issue #915, April 24, 2021
Mayor Les Peterson introduced the agenda item discussing the implementation of the Town Center Master Plan and the creation of a Redevelopment District, per Arizona Revised Statute (ARS)12, Article 1, to aid in the Town Center revitalization. He turned the floor over to the Director of Economic Development, Steve Prokopek.
In 2015, Carefree completed a Town Center Master Plan. Mr. Prokopek explained that his presentation would outline existing conditions and the vision for the area, as well as recommendations and implementable strategies to further revitalization, infill development, and potential redevelopment. This update would provide an implementation schedule, highlights to successes, and areas yet to be implemented. During discussions of a Town Center revitalization, an Economic Advisory Technical Panel was formed and has already met several times to address these issues.
The entry arches that were recommended in the 2015 Master Plan have been completed. Additional sidewalks and the reduction of entry points into the Town Center along Tom Darlington Drive still need to be addressed. Studies to improve the pedestrian crosswalks and overall safety are in progress. Street hierarchies will be defined, and aspects of the pedestrian and bicycle friendly downtown will be increased. Additional parking opportunities along the Rights of Way (ROW) along Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road are being looked at in conjunction with the vehicular and pedestrian safety study.
Outreach to businesses like the Hampton Inn and the new businesses in Spanish Village have been conducted. More of this is planned in order to attract desirable tenants to the downtown, as well as outreach efforts to work with and help existing businesses, and to encourage investments in properties that have long been stagnant. It is difficult to address these issues with the current tools available to Carefree. Most municipalities have tools to put in place incentive packages for revitalization.
Outreach would prioritize emphasis on the Town Center being a great neighborhood that connects directly to residential neighborhoods. It is an eclectic mix of uses with many future possibilities. Currently, Carefree is hamstrung by State law when buying or selling Real Estate. A Revitalization District would, for example, allow the Town Hall building to be sold to a buyer offering the best project, as opposed to being required to sell it to the highest bidder, which is the case now.
Land uses are being looked at continuously in the context of creating an optimal extended downtown neighborhood. Redevelopment considerations will be included in the upcoming General Plan update. Planning Director Stacey Bridge-Denzak added that Carefree needs to find a proper balance of needs and uses for a town dependent on sales tax revenue to pay for services. A working synergy is important.
Carefree has struggled with identifying the defining characteristics that set the town center apart from other places in the Valley. People say that Carefree is "different", but why is it different? The "neighborhood" concept helps answer that question. One idea is initiating a formalized public art program that reaches beyond the Gardens. Art along major streets, in roundabouts, and at entryways sets the stage to let people know they are in someplace different. Prominent imagery creates incentives.
Incentives go back to what can be offered to developers and users. Without a Redevelopment District it's hard to put public resources towards any kind of private projects wherein the private sector commits to actions when the public sector commits to putting dollars where the private sector puts dollars.
Some communities have hired (mostly non-profit) organizations to provide business education classes to local businesses. Local First, a non-profit, has proposed offering such classes to Carefree businesses, and that proposal is being evaluated. But in order to implement this, the businesses would also have to commit funds and time. The classes go beyond window displays of merchandise to include how to present themselves online, etc.
Way finding and signage encourage exploration. Carefree entered into a contract with Kimley-Horn last year to create a Signage Master Plan. It was delayed by Covid but is now moving forward. This will pull multiple strategies together to create a coordinated direction in which to proceed. Signage will not only show that it is a retail area, but will direct people to specific locations and businesses. People are more dangerous when they are lost, so this also ties into the safety element.
Ways are being sought to activate the Gardens during Carefree non-event periods to monetize the Pavilion, perhaps by using outside event promoters, but the Town also does not want to take business away from the brick and mortar businesses. Sight lines through the town center have been improved by trimming and removing excess foliage in the Gardens so that businesses are more visible from various locations around the downtown, and the Gardens don't look so overgrown.
The town center has never been branded differently than the community at large. That might get easier when looking at the downtown with a neighborhood approach. Mr. Prokopek said he thought the Town has done a good job with a comprehensive Marketing Plan, but they are now combining marketing with communications to improve the approach to marketing. Businesses will be encouraged to coordinate advertising efforts. The Town is communicating with businesses to build trust. Carefree's website and social media campaigns are being enhanced. Local, immediate (within 20 minutes), and Valley-wide markets are being identified. Mr. Prokopek said there is a need to focus marketing on the 2 million people within 30 minutes of Carefree. The Town is asking restaurants and businesses where their customers come from, and those areas will be targeted. Because half of Carefree's population leaves during the summer, other markets must be identified containing those who don't leave. The long term goal is to have businesses here stay open year round.
Much effort is being put into the new Visitors Center in the area previously used as a green room in the Pavilion. It is close to being completed. Locating it in the center of town with a misting system, where people gravitate to, is a natural fit. The personal touch of the Ambassador Program will be a great way to engage the people coming into the downtown. The Gardens and the Visitors Center are should not be the "end all" reason to visit. The Visitors Center will be the hub to the spokes of the retail and restaurants, encouraging people to patronize the businesses.
It is important to build and sustain strong downtown network organization structures, following the Restaurant Association model. Similar associations of the art galleries, beauty/health/wellness, etc. sectors should be organized, each with it's own leader.
