(Lyn's note: Please feel free to send us any pictures you'd like included. Here's the link to this week's Pictures of the Week.)
Lt. to rt.: Eileen Wright, Gary Neiss, Betsy Lynn & John Crane
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photo by Herbert Hitchon
Here are your bonus rounds from Herbert.
Photos by Herbert Hitchon
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Here is the link to the Maricopa County & Rural/Metro emergency
preparedness presentation from 6/27/19. This is good info to keep saved
on your computer.
Emergency Preparedness Presentation by R/M & County: 6/27/19
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, from Lyn & Herbert.
We are thankful each and every day to live in such a magnificent place as the Desert Foothills. Life is good!
Holiday Events There are numerous free Holiday events planned within the Town Center. For more information on each event click on this link: Upcoming Holiday Events
November 27, 2021 – Christmas in Carefree
10:00 am - 5:00 pm Christmas Jubilee presented by Kiwanis of Carefree
Kiwanis Christmas Jubilee - FREE EVENT - Visit Carefree Arizona
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm Carefree Lights Up! Annual Lighting of the Carefree Christmas Tree with Desert Hills Presbyterian providing carolers and bell ringers
Carefree Lights Up! - Visit Carefree Arizona - Christmas Tree
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Carefree Lights Up! Holiday Concert featuring up and coming local performers (produced by Kevin Glenn) and special guests the Cactus Kickers.
November 28, 2021 – Chanukah in Carefree Community Day Chanukah in Carefree Arizona -
5:30 pm Chanukah in Carefree kicks off its 5th year with community day in support of the Foothills Caring Corp.
November 29 through December 5 – Chanukah in Carefree
5:30 pm Each day, an additional candle will be lit on the 6 foot menorah with special guests each night.
Dear Lyn,
I am very grateful for the energy you and Herb put into providing the community with the information in your "Carefree Truth".
Thank you and keep up the good work,
Pam DiPietro
You have my permission to publish this email in entirety.
Let me begin by saying I admire that you openly state your opinions and make it clear what side of the argument you are on. You do not hide behind a non de plume but, instead, you defend the conviction of your beliefs. I believe more would follow your example if they were not subjected to ridicule and harassment when offering differing opinions. I think everyone should be entitled to their opinion and while we can vehemently disagree, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and no one should be subjected to bullying.
I unsubscribed to Carefree Truth several months ago. By publishing Carefree Truth and claiming it is just the facts, residents are placing their trust in you. You therefore have an obligation to your readers to take extra care to make sure you are printing the complete story that you yourself have researched and can fully verify is the truth. It does not prevent you from adding your opinion, but your opinion should never prevent you from publishing the complete picture.
This will be the second time I have written to you and asked you to please set the record straight with your readers including providing legal documents that support the correction.
Published in Carefree Truth #964 November 12, 2021 Mayor Peterson writes:
Mr. Mattes stated that the Town had spent, “close to $2 million ( in legal fees) since 2018." Mayor Peterson clarified that the correct amount was $1,800,000. Of that, $1,450,000 was spent on arbitration issues with Cave Creek. The outcome (of the arbitration), which went in favor of Carefree, was decided by an Arbitration Panel of 3 judges with a total of 120 years of experience. The entirety of that sum ($1,450,000) was reimbursable to Carefree.
Mayor Peterson claims Cave Creek was ordered to fully refund all legal fees to Carefree. This was true, that is what the arbitration panel did order. But Mayor Peterson knowingly has mislead residents by allowing you to publish that statement and not also disclosing that this was not the final agreement made between Cave Creek and Carefree…. as evidenced by the attached legal agreement he himself signed on March 12, 2021.
In the attached final settlement agreement, Carefree agrees to reduce the amount Cave Creek has to reimburse Carefree for legal expenses to only $464,593, not the $1,450,000 as Mayor Peterson alludes. Carefree has still spent over $1 Million on legal fees in the arbitration dispute with Cave Creek if you add in invoices that are not over $5000. Only invoices over $5,000 are required to be published in AZ Open books. This $1,000,000 also does not include all the other legal expenses of this water transition with the Ryan’s lawsuit and the Eminent Domain action that continue to pile up.
Our town has spent a considerable sum on lawyers. Some may agree it is worth it and some may argue it is fiscally irresponsible - everyone is entitled to their opinion. But ALL residents are entitled to know exactly how much our town has spent on lawyers in the last three years without being forced to become forensic research analysts to sort through fact from fiction. If you are going to publish something that has TRUTH in the title, it obligates you to assure you are printing the truth.
"“Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth…..even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” — Gandhi
With Respect, Stephanie Barbour
(Lyn's note: Stephanie, we report what is said at Council meetings, backed up by unedited videos of the meetings, and everything we publish in the newsletters is a matter of public record that can be accessed by anyone. That is all we ever claimed to be, with the exception of some election information, all of which is also available in various public records. I know things about some of those who have run and whom I have opposed that I did not print because I lacked documentation, but which came from reliable sources. If it can't be proven in public record documentation, it doesn't get into our newsletters. Letters from Readers is where editorials are printed, which is the standard place in publications for opinions.)
Lyn, as you and I both know, a message from a Town official published in the section of your newsletter that wasn’t the newsletters edition carries significantly more impact than an average resident like myself writing you a letter. You are putting yourself out there as a journalist so you either are a journalist and must stand behind what you allow published that you claim is truth or, residents must understand that you cannot guarantee what you are publishing really is the truth. It simply can’t be both ways.
(Lyn's note: Guest editorials are clearly marked as such in the subject line. It is perplexing that you continue to question the investment in legal fees to address the well publicized concerns of over 1000 Carefree residents. Those legal fees addressed a very successful conclusion to Carefree's contracted legal rights. Do these Carefree resident's not matter? Are you saying the Town should have ignore 1/3 of its population? Why is it OK with you and other Boulder residents to have the Town pay for the legal costs in the ten year legal battle to decommission the waste water treatment facility but you do not support the legal costs associated with an issue impacting a larger Carefree population/area? Enough with the Washington politics where issues are not addressed and nothing gets done. It is about doing what is right and protecting the interests of the Carefree community. I suspect you would have a very different view of all this if you were serviced by Cave Creek Water. I find it more than a little hypocritical that you take this position. I am not impressed.)
