(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Photo by Debbie Danowski
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here's your bonus video from Herbert:
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Thanks Lyn,
That was beautiful. Thank Herb for the video portion.
Pam DiPietro
(Lyn's note: The Memorial Day Tribute was a combination of Herbert's and Vince's that Herbert put together. Each had parts that were best. Vince livestreamed it and Herbert did regular video. As always, John Crane did a wonderful job organizing the event.)
Well it was most enjoyable and thanks!!
(Lyn's note: 3 more parts will be coming. The link for the video of the entire event, as well as some still photos Herbert took before the event began, is above, as Herbert's bonus video.)
I've read that due to the legal challenge by Boulder residents, this may seriously put our water transfer to Carefree in doubt. Do you have any information you can share to shed light on this and what happens next, timing, etc?
Lori Wolfe
The transition is occurring.
Gary Niess
Here's your bonus video from Herbert:
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Thanks Lyn,
That was beautiful. Thank Herb for the video portion.
Pam DiPietro
(Lyn's note: The Memorial Day Tribute was a combination of Herbert's and Vince's that Herbert put together. Each had parts that were best. Vince livestreamed it and Herbert did regular video. As always, John Crane did a wonderful job organizing the event.)
Well it was most enjoyable and thanks!!
(Lyn's note: 3 more parts will be coming. The link for the video of the entire event, as well as some still photos Herbert took before the event began, is above, as Herbert's bonus video.)
I've read that due to the legal challenge by Boulder residents, this may seriously put our water transfer to Carefree in doubt. Do you have any information you can share to shed light on this and what happens next, timing, etc?
Lori Wolfe
The transition is occurring.
Gary Niess
Non profit Info:
Desert Foothills Library
Desert Foothills Library