(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Stanley and Sammy
Photo by Vince D'Aliesio
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Vince D'Aliesio
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Oh my! This are amazing! I have tried a thousand times to get shots of lightning and can never do it! Those are award winners!
Karen Keilt
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Oh my! This are amazing! I have tried a thousand times to get shots of lightning and can never do it! Those are award winners!
Karen Keilt
Great photos of the lightning. So hard to do. Grateful for your photos.
Marie Christensen
Thank you for doing this. It such an source of important information for all citizens of Carefree and thanks for the hours working for all of us for free.
Louise Short
Marie Christensen
Thank you for doing this. It such an source of important information for all citizens of Carefree and thanks for the hours working for all of us for free.
Louise Short
A recap of the Carefree Water Reservoir Situation
I would like to address some of the comments being circulated opposing the proposed site for the underground fresh water storage reservoir in an existing utility easement along Tom Darlington Road in the Boulders community.
First, 1000 plus Carefree residents living on the south and west sides of Carefree have a real problem with their existing water service with no representation to address their issues. Something had to be changed. The Carefree Water Company and outside engineering professionals evaluated all reasonable solutions, and determined that integrating those accounts into the Carefree Water Company system was the best long-term solution.
Utility infrastructure has to go somewhere in the community it serves. For this integration to proceed, it required one additional water storage reservoir to service the expanded Carefree Water system. On a comparative basis, this additional required reservoir is relatively small relative to the buried one million gallon reservoir already in Carefree. Reservoirs function to provide additional water to accounts during heavy usage times, and for fire service throughout the entire system. Reservoirs typically are placed in sites at a higher elevation than the areas they service to take advantage of gravity. For example, water service for the Boulders subdivision is currently supplied through a reservoir located at a higher elevation in another subdivision to the north of the Boulders.
Siting a reservoir is always a complex process. Functional system operating requirements are paramount, closely followed by the desire to locate any new reservoir as far away as possible from nearby residences. Costs, both construction and on-going operating costs, are also very important as these will be factored into the rate base and charged to all users of the system. The guiding principle Carefree follows is to provide the greatest benefits to the most residents while causing the least impositions to the fewest residents, and at the lowest cost.
Professional engineers evaluated 32 site locations in Carefree against key criteria, and singled out the site in the Boulders utility easement as the only one meeting all of the established criteria. Reports from people not involved in this evaluation claiming that there were other potentially “better” sites than the identified site in the Boulders property - and that some of these other sites were free, are unfounded and untrue. Further supporting the usage of this site was that the Carefree Water Company had an existing utility easement and existing water infrastructure at this specific location.
Working cooperatively with the previous Boulders HOA Directors, the Carefree Water Company agreed to locate the reservoir as far away from existing residences as possible, to bury the reservoir underground and landscape over and around it. In essence, maintain the open desert appearance from any nearby residence.
The Carefree Water Company and the Town are now faced with the criticism from some of the residents of the Boulders that the Town is not representing them if the Water Company did not abandon the reasoned plans of the professional engineers and place the reservoir in another location. We should all realize that no decision in a democracy is 100 – 0. Where were these Boulders residents when the hundreds of residents from south and west Carefree came forward in person and/or in letters during the last four years? Further, the primary issue in the last two Carefree elections was about the integration of all of Carefree’s residents into the Carefree Water Company system, and the candidates in support of this action won overwhelmingly, and the others lost. This is what a community’s elected leaders promised to do and what is being delivered – it is responsive government.
We have requested the professional engineers a number of times now to revisit and re-examine their recommended site for the reservoir. We asked them if there was any other site which could meet the established criteria. Their answer kept coming back the same. No. To move the site elsewhere would decrease the effectiveness and functionality of the entire Carefree Water system and increase costs. And, any increased costs would necessarily need to be funded by all Carefree users of this system, including the 85%+ that don’t live in the Boulders.
