"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #859, October 2, 2020
Issue #859, October 2, 2020
The Harry and Marty Vardakis Trust left money to 11 beneficiaries, one of whom was the Town of Carefree. Gary Neiss gave Kudos to Kandace Contreras, saying there were a lot of working parts to this.
Mrs. Contreras explained that Mr. Vardakis passed away in 2018. The language in the Trust was ambiguous and there were several changes that didn't follow the Statute. Mr. Vardakis' sister, Evelyn, contested the Trust, resulting in it going to court and incurring attorney's fees. Town Attorney Mike Wright worked with all the other counsels. It was finally resolved but the challenge was to actually get the money. The Town signed the required documents but Northern Trust Bank then told the Town that it also required a Resolution by the Town Council. They had only dispersed funds to Evelyn, who has since passed away. This can move forward once the Mayor signs the Resolution.
Councilman Gene Orrico noted that Kiwanis had spent over $40,000 in legal fees and have yet to get their disbursement. Mrs. Contreras reported that, after the settlement, Carefree will receive approximately $280,000 which will be put into an account earmarked for a new building or infrastructure which will honor Mr. Vardakis.
Mayor Les Peterson expressed that it was very generous of the Vardakis', and the Town deeply appreciated it. Vice Mayor John Crane reminded everyone that Mr. Vardakis received the Spirit of Carefree Award in 2015. He was a good Carefree citizen who loved the Town to the very end. He took care of the Foothills Caring Corps and Kiwanis as well.
Councilman Stephan Hatcher asked if there were any restrictions attached to the use of the funds. Mr. Neiss said there were none, but that he and Mr. Vardakis went back a number of years, and he thought it would be most appropriate to leave him a "legacy". If, in the future, the Town vacated the Town Hall office building so it could be turned into a sales tax revenue generating restaurant or shop, Mr. Vardakis' money could be used to retrofit another building for new Town Hall offices that is located in a place which is not conducive to generating sales tax revenue. He believed Mr. Vardakis would love that.
The Resolution passed unanimously.
(Lyn's note: So many of us loved Harry. He was one in a million and he will be sorely missed. I loved popping into his Palm Desert Realty office for chats. RIP, my friend.)
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Mrs. Contreras explained that Mr. Vardakis passed away in 2018. The language in the Trust was ambiguous and there were several changes that didn't follow the Statute. Mr. Vardakis' sister, Evelyn, contested the Trust, resulting in it going to court and incurring attorney's fees. Town Attorney Mike Wright worked with all the other counsels. It was finally resolved but the challenge was to actually get the money. The Town signed the required documents but Northern Trust Bank then told the Town that it also required a Resolution by the Town Council. They had only dispersed funds to Evelyn, who has since passed away. This can move forward once the Mayor signs the Resolution.
Councilman Gene Orrico noted that Kiwanis had spent over $40,000 in legal fees and have yet to get their disbursement. Mrs. Contreras reported that, after the settlement, Carefree will receive approximately $280,000 which will be put into an account earmarked for a new building or infrastructure which will honor Mr. Vardakis.
Mayor Les Peterson expressed that it was very generous of the Vardakis', and the Town deeply appreciated it. Vice Mayor John Crane reminded everyone that Mr. Vardakis received the Spirit of Carefree Award in 2015. He was a good Carefree citizen who loved the Town to the very end. He took care of the Foothills Caring Corps and Kiwanis as well.
Councilman Stephan Hatcher asked if there were any restrictions attached to the use of the funds. Mr. Neiss said there were none, but that he and Mr. Vardakis went back a number of years, and he thought it would be most appropriate to leave him a "legacy". If, in the future, the Town vacated the Town Hall office building so it could be turned into a sales tax revenue generating restaurant or shop, Mr. Vardakis' money could be used to retrofit another building for new Town Hall offices that is located in a place which is not conducive to generating sales tax revenue. He believed Mr. Vardakis would love that.
The Resolution passed unanimously.
(Lyn's note: So many of us loved Harry. He was one in a million and he will be sorely missed. I loved popping into his Palm Desert Realty office for chats. RIP, my friend.)
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.