"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #827, May 15, 2020
Gary Neiss said Covid 19 has affected every aspect of life, including municipal budgets. What do revenues look like? In Arizona, municipal receipts of sales tax revenues are delayed for 2 months by the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Typically, budget workshops are held in April. The Town reviews the needs holistically, then assesses the revenues. Covid 19 has impacted the projected revenues and expenses. This year, the individual departments will not be represented at the workshop. This will be a bare bones budget, and not much has been requested by the departments.
The first budget workshop, with the overview, will be held via Zoom at 3 PM on May 19th. The second workshop, with the line item budget, will be held on May 26th at 3 PM. The budget bottom line, which sets the expenditure limitation, will be approved at the June 2nd Council meeting. The budget will be adopted at the July 7th Council meeting. The new fiscal year begins on July 1st.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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