Whether it is my role on Council or the Water Company, my fiduciary duty and that of all of the other elected and appointed officials, is to the broader good of the Carefree community. The proposed plans to build a buried fresh water reservoir in an existing utility easement adjacent to Tom Darlington is the best site from a functional perspective, most financially feasible which mitigates future impacts to water rates and would cause the least disruption to the neighborhood.
Les Peterson
Carefree Mayor
First, 1000 plus Carefree residents living on the south and west sides of Carefree have a real problem with their existing water service with no representation to address their issues. Something had to be changed. The Carefree Water Company and outside engineering professionals evaluated all reasonable solutions, and determined that integrating those accounts into the Carefree Water Company system was the best long-term solution.
Utility infrastructure has to go somewhere in the community it serves. For this integration to proceed, it required one additional water storage reservoir to service the expanded Carefree Water system. On a comparative basis, this additional required reservoir is relatively small relative to the buried one million gallon reservoir already in Carefree. Reservoirs function to provide additional water to accounts during heavy usage times, and for fire service throughout the entire system. Reservoirs typically are placed in sites at a higher elevation than the areas they service to take advantage of gravity. For example, water service for the Boulders subdivision is currently supplied through a reservoir located at a higher elevation in another subdivision to the north of the Boulders.
Siting a reservoir is always a complex process. Functional system operating requirements are paramount, closely followed by the desire to locate any new reservoir as far away as possible from nearby residences. Costs, both construction and on-going operating costs, are also very important as these will be factored into the rate base and charged to all users of the system. The guiding principle Carefree follows is to provide the greatest benefits to the most residents while causing the least impositions to the fewest residents, and at the lowest cost.
Professional engineers evaluated 32 site locations in Carefree against key criteria, and singled out the site in the Boulders utility easement as the only one meeting all of the established criteria. Reports from people not involved in this evaluation claiming that there were other potentially “better” sites than the identified site in the Boulders property - and that some of these other sites were free, are unfounded and untrue. Further supporting the usage of this site was that the Carefree Water Company had an existing utility easement and existing water infrastructure at this specific location.
Working cooperatively with the previous Boulders HOA Directors, the Carefree Water Company agreed to locate the reservoir as far away from existing residences as possible, to bury the reservoir underground and landscape over and around it. In essence, maintain the open desert appearance from any nearby residence.
The Carefree Water Company and the Town are now faced with the criticism from some of the residents of the Boulders that the Town is not representing them if the Water Company did not abandon the reasoned plans of the professional engineers and place the reservoir in another location. We should all realize that no decision in a democracy is 100 – 0. Where were these Boulders residents when the hundreds of residents from south and west Carefree came forward in person and/or in letters during the last four years? Further, the primary issue in the last two Carefree elections was about the integration of all of Carefree’s residents into the Carefree Water Company system, and the candidates in support of this action won overwhelmingly, and the others lost. This is what a community’s elected leaders promised to do and what is being delivered – it is responsive government.
We have requested the professional engineers a number of times now to revisit and re-examine their recommended site for the reservoir. We asked them if there was any other site which could meet the established criteria. Their answer kept coming back the same. No. To move the site elsewhere would decrease the effectiveness and functionality of the entire Carefree Water system and increase costs. And, any increased costs would necessarily need to be funded by all Carefree users of this system, including the 85%+ that don’t live in the Boulders.
Whether it is my role on Council or the Water Company, my fiduciary duty and that of all of the other elected and appointed officials, is to the broader good of the Carefree community. The proposed plans to build a buried fresh water reservoir in an existing utility easement adjacent to Tom Darlington is the best site from a functional perspective, most financially feasible which mitigates future impacts to water rates and would cause the least disruption to the neighborhood.
Les Peterson
Carefree Mayor
The Required New Water Storage Reservoir will be:
Covered with native topsoil
Re-vegetated with natural vegetation
Far from any existing residence
Covered with native topsoil
Re-vegetated with natural vegetation
Far from any existing residence
Let’s clear up the orchestrated mis-information circulating about the final appearance of the water storage reservoir under discussion. The objective of the Carefree Water Company is to make the appearance of the relatively small fresh water reservoir site blend in with the surrounding vegetation.