Hi Lyn,
Hope all is well with Herbert and you. Everything is on track and very exciting. We are celebrating our 5th year anniversary and the first night is this coming Sunday, November 28th at 5:30 pm we will be having a lot of fun celebrating. After the lighting of the menorah, I will be introducing people who are leading all the rest of the nights this year, as well as some who will be coming that led in years past. We will also recognize all our sponsors and include you as one of the most wonderful assets of this event. Then we will have live music, food and drink donated by local restaurants, and a raffle and silent auction to support Foothills Caring Corps this year and lots of good fellowship.
Do hope you both can stay for the celebration. I am sure the photos of the party will go a long way. Rotary Scottsdale North are coming to volunteer for serving food and have already asked if some photos can be provided of them when they are serving, so they can be put into their newsletter. And I am hoping for a good turnout of maybe 100-200 people. Anything you can do to help promote the event is greatly appreciated.
Look forward to seeing Herbert and you on Sunday.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
All my best,
Karen Katopaz
(Lyn's note: See the flier below.)
We are thankful each and every day to live in such a magnificent place as the Desert Foothills. Life is good!
Holiday Events There are numerous free Holiday events planned within the Town Center. For more information on each event click on this link: Upcoming Holiday Events
November 27, 2021 – Christmas in Carefree
10:00 am - 5:00 pm Christmas Jubilee presented by Kiwanis of Carefree
Kiwanis Christmas Jubilee - FREE EVENT - Visit Carefree Arizona
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm Carefree Lights Up! Annual Lighting of the Carefree Christmas Tree with Desert Hills Presbyterian providing carolers and bell ringers
Carefree Lights Up! - Visit Carefree Arizona - Christmas Tree
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Carefree Lights Up! Holiday Concert featuring up and coming local performers (produced by Kevin Glenn) and special guests the Cactus Kickers.
November 28, 2021 – Chanukah in Carefree Community Day Chanukah in Carefree Arizona -
5:30 pm Chanukah in Carefree kicks off its 5th year with community day in support of the Foothills Caring Corp.
November 29 through December 5 – Chanukah in Carefree
5:30 pm Each day, an additional candle will be lit on the 6 foot menorah with special guests each night.
Dear Lyn,
I am very grateful for the energy you and Herb put into providing the community with the information in your "Carefree Truth".
Thank you and keep up the good work,
Pam DiPietro
You have my permission to publish this email in entirety.
Let me begin by saying I admire that you openly state your opinions and make it clear what side of the argument you are on. You do not hide behind a non de plume but, instead, you defend the conviction of your beliefs. I believe more would follow your example if they were not subjected to ridicule and harassment when offering differing opinions. I think everyone should be entitled to their opinion and while we can vehemently disagree, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and no one should be subjected to bullying.
I unsubscribed to Carefree Truth several months ago. By publishing Carefree Truth and claiming it is just the facts, residents are placing their trust in you. You therefore have an obligation to your readers to take extra care to make sure you are printing the complete story that you yourself have researched and can fully verify is the truth. It does not prevent you from adding your opinion, but your opinion should never prevent you from publishing the complete picture.
This will be the second time I have written to you and asked you to please set the record straight with your readers including providing legal documents that support the correction.
Published in Carefree Truth #964 November 12, 2021 Mayor Peterson writes:
Mr. Mattes stated that the Town had spent, “close to $2 million ( in legal fees) since 2018." Mayor Peterson clarified that the correct amount was $1,800,000. Of that, $1,450,000 was spent on arbitration issues with Cave Creek. The outcome (of the arbitration), which went in favor of Carefree, was decided by an Arbitration Panel of 3 judges with a total of 120 years of experience. The entirety of that sum ($1,450,000) was reimbursable to Carefree.
Mayor Peterson claims Cave Creek was ordered to fully refund all legal fees to Carefree. This was true, that is what the arbitration panel did order. But Mayor Peterson knowingly has mislead residents by allowing you to publish that statement and not also disclosing that this was not the final agreement made between Cave Creek and Carefree…. as evidenced by the attached legal agreement he himself signed on March 12, 2021.
In the attached final settlement agreement, Carefree agrees to reduce the amount Cave Creek has to reimburse Carefree for legal expenses to only $464,593, not the $1,450,000 as Mayor Peterson alludes. Carefree has still spent over $1 Million on legal fees in the arbitration dispute with Cave Creek if you add in invoices that are not over $5000. Only invoices over $5,000 are required to be published in AZ Open books. This $1,000,000 also does not include all the other legal expenses of this water transition with the Ryan’s lawsuit and the Eminent Domain action that continue to pile up.
Our town has spent a considerable sum on lawyers. Some may agree it is worth it and some may argue it is fiscally irresponsible - everyone is entitled to their opinion. But ALL residents are entitled to know exactly how much our town has spent on lawyers in the last three years without being forced to become forensic research analysts to sort through fact from fiction. If you are going to publish something that has TRUTH in the title, it obligates you to assure you are printing the truth.
"“Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth…..even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.” — Gandhi
With Respect, Stephanie Barbour
(Lyn's note: Stephanie, we report what is said at Council meetings, backed up by unedited videos of the meetings, and everything we publish in the newsletters is a matter of public record that can be accessed by anyone. That is all we ever claimed to be, with the exception of some election information, all of which is also available in various public records. I know things about some of those who have run and whom I have opposed that I did not print because I lacked documentation, but which came from reliable sources. If it can't be proven in public record documentation, it doesn't get into our newsletters. Letters from Readers is where editorials are printed, which is the standard place in publications for opinions.)
Lyn, as you and I both know, a message from a Town official published in the section of your newsletter that wasn’t the newsletters edition carries significantly more impact than an average resident like myself writing you a letter. You are putting yourself out there as a journalist so you either are a journalist and must stand behind what you allow published that you claim is truth or, residents must understand that you cannot guarantee what you are publishing really is the truth. It simply can’t be both ways.
(Lyn's note: Guest editorials are clearly marked as such in the subject line. It is perplexing that you continue to question the investment in legal fees to address the well publicized concerns of over 1000 Carefree residents. Those legal fees addressed a very successful conclusion to Carefree's contracted legal rights. Do these Carefree resident's not matter? Are you saying the Town should have ignore 1/3 of its population? Why is it OK with you and other Boulder residents to have the Town pay for the legal costs in the ten year legal battle to decommission the waste water treatment facility but you do not support the legal costs associated with an issue impacting a larger Carefree population/area? Enough with the Washington politics where issues are not addressed and nothing gets done. It is about doing what is right and protecting the interests of the Carefree community. I suspect you would have a very different view of all this if you were serviced by Cave Creek Water. I find it more than a little hypocritical that you take this position. I am not impressed.)