This is not just about marketing, but also about development, a positioning strategy, and the value Carefree has to offer. Those 4 areas need continuous work and communication. Adding a Communications Specialist allowed Carefree to be a lot more effective. The Town staff is working closely together to address all these areas.
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
In 2015, Carefree completed a Town Center Master Plan. Mr. Prokopek explained that his presentation would outline existing conditions and the vision for the area, as well as recommendations and implementable strategies to further revitalization, infill development, and potential redevelopment. This update would provide an implementation schedule, highlights to successes, and areas yet to be implemented. During discussions of a Town Center revitalization, an Economic Advisory Technical Panel was formed and has already met several times to address these issues.
The entry arches that were recommended in the 2015 Master Plan have been completed. Additional sidewalks and the reduction of entry points into the Town Center along Tom Darlington Drive still need to be addressed. Studies to improve the pedestrian crosswalks and overall safety are in progress. Street hierarchies will be defined, and aspects of the pedestrian and bicycle friendly downtown will be increased. Additional parking opportunities along the Rights of Way (ROW) along Tom Darlington Drive and Cave Creek Road are being looked at in conjunction with the vehicular and pedestrian safety study.
Outreach to businesses like the Hampton Inn and the new businesses in Spanish Village have been conducted. More of this is planned in order to attract desirable tenants to the downtown, as well as outreach efforts to work with and help existing businesses, and to encourage investments in properties that have long been stagnant. It is difficult to address these issues with the current tools available to Carefree. Most municipalities have tools to put in place incentive packages for revitalization.
Outreach would prioritize emphasis on the Town Center being a great neighborhood that connects directly to residential neighborhoods. It is an eclectic mix of uses with many future possibilities. Currently, Carefree is hamstrung by State law when buying or selling Real Estate. A Revitalization District would, for example, allow the Town Hall building to be sold to a buyer offering the best project, as opposed to being required to sell it to the highest bidder, which is the case now.
Land uses are being looked at continuously in the context of creating an optimal extended downtown neighborhood. Redevelopment considerations will be included in the upcoming General Plan update. Planning Director Stacey Bridge-Denzak added that Carefree needs to find a proper balance of needs and uses for a town dependent on sales tax revenue to pay for services. A working synergy is important.
Carefree has struggled with identifying the defining characteristics that set the town center apart from other places in the Valley. People say that Carefree is "different", but why is it different? The "neighborhood" concept helps answer that question. One idea is initiating a formalized public art program that reaches beyond the Gardens. Art along major streets, in roundabouts, and at entryways sets the stage to let people know they are in someplace different. Prominent imagery creates incentives.
Incentives go back to what can be offered to developers and users. Without a Redevelopment District it's hard to put public resources towards any kind of private projects wherein the private sector commits to actions when the public sector commits to putting dollars where the private sector puts dollars.
Some communities have hired (mostly non-profit) organizations to provide business education classes to local businesses. Local First, a non-profit, has proposed offering such classes to Carefree businesses, and that proposal is being evaluated. But in order to implement this, the businesses would also have to commit funds and time. The classes go beyond window displays of merchandise to include how to present themselves online, etc.
Way finding and signage encourage exploration. Carefree entered into a contract with Kimley-Horn last year to create a Signage Master Plan. It was delayed by Covid but is now moving forward. This will pull multiple strategies together to create a coordinated direction in which to proceed. Signage will not only show that it is a retail area, but will direct people to specific locations and businesses. People are more dangerous when they are lost, so this also ties into the safety element.
Ways are being sought to activate the Gardens during Carefree non-event periods to monetize the Pavilion, perhaps by using outside event promoters, but the Town also does not want to take business away from the brick and mortar businesses. Sight lines through the town center have been improved by trimming and removing excess foliage in the Gardens so that businesses are more visible from various locations around the downtown, and the Gardens don't look so overgrown.
The town center has never been branded differently than the community at large. That might get easier when looking at the downtown with a neighborhood approach. Mr. Prokopek said he thought the Town has done a good job with a comprehensive Marketing Plan, but they are now combining marketing with communications to improve the approach to marketing. Businesses will be encouraged to coordinate advertising efforts. The Town is communicating with businesses to build trust. Carefree's website and social media campaigns are being enhanced. Local, immediate (within 20 minutes), and Valley-wide markets are being identified. Mr. Prokopek said there is a need to focus marketing on the 2 million people within 30 minutes of Carefree. The Town is asking restaurants and businesses where their customers come from, and those areas will be targeted. Because half of Carefree's population leaves during the summer, other markets must be identified containing those who don't leave. The long term goal is to have businesses here stay open year round.
Much effort is being put into the new Visitors Center in the area previously used as a green room in the Pavilion. It is close to being completed. Locating it in the center of town with a misting system, where people gravitate to, is a natural fit. The personal touch of the Ambassador Program will be a great way to engage the people coming into the downtown. The Gardens and the Visitors Center are should not be the "end all" reason to visit. The Visitors Center will be the hub to the spokes of the retail and restaurants, encouraging people to patronize the businesses.
It is important to build and sustain strong downtown network organization structures, following the Restaurant Association model. Similar associations of the art galleries, beauty/health/wellness, etc. sectors should be organized, each with it's own leader.
This is not just about marketing, but also about development, a positioning strategy, and the value Carefree has to offer. Those 4 areas need continuous work and communication. Adding a Communications Specialist allowed Carefree to be a lot more effective. The Town staff is working closely together to address all these areas.
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.