The reservoir will be underground, except for one corner which will be 2’ – 3’ above natural grade. The control panel will also be above ground, as required by OSHA. All above ground openings will be oriented towards Tom Darlington and buffered by native trees.
All of the reservoir, including the above ground corner, will be covered over with 2’ feet minimum of native topsoil taken from the excavation to recess the reservoir.
Native vegetation, supplemented with other native shrubs and trees, will be placed above and around the reservoir, and around any above ground openings. This vegetation will be serviced by drip irrigation until the vegetation is firmly established. The Carefree Water Company will manage and maintain the landscaping in perpetuity.
The reservoir will be 160 feet from the closest residence, which is substantially farther away than the closest residence at any of the other 31 sites evaluated. Access will only be from Tom Darlington Road. Access will not be required through a residential neighborhood.
The location of this buried fresh water reservoir has been determined by a licensed professional engineering firm who modeled the water system and identified this site to be the least disruptive to the community and nearby neighbors, the best location to ensure proper water pressures throughout the system and to be the most economical. The alternative sites do not meet this criteria which means that they would be more costly to develop and operate, likely be above ground because of existing rock formations and in someone else’s back yard. The proposed solution is the best solution for the Carefree community.
Graphics prepared by the professional engineering firm which designed the reservoir, Coe and Van Loo, showing both the final appearance and the distance from the closest residence, follow.
Les Peterson
Board Chairman, Carefree Water Company
Hi Lyn,
Thank you for the support that you have given to us over the years for our Healing of Memories Workshops for Veterans at the Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center.
I wanted to let you know that we are offering a Memories for Women Veterans Workshop on Sept 3-5 at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center. As with all of our veteran workshops, this one is free. I am providing a description of the workshop below and also have attached a poster. Please help me out again by posting the info on your blog.
Thank you.
Mike Wold
Regional Coordinator, Arizona
Institute for Healing of Memories North America
The reservoir will be underground, except for one corner which will be 2’ – 3’ above natural grade. The control panel will also be above ground, as required by OSHA. All above ground openings will be oriented towards Tom Darlington and buffered by native trees.
All of the reservoir, including the above ground corner, will be covered over with 2’ feet minimum of native topsoil taken from the excavation to recess the reservoir.
Native vegetation, supplemented with other native shrubs and trees, will be placed above and around the reservoir, and around any above ground openings. This vegetation will be serviced by drip irrigation until the vegetation is firmly established. The Carefree Water Company will manage and maintain the landscaping in perpetuity.
The reservoir will be 160 feet from the closest residence, which is substantially farther away than the closest residence at any of the other 31 sites evaluated. Access will only be from Tom Darlington Road. Access will not be required through a residential neighborhood.
The location of this buried fresh water reservoir has been determined by a licensed professional engineering firm who modeled the water system and identified this site to be the least disruptive to the community and nearby neighbors, the best location to ensure proper water pressures throughout the system and to be the most economical. The alternative sites do not meet this criteria which means that they would be more costly to develop and operate, likely be above ground because of existing rock formations and in someone else’s back yard. The proposed solution is the best solution for the Carefree community.
Graphics prepared by the professional engineering firm which designed the reservoir, Coe and Van Loo, showing both the final appearance and the distance from the closest residence, follow.
Les Peterson
Board Chairman, Carefree Water Company
Hi Lyn,
Thank you for the support that you have given to us over the years for our Healing of Memories Workshops for Veterans at the Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center.
I wanted to let you know that we are offering a Memories for Women Veterans Workshop on Sept 3-5 at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center. As with all of our veteran workshops, this one is free. I am providing a description of the workshop below and also have attached a poster. Please help me out again by posting the info on your blog.
Thank you.