Hi Lyn,
Hope all is well with Herbert and you. Everything is on track and very exciting. We are celebrating our 5th year anniversary and the first night is this coming Sunday, November 28th at 5:30 pm we will be having a lot of fun celebrating. After the lighting of the menorah, I will be introducing people who are leading all the rest of the nights this year, as well as some who will be coming that led in years past. We will also recognize all our sponsors and include you as one of the most wonderful assets of this event. Then we will have live music, food and drink donated by local restaurants, and a raffle and silent auction to support Foothills Caring Corps this year and lots of good fellowship.
Do hope you both can stay for the celebration. I am sure the photos of the party will go a long way. Rotary Scottsdale North are coming to volunteer for serving food and have already asked if some photos can be provided of them when they are serving, so they can be put into their newsletter. And I am hoping for a good turnout of maybe 100-200 people. Anything you can do to help promote the event is greatly appreciated.
Look forward to seeing Herbert and you on Sunday.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
All my best,
Karen Katopaz
(Lyn's note: See the flier below.)
Non profit Info:
WHAT: Chanukah in Carefree Fifth Anniversary
WHEN: Sunday, November 28th through Sunday December 5, 2021
WHERE: Sanderson Lincoln Pavilion in the Carefree Desert Gardens 101 Easy Street, Carefree, AZ, 85377
WEBSITE AND LIVE STREAMING: at https://visitcarefree.com/chanukah-in-carefree-arizona/
PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Herbert Hitchon
1st Night – Sunday, November 28th - Community Night – Fifth Anniversary Celebration - Foothills Caring Corps will lead the lighting and the whole community is invited to come and celebrate with live music, food, drinks and raffles.
2nd Night – Monday, November 29th - Desert Foothills Jewish Community Association – This is a Jewish organization located in the North Scottsdale/Carefree/Cave Creek area. Bonnie Clewans, President DFJCA and Dorothy Gaynor, Cantorial Soloist will be representing the group in lighting the menorah and sharing information about the activities of the Association.
3rd Night – Tuesday, November 30th - Martin Pear JCC (Jewish Community Center) – The Early Childhood Center, Shemesh Camp, Sports Department and PJ Library will be lighting candles. ECC will lead with songs, plus there will be games, activities and art to do with children in the community.
4th Night – Wednesday, December 1st - Phoenix Holocaust Association - “A Great Miracle happened: The Generation After the Holocaust” Janice Friebaum’s father was a Holocaust survivor from Warsaw, Poland. Currently serving as vice president of PHA, Janice will share her affecting story of growing up in the long shadows of trauma and loss, and how being the daughter of a Holocaust survivor has shaped her life.
5th Night – Thursday December 2nd - Arizona Jewish Historical Society - Martin Richelsoph, a Cave Creek resident, will be lighting the menorah and discuss some of the archive work he is involved with at the Arizona Jewish Historical Society. He will be joined by Dr. Lawrence Bell, Executive Director who will also bring some Chanukah spirit to this evening. His presentation will include information about AZJHS and the 100th Anniversary of the building.
6th Night -Friday December 3rd - The Bauman Family (Shabbat) – The Bauman Family has been leading a heartwarming family Shabbat ceremony during Chanukah for all five years of this event in Carefree.
7th Night -Saturday December 4th -Jewish Social Group of Cave Creek and Carefree (Havdalah) – This group was founded by Ora Kurland in 2015. The group’s mission is to create a Jewish community in the Cave Creek/Carefree/North Scottsdale area through monthly events focused on Jewish holidays, values, culture and, above all, friendship. Tonight’s presentation will include the ceremony of Havdalah to mark the end of Shabbat.
8th Night – Sunday December 5th - Temple Chai Musical Night with Cantor & Adult Choir - This evening will feature Cantor Ross Wolman & Temple Chai’s Adult Choir under the direction of Daniel Kurek. They will sing some classics and some new tunes. It will be a musical night to remember.
The 51-year-old museum’s mission is to preserve the artifacts of the prehistory, history, culture and legacy of the Cave Creek Mining District and the Cave Creek/Carefree foothills area through education, research, and interpretive exhibits. The Cave Creek Museum is located at 6140 E. Skyline Drive in Cave Creek, Ariz., 480.488.2764. Open October through May.Janey’s plans Thanksgiving Day fund-raiser for Cave Creek Museum
On Thursday, November 25, 2021, the Cave Creek Museum will benefit from a Thanksgiving Day fund-raiser courtesy of Janey’s, Coffee Company & Bodega, which is located at 6602 E. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek, Ariz. Janey’s will donate 50% of all non-alcoholic beverage proceeds on Thanksgiving Day to the museum so residents and visitors are encouraged to patronize the popular restaurant to help keep history alive while enjoying great beverages.
Janey’s owner Julian Corles says the popular restaurant will be open from 7 AM-12 PM so residents and visitors can stop buy and purchase one of their favorite coffees or non-alcoholic beverages and help the museum on one of America’s favorite holidays. Janey’s is one of the only Cave Creek locations to serve during Thanksgiving Day.
Special reading planned at Cave Creek Museum
The Cave Creek Museum will host a special hour with authors Jim "Great Elk" Waters and Kelly Pavlic on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 6:30-8:30 PM.
The pair will discuss their book entitled "Grandma Was a Kitchen Healer and Grandpa Grew Roses.” The story focuses on how the re-telling of family stories not only allows for the sharing of history, but of wisdom hard earned by elders. For more information, call the museum at 480.488.2764.
Stamp Mill demonstration planned for December 11 at Cave Creek Museum
The Cave Creek Museum will offer demonstrations of its stamp mill on December 11, 2021 from 11:00 AM.
Evelyn Johnson, interim executive director, says the museum will start up its incredible stamp mill, water tower, mineral panning, blacksmithing and more that Saturday.
