(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.
Photo by Ken Richards
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
http://www.carefree.org/336/IN -THE-NEWS
City Sun Times link:
Spent two days in Mesa this week at the newly elected officials training. In this photo, to my right are newly elected Cave Creek council members Bob Morris and Paul Diefenderfer with fellow Carefree council member Steve Hatcher to my left and El Mirage council member Monica Dorsey next to Steve.
I really love representing the best town in AZ!!!
Vince D'Aliesio
(Lyn's note: Last week I forgot to include the photo Vince references, so I'm running his letter again, this time with the photo. Sorry, Vince!)
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
http://www.carefree.org/336/IN -THE-NEWS
City Sun Times link:
Spent two days in Mesa this week at the newly elected officials training. In this photo, to my right are newly elected Cave Creek council members Bob Morris and Paul Diefenderfer with fellow Carefree council member Steve Hatcher to my left and El Mirage council member Monica Dorsey next to Steve.
I really love representing the best town in AZ!!!
Vince D'Aliesio
(Lyn's note: Last week I forgot to include the photo Vince references, so I'm running his letter again, this time with the photo. Sorry, Vince!)
I was so disappointed in this year's Carefree Christmas Festival. I had friends from out of town come specifically to see our magical Festival. There was no real snow, no snow slide, no parade. It was embarrassing and pathetic. The only great thing about it were the fireworks, which thankfully still took place. What happened to change all of this, and what can we citizens do to return our Festival to it's previous glory?
Ann S.
Great job on advising all of us on the rezoning issue on the corner.
Jeff Kerner
Louise Short
5 drive throughs at the southwest entrance to the town, with beautiful Black Mountain as a backdrop. Keeping it Carefree.
Andrea Dickey Genette
Thanks for keeping us updated. I’m concerned about the lights and I can see I’m not alone.
Lori Wolfe
(Lyn's note: The letters below were sent before the final part of the N.E. Corner agenda item was sent out and it became known by these writers that the Council upheld P&Z's stipulations prohibiting the medical center and the car wash. All the letters support the Town's reasons for prohibiting those uses.)
"He stated that there were no emergency services within a 10 mile drive, the closest being 27 minutes away, with an an average wait time of 4 hours and 15 minutes"
What emergency facility is he talking about? What was his sampling? We use Honor Health at Pinnacle Peak....It is 17 minutes away. We have used this medical center for 10 years as have my friends for emergency services . Without exception, we were seen for evaluation/triaged within 5-15 minutes
A Happy and Blessed Holiday Season Carefree!
Eileen Crowley
Hi Lyn,
Alan and I have been discussing this development proposal. Is the developer aware that there is a car wash already across the way at the Chevron station? Not only that, it is being renovated and improved. Do we really need another car wash? What a tacky business to add to that corner. We don’t understand why a quiet and non 24 hour service is not considered for that corner. Of course it won’t effect Empire, they don’t live here and have to contend with dropping property values. The values are currently dropping more and more each day. We are all for progress but not to the expense of the people that have worked so hard to establish their futures.
Alan and Grace Tannaz
I read your notes with interest particularly to Tenet’s/Abrazo’s desire to build a 24/7 emergency center. As a former hospital administrator, I have more than a passing knowledge about the population need requirements for such an enterprise. We already have a couple of urgent care centers within and in the vicinity of Carefree. In addition, the Grayhawk full service hospital is only 20 minutes away.
It seems that a more logical approach would be to work with the Honor Health system to expand their current medical office site to accommodate an emergency healthcare services facility, should such a facility be needed at this time. Abrazo has no market presence to speak of in North Scottsdale and Carefree/Cave Creek. To operate a 24/7 Emergency facility will require that the Physicians working within that center have admitting privileges to the Scottsdale hospitals, something that Honor Health may be reluctant to grant given that Abrazo/Tenet is a competitor.
Honor health is a Not for Profit Hospital system, Tenet is a national for profit Hospital Chain. There is also no assurance that the local Payers, (Insurance Companies) will credential the facility, (required in order to obtain payer contracts), if in fact the Payers determine that there is no need for such a facility at this time.