Mike Wold
Regional Coordinator, Arizona
Institute for Healing of Memories North America
Healing of Memories Workshop for Women Veterans
Announcing an in-person Healing of Memories Workshop for Women Veterans. It will be held at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree, AZ on September 3-5, 2021. The workshop is devoted to women vets only and will provided them with a safe experiential and interactive way to address anger, loss, grief and guilt. The workshop is free of charge to any woman service member or veteran, including all meals and two nights lodging. It begins with dinner at 6pm on Friday, September 3 and ends at 1pm on Sunday, September 5. People who have attended this workshop say that it was a major step in their healing from their psychological and spiritual wounds. Transportation will be provided to those who need it.
In order to ensure the safety of the participants and facilitators at this workshop, we will be following the CDC Coronavirus Guidelines and will be employing additional safety precautions. All participants will be provided their own private rooms.
The Healing of Memories Workshop was created by Father Michael Lapsley, an Anglican missionary priest, who in 1990 suffered the loss of his hands and the sight in one eye from a letter bomb that was sent to him in Zimbabwe by a supporter of the pro-apartheid government in South Africa. After a long recovery from the bombing, Father Lapsley decided to dedicate his life to helping victims of emotional, psychological and spiritual wounds inflicted by war, human rights abuses and other traumatic circumstances.
Any woman service member or veteran who is interested in the workshop may find out more information or register free for the workshop by contacting Mike Wold, US Navy Veteran and workshop coordinator, at 651-687-9767.
For more information see: Healing of Memories Workshop for Women Veterans: A Desert Sojourn Retreat • Spirit In the Desert
Announcing an in-person Healing of Memories Workshop for Women Veterans. It will be held at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree, AZ on September 3-5, 2021. The workshop is devoted to women vets only and will provided them with a safe experiential and interactive way to address anger, loss, grief and guilt. The workshop is free of charge to any woman service member or veteran, including all meals and two nights lodging. It begins with dinner at 6pm on Friday, September 3 and ends at 1pm on Sunday, September 5. People who have attended this workshop say that it was a major step in their healing from their psychological and spiritual wounds. Transportation will be provided to those who need it.
In order to ensure the safety of the participants and facilitators at this workshop, we will be following the CDC Coronavirus Guidelines and will be employing additional safety precautions. All participants will be provided their own private rooms.
The Healing of Memories Workshop was created by Father Michael Lapsley, an Anglican missionary priest, who in 1990 suffered the loss of his hands and the sight in one eye from a letter bomb that was sent to him in Zimbabwe by a supporter of the pro-apartheid government in South Africa. After a long recovery from the bombing, Father Lapsley decided to dedicate his life to helping victims of emotional, psychological and spiritual wounds inflicted by war, human rights abuses and other traumatic circumstances.
Any woman service member or veteran who is interested in the workshop may find out more information or register free for the workshop by contacting Mike Wold, US Navy Veteran and workshop coordinator, at 651-687-9767.
For more information see: Healing of Memories Workshop for Women Veterans: A Desert Sojourn Retreat • Spirit In the Desert
Non profit Info:
Desert Foothills Library
Effective June 1st, DFL will be open from 9 AM - 5 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; 9 AM - 6 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; 10 AM - 4 PM on Saturdays; closed on Sundays.
Desert Foothills Library
July 2021 Youth & Teen Events
For more information, contact our Public Services Manager, Ashley Ware at aware@dfla.org or call 480-488-2286.
The Summer Reading Program kicks off this year on June 1st and runs through August 1st. Sign up at MaricopaCountyReads.org (English) or CondadoDeMaricopaLee.org (Spanish). The theme of this year’s program is “Tails & Tales”, encouraging readers to explore the many stories of the animal kingdom by reading, completing challenges and attending virtual events and participating in community experiences. The program begins on Tuesday, June 1 and plays a vital role in helping to reduce the “Summer Slide”—the learning loss experienced while transitioning between school years.
Registration is required for all events, and space is limited. Participants can register for events by visiting dfla.org or calling the library at 480-488-2286.
Under the Sea Storytime
Thursday, July 29, 10:30 AM -- Preschool
Explore the beautiful creatures of our oceans in this storytime experience.
Finding Nemo INTERACTIVE Movie
Saturday, July 31, 1 – 2:30 PM
Most older children and teens are familiar with Finding Nemo, but playing
along with the movie is a new twist! Everyone gets an interactive script and a
bag filled with props and snacks. Bring the whole family.