“Cave Creek Museum is proud to feature Arizona’s mining history,” says Johnson. “Our historic stamp mill and tramway is from the Golden Reef Mine on Continental Mountain and is the only one in Arizona within five miles of its original site. We want people to come and experience how gold mining was done. And, check out our exciting new Arizona Gold Mining Experience. This includes an admission to the museum: $7 for adults; $5 for seniors and students."
The stamp mill will be operated on the second Saturday of each month during the museum’s 2022 season.
On Thursday, November 25, 2021, the Cave Creek Museum will benefit from a Thanksgiving Day fund-raiser courtesy of Janey’s, Coffee Company & Bodega, which is located at 6602 E. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek, Ariz. Janey’s will donate 50% of all non-alcoholic beverage proceeds on Thanksgiving Day to the museum so residents and visitors are encouraged to patronize the popular restaurant to help keep history alive while enjoying great beverages.
Janey’s owner Julian Corles says the popular restaurant will be open from 7 AM-12 PM so residents and visitors can stop buy and purchase one of their favorite coffees or non-alcoholic beverages and help the museum on one of America’s favorite holidays. Janey’s is one of the only Cave Creek locations to serve during Thanksgiving Day.
Special reading planned at Cave Creek Museum
The Cave Creek Museum will host a special hour with authors Jim "Great Elk" Waters and Kelly Pavlic on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 from 6:30-8:30 PM.
The pair will discuss their book entitled "Grandma Was a Kitchen Healer and Grandpa Grew Roses.” The story focuses on how the re-telling of family stories not only allows for the sharing of history, but of wisdom hard earned by elders. For more information, call the museum at 480.488.2764.
Stamp Mill demonstration planned for December 11 at Cave Creek Museum
The Cave Creek Museum will offer demonstrations of its stamp mill on December 11, 2021 from 11:00 AM.
Evelyn Johnson, interim executive director, says the museum will start up its incredible stamp mill, water tower, mineral panning, blacksmithing and more that Saturday.
“Cave Creek Museum is proud to feature Arizona’s mining history,” says Johnson. “Our historic stamp mill and tramway is from the Golden Reef Mine on Continental Mountain and is the only one in Arizona within five miles of its original site. We want people to come and experience how gold mining was done. And, check out our exciting new Arizona Gold Mining Experience. This includes an admission to the museum: $7 for adults; $5 for seniors and students."
The stamp mill will be operated on the second Saturday of each month during the museum’s 2022 season.
Cave Creek Museum plans Excavate and Educate event
The Cave Creek Museum will offer a fun Excavate and Educate children’s event as part of Kiwanis Days on December 12, 2021 from 2-4 PM.
Children will learn from Pinal Geology Museum experts and will excavate their own minerals to take home. Families are encouraged to complete the afternoon by enjoying Gary and his trusty horse, Dusty, for a holiday sing along and photo time. There also will be an opportunity to create a holiday craft item. Courtesy of the Kiwanis Club of Carefree, admission is free.
The Cave Creek Museum will offer a fun Excavate and Educate children’s event as part of Kiwanis Days on December 12, 2021 from 2-4 PM.
Children will learn from Pinal Geology Museum experts and will excavate their own minerals to take home. Families are encouraged to complete the afternoon by enjoying Gary and his trusty horse, Dusty, for a holiday sing along and photo time. There also will be an opportunity to create a holiday craft item. Courtesy of the Kiwanis Club of Carefree, admission is free.
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center in need of small holiday meats
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks the public’s support in garnering frozen turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
According to Leigh Zydonik, executive director for Foothills Food Bank, the food bank is in need of small turkey breasts and other holiday meats to help those in need this holiday season.
“We need holiday meats so we can help ensure that the multitude of people in need in the communities we serve have a good, wholesome meal on Thanksgiving and Christmas,” says Zydonik. “It is an important time of year to give back to others in our community.”
The holiday meats can be dropped at Foothills Food Bank, which is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek; the phone number is 480.488.1145.
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks Adopt-A-Family sponsors for families
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks donors to brighten the holiday season for children, families and seniors in the northern Arizona foothills community as part of the food bank’s 19th annual Adopt-a-Family program sponsored by Universal Solar.
“The food bank is accepting family games, such as Monopoly, dominoes, Candyland, Uno, Connect4, checkers and Yahtzee, and/or $50 Walmart or Visa gift cards to afford families the flexibility to pay a bill or purchase toys for their children,” says Leigh Zydonik, executive director for Foothills Food Bank,”
Donors can register now through December 3, 2021. All gifts must be delivered to the Holland Center between December 4-9, 2021. Holland Center is located at 34250 N. 60th Street, Scottsdale, Ariz., 85266. The food bank will host festive drive-thru client parties in Black Canyon City and Cave Creek in early December.
Donors should consider pulling together friends and neighbors to create an Adopt-a-Family drive to collect items from the list provided here. Please sign up on the food bank’s website at foothillsfoodbank.com.
Interested donors can visit foothillsfoodbank.com for more information or promotional materials. Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek.
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks the public’s support in garnering frozen turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
According to Leigh Zydonik, executive director for Foothills Food Bank, the food bank is in need of small turkey breasts and other holiday meats to help those in need this holiday season.
“We need holiday meats so we can help ensure that the multitude of people in need in the communities we serve have a good, wholesome meal on Thanksgiving and Christmas,” says Zydonik. “It is an important time of year to give back to others in our community.”
The holiday meats can be dropped at Foothills Food Bank, which is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek; the phone number is 480.488.1145.
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks Adopt-A-Family sponsors for families
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks donors to brighten the holiday season for children, families and seniors in the northern Arizona foothills community as part of the food bank’s 19th annual Adopt-a-Family program sponsored by Universal Solar.
“The food bank is accepting family games, such as Monopoly, dominoes, Candyland, Uno, Connect4, checkers and Yahtzee, and/or $50 Walmart or Visa gift cards to afford families the flexibility to pay a bill or purchase toys for their children,” says Leigh Zydonik, executive director for Foothills Food Bank,”
Donors can register now through December 3, 2021. All gifts must be delivered to the Holland Center between December 4-9, 2021. Holland Center is located at 34250 N. 60th Street, Scottsdale, Ariz., 85266. The food bank will host festive drive-thru client parties in Black Canyon City and Cave Creek in early December.
