"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #842, July 20, 2020
During Call to the Public at the June 2nd meeting, Linda Rawles sent an email for Kandace Contreras to read
From: Linda Rawles
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2020 1:37 PM
To: Kandace French
Subject: public comment
Good evening. We are in stressful and unprecedented times and these comments are made in light of that fact. First, however, I continue to object to not allowing live public comments on these zoom meetings – it is very easy to do and I am not sure why you are not allowing it. Next: A statement and then a question.
While I am a libertarian Republican, I am opposed to anarchy on both the left and the right. I was very disturbed to see that a right-wing citizen’s posse is forming in our neighboring town of Cave Creek, and they maintain the right to be out after curfew. Now, whatever one thinks of the curfew (and I disagree with it, especially statewide), it is the law, and, contrary to what this group thinks, they do not have the right to be out after curfew just because they are carrying their guns. I have been on the phone today with the Cave Creek Mayor, Vice Mayor, Maricopa County Sheriff’s office, and others to stop this attempt at vigilante justice. They are all opposed to this nonsense – but I hear repeatedly from your counterparts in Cave Creek that they can’t really get MCSO to enforce the law there.
That is disturbing. This was also true during the lockdown – I know of bars that were reported, and deputies came and told them it was okay to continue operating contrary to governor’s orders. And now COVID cases are spiking!
That brings me to my favorite topic, and one I promised to keep bringing up every month until it was fixed, many months ago – excessive speeding and noise from motorcycles, ATVs, etc. I have talked to a new Lieutenant since last meeting, and he said; “Well, you know people. You can’t be there all the time giving tickets.”
So, to put all of this together and ask my question: Can anyone in Cave Creek or Carefree leadership get the sheriff’s office, who work for us and whom we pay, who are the only thing between us and any kind of anarchy, to simply enforce the law? To stop the vigilantes, or even control excessive speeding? Yes, we want officers to be professional and honor our rights. But, part of that is applying curfew to a white gun-toting vigilante as much as to an unarmed black man. (By the way, can you imagine if an armed black man walked through our community after dark and in violation of curfew?) To at least try and stop motorcycles over the noise ordinance and cars going 60 plus in a 30.
Last, just in case we needed proof that we have many different political opinions here, and that it is not as one-sided as one might think, Tom and I stood outside on a street corner last night with “Black Lives Matter” signs – and we were agreed with by passing motorists 10-to-1! I say this only to make my last point: We can have our different beliefs, but I have a right to expect my elected officials to make our paid police officers enforce the basic laws, equally. That is justice.
Thank you for listening and please call me if you cannot answer at this meeting.
Linda Rawles, J.D.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
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Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2020 1:37 PM
To: Kandace French
Subject: public comment
Good evening. We are in stressful and unprecedented times and these comments are made in light of that fact. First, however, I continue to object to not allowing live public comments on these zoom meetings – it is very easy to do and I am not sure why you are not allowing it. Next: A statement and then a question.
While I am a libertarian Republican, I am opposed to anarchy on both the left and the right. I was very disturbed to see that a right-wing citizen’s posse is forming in our neighboring town of Cave Creek, and they maintain the right to be out after curfew. Now, whatever one thinks of the curfew (and I disagree with it, especially statewide), it is the law, and, contrary to what this group thinks, they do not have the right to be out after curfew just because they are carrying their guns. I have been on the phone today with the Cave Creek Mayor, Vice Mayor, Maricopa County Sheriff’s office, and others to stop this attempt at vigilante justice. They are all opposed to this nonsense – but I hear repeatedly from your counterparts in Cave Creek that they can’t really get MCSO to enforce the law there.
That is disturbing. This was also true during the lockdown – I know of bars that were reported, and deputies came and told them it was okay to continue operating contrary to governor’s orders. And now COVID cases are spiking!
That brings me to my favorite topic, and one I promised to keep bringing up every month until it was fixed, many months ago – excessive speeding and noise from motorcycles, ATVs, etc. I have talked to a new Lieutenant since last meeting, and he said; “Well, you know people. You can’t be there all the time giving tickets.”
So, to put all of this together and ask my question: Can anyone in Cave Creek or Carefree leadership get the sheriff’s office, who work for us and whom we pay, who are the only thing between us and any kind of anarchy, to simply enforce the law? To stop the vigilantes, or even control excessive speeding? Yes, we want officers to be professional and honor our rights. But, part of that is applying curfew to a white gun-toting vigilante as much as to an unarmed black man. (By the way, can you imagine if an armed black man walked through our community after dark and in violation of curfew?) To at least try and stop motorcycles over the noise ordinance and cars going 60 plus in a 30.
Last, just in case we needed proof that we have many different political opinions here, and that it is not as one-sided as one might think, Tom and I stood outside on a street corner last night with “Black Lives Matter” signs – and we were agreed with by passing motorists 10-to-1! I say this only to make my last point: We can have our different beliefs, but I have a right to expect my elected officials to make our paid police officers enforce the basic laws, equally. That is justice.
Thank you for listening and please call me if you cannot answer at this meeting.
Linda Rawles, J.D.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.