Desert Foothills Library
AUGUST 2021 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Ashley Ware, Public Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, aware@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331 or virtually on Zoom.
Library Closed: Monday, August 2nd
Desert Foothills Art Gallery
Katalin Ehling Art Show April 1st – October 6th
Katalin Ehling Art Show Tour
Wednesday, August 11 & 25
Please join us to tour the variety of all original art by local artist Katalin Ehling. Starting with fashion drawings while in Paris in the 60’s, to her 45 years as batiks artist and watercolorist, to her most current autobiographical collages. Will be informal with Q & A as we tour the exhibit.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
No registration.
Cost: FREE
Caring for the Caregiver
TUESDAY, August 3, 10:00-11:30 am
Taking care of yourself is essential in being able to take care of your loved one. Join us for this opportunity to fellowship with other caregivers. Led by Hospice of the West facilitators. This class is moved to the first Tuesday this month only.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Death Café
Wednesday, August 4, 12:30-2:30 pm
Death Cafe is a gathering to talk about death and dying. The aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. It is a global, non-profit movement begun in London in 2011: to date, more than 7,000 Death Cafes have been held in 63 countries. Death Cafe does not promote beliefs, agendas, or products, nor is it a bereavement or grief support group. Join us for open, respectful, interesting conversation about topics relevant to all of us but often considered “dark” or even taboo. From more information go to www.deathcafe.com
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Writer’s Connection
Friday, August 6, 1:00-3:00 pm
Today's world is literally at a writer's fingertips. A few keyboard strokes can open the information gates to help you create stories that are distinctively credible and compelling. This Month: Evoke a Sneak Peek! Top Techniques for Book Cover Creation with Ann Videan. Do you know how readers “process” a book cover? What elements make them peek inside to learn more? Find out, with Book Shepherd Ann Videan, how to create a compelling fiction or nonfiction book cover. You’ll learn what elements must be included and how to present them with maximum impact. Discover tricks to immediately draw the eye, spark emotion, and create a connection... the secrets that make a reader buy.
We’ll explore:
· Book cover must-haves
· Genre design
· Cover images
· Type treatments
· Titles
· Subtitles
· Author names
· Book blurbs (descriptions)
· Testimonials
· Author bios
· Head shots
· Publisher details
· Barcodes
· Pricing
Expect to walk away with immediately usable ideas and resources that will entice your future readers to take a “sneak a peek” into your book.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
The Healing Pathway
Monday, August 9 & 23, 9:30-11:00 am
Join us on this journey of grief. This group will guide and support you as you discover your "new normal". The open-ended group will provide you with practical tools and supportive conversation as you are processing your personal grief journey. The group shares a common language of grief.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Get Lit Book Club Tuesday, August 10, 5:00-6:30 pm Your Librarians Sara and Ashley invite you to a new style of book club; Get Lit Book Club, a happy hour book club. Not for the faint of heart! Weird, odd, and unique books are chosen for a great discussion, so get ready for something you might not choose every day! Books will include non-fiction, classics, contemporary fiction, and memoirs to list a few. Get Lit is at a different restaurant every month to support local businesses. Everyone is welcome! This Month: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates at Pizzacata. RSVP online at dfla.org so we may give the restaurant accurate numbers. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286. Cost: FREE but we do encourage you to eat, drink, and be merry in support of our local businesses.
Library Book Club
Thursday, August 12, 10:00-12:00 pm Zoom
Tuesday, August 24, 10:00-12:00 pm In-Person
Book Club is offered twice every month! Same book, same facilitator, different days. Choose which day is best for you to join. Everyone is welcome! This Month: Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
No registration needed for the in-person Thursday book club. If you would like to join the Zoom Tuesday book club, please email Public Services Manager, Ashley Ware, at aware@dfla.org.