Donors should consider pulling together friends and neighbors to create an Adopt-a-Family drive to collect items from the list provided here. Please sign up on the food bank’s website at foothillsfoodbank.com.
Interested donors can visit foothillsfoodbank.com for more information or promotional materials. Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center is located at 6038 E. Hidden Valley Drive in Cave Creek.
American Legion Post 34 celebrates National Poppy Month
to benefit veterans
Helping Arizona’s veterans is the mission of American Legion Post 34. Therefore, throughout the month of November, Legion Post 34 will honor the fallen and support the living future of local veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families with medical and financial needs during National Poppy Month.
The Legion’s auxiliary is partnering with businesses in Cave Creek, Carefree and nearby communities to distribute poppies, or poppy cans, so the community can assist veterans in need.
According to Post representative Sandy Cuttino, by wearing a poppy, citizens honor every service member who has died in the name of liberty, freedom and democracy, and supports veterans for generations to come.
“The red poppy came to symbolize the blood shed by those who fought and those who continue to fight for our country following World War,” says Cuttino. “It was popularized by the publication of the wartime poem ‘In Flanders Fields,’ written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD while serving on the front line in World War I. The poem honors soldiers killed in battle. In 1920, the poppy became the memorial flower of The American Legion.
Arizonans can find the poppy cans at their favorite local businesses or at American Legion Post 34, which is located at 6272 E. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek, Ariz.
to benefit veterans
Helping Arizona’s veterans is the mission of American Legion Post 34. Therefore, throughout the month of November, Legion Post 34 will honor the fallen and support the living future of local veterans, active-duty military personnel and their families with medical and financial needs during National Poppy Month.
The Legion’s auxiliary is partnering with businesses in Cave Creek, Carefree and nearby communities to distribute poppies, or poppy cans, so the community can assist veterans in need.
According to Post representative Sandy Cuttino, by wearing a poppy, citizens honor every service member who has died in the name of liberty, freedom and democracy, and supports veterans for generations to come.
“The red poppy came to symbolize the blood shed by those who fought and those who continue to fight for our country following World War,” says Cuttino. “It was popularized by the publication of the wartime poem ‘In Flanders Fields,’ written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD while serving on the front line in World War I. The poem honors soldiers killed in battle. In 1920, the poppy became the memorial flower of The American Legion.
Arizonans can find the poppy cans at their favorite local businesses or at American Legion Post 34, which is located at 6272 E. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek, Ariz.
The American Legion, formed in 1919, supports and advocates on behalf of veterans, active military and their families. The 501(19c) also supports the initiatives and programs of the American Legion while fostering patriotism and responsible citizenship.
Foothills Caring Corps - GivingTuesday
It's almost that time again. What time, you ask? Time to get ready for the largest global giving day of the year - Giving Tuesday! Grab a pen and mark your calendar, Giving Tuesday is on November 30, 2021.
Because of you, we made it through a tough time; we truly couldn't have done it without your support! Let's celebrate together and take this opportunity to make the upcoming year even more joyful and uplifting for our Neighbors. Keep an eye on your inbox over the coming weeks to find out how you can participate in this donation celebration and what our goals are for this exciting day.
Desert Foothills Library and Foothills Food Bank Team Up to Provide Books to Families in Need
Desert Foothills Library has teamed up with the Foothills Food Bank to provide 500 books to children and families in need. Books will be given to K-12 children through the Foothills Food Bank’s snack pack program for students experiencing food insecurity. Books will also be distributed in family food boxes during weekly food pick-ups.
Both the Desert Foothills Library and the Foothills Food Bank believe that there should be no barriers to literacy and access to books. Every home should have the opportunity to build their own home library. According to the US Department of Education, sixty-one percent of low-income families have no books at all in their homes for their children. Having books in the home and hearing stories read aloud plays a significant role in academic success. Through this program, children in our community will be able to open up new worlds of possibility through the printed word.
This project is made possible through an Arizona Reading Program: Build a Home Library 2021 grant from the Arizona State Library.
About Desert Foothills Library: Founded in 1954, Desert Foothills Library is Arizona’s only nonprofit independent library, serving all of Maricopa County. Our mission is to enrich the Desert Foothills Community by promoting literacy and advancing knowledge through library resources and programs that inspire and support lifelong learning. Through our programs for children, youth, and adults we serve more than 17,000 community members each year. Most importantly, our library is a key resource for filling the educational gap left by the pandemic. Our children and youth programs run all year round, offering STEAM, literacy, and other supportive learning services.
About Foothills Food Bank: Founded in 1988, the Foothills Food Bank’s mission is to assist the hungry and those in need within the Foothills area. With the current economic conditions, the Food Bank continues to increase programming to reach the rising number of those who are food insecure. The Foothills Food Bank now covers north to Black Canyon City, south to Pinnacle Peak, east to Rio Verde and west to I-17.
For more information about this program, contact Dorian Townsend, Advancement Coordinator, at dtownsend@dfla.org or 480-809-6404. Desert Foothills Library’s Executive Director Anne Johnson is also available for interviews.
Desert Foothills Library
November 2021 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Ashley Ware, Public Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, aware@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331 or virtually on Zoom.
Library Closed: November 24th at noon, Closed November 25th, 26th, 27th
Charles Schwab Championship, Ticket Purchases Benefiting Desert Foothills Library
Want to catch this year’s Charles Schwab Cup Championship at Phoenix Country Club?
Purchase your tickets at the link below and 100% of net proceeds will go to Desert Foothills Library!
Tickets are only $30! https://www.schwabcuptfc.com/tickets/forward.php?C=DFLA
Desert Foothills Art Gallery
Hidden in the Hills Art Show October 7th – January 19th
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Jubilate Conservatory of Music Fall Semester Classes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday September-December
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, begins in-person music classes in September. The Fall Semester lasts fourteen weeks. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition.
Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm – Beginning Violin Class For students 8 years and older; students learn to read music and play the violin in a focused setting with a class limited to 6 students. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Tuesdays 4:15-5:30 pm – Jubilate Choir. For students age 10 and older; students learn how to sing with others in a group setting, read music and follow a director, singing several different styles of music. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm – Ensemble for Strings. For student age 10 and older who know how to read music and play violin, viola, or cello; students enjoy playing music together in a group and increase their ability to read music and engage with other young musicians. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Saturday 10:00-12:00 pm – Saturday Strings. For age 5yrs and older. 10:00-11:00 am – Advanced/Intermediate strings. 11:00-11:30 am – Beginning Strings (Advanced/Intermediate Students on Break). 11:30-12:00 pm – Jubilate Violin Orchestra, combined class rehearsal. $6.00 registration fee only.