Also, as a long time Carefree resident you will recall that the Chapman emergency care facility located in El Pedregal was open for several years and never realized the volume required to remain open and therefore closed. At the time, Honor Health did a market feasibility study on whether to acquire the facility and concluded that patient demand was not sufficient to warrant a full service emergency room.
The bottom line is that building a 24 hour emergency facility is a significant undertaking which requires substantial due diligence regarding market demand, patient origin data, provider network affiliation with a participating Hospital, and insurance contracts.
I therefore urge the Council to request of Abrazo any market analysis data that speaks to patient population projections, procured insurance contracts, agreed to local hospital affiliations and provider admitting privileges.
John Nimsky
Ann S.
Great job on advising all of us on the rezoning issue on the corner.
Jeff Kerner
Louise Short
5 drive throughs at the southwest entrance to the town, with beautiful Black Mountain as a backdrop. Keeping it Carefree.
Andrea Dickey Genette
Thanks for keeping us updated. I’m concerned about the lights and I can see I’m not alone.
Lori Wolfe
(Lyn's note: The letters below were sent before the final part of the N.E. Corner agenda item was sent out and it became known by these writers that the Council upheld P&Z's stipulations prohibiting the medical center and the car wash. All the letters support the Town's reasons for prohibiting those uses.)
"He stated that there were no emergency services within a 10 mile drive, the closest being 27 minutes away, with an an average wait time of 4 hours and 15 minutes"
What emergency facility is he talking about? What was his sampling? We use Honor Health at Pinnacle Peak....It is 17 minutes away. We have used this medical center for 10 years as have my friends for emergency services . Without exception, we were seen for evaluation/triaged within 5-15 minutes
A Happy and Blessed Holiday Season Carefree!
Eileen Crowley
Hi Lyn,
Alan and I have been discussing this development proposal. Is the developer aware that there is a car wash already across the way at the Chevron station? Not only that, it is being renovated and improved. Do we really need another car wash? What a tacky business to add to that corner. We don’t understand why a quiet and non 24 hour service is not considered for that corner. Of course it won’t effect Empire, they don’t live here and have to contend with dropping property values. The values are currently dropping more and more each day. We are all for progress but not to the expense of the people that have worked so hard to establish their futures.
Alan and Grace Tannaz
I read your notes with interest particularly to Tenet’s/Abrazo’s desire to build a 24/7 emergency center. As a former hospital administrator, I have more than a passing knowledge about the population need requirements for such an enterprise. We already have a couple of urgent care centers within and in the vicinity of Carefree. In addition, the Grayhawk full service hospital is only 20 minutes away.
It seems that a more logical approach would be to work with the Honor Health system to expand their current medical office site to accommodate an emergency healthcare services facility, should such a facility be needed at this time. Abrazo has no market presence to speak of in North Scottsdale and Carefree/Cave Creek. To operate a 24/7 Emergency facility will require that the Physicians working within that center have admitting privileges to the Scottsdale hospitals, something that Honor Health may be reluctant to grant given that Abrazo/Tenet is a competitor.
Honor health is a Not for Profit Hospital system, Tenet is a national for profit Hospital Chain. There is also no assurance that the local Payers, (Insurance Companies) will credential the facility, (required in order to obtain payer contracts), if in fact the Payers determine that there is no need for such a facility at this time.
Also, as a long time Carefree resident you will recall that the Chapman emergency care facility located in El Pedregal was open for several years and never realized the volume required to remain open and therefore closed. At the time, Honor Health did a market feasibility study on whether to acquire the facility and concluded that patient demand was not sufficient to warrant a full service emergency room.
The bottom line is that building a 24 hour emergency facility is a significant undertaking which requires substantial due diligence regarding market demand, patient origin data, provider network affiliation with a participating Hospital, and insurance contracts.
I therefore urge the Council to request of Abrazo any market analysis data that speaks to patient population projections, procured insurance contracts, agreed to local hospital affiliations and provider admitting privileges.
John Nimsky