Cost: FREE
Chapter2Books Monthly Sale! August 13 & 14 Monthly book sales provide a wonderful opportunity to purchase quality books and other media at even lower prices than the everyday bargain prices in Chapter 2. The monthly book sale is throughout Chapter 2, the Jones/Coates Room, and our patio *weather permitting*. Chapter 2 Monthly Sales are offered on the second Friday and Saturday of every month. Can’t make a Sale? Check out our amazing selection on Amazon. There are hundreds of books as well as CDs, DVDs and audiobooks listed there that are not on display in the bookstore.
We are always in need of volunteers to help setup and breakdown our monthly book sales. If you are interested, please contact our Support Services Manager, Terri Engebretson, at tengebretson@dfla.org or 480-488-2286.
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone!
Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Thursdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Tai Chi & Qigong is a self-care practice. It is a choice of a healthy lifestyle and living well. It improves balance, flexibility, brain plasticity, inner peace and overall wellness. This class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday. Bina Bou is a senior trainer at IIQTC. She has been sharing the ancient practice for over a decade in our community. She believes no matter where you are on your healing journey Tai Chi practice can help improve your quality of life. To learn more about her classes visit mindfocusbodyqi.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Tai Chi & Qigong for Everyone please contact instructor, Bina Bou, at bina.b75@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am.
Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Meditation with Reiki Healing
Wednesday, August 4 & 18 1:00-2:00 pm
Meditation and relaxation have been proven to promote mental and physical changes in a person. Come and experience meditation with guidance. Discuss your experience. Discover the power of healing through guided meditation. If you are interested in expanding your meditation practices, the reiki healing will provide a unique opportunity to experience the healing affects.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Meditation with Reiki Healing please contact instructor, Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Reiki Healing
Wednesday, August 11 & 25, 1:00-2:00 pm
Learn and explore through a variety of energy healing methods including Reiki. We will play with the energy for a better understanding, how you can use it and how you can consciously control more of the energy that makes up all that is you. Each person is here for their unique experience, no matter the age or belief system there is something for you to glean from knowing more about yourself and how better to know yourself than through the part of you that is unseen. Healing is the focus of Reiki and healing is multi-level.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Reiki Healing, please contact instructor, Rev. Dr. Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Desert Foothills Library
AUGUST 2021 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Ashley Ware, Public Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, aware@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Library Closed: Monday, August 2nd
Please note there are no storytimes offered in August.
Swimming in a 3-D Aquarium
Tuesday, August 10, 10:30-11:30 am
Help your child create a beautiful underwater scene complete with fish, sand, shells, or seaweed. Let the imagination take off! This program will help with fine motor skills and the end result is bright, colorful, and so darn cute!
This program is suited for children 2-5 years old.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Ice Cube Painting
Thursday, August 19, 10:30-11:30 am
Cool off with this chilly art project! Show off your artistic imagination using ice cubes. This program is great to play with colors as well as to work on their fine motor skills.
This program is suited for children 4-7 years old.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Friday, August 27, 3:30-5:00pm
Join us to tell a story through the beautiful Japanese art of paper folding! We will be following along a story as we fold paper and by the end a creation emerges. Learn a new skill and see where your story goes.
This program is suited for ages 10-13.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
DIY Locker Accessories
Monday, August 23, 3:30-5:00pm
What better way to start off the new school year than by personalizing your locker? Teens and tweens, come craft locker accessories, magnets, and any other decoration you can create. All supplies are included, please bring any accessories, pictures, or extras if you want to add a personal touch.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Effective June 1st, DFL will be open from 9 AM - 5 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; 9 AM - 6 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; 10 AM - 4 PM on Saturdays; closed on Sundays.
Desert Foothills Library
July 2021 Youth & Teen Events
For more information, contact our Public Services Manager, Ashley Ware at aware@dfla.org or call 480-488-2286.
The Summer Reading Program kicks off this year on June 1st and runs through August 1st. Sign up at MaricopaCountyReads.org (English) or CondadoDeMaricopaLee.org (Spanish). The theme of this year’s program is “Tails & Tales”, encouraging readers to explore the many stories of the animal kingdom by reading, completing challenges and attending virtual events and participating in community experiences. The program begins on Tuesday, June 1 and plays a vital role in helping to reduce the “Summer Slide”—the learning loss experienced while transitioning between school years.