Saturday 12:15-1:00 pm – Musicianship Class. For all ages, (very young children should be accompanied by their parent). Students learn to sing their way through music theory in a fun and lively classroom setting. $6.00 registration fee only.
This is a class through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided. If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147 or jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
No registration.
Cost: FREE
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone!
Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Tai Chi & Qigong is a self-care practice. It is a choice of a healthy lifestyle and living well. It improves balance, flexibility, brain plasticity, inner peace and overall wellness. This class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday. Bina Bou is a senior trainer at IIQTC. She has been sharing the ancient practice for over a decade in our community. She believes no matter where you are on your healing journey Tai Chi practice can help improve your quality of life. To learn more about her classes visit mindfocusbodyqi.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Tai Chi & Qigong for Everyone please contact instructor, Bina Bou, at bina.b75@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Desert Foothills Library
OCTOBER 2021 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All youth and teen programs are free unless otherwise noted.
Library Closed: Thursday, November 25th through Saturday, November 27th
Altered Library Hours: Wednesday, November 24th: 9 am to 12 pm
Toddler Storytime
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:00 am – November 23, 30
Children ages 1-3 and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a 30 minute storytime featuring developmentally appropriate songs, movement, & stories. Siblings are welcome. Please register beforehand as space is limited.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Grab & Go: Blackout Poetry
Available All Month
Pages from old books, newspapers, and magazines will be available for pickup in the library for teens to create your own poetry by redacting sections of text to make a whole new meaning out of the text on the page. No need to register.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.
Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
It's almost that time again. What time, you ask? Time to get ready for the largest global giving day of the year - Giving Tuesday! Grab a pen and mark your calendar, Giving Tuesday is on November 30, 2021.
Because of you, we made it through a tough time; we truly couldn't have done it without your support! Let's celebrate together and take this opportunity to make the upcoming year even more joyful and uplifting for our Neighbors. Keep an eye on your inbox over the coming weeks to find out how you can participate in this donation celebration and what our goals are for this exciting day.
Desert Foothills Library and Foothills Food Bank Team Up to Provide Books to Families in Need
Desert Foothills Library has teamed up with the Foothills Food Bank to provide 500 books to children and families in need. Books will be given to K-12 children through the Foothills Food Bank’s snack pack program for students experiencing food insecurity. Books will also be distributed in family food boxes during weekly food pick-ups.
Both the Desert Foothills Library and the Foothills Food Bank believe that there should be no barriers to literacy and access to books. Every home should have the opportunity to build their own home library. According to the US Department of Education, sixty-one percent of low-income families have no books at all in their homes for their children. Having books in the home and hearing stories read aloud plays a significant role in academic success. Through this program, children in our community will be able to open up new worlds of possibility through the printed word.
This project is made possible through an Arizona Reading Program: Build a Home Library 2021 grant from the Arizona State Library.
About Desert Foothills Library: Founded in 1954, Desert Foothills Library is Arizona’s only nonprofit independent library, serving all of Maricopa County. Our mission is to enrich the Desert Foothills Community by promoting literacy and advancing knowledge through library resources and programs that inspire and support lifelong learning. Through our programs for children, youth, and adults we serve more than 17,000 community members each year. Most importantly, our library is a key resource for filling the educational gap left by the pandemic. Our children and youth programs run all year round, offering STEAM, literacy, and other supportive learning services.
About Foothills Food Bank: Founded in 1988, the Foothills Food Bank’s mission is to assist the hungry and those in need within the Foothills area. With the current economic conditions, the Food Bank continues to increase programming to reach the rising number of those who are food insecure. The Foothills Food Bank now covers north to Black Canyon City, south to Pinnacle Peak, east to Rio Verde and west to I-17.
For more information about this program, contact Dorian Townsend, Advancement Coordinator, at dtownsend@dfla.org or 480-809-6404. Desert Foothills Library’s Executive Director Anne Johnson is also available for interviews.
Desert Foothills Library
November 2021 Adult Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Ashley Ware, Public Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, aware@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331 or virtually on Zoom.
Library Closed: November 24th at noon, Closed November 25th, 26th, 27th
Charles Schwab Championship, Ticket Purchases Benefiting Desert Foothills Library
Want to catch this year’s Charles Schwab Cup Championship at Phoenix Country Club?
Purchase your tickets at the link below and 100% of net proceeds will go to Desert Foothills Library!
Tickets are only $30! https://www.schwabcuptfc.com/tickets/forward.php?C=DFLA
Desert Foothills Art Gallery
Hidden in the Hills Art Show October 7th – January 19th
Craft N Chat
Mondays, 1:00-3:00 pm
Do you knit, crochet, or practice another table craft? Join other local enthusiasts weekly for companionable creating and conversation. Any portable craft is welcomed! New crafters and all skill levels are always welcome!
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Cost: FREE
Jubilate Conservatory of Music Fall Semester Classes
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday September-December
Jubilate Conservatory of Music, a school of classical music, where young students learn to read and write music, begins in-person music classes in September. The Fall Semester lasts fourteen weeks. Violin, viola, cello and choir will be instructed in an after-school format. Online lessons and classes will continue with a particular favorite, Online Collaboration, where students work together online to create a music video. Information about Jubilate Conservatory of Music may be found at jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org. Saturday Music Classes are offered free of tuition.
Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm – Beginning Violin Class For students 8 years and older; students learn to read music and play the violin in a focused setting with a class limited to 6 students. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Tuesdays 4:15-5:30 pm – Jubilate Choir. For students age 10 and older; students learn how to sing with others in a group setting, read music and follow a director, singing several different styles of music. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 pm – Ensemble for Strings. For student age 10 and older who know how to read music and play violin, viola, or cello; students enjoy playing music together in a group and increase their ability to read music and engage with other young musicians. $364.00 for the semester plus $6.00 registration fee.
Saturday 10:00-12:00 pm – Saturday Strings. For age 5yrs and older. 10:00-11:00 am – Advanced/Intermediate strings. 11:00-11:30 am – Beginning Strings (Advanced/Intermediate Students on Break). 11:30-12:00 pm – Jubilate Violin Orchestra, combined class rehearsal. $6.00 registration fee only.
