(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here's another bonus video. Pics by Herbert, music by Hank Molder.
Click on the box to view the video.
Here's another bonus video. Pics by Herbert, music by Hank Molder.
Click on the box to view the video.
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
The Governor has eased many of the restrictions in Arizona. Most of our retail shops and services are reopening, and most of the restaurants are now serving dine-in (with social distancing in place) as well as take-out service.
(Lyn's note: If you are 65 years of age or older, with a vehicle registration due this month, you can get a waiver for emissions testing by visiting the following link:
Carefree Memorial Day Tribute 2020 – An Update and Revision
On Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2020 our country will remember those who served and made the ultimate sacrifice for the safety of our nation. Last year the Town of Carefree inaugurated a Memorial Day tribute in the Carefree-Cave Creek Cemetery to honor those men and women. This year the challenges of the on-going pandemic and associated CDC guidelines have caused the Town to modify its traditional morning of remembrance and honor.
This year the Town of Carefree invites you to spend part of your Memorial Day at the Carefree-Cave Creek Cemetery. (Please remember this is a pioneer cemetery. The wearing of close-toed shoes is a must.) However, the anticipated number of attendees, many of whom are of greater risk of serious illness, and our inability to offer recommended social distancing in the context of an organized program, has led us to adjust our plans.
As in years past, the Tribute Riders will have marked the graves of the 41 veterans interred in the Cemetery with the American flag. This year Taps will be played at 8:00 a.m. and throughout the day guests are encouraged to walk the grounds, reflect, and pay respect to our veterans. But this year there will be no formal program. From 7:30 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. face masks, gloves and hand sanitizer will be available near the entry gate, courtesy of American Legion Post 34 in Cave Creek. Guests are asked to comply with CDC guidelines.
It is easy to forget or take for granted those men and women who gave their lives or risked it all. Because of veterans and their selfless sacrifices, we live in prosperity and peace with liberty and freedom. To honor those veterans who have given their lives for country and to provide an appropriate opportunity for those who wish to respect our fallen veterans on Memorial Day in a setting that complies with CDC guidelines. the Town of Carefree is offering this modest, heartfelt tribute.
(Responses on Covid 19)
A very informative update. Well done by the Mayor, Council and staff. It’s comforting to know Town officials are “on it” and reaching out to the business community.
Ed Morgan
Thanks, Lyn, for publishing this info. You and Dr Herbie are just as important as anyone in informing the residents, as the pandemic situation has changed daily.
Vince D'Aliesio
Couldn’t agree more Vince. Take care, stay safe and keep well.
Cheryl Kroyer
(Response to Memorial Day, Bike Week & Fire)
Hitch--This is great. We will always remember our warriors. I know how much pride you have in them and you are always supporting their cause. Thanks again.
Ron Crouse
After seeing the letters about Gene Orrico and Glenn Miller in Carefree Truth Letters from Readers last week, I have to wonder. Both are transplants from Chicago, Illinois. The city and the state have long been known for their corrupt politicians. Are these guys taking their leads from Chicago's Mayor and the Governor of Illinois who imposed draconian measures on their citizens, then did as they pleased personally? Haircut, anyone? Perhaps a trip to Florida on a private jet for the wife. Or maybe our Town Council member and Town Council candidate are just making sure their food is hot and fresh when eaten. Aren't entitlements wonderful when you're special?
Sue C.
Leaders should lead by example. If you can't lead by example, you shouldn't lead. I haven't heard of any other council members or candidates sitting at local restaurants eating and drinking. What gives Gene Orrico and Glenn Miller the right to violate the law, and laugh about it?
Tom P.
Hi Lynn, really are we going to play political games now. He who lives in a glass house should not throw stones.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
(Lyn's note: We received the 2 letters published last week from 2 different writers and we published them, just as we are publishing the ones we received in response to last week's letters, including the one above from Glenn Miller, sent from his cell phone. We did not see Glenn Miller and Gene Orrico eating together "elbow to elbow". In the above photo, we were simply waiting at the counter for our food to take home (the day before Letters from Readers went out), as we have done at all restaurants since take-out only was implemented by the Governor. Odd that someone would bother to take a photo of that. Last week's letter writers witnessed food being eaten at the restaurant by Glenn Miller and Geno Orrico, who were sitting in very close proximity. Herbert and I are married and healthy, so we are not required to practice social distancing from one another, and no one was nearby as we waited for our food to be handed to us, although a cell phone was obviously poked in the door to snap a photo of our backs.)
Tell Herbie we love his photos.
Joe and Connie Intenzo
Mrs. Hitchon,
I applaud you and your husband's efforts to assimilate and protect the Sonoran Desert way of life. As a multi-generational Arizonian in my mid-sixties, I have watched this desert explode to what it is today. Many have tried to make it look like the places they left when they moved here. I understand their motives, what I don’t understand is their ignorance to try and change such a beautiful fragile place like the Sonoran Desert into something they miss. I’m not saying this to be hateful but if you really miss a lake in your front yard move to where they occur naturally. Not some reclaimed sewage pond, that you cannot do anything with. My Father was a Lineman Engineer for APS. He had responsibility placing these high tension lines all over the Southwest. As a young man on summer break I would occasionally go with him to remote areas of the state. Some see it as ugly and brown, void of life. I really think you and your husband truly see the beauty for what it truly is.
Thank You.
(Lyn's note: We love our desert. It is the most beautiful desert in the world. I was on the Executive Committee of the Black Mountain Conservancy for several years, before it merged with the Desert Foothills Land Trust. Herbert finds endless possibilities for photo ops. We used to go out 4 wheel driving in our old '88 Suburban. We have been to wonderful places like Crown King and to the original hydro-electric plant. It was still operational when we used to go. I don't know if it still is, but it was neat to see. We also did a lot around the Bartlett Lake area when it was still a dirt road. The old Ranger access trails led to all kinds of neat stuff like Devil's hole. This is such a wonderful area of the country. We have 4 acres on Black Mountain. We left all but 1 acre of it as natural desert. We needed a safe yard for our rescue dogs.)
The hydro plant you must be talking about the Child's Electric Gen station. It is closed, but historical bldg. The flume that fed all that was closed and allowed the creek to be free for the first time in years. The road is closed about 6 months out of the year now. I used to access that are from seven springs to sheep's crossing. You could only cross in low water. It is such a beautiful State. I tried living elsewhere but had to come home to the desert and the mountains. I embrace people that really love it here. My great grandma was a MN wheat farmer I say was the original snow bird. She bought a river rock house on 13th St and McKinley in what is now the Garfield District. She said if she only knew they were going to invent air conditioning. So nice to see people with great background come here and embrace the desert. I'll bet your home is beautiful. I have friends on the north side of black mtn. I live at the foot of lone mountain and love it. Thanks you for the reply.