(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
And here are your bonus rounds from Herbert:
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Town of Carefree Marketing newsletter
I've been paving and seal coating parking lots in Paradise for many years. But, I've never used the new Microfiber products, and can tell you that I've been impressed.
I live on Lazy Lane and our streets were part of Phase One last year.
If the work had been done using the old seal coat process the cracks and separations in these 60+ year old streets would be back by now. Not so with the Microfiber. The coating is as consistent as when first applied and typical pavement cracks, etc are nowhere to be seen.
Kudos to the good folks in our town for succeeding at trying something new and for all they do to keep our little slice of Paradise looking good.
Phil Corso
People, which I am sure you have heard, are saying they won’t come to the festival if they have to pay and it would strike me that this would keep people from coming to Carefree to eat and shop during the Festival. I am sure this was talked about with the Council.
Louise Short
(Lyn's note: All over the Valley, events that are nowhere near as fantastic as this one charge to attend. Attendance for this free event continued to grow exponentially. There were an estimated 100,000 people at this last year. Frankly, that is too much for the town to accommodate. It was anticipated that attendance would be reduced this year with an admission charge, and that is not all bad. I suspect that those who won't come because it would cost them less than the price of a nice lunch for one person would not be shopping or eating here anyway.)
Thank you for your input. Makes sense.
Wow! Great coverage.
Thanks and lots of hugs
Pam DiPietro

Dear Lyn,
Happy Sunday!
I am excited to once again join the “Paradise Valley Police Dream Team” with whom I am going OVER THE EDGE (no wise ass remarks, please!) to raise funds for SPECIAL OLYMPICS ARIZONA! I will be rappelling (you read that right!) down the 27 stories (NOT a typo!) of CityScape along with more than 30 of Paradise Valley’s finest! In order to qualify (besides controlling my nerves and stomach!) I must raise a minimum of $1000 for the benefit of Special Olympics! More is better!
You know of my dedication to Valley Youth Theatre. While VYT teaches young people meaningful life skills, builds their self-esteem and fosters their creativity utilizing theatre as the vehicle, SPECIAL OLYMPICS provides training and competition through athletics for those with intellectual disabilities, helping them to discover inner strength and capabilities that change their minds about their own self-worth.
I just KNOW you always thought I WAS a bit ON the edge….now’s your chance to help me go OVER IT!
All you have to do is click on this link to go to my fundraising page and make your donation! https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/1815053. Every little bit helps. $25? More. Less. Whatever!
GREAT NEWS: Donations to Special Olympics qualifies for ARIZONA DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR TAX CREDITS* (See below and please check with your financial advisor as to how you qualify for this credit).
*Individuals making cash donations to these charities may claim dollar for dollar tax credits on their Arizona Personal Income Tax returns. Visithttps://azdor.gov/tax-credits/contributions-qcos-and-qfcos for details.
If you can come out on December 7 and cheer on our Dream Team, that would be great also!
Fingers crossed!
Warm regards,
Hope Ozer
Happy Sunday!
I am excited to once again join the “Paradise Valley Police Dream Team” with whom I am going OVER THE EDGE (no wise ass remarks, please!) to raise funds for SPECIAL OLYMPICS ARIZONA! I will be rappelling (you read that right!) down the 27 stories (NOT a typo!) of CityScape along with more than 30 of Paradise Valley’s finest! In order to qualify (besides controlling my nerves and stomach!) I must raise a minimum of $1000 for the benefit of Special Olympics! More is better!
You know of my dedication to Valley Youth Theatre. While VYT teaches young people meaningful life skills, builds their self-esteem and fosters their creativity utilizing theatre as the vehicle, SPECIAL OLYMPICS provides training and competition through athletics for those with intellectual disabilities, helping them to discover inner strength and capabilities that change their minds about their own self-worth.
I just KNOW you always thought I WAS a bit ON the edge….now’s your chance to help me go OVER IT!
All you have to do is click on this link to go to my fundraising page and make your donation! https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/1815053. Every little bit helps. $25? More. Less. Whatever!
GREAT NEWS: Donations to Special Olympics qualifies for ARIZONA DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR TAX CREDITS* (See below and please check with your financial advisor as to how you qualify for this credit).
*Individuals making cash donations to these charities may claim dollar for dollar tax credits on their Arizona Personal Income Tax returns. Visithttps://azdor.gov/tax-credits/contributions-qcos-and-qfcos for details.
If you can come out on December 7 and cheer on our Dream Team, that would be great also!
Fingers crossed!
Warm regards,
Hope Ozer