Carefree Truth
Issue #754, June 3, 2019
Mayor Les Peterson invited Federico Venturini and his partner Philp Igneri to introduce themselves.
Issue #754, June 3, 2019
Mayor Les Peterson invited Federico Venturini and his partner Philp Igneri to introduce themselves.
Rt. to Lf. Federico Venturini and Philp Igneri
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
They are the owners of the new restaurant, Pizzicata Restorante Pizzeria, that will be opening in Spanish Village, next to Keeler's, this fall. Mr. Venturini explained that he is from central Italy and is proud and pleased to be part of this community. Councilman Mike Krahe said he couldn't wait to eat their pizza. The Mayor welcomed them to Carefree and announced a special Council meeting to be held the next evening at 5:20 in the Town Hall offices to consider the liquor application for the new pizzeria.
Gary Neiss presented an update on the streets project, which started in early April. They expected to be finished by now, but several storms had caused delays. The crack sealing was completed and 17,000 pounds, less than the original estimate, were used, saving some money. The micro surfacing was finished in Rolling Hills. Repair work was still being done in Velvet Shadows. They were working on original Carefree just to the north of the Town Center. The last to be completed would be Stagecoach Pass and Mule Train Road. These would be restricted to one lane. They were working with Civana and the HOAs. There would be door hangers and a Hot Line with a Public Information Officer on call to answer questions about delays and to handle issues dealing with the street closures in an effort to mitigate disturbance to the residents. They expected to finish within 1-2 weeks, at which time temporary paint would be applied. After the surface cured in 30 days, the thermal plastic paint would be applied. Mayor Peterson said the finished work looked terrific. He thanked Mr. Neiss for coordinating the work.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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