Saturday 12:15-1:00 pm – Musicianship Class. For all ages, (very young children should be accompanied by their parent). Students learn to sing their way through music theory in a fun and lively classroom setting. $6.00 registration fee only.
This is a class through Jubilate Conservatory of Music. Instruments are not provided. If you are interested in joining, please contact Laya Field for more information at 480-993-6147 or jubilateconservatoryofmusic.org.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursdays, 5:00-6:00 pm
A.A. meetings are being held at Desert Foothills Library on Thursdays.
No registration.
Cost: FREE
Gentle Chair Yoga
Mondays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Gentle Yoga every Wednesday at 11:00am. Chairs are provided.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Chair Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone!
Tuesdays, 9:00-10:00 am
Tai Chi & Qigong is a self-care practice. It is a choice of a healthy lifestyle and living well. It improves balance, flexibility, brain plasticity, inner peace and overall wellness. This class is offered every Tuesday and Thursday. Bina Bou is a senior trainer at IIQTC. She has been sharing the ancient practice for over a decade in our community. She believes no matter where you are on your healing journey Tai Chi practice can help improve your quality of life. To learn more about her classes visit mindfocusbodyqi.com
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Tai Chi & Qigong for Everyone please contact instructor, Bina Bou, at bina.b75@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays, 11:00-12:00 pm
Yoga for Every Body! Through a slow flow of poses coordinated with the breath you’ll begin strengthening your heart, bones, balance and sharpening the mind. You are only one yoga class away from a good mood! Marina started practicing yoga in 1995, and for the past seven years has taught locally. Marina also offers Chair Yoga every Monday at 11:00am. Please bring a yoga mat and a blanket.
No registration | Questions, please call 480-488-2286
Questions about Gentle Yoga please contact instructor, Marina Kachur, at 480-510-6572 or yokama14@gmail.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Yoga Fusion
Thursdays, 12:00-1:00pm
Please join Elizabeth Boisson for an intermediate-level course of Yoga Fusion on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm! We will start with breathing exercises, go through a series of stretching movements to open our hearts and our hips, and then move into Vinyasa or Flow yoga and several standing sequences, including balance exercises. We finish with 5 minutes of Savasana at the end of class.
No registration. | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Questions about Yoga Fusion, please contact instructor Elizabeth Boisson: 480-363-5275 or evboisson@yahoo.com.
Cost: $10 cash, paid to instructor at each class
Desert Foothills Library
OCTOBER 2021 Youth, Teen, & Family Events/Programs
Information for events: Contact Heather Wurr, Youth & Teen Services Manager, Desert Foothills Library, 480-488-2286, hwurr@dfla.org, www.dfla.org
Where: All events below take place at Desert Foothills Library, 38443 North Schoolhouse Road, Cave Creek, 85331
All youth and teen programs are free unless otherwise noted.
Library Closed: Thursday, November 25th through Saturday, November 27th
Altered Library Hours: Wednesday, November 24th: 9 am to 12 pm
Toddler Storytime
Tuesdays, 10:30-11:00 am – November 23, 30
Children ages 1-3 and families are encouraged to join Miss Heather for a 30 minute storytime featuring developmentally appropriate songs, movement, & stories. Siblings are welcome. Please register beforehand as space is limited.
RSVP online at dfla.org | Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Grab & Go: Blackout Poetry
Available All Month
Pages from old books, newspapers, and magazines will be available for pickup in the library for teens to create your own poetry by redacting sections of text to make a whole new meaning out of the text on the page. No need to register.
This program is suited for ages 12-18.
Questions, please call 480-488-2286.
Holland Center Lifelong Learning Classes for Nov. and Dec. www.hollandcenter.org
Art Nouveau or Art Deco? Fri., Dec. 3, 2021 – 10:00-11:30 am. Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Art Nouveau and Art Deco? Well, join us on December 3rd, and you will find out. In this monthly Art, Coffee, and Conversation, Nicolette will fill us with examples and will also add some things that are fun to know. See a state capitol: the artist had to be giggling all the way to the bank! See and discuss a controversial artist from this time and the “Yellow Book”. Come join us as we look at this time period and what a time period it was! And don’t forget to bring your coffee! $5 Register at www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Winter Artisan Market: Fri. Dec. 3, and Sat. Dec. 4, 9:00-4:00. Presented by The Holland Center and the Sonoran Arts League this 2-day holiday market will showcase local artists and makers celebrating the arts and unique, handmade gift options. The Winter Artisan Market is a juried show that supports regional fine artists and the sale of their own, original creations. This is an indoor show and it is free.
Write a Memoir to Remember: Monday, Dec. 6, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. If you have always wanted to write a memoir that chronicles your journey, now might be the perfect time! In an encouraging and insightful presentation, Patricia L. Brooks will help you capture the essence of your untold story through her presentation. She will share with you how to produce a memoir to your own satisfaction and face your fears. Patricia L Brooks is the author of three memoirs, president/founder of both Brooks Goldmann Publishing Company, LLC and the phenomenally successful Scottsdale Society of Women Writers. She is a sought-after workshop/keynote speaker and is currently working on a non-fiction book on writing a memoir. $20 To register go to: www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Gelli Prints Basics Class: Tues., Dec. 7, 1:00-3:00 pm. Have you ever created collage papers? They are wonderfully useful for cardmaking, journaling, bookmaking, Washi tape ( a multi purpose type of masking tape you can use in your journals, artworks, cards and more), or any art projects! Learn how to make gorgeous and quick collage papers using a soft Gelli plate. This is an introductory class for learning how to make Gelli prints. Mimi will be teaching other classes based on what you learn in this class, so when you sign up, you will be eligible to take her future classes, such as notecards and envelopes (in Jan.), journals, and many other art projects. Mimi Damrauer is a local working artist, who has been teaching classes in the Valley for years. Please bring an apron to class our wear “art clothes”. Please bring $10 for materials to the class. $50. To register go to: www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Tree of Life Necklace: Thurs, Dec. 9, 2021 – 10:00am -12:00pm. The Tree of Life is a wonderful symbol. It represents our personal development, uniqueness and individual beauty. Using wire and chip beads, you will twist your way to an individualized tree pendant. You will learn to make the frame, and all parts of the tree. You will have a choice of whether to add apples, lemons, or flowers among the branches. The pendant is finished off with a taupe 24-inch leather cord. Materials fee of $5 to be given to instructor at the beginning of class.
