"Thomas Jefferson said a democracy is dependent on an informed citizenry. I don't care whether it sounds corny or not. It's the truth." -Jim Lehrer
Carefree Truth
Issue #905, March 12, 2021
Robin Cochran became the new Executive Director (ED) of the Foothills Caring Corps (FCC) this past July. She was deeply honored for the opportunity to introduce herself and for the loyal partnership and great support from the Town of Carefree, which donates the transportation grant to the FCC and helps support the growing needs of the foothills community.
Ms. Cochran said she is here to be a servant to the community and to run the FCC. Her team of staffers is the heart and soul of the FCC. She thanked her team and the group of over 400 volunteers. The FCC began 21 years ago. The Mission is to provide non-medical services to older adults and to individuals with disabling conditions to help them remain living independently in their homes so they can successfully age in place.
The FCC calls those they serve "our neighbors". They serve the people of Carefree, Cave Creek, N. Scottsdale, and N. Phoenix. They facilitate transportation, provide socialization to prevent isolation, conduct wellness checks, and meet nutritional needs with Mobile Meals. The need for Mobile Meals has increased 60% since the onset of Covid.
They had to reduce social activities due to Covid. There are no big group outings, and they are not going into homes for friendly visits. Many safety protocols have been developed. The FCC continues to provide medical transportation trips. They are working with Maricopa County to help neighbors access vaccinations. They partnered with Kiwanis and the Food Bank for creative socialization programs. In-person visits have been replaced by friendly phone calls for ongoing assessments.
The Mobility Loan Closet is growing and changing. The FCC has partnered with the Desert Foothills Leadership Academy to implement a touchless inventory. The Cave Creek Unified School District (CCUSD) is helping with the technical issues. Ms. Cochran stressed that all the partnerships are vital as is learning the needs of the community and working with the youth, bringing them together with the senior population, and building out the FCC technical infrastructure. She again thanked the Council for taking the time to hear her presentation and for partnering with the FCC.
Mayor Les Peterson congratulated her on an excellent presentation. He said it has been an honor for Carefree to work with the FCC, which has done so much for the desert foothills area.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked what was needed for the loan closet, and how the FCC stood financially for 2021. Ms. Cochran explained that the loan closet started out as a partnership with Kiwanis and has grown. They do take donations of equipment. They need more wheelchairs, and transfer chairs are in particularly short supply. At Mr. Hatcher's request, Ms. Cochran said she would supply a list of equipment needed for the loan closet.
She noted that the FCC has relied on in-person fundraisers in the past, but those were canceled last year due to Covid, so they had to creatively fund raise and will offer more virtual fundraisers in the future. She was optimistic about fundraising via technology. She wanted to hold a small "thank you" event at Keeler's Steakhouse in the fall. Paul Keeler has offered the restaurant as a venue.
Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer joked that she did much better in the "virtual golf tournament" than she did in the live one. She hoped they would continue that event.
Mayor Peterson again thanked Ms. Cochran for her presentation. He said they would stay in touch.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
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Ms. Cochran said she is here to be a servant to the community and to run the FCC. Her team of staffers is the heart and soul of the FCC. She thanked her team and the group of over 400 volunteers. The FCC began 21 years ago. The Mission is to provide non-medical services to older adults and to individuals with disabling conditions to help them remain living independently in their homes so they can successfully age in place.
The FCC calls those they serve "our neighbors". They serve the people of Carefree, Cave Creek, N. Scottsdale, and N. Phoenix. They facilitate transportation, provide socialization to prevent isolation, conduct wellness checks, and meet nutritional needs with Mobile Meals. The need for Mobile Meals has increased 60% since the onset of Covid.
They had to reduce social activities due to Covid. There are no big group outings, and they are not going into homes for friendly visits. Many safety protocols have been developed. The FCC continues to provide medical transportation trips. They are working with Maricopa County to help neighbors access vaccinations. They partnered with Kiwanis and the Food Bank for creative socialization programs. In-person visits have been replaced by friendly phone calls for ongoing assessments.
The Mobility Loan Closet is growing and changing. The FCC has partnered with the Desert Foothills Leadership Academy to implement a touchless inventory. The Cave Creek Unified School District (CCUSD) is helping with the technical issues. Ms. Cochran stressed that all the partnerships are vital as is learning the needs of the community and working with the youth, bringing them together with the senior population, and building out the FCC technical infrastructure. She again thanked the Council for taking the time to hear her presentation and for partnering with the FCC.
Mayor Les Peterson congratulated her on an excellent presentation. He said it has been an honor for Carefree to work with the FCC, which has done so much for the desert foothills area.
Councilman Stephen Hatcher asked what was needed for the loan closet, and how the FCC stood financially for 2021. Ms. Cochran explained that the loan closet started out as a partnership with Kiwanis and has grown. They do take donations of equipment. They need more wheelchairs, and transfer chairs are in particularly short supply. At Mr. Hatcher's request, Ms. Cochran said she would supply a list of equipment needed for the loan closet.
She noted that the FCC has relied on in-person fundraisers in the past, but those were canceled last year due to Covid, so they had to creatively fund raise and will offer more virtual fundraisers in the future. She was optimistic about fundraising via technology. She wanted to hold a small "thank you" event at Keeler's Steakhouse in the fall. Paul Keeler has offered the restaurant as a venue.
Councilwoman Cheryl Kroyer joked that she did much better in the "virtual golf tournament" than she did in the live one. She hoped they would continue that event.
Mayor Peterson again thanked Ms. Cochran for her presentation. He said they would stay in touch.
Lyn Hitchon
Prepared by Carefree Truth
Visit our website at www.carefreetruth2.com If you know anyone who would like to be added to the Carefree Truth email list, please have them contact me. Feel free to share Carefree Truth with others on your list.
Visit www.carefreeazbusinesses.com to see more info about businesses in Carefree. Please support our merchants.