"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #991, February 18, 2022
Issue #991, February 18, 2022
February 16, 2022 | 12:50 PM AZ Local Time
Important information regarding public safety services in Carefree:
On the evening of February 15th, the Town Council held a joint meeting with the Public Safety Advisory Committee to review their final Report and Recommendations. After an extensive presentation and discussion as well as citizen input, the Town Council approved two Resolutions. The first Resolution accepted the Committee’s Report and Recommendations into the public record as their final work product and dissolved the Committee. The second Resolution, in part, instructed Town staff to initiate the implementation of the Report’s recommendations by hiring fire and emergency service consultants and financial analysts to assist the Town and define the “all in” costs and offsetting revenues required to meet the standards to become part of the Automatic Aid dispatch system.
To learn more:
Later this spring, future public open houses will be held after the consultants complete their analysis and define their recommendations for the community and Town Council to consider. Based upon this public outreach process the recommendations may be fined tuned and then presented to the Town Council for consideration. The goal is to transition into automatic aid in the summer of 2023. In order to meet this goal, it is important that citizens take the time to understand the complexities of fire and emergency services by reviewing the Public Safety Advisory Committee Report, the Resolutions, the recording of the meeting and participate in future open houses. Additionally, if questions arise during this extensive public outreach process please contact the Town Administrator at: gary@carefree.org.
Important information regarding public safety services in Carefree:
On the evening of February 15th, the Town Council held a joint meeting with the Public Safety Advisory Committee to review their final Report and Recommendations. After an extensive presentation and discussion as well as citizen input, the Town Council approved two Resolutions. The first Resolution accepted the Committee’s Report and Recommendations into the public record as their final work product and dissolved the Committee. The second Resolution, in part, instructed Town staff to initiate the implementation of the Report’s recommendations by hiring fire and emergency service consultants and financial analysts to assist the Town and define the “all in” costs and offsetting revenues required to meet the standards to become part of the Automatic Aid dispatch system.
To learn more:
- To review the PSAC Final Report and Recommendations please click this link: Public Safety Advisory Committee (carefree.org)
- To review the approved Resolutions please click these links: Resolution 2022-03 | Resolution 2022-04
- To observe the video recording of this public meeting please click this link: Feb. 15, 2022 Town Council/Public Safety Committee Meeting - YouTube
Later this spring, future public open houses will be held after the consultants complete their analysis and define their recommendations for the community and Town Council to consider. Based upon this public outreach process the recommendations may be fined tuned and then presented to the Town Council for consideration. The goal is to transition into automatic aid in the summer of 2023. In order to meet this goal, it is important that citizens take the time to understand the complexities of fire and emergency services by reviewing the Public Safety Advisory Committee Report, the Resolutions, the recording of the meeting and participate in future open houses. Additionally, if questions arise during this extensive public outreach process please contact the Town Administrator at: gary@carefree.org.
History of Fire and Emergency Services within the Community:
Beginning in the 1960s, Rural Metro provided fire and emergency services to Town residents and businesses through individual subscription services. In the past, a resident would annually pay a subscription fee to Rural Metro for fire and emergency services of approximately $750. This model continued for approximately 40 years.
In the early 2000’s the individual subscription model changed when the Town of Carefree assumed a master contract with Rural Metro, built a state-of-the-art fire station and furnished it with a fire truck and associated equipment pursuant to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. The master contract with Rural Metro simply provided the certified firefighters, paramedics and emergency medical technicians to staff the Town’s fire house and equipment. This new master contract provided the Town with a higher level of service and accountability through defined service metrics. However, with this higher level of service the Town’s annual operation costs directly associated with this new Town Fire Department increased. Therefore, at that time, to help offset this increase to the Town’s annual operation costs, the Town Council approved a new funding stream with a 1% increase in the Town’s retail sales tax.
Evolving needs:
Over the past 15 years this model has served the community well and has assisted countless property owners and families in a time of need. However, present day external influences are impacting the Town’s current relationship with Rural Metro. Recently, the Town of Cave Creek assumed a similar model as Carefree and acquired a fire station and began to purchase equipment. However, in extinguishing the need for individual residential subscriptions for fire and emergency services, Cave Creek chose to contract with the adjacent Daisy Mountain Fire District. A benefit of Cave Creek’s new contractual relationship with Daisy Mountain Fire District is that the District is part of a regional partnership of first responders called automatic aid. Automatic aid is comprised of municipal fire departments and fire districts located within the Phoenix-Mesa metropolitan area. Collectively, these automatic aid partners set uniform standards of service and seamlessly dispatch the closest, most appropriate equipment regardless of jurisdictional boundaries of participating entities. As a result of the uniform standards established by this regional partnership, there are additional up front capital investments and a significant increase to current annual operational expenses. The Committee’s report outlines options for the community to consider to meet the funding gap required to qualify for automatic aid partnership.
(Lyn's note: We attended the meeting via Zoom and recorded it. Herbert broke the recording of the 2-1/2 hour meeting into more watchable segments. Below are the links.)
2/15/22 Part 1- 4 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 1 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 2 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 3 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 4 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.
Beginning in the 1960s, Rural Metro provided fire and emergency services to Town residents and businesses through individual subscription services. In the past, a resident would annually pay a subscription fee to Rural Metro for fire and emergency services of approximately $750. This model continued for approximately 40 years.
In the early 2000’s the individual subscription model changed when the Town of Carefree assumed a master contract with Rural Metro, built a state-of-the-art fire station and furnished it with a fire truck and associated equipment pursuant to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards. The master contract with Rural Metro simply provided the certified firefighters, paramedics and emergency medical technicians to staff the Town’s fire house and equipment. This new master contract provided the Town with a higher level of service and accountability through defined service metrics. However, with this higher level of service the Town’s annual operation costs directly associated with this new Town Fire Department increased. Therefore, at that time, to help offset this increase to the Town’s annual operation costs, the Town Council approved a new funding stream with a 1% increase in the Town’s retail sales tax.
Evolving needs:
Over the past 15 years this model has served the community well and has assisted countless property owners and families in a time of need. However, present day external influences are impacting the Town’s current relationship with Rural Metro. Recently, the Town of Cave Creek assumed a similar model as Carefree and acquired a fire station and began to purchase equipment. However, in extinguishing the need for individual residential subscriptions for fire and emergency services, Cave Creek chose to contract with the adjacent Daisy Mountain Fire District. A benefit of Cave Creek’s new contractual relationship with Daisy Mountain Fire District is that the District is part of a regional partnership of first responders called automatic aid. Automatic aid is comprised of municipal fire departments and fire districts located within the Phoenix-Mesa metropolitan area. Collectively, these automatic aid partners set uniform standards of service and seamlessly dispatch the closest, most appropriate equipment regardless of jurisdictional boundaries of participating entities. As a result of the uniform standards established by this regional partnership, there are additional up front capital investments and a significant increase to current annual operational expenses. The Committee’s report outlines options for the community to consider to meet the funding gap required to qualify for automatic aid partnership.
(Lyn's note: We attended the meeting via Zoom and recorded it. Herbert broke the recording of the 2-1/2 hour meeting into more watchable segments. Below are the links.)
2/15/22 Part 1- 4 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 1 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 2 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 3 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
2/15/22 Part 4 Carefree town council and public safety advisory committee
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.