Hybrid Hypnosis Emotional Release: Sat. Dec. 11, 2021 – 9:00 – 10:00 am. This amazing event with Michele Guy Syne, certified Hypnotherapist, will enable you to focus on areas of your life that have been troubling you. You will get instruction and practice on how to experience Emotional Release. Here is a list of areas you might choose to focus on: Releasing stress, fear, bad habits, painful memories, emotional trauma, procrastination, and much more! There is no better time to start healing. This is an in-person class at The Holland Center. Register online at www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Fun with Paint Pouring: Sat., Dec. 11, 202l – 1:00 – 3:00 pm. New Class! Learn how to do paint pouring and make a one-of-a-kind painting to take home with you. This technique has a become super popular lately. The results are very organic and colorful. These abstract art pieces are reminiscent of the most striking elements in nature. The Pour Painting popularity matches and coincides with the trend in marbling and geodes. So, come join us and have a really good time! All supplies will be provided. Please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on — paint pouring can get messy! No prior painting experience required! Ages 8 and up. Register at www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning. $35
What is a Constitutional Republic? Lecture Series by Jim Sherbert: Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 – 4:00-5:30 pm. Many believe the United States of America is designed to be a true Democracy. In fact, the founding fathers were fearful of a true Democracy and insisted on the creation of a Constitutional Republic, where, by law, the majority cannot tread on the rights of the minority. We will examine America’s evolution of political science and assess its shift from individualism to collectivism and the threats this trend might impose on the functioning of a Republic. Please join us for this very timely topic. Zoom attendees please register. Register at: www.hollandcenter.org. If you are coming in person, it is $10 at the door.
Art Nouveau or Art Deco? Fri., Dec. 3, 2021 – 10:00-11:30 am. Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Art Nouveau and Art Deco? Well, join us on December 3rd, and you will find out. In this monthly Art, Coffee, and Conversation, Nicolette will fill us with examples and will also add some things that are fun to know. See a state capitol: the artist had to be giggling all the way to the bank! See and discuss a controversial artist from this time and the “Yellow Book”. Come join us as we look at this time period and what a time period it was! And don’t forget to bring your coffee! $5 Register at www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Winter Artisan Market: Fri. Dec. 3, and Sat. Dec. 4, 9:00-4:00. Presented by The Holland Center and the Sonoran Arts League this 2-day holiday market will showcase local artists and makers celebrating the arts and unique, handmade gift options. The Winter Artisan Market is a juried show that supports regional fine artists and the sale of their own, original creations. This is an indoor show and it is free.
Write a Memoir to Remember: Monday, Dec. 6, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. If you have always wanted to write a memoir that chronicles your journey, now might be the perfect time! In an encouraging and insightful presentation, Patricia L. Brooks will help you capture the essence of your untold story through her presentation. She will share with you how to produce a memoir to your own satisfaction and face your fears. Patricia L Brooks is the author of three memoirs, president/founder of both Brooks Goldmann Publishing Company, LLC and the phenomenally successful Scottsdale Society of Women Writers. She is a sought-after workshop/keynote speaker and is currently working on a non-fiction book on writing a memoir. $20 To register go to: www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Gelli Prints Basics Class: Tues., Dec. 7, 1:00-3:00 pm. Have you ever created collage papers? They are wonderfully useful for cardmaking, journaling, bookmaking, Washi tape ( a multi purpose type of masking tape you can use in your journals, artworks, cards and more), or any art projects! Learn how to make gorgeous and quick collage papers using a soft Gelli plate. This is an introductory class for learning how to make Gelli prints. Mimi will be teaching other classes based on what you learn in this class, so when you sign up, you will be eligible to take her future classes, such as notecards and envelopes (in Jan.), journals, and many other art projects. Mimi Damrauer is a local working artist, who has been teaching classes in the Valley for years. Please bring an apron to class our wear “art clothes”. Please bring $10 for materials to the class. $50. To register go to: www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Tree of Life Necklace: Thurs, Dec. 9, 2021 – 10:00am -12:00pm. The Tree of Life is a wonderful symbol. It represents our personal development, uniqueness and individual beauty. Using wire and chip beads, you will twist your way to an individualized tree pendant. You will learn to make the frame, and all parts of the tree. You will have a choice of whether to add apples, lemons, or flowers among the branches. The pendant is finished off with a taupe 24-inch leather cord. Materials fee of $5 to be given to instructor at the beginning of class.
Hybrid Hypnosis Emotional Release: Sat. Dec. 11, 2021 – 9:00 – 10:00 am. This amazing event with Michele Guy Syne, certified Hypnotherapist, will enable you to focus on areas of your life that have been troubling you. You will get instruction and practice on how to experience Emotional Release. Here is a list of areas you might choose to focus on: Releasing stress, fear, bad habits, painful memories, emotional trauma, procrastination, and much more! There is no better time to start healing. This is an in-person class at The Holland Center. Register online at www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning.
Fun with Paint Pouring: Sat., Dec. 11, 202l – 1:00 – 3:00 pm. New Class! Learn how to do paint pouring and make a one-of-a-kind painting to take home with you. This technique has a become super popular lately. The results are very organic and colorful. These abstract art pieces are reminiscent of the most striking elements in nature. The Pour Painting popularity matches and coincides with the trend in marbling and geodes. So, come join us and have a really good time! All supplies will be provided. Please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on — paint pouring can get messy! No prior painting experience required! Ages 8 and up. Register at www.hollandcenter.org, and click on Lifelong Learning. $35
What is a Constitutional Republic? Lecture Series by Jim Sherbert: Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 – 4:00-5:30 pm. Many believe the United States of America is designed to be a true Democracy. In fact, the founding fathers were fearful of a true Democracy and insisted on the creation of a Constitutional Republic, where, by law, the majority cannot tread on the rights of the minority. We will examine America’s evolution of political science and assess its shift from individualism to collectivism and the threats this trend might impose on the functioning of a Republic. Please join us for this very timely topic. Zoom attendees please register. Register at: www.hollandcenter.org. If you are coming in person, it is $10 at the door.