Registration is required for all events, and space is limited. Participants can register for events by visiting dfla.org or calling the library at 480-488-2286.
Under the Sea Storytime
Thursday, July 29, 10:30 AM -- Preschool
Explore the beautiful creatures of our oceans in this storytime experience.
Finding Nemo INTERACTIVE Movie
Saturday, July 31, 1 – 2:30 PM
Most older children and teens are familiar with Finding Nemo, but playing
along with the movie is a new twist! Everyone gets an interactive script and a
bag filled with props and snacks. Bring the whole family.
Desert Foothills Library
AUGUST 2021 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Ashley Ware, Public Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, aware@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331 or virtually on Zoom.
Library Closed: Monday, August 2nd
Desert Foothills Art Gallery
Katalin Ehling Art Show April 1st – October 6th
Katalin Ehling Art Show Tour
Wednesday, August 11 & 25
Please join us to tour the variety of all original art by local artist Katalin Ehling. Starting with fashion drawings while in Paris in the 60’s, to her 45 years as batiks artist and watercolorist, to her most current autobiographical collages. Will be informal with Q & A as we tour the exhibit.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
No registration.
Cost: FREE
Caring for the Caregiver
TUESDAY, August 3, 10:00-11:30 am
Taking care of yourself is essential in being able to take care of your loved one. Join us for this opportunity to fellowship with other caregivers. Led by Hospice of the West facilitators. This class is moved to the first Tuesday this month only.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Death Café
Wednesday, August 4, 12:30-2:30 pm
Death Cafe is a gathering to talk about death and dying. The aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. It is a global, non-profit movement begun in London in 2011: to date, more than 7,000 Death Cafes have been held in 63 countries. Death Cafe does not promote beliefs, agendas, or products, nor is it a bereavement or grief support group. Join us for open, respectful, interesting conversation about topics relevant to all of us but often considered “dark” or even taboo. From more information go to www.deathcafe.com
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Writer’s Connection
Friday, August 6, 1:00-3:00 pm
Today's world is literally at a writer's fingertips. A few keyboard strokes can open the information gates to help you create stories that are distinctively credible and compelling. This Month: Evoke a Sneak Peek! Top Techniques for Book Cover Creation with Ann Videan. Do you know how readers “process” a book cover? What elements make them peek inside to learn more? Find out, with Book Shepherd Ann Videan, how to create a compelling fiction or nonfiction book cover. You’ll learn what elements must be included and how to present them with maximum impact. Discover tricks to immediately draw the eye, spark emotion, and create a connection... the secrets that make a reader buy.
We’ll explore:
· Book cover must-haves
· Genre design
· Cover images
· Type treatments
· Titles
· Subtitles
· Author names
· Book blurbs (descriptions)
· Testimonials
· Author bios
· Head shots
· Publisher details
· Barcodes
· Pricing
Expect to walk away with immediately usable ideas and resources that will entice your future readers to take a “sneak a peek” into your book.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
The Healing Pathway
Monday, August 9 & 23, 9:30-11:00 am
Join us on this journey of grief. This group will guide and support you as you discover your "new normal". The open-ended group will provide you with practical tools and supportive conversation as you are processing your personal grief journey. The group shares a common language of grief.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Get Lit Book Club Tuesday, August 10, 5:00-6:30 pm Your Librarians Sara and Ashley invite you to a new style of book club; Get Lit Book Club, a happy hour book club. Not for the faint of heart! Weird, odd, and unique books are chosen for a great discussion, so get ready for something you might not choose every day! Books will include non-fiction, classics, contemporary fiction, and memoirs to list a few. Get Lit is at a different restaurant every month to support local businesses. Everyone is welcome! This Month: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates at Pizzacata. RSVP online at dfla.org so we may give the restaurant accurate numbers. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286. Cost: FREE but we do encourage you to eat, drink, and be merry in support of our local businesses.
