"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #896, February 19, 2021
Issue #896, February 19, 2021
(Lyn's note: Due to the length of almost an hour, and the importance of the new water storage tank issues, we have broken up that presentation up into 4 parts that will be labeled 7A, B, C, & D.)
Part A:
Greg Crossman explained that this discussion would be about the new water storage tank to be placed in the Boulders, which would provide water to Neighborhood A and provide part of the required 3000 gallons per minute (GPM) of fire protection water flow to the Lowes commercial development. The slide, which could not be copied and pasted onto the body of this email because it has movement, shows the location in the Boulders of the new storage tank and the areas it would service outlined in blue. The slide is close to the beginning of the presentation, and is shown in the video link. Scottsdale has committed to providing 1500 GPM of water flow from the new interconnect that would be installed at Carefree Highway and Terravita Way/Sunset Trail. The Carefree Water Company (CFWC) would provide the remaining 1500 GPM.
Mr. Crossman said the overview of the topics includes a General discussion of water storage, Acquisition studies-Coo & Van Loo (CVL) analyses, Site selection criteria, Water storage concept/design changes since the November of 2019 discussion with the Boulders HOA, Other reservoir details, and Authorizations to be considered that night.
Water storage is needed to meet peak demand. It is typically low in the late evening and early morning time periods, allowing the reservoirs to refill in order to meet the peak demand time of 5-9 AM when peoples' irrigation systems come on and people are showering, preparing breakfast, and doing dishes and laundry.
Storage is also needed for sufficient fire protection flow even during the peak demand periods. This was emphasized recently during the early morning fire at the "Wedding Cake House" on the southeast side of Black Mountain. The fire was fought by Rural/Metro (R/M). Fire Chief John Kraetz had nothing but good things to say about how the CFWC system performed. Mr. Crossman estimated that the CFWC provided between 200,000 and 300,000 gallons of water just to fight that one house fire.
Reasonably sized water production facilities are needed such as wells and treatment plants for surface water for peak demand periods. These cost a lot of money. With water storage areas, the size and costs can be reduced. There are currently 3 primary sites for water storage in the CFWC system.
Part A:
Greg Crossman explained that this discussion would be about the new water storage tank to be placed in the Boulders, which would provide water to Neighborhood A and provide part of the required 3000 gallons per minute (GPM) of fire protection water flow to the Lowes commercial development. The slide, which could not be copied and pasted onto the body of this email because it has movement, shows the location in the Boulders of the new storage tank and the areas it would service outlined in blue. The slide is close to the beginning of the presentation, and is shown in the video link. Scottsdale has committed to providing 1500 GPM of water flow from the new interconnect that would be installed at Carefree Highway and Terravita Way/Sunset Trail. The Carefree Water Company (CFWC) would provide the remaining 1500 GPM.
Mr. Crossman said the overview of the topics includes a General discussion of water storage, Acquisition studies-Coo & Van Loo (CVL) analyses, Site selection criteria, Water storage concept/design changes since the November of 2019 discussion with the Boulders HOA, Other reservoir details, and Authorizations to be considered that night.
Water storage is needed to meet peak demand. It is typically low in the late evening and early morning time periods, allowing the reservoirs to refill in order to meet the peak demand time of 5-9 AM when peoples' irrigation systems come on and people are showering, preparing breakfast, and doing dishes and laundry.
Storage is also needed for sufficient fire protection flow even during the peak demand periods. This was emphasized recently during the early morning fire at the "Wedding Cake House" on the southeast side of Black Mountain. The fire was fought by Rural/Metro (R/M). Fire Chief John Kraetz had nothing but good things to say about how the CFWC system performed. Mr. Crossman estimated that the CFWC provided between 200,000 and 300,000 gallons of water just to fight that one house fire.
Reasonably sized water production facilities are needed such as wells and treatment plants for surface water for peak demand periods. These cost a lot of money. With water storage areas, the size and costs can be reduced. There are currently 3 primary sites for water storage in the CFWC system.
There is a 1 million gallon storage tank at Stagecoach Pass and Pima Road which is the "hub" of the system. The highest storage reservoir, in the area of The Highlands to the north, is comprised of 2 tanks, each holding 150,000 gallons, for a combined storage of 300,000 gallons. The 3rd site is a 500,000 gallon tank off of Up & Down Way, which services the downtown core area, the southwest subdivisions of Carefree that are within the CFWC system, and the Boulders subdivision.
Flows to the 1 million gallon "hub" tank come from Scottsdale and from Carefree's wells. Scottsdale treats and transports Carefree's Central Arizona Project (CAP) water, which is about 2/3 of Carefree's water supply. The balance comes from a well in the Desert Forest Golf Club area and from minor wells to the east along Stagecoach Pass. From the "hub", water is delivered to the other two storage sites. The water must be pumped up to the 300,000 gallon site, but gravity is used to deliver and pressurize water to the 500,000 site because it is slightly lower than the "hub". The reservoir near The Highlands delivers water to its service area using gravity. The 500,000 gallon site is slightly higher than the service areas and also works via gravity flow.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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