Library Book Club
Thursday, August 12, 10:00-12:00 pm Zoom
Tuesday, August 24, 10:00-12:00 pm In-Person
Book Club is offered twice every month! Same book, same facilitator, different days. Choose which day is best for you to join. Everyone is welcome! This Month: Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
No registration needed for the in-person Thursday book club. If you would like to join the Zoom Tuesday book club, please email Public Services Manager, Ashley Ware, at aware@dfla.org.
Cost: FREE
Chapter2Books Monthly Sale! August 13 & 14 Monthly book sales provide a wonderful opportunity to purchase quality books and other media at even lower prices than the everyday bargain prices in Chapter 2. The monthly book sale is throughout Chapter 2, the Jones/Coates Room, and our patio *weather permitting*. Chapter 2 Monthly Sales are offered on the second Friday and Saturday of every month. Can’t make a Sale? Check out our amazing selection on Amazon. There are hundreds of books as well as CDs, DVDs and audiobooks listed there that are not on display in the bookstore.
We are always in need of volunteers to help setup and breakdown our monthly book sales. If you are interested, please contact our Support Services Manager, Terri Engebretson, at tengebretson@dfla.org or 480-488-2286.
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone!
Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Thursdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Tai Chi & Qigong is a self-care practice. It is a choice of a healthy lifestyle and living well. It improves balance, flexibility, brain plasticity, inner peace and overall wellness. This class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday. Bina Bou is a senior trainer at IIQTC. She has been sharing the ancient practice for over a decade in our community. She believes no matter where you are on your healing journey Tai Chi practice can help improve your quality of life. To learn more about her classes visit mindfocusbodyqi.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Tai Chi & Qigong for Everyone please contact instructor, Bina Bou, at bina.b75@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am.
Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Meditation with Reiki Healing
Wednesday, August 4 & 18 1:00-2:00 pm
Meditation and relaxation have been proven to promote mental and physical changes in a person. Come and experience meditation with guidance. Discuss your experience. Discover the power of healing through guided meditation. If you are interested in expanding your meditation practices, the reiki healing will provide a unique opportunity to experience the healing affects.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Meditation with Reiki Healing please contact instructor, Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Reiki Healing
Wednesday, August 11 & 25, 1:00-2:00 pm
Learn and explore through a variety of energy healing methods including Reiki. We will play with the energy for a better understanding, how you can use it and how you can consciously control more of the energy that makes up all that is you. Each person is here for their unique experience, no matter the age or belief system there is something for you to glean from knowing more about yourself and how better to know yourself than through the part of you that is unseen. Healing is the focus of Reiki and healing is multi-level.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Reiki Healing, please contact instructor, Rev. Dr. Karen Cimaglia at rockinvibs21@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Desert Foothills Library
AUGUST 2021 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Ashley Ware, Public Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, aware@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
Library Closed: Monday, August 2nd
Please note there are no storytimes offered in August.
Swimming in a 3-D Aquarium
Tuesday, August 10, 10:30-11:30 am
Help your child create a beautiful underwater scene complete with fish, sand, shells, or seaweed. Let the imagination take off! This program will help with fine motor skills and the end result is bright, colorful, and so darn cute!
This program is suited for children 2-5 years old.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Ice Cube Painting
Thursday, August 19, 10:30-11:30 am
Cool off with this chilly art project! Show off your artistic imagination using ice cubes. This program is great to play with colors as well as to work on their fine motor skills.
This program is suited for children 4-7 years old.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Friday, August 27, 3:30-5:00pm
Join us to tell a story through the beautiful Japanese art of paper folding! We will be following along a story as we fold paper and by the end a creation emerges. Learn a new skill and see where your story goes.
This program is suited for ages 10-13.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
DIY Locker Accessories
Monday, August 23, 3:30-5:00pm
What better way to start off the new school year than by personalizing your locker? Teens and tweens, come craft locker accessories, magnets, and any other decoration you can create. All supplies are included, please bring any accessories, pictures, or extras if you want to add a personal touch.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.